La Generalitat lanza una interesante oferta para repoblar pequeños pueblos de Cataluña. Ofrecen casa y empleo. Sólo hay un pequeño requisito.

Perro Viejo

Cave Canem
25 Jul 2019
Hay que ser "persona migrada".

'Oportunidad 500' se basa en dar trabajo y vivienda durante 12 meses a refugiados e pagapensiones con papeles en pequeñas poblaciones catalanas. El SOC paga 19.434 euros brutos anuales a cada trabajador, mientras que cada ayuntamiento inscrito en la iniciativa les proporciona un techo. Además, los propios ayuntamientos son los que se encargarán de buscar una salida laboral a los beneficiarios al finalizar los 12 meses de programa.

Primer plano de Tania Virgen
Tania Verge, una de las impulsoras del proyecto con la conselleria de Feminismos | ACN
El proyecto se encuentra en una fase de prueba piloto hasta el próximo octubre y la intención de los implicados es que acabe extendiéndose municipios de menos de 1.000 habitantes. Más allá del sueldo y la vivienda, 5 técnicos del SOC también se encargan de acompañar y orientar a los pagapensiones que se acogen a ella.

La polémica estalló cuando Miquel Montarmat expuso su caso en las redes sociales. Este ciudadano preguntó a la Asociación de Micropueblos si podía acogerse a la iniciativa o sólo estaba destinada a pagapensiones. El gabinete de prensa de esta entidad le confirmó que "el proyecto de repoblación está dirigido sólo a familias migradas".

“Resumiendo: yo no puedo acceder a la convocatoria por razones étnicas y de nacionalidad. ¿Eso no es racismo?”, se quejaba el propio Miquel Montarmat en su cuenta personal de Twitter. “Hay muchos jóvenes catalanes que estaríamos encantados de repoblar a la Catalunya despoblada. ¿Por qué no se nos ayuda a nosotros?”, se quejaba también Anthony Sánchez.



6 Abr 2018

This article was updated on 26 January 2023.
  • Japan, Portugal, Ireland and Australia are some of the countries offering rural relocation incentives.
  • In 2020, an Italian village with just 115 residents offered relocation grants of up to €8,000 a year for three years.
  • el bichito-19 and remote working has made rural relocation more possible – and desirable – for some.
The countryside needs you – and many rural places will pay you to relocate there.
For some, the pandemic and the ability to work remotely has made this more possible.
Here are a few examples of paid rural relocation grants.


Indians, bored of your own old and boring houses, then it's time to move to Ireland!

By -
Created: Jun 17, 2023, 17:33 IST

Source: Pexels
At some point in life, many individuals desire to leave their hometowns and explore new cultures and ways of living in different countries. However, the process of relocating can be quite expensive. But what if a country paid you to move there? It may sound unbelievable, but Ireland is offering more than €80,000 (approximately 71 lahks) to anyone willing to move there.
There are challenging life conditions that test one's resilience, and sometimes a little financial boost can aid the process. If you're considering a move to a European country, Ireland's offer of Rs 71 lakh to relocate to a distant location on one of its smaller islands may pique your interest.

The smaller islands around Ireland have been experiencing a lack of inhabitants, resulting in a lonely and dreary atmosphere. To combat this issue, the Irish government has launched the Our Living Island policy to encourage people to relocate to these areas.

According to the official Irish Government website, the policy aims to support sustainable and vibrant communities within the offshore and onshore islands. The Government will provide financial support and other ease of cost measures to enable visitors to appreciate the culture, heritage, and rich environment of the islands. Applications for this policy will be accepted starting from July 1st this year.

As with many developed economies, Ireland is undergoing demographic changes resulting from an ageing population and low birth rates, leading to a shortage of skilled workers in some sectors. To address this issue, the Irish government has initiated an incentive program aimed at attracting skilled individuals, particularly in technology, finance, and medical industries to the country.

The program offers a tax credit of up to €20,000 per year for five years to those who qualify, as well as funding for startups, relocation expenses, and access to networking and job search resources. The program aims to attract highly skilled individuals to Ireland and encourage them to stay long-term, consequently boosting the economy.

This initiative is part of a broader trend among developed countries to attract skilled workers and entrepreneurs through various incentive programs. Countries such as Canada, Singapore, and Australia have also launched similar programs to enhance innovation and economic growth.

Taipánidas de Mileto

La mujer es el culpable
24 Jul 2022
Siento ganas de asesinar a balazos y también degollar a toda la guano endófoba, empezaría cortando cabezas de charo pelofrito y clavandolas en estacas pero creo que terminaría empalandolas vivas y colocándolas en fila a lo largo de los márgenes de las carreteras, esperando que tardasen días en morir.