Kayne West se presentara a las elecciones USA por el Birthday Party


Volksführer de Seseña
4 Oct 2013
LA cosa politica ya degenera en USA hacia la comedia bufa, pero veremos si tiene seguimiento, los grones votan por conciencia racial, veremos si esto le roba votos a Biden

Not that kinda party! Kanye will run for president under ‘Birthday Party’ banner

WASHINGTON – Rapper Kanye West signaled he no longer supports US President Donald Trump and said he had entered the presidential race to win it, in an interview published on Wednesday.
West, previously a vocal supporter of Trump, announced on Saturday that he would run for president in 2020.
“I am taking the red hat off, with this interview,” West told_ Forbes_, referring to Trump’s trademark red “Make America Great Again” baseball cap. “Like anything I’ve ever done in my life, I’m doing (this) to win,” he added.

He told the magazine he will run under a new banner - the Birthday Party. West and his reality TV star wife Kim Kardashian West have visited Trump in the White House.
West denied that his aim was to split the Black vote and hurt the chances of Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. It was “a form of racism and white supremacy” to suggest all Black people should support the Democrats, he said.
The rapper told Forbes he had been ill with el bichito-19 in February and would be suspicious of any vaccines developed to prevent the infection. Repeating false theories that link vaccines with child developmental disorders, he said: “So when they say the way we’re going to fix el bichito is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious.”
“That’s the mark of the beast. They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven,” he added.
An hour into the interview, the hedging was done: He says he definitely plans to run in 2020, versus his original plan in 2024. The campaign slogan: “YES!” His running mate? Michelle Tidball, an obscure preacher from Wyoming. And why the Birthday Party? “Because when we win, it’s everybody’s birthday.”
Un acto de promoción para su próximo álbum? A estas alturas del año el plazo para registrarse como candidato ya se ha cerrado en algunos estados, incluyendo algunos grandes como Nueva York o Texas.
Ojala saque un porron de votos de otros afroamericanos y centre su campaña en Michigan, Pensilvania, Florida, Carolina del Norte y Wisconsin
Hace bien, shishi, así la carrera va a estar más entretenida

Va a ser unas risas cómo los progres de la Identity Politics tengan que pedir a los neցros que voten por un viejo blanco anglosajón ricachón y senil... en vez de a Konye honkhonk honkhonk honkhonk honkhonk honkhonk
grande el neցro cosas, 10-15 millones de votos menos para el anglosionista pederasta hijo de la gran fruta biden