Israel y 'la ONU' despacha a los neցros a Suecia


9 Ene 2011
En Suecia cuelan como "refugiados" y hay que someterse a las leyes internacionales y al bombardeo propagandista de la progreehezzzz porque son "muuuu necesarios" (los jovenlandeses contentisimos mientras el pueblo sueco, que no decide nada, les dan todo gratis). En Israel los mismos "refugiados" no son tal, son "infiltrados" y se los pasan por el forro de los narices a ellos y a las "presiones internacionales" que está habiendo estos días antes las protestas de miles de "infiltrados" en Israel. Porque claro, ellos son alubio*S ¿algún otro motivo?
Israeli Foreign Ministry blasts UN agency for 'unhelpful' remarks on African migrants - National Israel News | Haaretz

¿Qué hacen? Pues sencillo. Los alubio*S de Israel llaman a los primos alubio*S de la ONU y a los primos alubio*S de Suecia para 'convencer', silenciar y huntar a quien haga falta. En Suecia es facil teniendo dominados todos los medios de comunicación mayoritarios y teniendo a amiwitos castuzos como este (y lo que no sabremos), con un ascendente lejano neցro y que incluso PODRIA ser alubio*:
Fredrik Reinfeldt (PM de Suecia)

A cada neցro le ponen una zanahoria de 3.500$ (robados previamente con la usura y la ayuda internacional del primo zumosol en JewUSA) y la promesa de viajar a serdeluzlandia a vivir de los impuestos de los Suecos, para que se larguen "voluntariamente" de Israel a vivir del cuento y a violar suecas ¿que bien eh?

Además, para eso están las pilinguillas de las naciones 'soberanas' europeas, con su fruta cosa poco buena de <strike>gobernantes</strike> sirvientas plegados al Judío Internacional con sus correspondientes genuflexiones y comidas de platano holocuentistas, mientas se infiltran y parasitan por todas partes ¿increible no?

Suecia toma más de 50.000 jovenlandeses de Israel - Traductor Google
Gobierno de Suecia con Fredrik Reinfeldt, a la cabeza, ha firmado un acuerdo con Israel para recibir a los miles de jovenlandeses que ahora se lanzan fuera del país. Una docena de eritreos ya tiene pagar inducida a moverse voluntariamente de Israel a Suecia.

El Gobierno de Israel ha decidido recientemente para deportar a alrededor de 50.000 jovenlandeses del país, ya que amenazan el "carácter judío" de Israel. Ahora, Suecia se ha comprometido a recibirlos, informa Haaretz .

Varios de ellos ya han sido enviado a Suecia, dijo el diario. El periódico informa de que todo sucedió "en colaboración con el gobierno de Suecia", y que los eritreos, además, recibió $ 3,500 a ir a Suecia - en contra de su promesa de establecer nunca más un pie en Israel.

En Suecia, los ciudadanos de Eritrea residencia automática y el estatuto de refugiado, de acuerdo con una decisión del Consejo de Migración.

Thousands of African migrants march on Tel Aviv embassies - National Israel News | Haaretz
Sweden accepts dozens of Eritrean asylum seekers from Israel - National Israel News | Haaretz

As a strike by tens of thousands of African asylum seekers against Israel's migration policies entered its third day on Tuesday, Interior Minister Gideon Sa'ar announced that dozens of Eritrean asylum seekers had left Israel voluntarily in recent weeks for Sweden.


Sweden agreed to take them in response to a special request by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and to include them in a resettlement plan, due to their special circumstances.


The Interior Ministry said the migrants left for Sweden in the context of a government incentive scheme and were granted $3,500 each upon departure. They are encouraged to leave Israel voluntarily and to promise not to return.

An attorney dealing with residence and migration issues criticized Sa’ar’s announcement. “Asylum seekers who were sent to Sweden did not leave as part of the Ministry’s voluntary departure process, but as part of the efforts of the UNHCR to resettle people who qualify as refugees", said Oded Feller, who heads the division dealing with residence status and migration in the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.


On Monday, more than 10,000 African migrants demonstrated in front of the American embassy near the Tel Aviv promenade. Thousands more gathered in front of the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the European Commission, as the embassies of Ethiopia, Great Britain, France, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Italy.

They called on the international community to exert pressure on the Israeli government to changes its asylum seeker policies, and recognize them as refugees. In addition, the protesters called on the government to stop arresting them and to release those who are imprisoned.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that, despite the events of the past two days, he is still committed to expelling the migrants. "I'd like to make clear that protests and strikes won't help," Netanyahu said during a Likud faction meeting. "As we were able to stem the illegal infiltration of our borders, we are steadfast in our commitment to evict those who entered before we closed the border … We aren't talking about refugees with whom we deal according to international treaties; we are discussing illegal migrant workers, who will be brought to justice."

Also on Monday, Interior Minister Gideon Sa'ar said he was "not very impressed with all the crying and complaining" by business owners whose employees were on strike. "With all due respect to the restaurant and café owners in crisis, or those whose cleaning staff didn't show up, this will not determine Israel's national policy. On the contrary, let's think about those Israelis who have lost their jobs [to migrant workers]."


Me gustaria saber cuantos "refugiados" se comen en sudamerica, asia u oriente medio. Me da a mi que más del 90% los enchufan directos a Europa, EEUU, Australia, etc...
Última edición:
Pues que vayan empollándose este cursilo de "ebonics language" para comunicarse fluidamente con los niggas que los jodíos les encalomen

win-win-win para Israel: se libran de los neցros, los envian a contaminar los enemigos cristianos europeos y encima las pelas las recuperaran de la ONU o de los EEUU.
Yo quiero defender el derecho de Israel a la Multiculturalidad; Papeles para todos en Israel!! Nadie es Ilegal!! S.O.S Racismo!! :roto2::roto2::roto2:
Festival del humor!

UN warns Australia over reportedly turning away refugee boats - Yahoo!7

The UN refugee agency warned Australia on Friday that it could be breaking international law, amid reports it rejected boats carrying asylum-seekers

Adrian Edwards, spokesman for the UN high commissioner for refugees, said the agency wanted an explanation after reports that the Australian navy forced boats back, and plans to buy more vessels to bolster such operations.

"UNHCR would be concerned by any policy or practice that involved pushing asylum-seeker boats back at sea without a proper consideration of individual needs for protection," Edwards told reporters, saying it was still seeking details from the government.

"Any such approach would raise significant issues and potentially place Australia in breach of its obligations under the 1951 Refugee Convention and other international law obligations," he added.

Australia's conservative Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who won power in September after campaigning to "stop the boats", has introduced the military-led Operation Sovereign Borders to crack down on asylum seekers coming by boat.

Indonesia says Australia has turned back at least one boat carrying asylum seekers to its shores, although The Australian newspaper said as many as five have been secretly returned.

"As past experience has shown, such practices are operationally difficult and potentially dangerous for all concerned," Edwards said.

On Friday, Abbott likened the fight against people smugglers to war. The government has declined to reveal details of the boat incidents.

It has also refused to confirm or deny that it is planning to buy 16 hard-hulled lifeboats to ferry asylum seekers to Indonesia.

Australia's tough policies have irked Jakarta, which has warned that turning boats back could breach Indonesian sovereignty, feeding into existing diplomatic spats.

Over the past decade, UNHCR has repeatedly crossed swords with Australian governments of all political stripes, including Abbott's Labor Party predecessors who also backed tough measures.

Australia argues that is on the front line of a wave of illegal immigration and needs to step up the fight against people smugglers who try to bring people in, often on unseaworthy wooden vessels heading from Indonesia.

It insists that tough measures are needed to discourage illegal immigrants, and that genuine asylum seekers get a fair hearing.

Australia's policy of sending arrivals to Papua New Guinea and Nauru pending asylum hearings has faced criticism from UNHCR and rights groups over conditions in camps there and the lengthy process, but like previous administrations, Abbot defended it.

¿Y bien? ¿qué van a hacer esa REUNIÓN DE PAYASOS TERCERMUNDISTAS de la ONU a Australia? ¿declararles la guerra? ¿meterlos a todos en la carcel? ¿darles unos cachetes?


Última edición:
En políticas de inmi gración, lo más estulto que hay es invitar a pagapensiones de la peor clase: neցros analfabetas "fiel a la religión del amores" que han llevado una vida de cosa donde las violaciones y los robos son cosa común entre ellos. Hay que ser excesivamente estulto para traerse a esa gente a tu país.

La única inmi gración que debería ser permitida es la de profesionistas bien preparados de las mejores universidades de sus países de origen, gente con capacidades intelectuales destacables y con una disciplina y personalidad sociable y demostrable. Lo demás es pura sarama.