IPC adelantado 4,6!!!!


1 Oct 2006
A ver cuanta tardan en disparar las cuotas electricas.

Lo de la electricidad es grande. Como no se atreven a subir la tarifa (¡con la fórmula que ellos mismos habían fijado con las eléctricas!), han titulizado la diferencia, a pagar en x años.

Es decir, se va a pagar el déficit de tarifa actual a las eléctricas a lo largo de varios años...(y había gente que se reía de que los yanquis metían el Big Mac en la Visa, y vía refinanciación posterios, en la hipoteca, resultando un Bic Mag a pagar en 30 años, con sus intereses correspondientes)

El Estado transforma el déficit eléctrico en una hipoteca con garantía pública

"Para 2008, se prevé un déficit de 4.700 millones (un récord anual), que se sumarán a los más de 1.000 millones de 2007 y a los 10.000 millones arrastrados de ejercicios precedentes. La nueva orden ministerial también fija el calendario de las subastas de esa deuda. La primera será a lo largo de los primeros tres meses tras la publicación de la orden, es decir, antes del 17 de junio."


22 May 2007
España sube 2 décimas, Italia 6 décimas, Alemania otras 2 décimas... Trichet reacciona!!!

Por cierto alguien me puede confirmar que el objetivo inflacionario de la zona euro es en torno al 2%? es que no me acuerdo

Edito para decir que alemania son 3 décimas...


25 Mar 2008
No entiendo nada !

En España y el zona del € El inflación no para de subir a pesar que el € ha subido más de 20% en un Año. En cambio en el USA el $ ha bajado pero la inflación no sube.
¿Hay trampa o será que el USA es el único economía que aun tiene flexibilidad para adaptase a nuevas situaciones y rectificar los errores?

Me pregunto qué va a pasar en con el inflación en €uropa cuando el € empieza a bajar?

>> 47 <<

28 Ago 2006
En cambio en el USA el $ ha bajado pero la inflación no sube.
¿Hay trampa o será que ..?
A la FED le importa un gwevo la inflación. Esta no es su prioridad, y se cocina como en todos los lugares y ni siquiera se debate sobre ella en los grandes medios. Censurado. ¿A quien le importa que las agwelas y currelas precarios tengan que pagar el doble por la leche o los macarrones? Ellos solo hablan de macrocoñomía, cotizacion en Wall Street, etc.

Tampoco preguntes por aquí la evolución de salarios entre los nuevos contratados.

Eso no interesa a los medios de patronos y financieros, por lo que no se publica, y nadie exige que se transparente.

Si alguien es despedido, para ser recontratado a través de una ETT, y se niega al ver que es su mismo puesto de trabajo pero currando más horas, o cobrando menos... ...es un vago, y hay que quitarle la prestación por desempleo.

Esa es la neurona que gobierna, en este foro también la hay entre algunos, y te tacharán de record mundial de tontería si insistes. O no.

Un saludo cordial, y bienvenido.

Topo estepario

14 Feb 2008
lejos de todo
Los alimentos un 15%, la subida del butano un 9%....... mientras tanto la inflación un 4,6 ¿se lo cree alguien?

Ah claro, que la subida de peso ricachona del barrio de Salamanca se puede hacer la lipo más barata que el año pasado.... :rolleyes:

Yo desde luego no.... de hecho, tengo en marcha la operación "Tartera"... he desempolvado la vieja bolsa de deportes de "Montreal'76" de mi padre y he pedido a la empresa que ponga un microondas.

Mi tabernero dejará de amarme, pero llegaré a fin de mes jejejeje.

>> 47 <<

28 Ago 2006
A la FED le importa un gwevo la inflación. Esta no es su prioridad,

¿A quien le importa que las agwelas y currelas precarios tengan que pagar el
doble por la leche o los macarrones? Ellos solo hablan de macrocoñomía,
cotizacion en Wall Street, etc.
Las consecuencias de no contener la inflación salvaje,
si no inducirla con inyecciones y bajadas de tipos.

Viva la Federica. Viva Bernie y Alan.

USA 2008: The Great Depression
By David Usborne in New York
Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the US. In the era of the credit crunch,
a record 28 million Americans are now
relying on them to survive

– a sure sign the world's richest country faces economic crisis

Año 2008

Disadvantaged Americans queue for aid in New York
We knew things were bad on Wall Street, but on Main Street it may be
worse. Startling official statistics show that as a new economic recession
stalks the United States, a record number of Americans will shortly be
depending on food stamps just to feed themselves and their families.

Dismal projections by the Congressional Budget Office in Washington suggest
that in the fiscal year starting in October, 28
million people in the US will be using government food stamps to buy
essential groceries
, the highest level since the food
assistance programme was introduced in the 1960s.

The increase – from 26.5 million in 2007
– is due partly to recent efforts to increase public awareness of the
programme and also a switch from paper coupons to electronic debit cards.
But above all it is the pressures being exerted on ordinary Americans by an
economy that is suddenly beset by troubles.
Housing foreclosures, accelerating jobs losses and fast-rising prices all add
to the squeeze

Emblematic of the downturn until now has been the parades of houses
seized in foreclosure all across the country, and myriad families separated
from their homes. But now the crisis is starting to hit the country in its gut.
Getting food on the table is a challenge many Americans are finding harder
to meet. As a barometer of the country's economic health, food stamp
usage may not be perfect, but can certainly tell a story.

Michigan has been in its own mini-recession for years as its collapsing
industrial base, particularly in the car industry, has cast more and more out
of work. Now, one in eight residents of the state is
on food stamps
, double the level in 2000. "We have seen a
dramatic increase in recent years, but we have also seen it
climbing more in recent months
Maureen Sorbet, a spokeswoman for Michigan's programme, said. "It's been
increasing steadily. Without the programme, some families and kids would be
going without."

But the trend is not restricted to the rust-belt regions.
Forty states are reporting increases in applications for
the stamps
, actually electronic cards that are filled
automatically once a month by the government and are swiped by shoppers
at the till, in the 12 months from December 2006. At least six states,
including Florida, Arizona and Maryland, have had a
10 per cent increase in the past year

In Rhode Island, the segment of the population on food stamps has risen by
18 per cent in two years. The food programme started 40 years ago when
hunger was still a daily fact of life for many Americans. The recent switch
from paper coupons to the plastic card system has helped remove some of
the stigma associated with the food stamp programme. The card can be
swiped as easily as a bank debit card. To qualify for the cards, Americans do
not have to be exactly on the breadline. The programme is available to
people whose earnings are just above the official poverty line. For Hubert
Liepnieks, the card is a lifeline he could never afford to lose. Just out of
prison, he sleeps in overnight shelters in Manhattan and uses the card at a
Morgan Williams supermarket on East 23rd Street. Yesterday, he and his
fiancée, Christine Schultz, who is in a wheelchair, shared one banana and a
cup of coffee bought with the 82 cents left on it.

"They should be refilling it in the next three or four days," Liepnieks says. At
times, he admits, he and friends bargain with owners of the smaller grocery
shops to trade the value of their cards for cash, although it is illegal. "It can
be done. I get $7 back on $10."

Richard Enright, the manager at this Morgan Williams, says the numbers of
customers on food stamps has been steady but he expects that to rise
soon. "In this location, it's still mostly old people and people who have
retired from city jobs on stamps," he says. Food stamp money was designed
to supplement what people could buy rather than covering all the costs of a
family's groceries. But the problem now, Mr Enright says, is that soaring
prices are squeezing the value of the benefits.

"Last St Patrick's Day, we were selling Irish soda bread for $1.99. This year
it was $2.99. Prices are just spiralling up
, because of the cost of gas trucking the food into the city
and because of commodity prices. People complain, but I tell them it's not
my fault everything is more expensive."

The US Department of Agriculture says
the cost of feeding a low-income family of four
has risen 6 :confused: per cent in 12 months
"The amount of food stamps per household hasn't gone up with the food
costs," says Dayna Ballantyne, who runs a food bank in Des Moines, Iowa. "
Our clients are finding they aren't able to purchase
food like they used to

And the next monthly job numbers, to be released this Friday, are likely to
show 50,000 more jobs were lost nationwide in
, and the unemployment rate is up to perhaps 5 per
En un pais con fama de ser tan violento, lo raro es que no haya más tiros
contra los supuestos responsables del gran tongo ¿no?
Última edición: