IFATCA: Spain Has Created Serious Concerns For Air Traffic Safety

ahem mire...

6 Dic 2010

6 December 2010


Spain has created serious concerns for air traffic safety within its airspace

IFATCA is a professional organization that promotes safety, efficiency and regularity in
international aviation. To this end we are equally frustrated and fully understand the
anger caused by the current disruptions to flights in Spain. We are especially aggrieved
that the unplanned nature of these irregularities during a holiday period affected a large
group of travelers and their families.

IFATCA understands that this crisis resulted when the imposed maximum number of
working hours was surpassed, which meant controllers would effectively violate a Royal
Decree imposed on them earlier this year. When this limit proved insufficient, as was
previously predicted, AENA and the government simply changed it
. Contrary to
persistent reports in the press,
air traffic controllers did NOT strike about pay, allowances
or financial compensation

To solve this entirely manufactured and avoidable problem, the Spanish Minister for
Internal Affairs declared a “State of Alarm” – applicable only to air traffic controllers – on
4 December 2010. For the next 15 days, Spanish air traffic controllers are under military
mobilization. By choosing conflict over any form of social dialogue, AENA and the
Spanish government wish to divert attention from the main issue AENA faces: a series of
disastrous financial decisions and the resulting deficit. Using controllers as scapegoats,
they hope to salvage what is in essence a badly mismanaged state company

By choosing to ‘resolve’ the conflict with a law last used 40 years ago under the Franco
regime the Spanish government has created extremely serious concerns for the safety of
air traffic and passengers travelling within the Spanish airspace. By forcing controllers to
work under military supervision the government has cancelled all previous agreements
derived through social dialogue. The Spanish authorities have not only disregarded all
international conventions, including the Lisbon Treaty and basic human rights, they have
also disregarded accepted safe standards and recommended practices.

Safe and reliable service cannot be guaranteed by military commands in any safety
critical ********
. Given the duress under which our Spanish colleagues are forced to
work, IFATCA declares that the safety of Spanish airspace and airports is severely
compromised while this military rule is in force.

IFATCA fully supports our member association in these difficult times. We urge the
Spanish government to reverse its decisions. This, and only this, will ensure that the
Spanish airspace and airports can be safely controlled. We further request that the
authorities immediately initiate open and unconditional discussions with controller
representatives to guarantee stable and safe operations in the long term.

By resorting to totalitarian and dictatorial measures, Spain and its service provider can
no longer be considered a worthy partner in international projects
and we would submit it
has effectively forfeited its Single European Sky (SES) certification. In addition, we
submit that Spain has effectively reneged from international agreements and projects, up
to and including commitments made to ICAO. IFATCA urges international organizations
such as ICAO, the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, and CANSO to ensure that
the situation in Spain doesn’t escalate any further and that it realigns itself with
international standards. Failure to do so could well trigger a wave of solidarity actions of
controllers around Europe in support of their Spanish colleagues.

Only an open and constructive social dialogue, worthy of any democratic and civilized
society, can resolve the current deadlock in Spanish service provision. The people of
Spain and international air travellers deserve nothing less.



No es magia, son tus impuestos
24 Feb 2010
APOCALIPSIS pagapensiones
No hace falta traducción, los burbujos todos saben inglés mejor que cualquier controlador.

El tema no es que esta federación de sindicatos piense que ha sido una barrabasada totalitaria y dictatorial, sino que es esto lo que esta pensando media Europa, lo que añade mucha confianza en nuestro país y en la seguridad jurídica de las inversiones depositadas aquí. Otro paso más al default.

Minsky Moment

Será en Octubre
14 Feb 2009
Oceanía (1984)
Vamos camino de pasar de ser el hazmerreír de Europa a ser la vergüenza de Europa. Nos estaría bien empleado si nos dieran la patada en el trastero. Me avergüenzo de mi país y de los políticos nacionales que tenemos.

Minsky Moment

Será en Octubre
14 Feb 2009
Oceanía (1984)
Si alguien necesita una traducción de lo que nos dice NUESTRO derecho:
Pinche aquí
Hasta ahora, se han desmarcado de la felonía:
Gaspar llamazares.
y, hasta donde yo conozco, nadie más.
Mario Conde, se suma a la tesis inconstitucional, y viola la ley orgánica de estados de sitio, alarma, excepción,... todo ello con la complicidad de: El Fiscal G. del estado(presente en el consejo) y un abogado del estado ( al que hay que despedir por manifiesta incompetencia),... y al Rey que firmó el decreto.
Sres fiscales de carrera ¿ donde narices están?
Sres. Militares de carrera: No tienen que obedecer órdenes contrarias al ordenamiento...
Es gravísimo lo que está ocurriendo.
¿Dónde está lo de Mario Conde?