Hilo sobre guerra en Siria VI

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Será en Octubre
11 May 2009
Y esto

Las fuerzas populares iraquíes, conocidas como Al-Hashad Al-Shabi, anuncian este martes que han arrestado a un comandante del ejército israelí que colaboraba con el grupo takfirí EIIL (Daesh, en árabe).

De acuerdo con la agencia iraní de noticias Fars, fuentes populares iraquíes han hecho prisionero al coronel israelí, identificado como Yussi Elon Shahak, durante una operación anti-Daesh en Irak.

“Shahak ocupa el puesto de coronel en la Brigada Golani del ejército israelí, con el código de seguridad y militar de Re34356578765az231434”, han informado medios iraquíes. La Brigada Golani de la infantería israelí se creó el 28 de febrero de 1948.


Será en Octubre
7 Mar 2011
No consigo encontrar nada en los mass hez de UK ó USA sobre el asunto del aeropuerto de Damasco.


2 May 2014
Tiene toooooooda la pinta de ser fake, una lastima, el origen del rumor es un tal Embajador Haissam Bou Said del Principado de Nueva Texas ...


USA Parliament (Intl.) is registered within the UNITED NATIONS as InterGovernmental Organization (IGO)
oye usan wix.com hasta ahora es lo único israelita que pude encontrar

menudo troleo :XX:

fue agradable por un rato
Y esto

Fue algo de hace unas semanas

Sir Torpedo

Será en Octubre
26 Jun 2009
El día que tengamos guerra yo haré de cordero por que me las cuelan todas, gracias por desmentir gente.

Incorrecto 2.0

18 Oct 2014
En tierra quebrada.
En relación al acuerdo de defensa antiaérea conjunta con Rusia sale el embajador usano a salvar la cara:

Armenia’s relations with Russia and West not mutually exclusive, U.S. Ambassador says
Armenia’s relations with Russia and West not mutually exclusive, U.S. Ambassador says | Public Radio of Armenia

Y más clavos para el ataud de Cerdogan:

Iran sees Armenia as a regional strategic trade partner: Al-Monitor
Iran sees Armenia as a regional strategic trade partner: Al-Monitor | Public Radio of Armenia

By Alireza Ramezani

If one thing is certain about Iran’s recent move to step up relations with Armenia, it’s that it’s for very good economic reasons. On Oct. 14, Tehran took the opportunity of impending sanctions relief under the nuclear deal signed in July to send First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri to Armenia to see about expanding bilateral economic relations. Armenia is the sole Eurasian Economic Union member state that shares a land border with Iran, and could thus be a “gateway for Iranian goods” to the 5 billion-strong markets of Eurasia and Europe, according to Jahangiri, the most senior Iranian official to have visited Yerevan since 2011.

Iran and Armenia have already signed agreements that could keep their ties close for years. For instance, Armenia is providing Iran with electricity in exchange for natural gas imports. The swap is set to continue for the next 15 years, with the electricity generated from power plants built by Iranian engineers on the Armenian side of the border. Under the 2007 gas pipeline contract, Armenia generates and sends to Iran three kilowatt-hours per cubic meter of natural gas. When this contract expires, Iran will get paid for its natural gas exports, and Armenia will be free to use the generated electricity entirely for domestic consumption. It should be noted that Armenia’s political disputes with Azerbaijan and Turkey have left it with Georgia and Iran as the best options for meeting its energy needs.

Jahangiri’s recent visit was mainly aimed at reviving Iranian projects suspended due to sanctions and a shortage of financing. The delayed projects include a high voltage transmission line, connecting the Armenian power grid with that of Georgia and a third transmission line between Iran and Armenia worth around $120 million. The latter is set to come on stream in 2018, increasing the transmission capacity from Armenia to Iran from 300 to 1,000 megawatts. Among other matters raised by Jahangiri during his visit was an ongoing project to connect Iran’s rail network to that of Armenia, a plan that would provide Armenia with access to the southern Persian Gulf states through the International North-South Transport Corridor.

Jahangiri’s call for a focus on bilateral trade cooperation during his stay in Yerevan appears to have been welcomed by Armenian entrepreneurs, as soon after, a group of them announced that they will visit Iran on Nov. 9. According to the Iran Chamber of Commerce’s website, Armenia’s minister of economy will lead the delegation, which consists of about 50 top managers in banking, IT and agricultural businesses. This could be in line with a proposal offered by Jahangiri to create a trade hub in Armenia, from where Iranian goods could be re-exported not only to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, but also to Europe and the United States.

The head of the Iran-Armenia Chamber of Commerce, Levon Aharonian, believes the new effort to facilitate trade could help curb corruption and cut import duties from Iran significantly. In an article in the leading Iranian Tejarat-e Farda economic magazine, Aharonian argued that Jahangiri’s proposal — if accepted by the Armenian government — could be a “great opportunity” for Iranian traders looking for broader markets. However, he wrote, traders and officials from both sides should first help come up with a new trade mechanism to make the idea antiestéticasible. Many of the 6,400 items the European Union allows to be imported from Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan at very low tariffs can be supplied by Iranian manufacturers, Aharonian noted.

Iran is currently Armenia’s fourth largest trading partner after the European Union, Russia and China. Moreover, the Islamic Republic’s annual trade with Armenia is set to increase to $1 billion in the near future, up from $300 million now. Earlier this month, Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan agreed with a proposal offered by the Iranian side to revive Armenia’s factories built during the Soviet era. Iran says the factories can be used as a base to process semi-finished goods imported from Iran to eventually be exported to third countries.

But the Islamic Republic is not alone in its interest in Armenia. The United States has provided millions of dollars in assistance to Yerevan since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Moreover, Washington has long been negotiating with the Armenian government to expand bilateral trade and investment relations. Lastly, the United States has — as is also largely the case with Iran — supported the Armenian government in its political and territorial disputes with neighboring states since its independence. These parallel efforts by Tehran and Washington to court Yerevan could end up in a potential clash of interests, even in the aftermath of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which has repaired US-Iran relations to some extent.

The US 2015 budget provides $24.7 million in assistance to Armenia. Washington has also reached several economic agreements with Yerevan, including the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (2015), Joint Economic Task Force (1999), Investment Incentive Agreement (1992), Agreement on Trade Relations (1992) and Bilateral Investment Treaty (1992) — all of which provide platforms for deeper economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. According to the Armenian National Committee of America, the two countries have several options to improve their trade relations — including adoption of the Double Taxation Treaty, which is needed to replace the outdated US-USSR Double Tax Treaty from 1974. The committee believes this treaty is an impediment to US investment in Armenia and hinders economic relations between the two countries.

Iran sees Armenia as a regional strategic trade partner, while the United States has been investing in the Caucasian country for an extended period. A potential clash of interests between Iran and the United States thus appears as a serious challenge on the distant horizon. However, if this challenge is addressed wisely and in a timely manner, conflict can be avoided and the American market could even be accessible to Iranian manufacturers through Armenia in the medium term



19 Sep 2010
Un saludo a los foreros de buena voluntad. Por cierto, que no he brindado por lo de Kweires, Chin chin y el siguiente brindis lo celebraremos con la liberación total de la zona de Aleppo. Que sin duda se producirá.

Tendremos que permanecer atentos, pero cuesta creer el más mínimo sobrevuelo israelita sobre suelo Sirio. La lineas rojas fueron nítidamente trazadas a Netanyahu en su obligado viaje a Moscú escasas horas antes del inicio de la operación Rusa en Siria.

Israel, ese gallito venido a menos haría bien en cuidarse de la más mínima provocación. Siria y su espacio aéreo han dejado de ser un feudo. NUNCA en la historia del estado de Israel tuvo una posición tan sumamente vulnerable, con una potencia no occidental soplándole el cogote en la zona, marcándole con claridad los límites y con un Irán fortalecido por la presencia rusa y que ha conseguido la paridad nuclear con Israel. El incierto futuro de Israel y su supervivencia solo estarán en manos de la prudencia y el plegado de velas de su dirigencia. Todo lo contrario, en mayor o menor grado irá claramente en contra de su supervivencia futura. Si bien Irán se apoya en la potencia rusa 'global' para presentar sus cartas, Rusia también se guarnece las espaldas con el apoyo de la potencia regional que despunta arrolladoramente, Irán.

El crepúsculo occidental ya es, de facto el de Israel; en este sentido nunca Israel fué menos dueño que ahora de su destino. Por primera vez, este no se basará en su fuerza desequilibrante por la ayuda incondicional y desproporcionada de occidente, sino en su capacidad para plegar velas ante lo irreversible del cambio y saber adaptarse a un nuevo status que también podría pasar por la voluntad que tengan en ese sentido las nuevas fuerzas que emergen en la zona. Israel, cuanto menos, tendrá que asumir responsabilidades por las atrocidades del pasado y asumir el abandono, si es preciso por la fuerza, de las zonas que ocupa de manera ilegal, pasándose por el forro las resoluciones de la ONU, esa meretriz de occidente que para unos es cañón y para otros mantequilla.

Si Israel es incapaz de digerir su nuevo status producto del vuelco geopolítico en la zona su destino será una cuenta atrás.

estiercol inmobiliario

Será en Octubre
22 Ene 2009
Se esta convirtiendo en un lio monumental las informaciones en Siria. que si ataques israelíes, que si detenciones de agentes secretos ( habrá que tener prudencia)...lo que es seguro que es cierto es que las fuerzas de Assad están avanzando, que los Rusos van a dejar mucho dinero en la campaña y lo peor que Sira no volverá a ser lo que fue en muchísimos años.


Será en Octubre
11 May 2009
He leído (lo q no encuentro el Tweeter, era una imagen ) que si Francia utiliza el portaaviones en Siria , Rusia lo hubdira


5 Feb 2008
Será cierto ésto? Creo que no, más propaganda:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="es"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">Informe: <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Turquia?src=hash">#Turquia</a> planea enviar más de 10 mil soldados a <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Siria?src=hash">#Siria</a> para luchar contra <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ISIS?src=hash">#ISIS</a>
<a href="https://t.co/brGRxnruQA">https://t.co/brGRxnruQA</a> <a href="https://t.co/DVi9e8VDDz">pic.twitter.com/DVi9e8VDDz</a></p>&mdash; HispanTV (@Hispantv) <a href="https://twitter.com/Hispantv/status/664550629457686528">noviembre 11, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets****" charset="utf-8"></script>
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