15 Ago 2012
¿ reincides en tu error ? Lee más. Lo que cobras en el erte no lo "has cotizado". Precisamente tienen esa ventaja, si luego te dan la patada cobraras el paro integro.

¿ tu ? Tu que me vas a pagar a mi, meparto:meparto:meparto: Posiblemente sean mis impuestos lo que pèrmitan que cobres algo que evidentemente no has cotizado. Y con lo que estoy de acuerdo, los dare por bien invertidos.

¿ si no cobras vas a tomar la moncloa ? Mira soy un buen tio, y no me gusta desearle mal a nadie. Pero casi estoy porque lo retrasen 2 o 3 meses para ver que nos cuentas.
aun no he cobrado nada, te repito el día 10 lo vemos, de momento parado.
Si desde el inicio te están diciendo que todos tranquilos que tenemos el ERTE y luego no te pagan y te ves en el paro habiendo pasado mes y medio sin cobrar igual si que asaltas la moncloa, nunca se sabe lo loco que puede estar cada uno después de no poder alimentar a sus hijos.


Será en Octubre
3 Dic 2007

Pijos y ricos

Tirando comida...
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  • ...

cobi19 and obesity: Doctors take aim at food industry over poor diets

By Oliver Morrison

22-Apr-2020 - Last updated on 27-Apr-2020 at 15:12 GMT

https://cdn-a.william-reed.com/var/wrbm_gb_food_pharma/storage/images/publications/food-beverage-nutrition/foodnavigator.com/article/2020/04/22/cobi19-and-obesity-doctors-take-aim-at-food-industry-over-poor-diets/10933380-3-eng-GB/cobi19-and-obesity-Doctors-take-aim-at-food-industry-over-poor-diets_wrbm_large.jpg Image: Getty/wildpixel
Related tags: Obesity, Junk food, Ultra-processed food, cobi19



https://cdn-a.william-reed.com/var/wrbm_gb_food_pharma/storage/images/publications/food-beverage-nutrition/foodnavigator.com/article/2020/04/22/cobi19-and-obesity-doctors-take-aim-at-food-industry-over-poor-diets/10933380-3-eng-GB/cobi19-and-obesity-Doctors-take-aim-at-food-industry-over-poor-diets_wrbm_large.jpg Image: Getty/wildpixel
Related tags: Obesity, Junk food, Ultra-processed food, cobi19

A cardiologist has blamed the food industry for ‘normalising’ ultra-processed junk food as more evidence emerges suggesting poor diet is the root cause behind increased mortality from el bichito-19.

Obesity is the biggest risk factor for death from el bichito-19 in under 50s, according to a new study from the US Centre for Disease Control based on 99 countries and 14 states from March.
The research examined the underlying conditions of patients hospitalised with the bichito to find out which risk factors – among them obesity, heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease and high blood pressure -- led to the most severe disease.
It found that nearly 60% of patients aged 18-49 were obese. It was also the biggest risk factor in those aged 50-64, present in nearly half (49%) of patients in this age group. For those over 65, high blood pressure was the biggest risk factor, which was most prominent in over 70% of cases, with obesity an underlying condition in 41% of patients.
Rising links between poor diet and cobi19 deaths
In light of the mounting evidence that obesity and poor diet increases the risk of a severe response to el bichito-19 infection, medical professionals now want the public health message urgently updated. And this, they warn, potentially means the food industry bracing itself for regulation, such as bans on advertising and taxes.
“Not only would a massive public campaign on diet save lives it would change the course of our nation’s health forever,” Kailish Chand, Honorary Vice President at the British Medical Association, wrote on Twitter.
Tim Spector, Professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, said: "Obesity and poor diet is emerging as one of the biggest risk factors for a severe response to el bichito-19 infection that can no longer be ignored."

Robert Lustig, Professor of paediatric endocrinology at the University of California and chairman of the Institute of Responsible Nutrition, said: "I've heard el bichito-19 referred to as a beast, because it doesn't distinguish. In point of fact, it doesn't distinguish who it infects. But it does distinguish who it kills. Other than the elderly, it's those who are black, obese, and/or have pre-existing conditions. What distinguished these three demographics? Ultra-processed food. Because ultra-processed food sets you up for inflammation, which el bichito-19 is happy to exploit. Just another way processed food kills. Time to rethink your menu."
Junk food: the new tobacco?
Dr Aseem Malhotra, a London-based cardiologist, told the BBC that a Government and Public Health England failure to tell the public to change its diet would represent an act of “negligence and ignorance”.
He said conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure were all linked to poor diet, adding “the increase of mortality if you have a cluster of these conditions from el bichito is tenfold higher.”
On a brighter note, he said it was possible that people could reverse these types of conditions “within a few weeks of changing diet”. He noted that more than half of the calories taken in by the British population came from ultra-processed foods, such as mass packaged foods full of additives and preservatives, and unhealthy fats from industrialised seed oil, sugar and starch. If the whole of the UK population was to cut down on ultra-processed foods and eat what he called nutritious foods “just for a month” potentially up to 50% could send their type 2 diabetes into remission, could lose significant amounts of body fat and would be in a much healthier state to deal with and survive el bichito-19 if they were to contract it, he claimed.
Whose responsibility is obesity anyway?
He denied the UK obesity crisis was a question of personal responsibility to seek out healthy nutritious foods.
“Junk food has infiltrated itself within the whole of the British diet,” he said. “Our food environment has made these foods unavoidable… the food industry has profited from these foods which are highly addictive, that don’t make you feel full.” He lamented the fact that the food industry managed to get these products “available to anyone, anywhere at any time”.
Speaking to FoodNavigator, Dr Malhotra’s message to the food industry was simple. "Stop mass marketing and selling ultra-processed food,” he said. “It’s clear that these foodstuffs are damaging and detrimental to health.”
Companies would argue that they merely respond to the demands of their customers. Why reformulate if there’s a lack of consumer uptake? The latest company earnings reports, what’s more, point to increased demand for traditional comfort foods among shoppers amid the lockdown.
This was an ‘excuse’, according to Dr Malhotra. For him, the pandemic highlighted that it was in the interests of everybody, including those in the food industry, to make sure the population was as healthy as possible. Take the example of South Korea. It has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world. This could explain, in part at least, its low mortality rate from cobi19.
Back in the UK, Dr Malhotra praised efforts to innovate and reformulate so far, such as Finnebrogue’s nitrate-free bacon. But he added that the food industry needed to continue to look to make healthier and more nutritious foods that don’t have an “adverse health impact". If not, it could wait for government intervention, such as the banning of advertising of ultra-processed foods or taxes on unhealthy foods to make healthier choices more affordable.
"Poor diet is the primary biological factor that's driving increased [el bichito] death rates,” he stressed. “I think from that perspective they [the food industry] will have to change. The question is whether they are going to wait for government to regulate, or are they going to get ahead of the curve and crackdown on this to shift the balance towards minimally processed foods and try and get rid of the ultra-processed foods.”
He continued: “We need to reduce the availability, reduce the affordability, and reduce the acceptability of ultra-processed foods. I tell my patients if it comes out of a packet and has five or more ingredients, it’s ultra-processed.”
The ‘scandal’ of junk food in hospitals
The problem is currently being exemplified by food options within UK hospitals: three quarters of food purchased in hospitals is unhealthy, he suggested. “So it doesn't surprise you that more than half of the NHS workforce are overweight or obese as well.”
He therefore described it a ‘scandal’ that companies such as Krispy Kreme and Domino's were delivering thousands of doughnuts and pizzas to British hospital staff.
"I'm concerned at seeing companies, with the best of intentions, donating food for free to NHS staff - and it's cheap junk food like Domino's. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the occasional treat. But these products should not be in the middle of an obesity crisis."

Copyright - Unless otherwise stated all contents of this web site are © 2020 - William Reed Business Media Ltd - All Rights Reserved - Full details for the use of materials on this site can be found in the Terms & Conditions

Related topics: Business, Bakery, Beverage, Confectionery, Dairy, Healthy foods, Prepared foods, Snacks, Health and nutritional ingredients, el bichito-19, Diet and health, Reformulation, Innovation and NPD, Food safety, Carbohydrates and fibres (sugar, starches), Sweeteners (intense, bulk, polyols)


29 Mar 2009
Recuerdo que se habló hace poco de una conexión franco-china en Wuhan...

Segun el Institut Pasteur, el el bichito-19 en Francia no tiene su origen en China ni en el norte de Italia, sino que se trata de una cepa autoctona que ha originado un brote en el norte de Francia, que habria pasado desapercibido.

La fuente es fiable.


Portador del Caos

27 Jun 2007
Apple y Google abren a desarrolladores la tecnología de rastreo de la el bichito-19. Las compañías han abierto a ciertos desarrolladores de software con vínculos con las autoridades sanitarias de distintas partes del mundo el acceso a las bases de la tecnología de rastreo de contactos en la que están trabajando conjuntamente para hacer frente a la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo.

Las empresas han informado de que el objetivo es permitirles empezar a probar la interfaz de programación de aplicaciones (API) antes de su lanzamiento oficial a mediados de mayo y, por otro, obtener comentarios y valoraciones que les permitan mejorar el producto.

cobi19 en España y última hora de la desescalada, en directo


3 Nov 2013
El tabaquismo hace que mueran más hombres por el bichito-19, según un estudio

El tabaquismo en España condiciona que mueran más hombres que mujeres por la el bichito-19, según un estudio de investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) y la Universidad de Burdeos (Francia), que han aconsejado prohibir la venta de tabaco durante la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo.

Prohibir el tabaco en pleno confinamiento... pensando: Que podria salir mal?
Aparte de lo que pueden provocar si prohiben el tabaco, parece que algunos lo hagan adrede y que les moleste todo lo que sea frenar al cobi19.
Desde el minuto 1 estudios chinos advertian que un gran porcentaje de fumadores no enfermaban. Luego los franceses se pusieron a investigar y dicen que la nicotina podria ser una especie de defensa, porque parece ser que utiliza y ocupa los receptores AE2(o algo asi) que son los mismos receptores que le placen al cobi19.

Parece muy facil de cultivar. Yo estoy en tramites de conseguir semillas porque no me pienso privar de ese regalo de la naturaleza, traido de las Americas y que utilizaban alli desde hace 18.000 años, para diversas cosas relacionadas con desinfectantes microbianos y cicatrizante de heridas, entre otros muchos usos.


Será en Octubre
13 Abr 2011
aun no he cobrado nada, te repito el día 10 lo vemos, de momento parado.
Si desde el inicio te están diciendo que todos tranquilos que tenemos el ERTE y luego no te pagan y te ves en el paro habiendo pasado mes y medio sin cobrar igual si que asaltas la moncloa, nunca se sabe lo loco que puede estar cada uno después de no poder alimentar a sus hijos.
Te voy ha explicar algo, no vas a hacer na-da. Por si no te has fijado los encargados de que no te acerques al poder, cobran el 100%. Y ahora es un gobierno que algunos bobos llaman social-comunista o similar, pero el color del poder es igual , en general se encargan de estos detallitos.

En un mundo muy muy dolido, el que cobra el 100% no se la va a jugar por tí.

La mano magica del mercado, da cojonudos sueldos, hay que ahorrar que a veces las cosas salen mal.

En fin no te preocupes, todos tienen impresoras. cobraras.


Será en Octubre
3 Dic 2007
Esto es una opinión.
Esto es una ficción y cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura coincidencia.

Voy a contar una mentira subida de peso, pero subida de peso, recordar no entrar en alarma social porque es mentira, tan mentira como las anteriores.

Lo siento por la señora “Macarena” pero veo muy difícil que pueda preguntar al actual presidente, al actual vicepresidente y al anterior presidente del PSOE sobre ciertas cosas en el futuro pues el “emperador” o la “emperatriz” los va a tener muy entretenidos haciéndoles preguntas sobre Venezuela.

Así que……. ¡joróbate VOXera!, que de ilusiones también se vive y se muere de desengaños.

De todas maneras….. yo haría como su compañero de partido, la pistola al cinto y alguna placa balística repartida estratégicamente por la chaqueta, para evitar que no le pase na, pues esta gente tiene pocos escrúpulos y hay cosas que a esta gente no se le pude decir a la cara ni siquiera en sede parlamentaria a pesar de que desees hacerlo con todo tu ser.

Y si, lo anterior es una mentira subida de peso y forma parte del grupo de ficciones que estoy contando últimamente, por lo que no debéis creerme y entrar en alarma social.

¿Fuente?, ¡cachopo!, que es una ficción.

Mi pésame a todos los que estáis perdiendo familia en estos tiempos aciagos.

Pues eso, un saludo a todos

Si por un casual está sucediendo, ha sucedido o sucede algo parecido a lo anterior, es pura casualidad, pues el relato anterior es fruto de la mente de la autora que tiene mucha imaginación. 8322

SI ES subida de peso

MORIRA DE el bichito