Estudios científicos revelan que el Wi-Fi es una grave amenaza para la salud

Anda, gracioso, no cambies de tema.

¿Algún experimento REAL que defienda lo que decís?

Hasta otro momento, ESTAFADOR.

25.000 experimentos o el que me hicieron a mi tras una pared con doble cronometro encendiendo un router

acerte en todas las veces cuando lo encendieron. ( cosa que personalmente hubiese preferido que no, para asi estar
“chalado”, cosa que tiene tratamiento mientras que la EHS no)

25.000 experimentos o el que me hicieron a mi tras una pared con doble cronometro encendiendo un router

acerte en todas las veces cuando lo encendieron. ( cosa que personalmente hubiese preferido que no, para asi estar
“chalado”, cosa que tiene tratamiento mientras que la EHS no)


Claro, claro.

Anda, deja de hacer el ridículo.
Claro, claro.

Anda, deja de hacer el ridículo.

La OMS, esos corruptos que decian que la gaysidad era una enfermedad mental, comprados por el lobby telefonico

Toma delincuente, PubMed, hace 2 meses, Belpomme, uno de los grandes del mundo en oncologia

Int J Mol Sci. 2020 11 de marzo; 21 (6). pii: E1915. doi: 10.3390 / ijms21061915.

Belpomme D 1, 2, 3 , Irigaray P 1, 2 .

La electrohipersensibilidad como un trastorno patológico neurológico recientemente identificado y caracterizado: cómo diagnosticarlo, tratarlo y prevenirlo.

Desde 2009, creamos una base de datos que actualmente incluye más de 2000 casos autoinformados de electrohipersensibilidad (EHS) y / o sensibilidad química múltiple (MCS). Esta base de datos muestra que EHS está asociado en el 30% de los casos con MCS, y que MCS precede a la aparición de EHS en el 37% de estos casos asociados con EHS / MCS. EHS y MCS pueden caracterizarse clínicamente por un cuadro sintomático similar, y biológicamente por inflamación de bajo grado y una respuesta autoinmune que involucra autoanticuerpos contra O-mielina. Además, el 80% de los pacientes con EHS presentan uno, dos o tres biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo detectables en su sangre periférica, lo que significa que, en general, estos pacientes presentan un verdadero trastorno somático objetivo. Además, mediante el uso de tomosfigmografía cerebral ultrasónica y ecografía Doppler transcraneal, Demostramos que los casos tienen un defecto en la hemodinámica de la arteria cerebral media, y localizamos una deficiencia del índice pulsométrico del tejido en el área capsulo-talámica de los lóbulos temporales, lo que sugiere la participación del sistema límbico y el tálamo. En conjunto, estos datos sugieren que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede diagnosticarse, tratarse y prevenirse. Debido a que EHS se está convirtiendo en una nueva plaga mundial insidiosa que involucra a millones de personas, le pedimos a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que incluya EHS como un trastorno neurológico en la clasificación internacional de enfermedades. Estos datos sugieren fuertemente que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede ser diagnosticado, tratado y prevenido.

Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It - PubMed
La OMS, esos corruptos que decian que la gaysidad era una enfermedad mental, comprados por el lobby telefonico

Toma delincuente, PubMed, hace 2 meses, Belpomme, uno de los grandes del mundo en oncologia

Int J Mol Sci. 2020 11 de marzo; 21 (6). pii: E1915. doi: 10.3390 / ijms21061915.

Belpomme D 1, 2, 3 , Irigaray P 1, 2 .

La electrohipersensibilidad como un trastorno patológico neurológico recientemente identificado y caracterizado: cómo diagnosticarlo, tratarlo y prevenirlo.

Desde 2009, creamos una base de datos que actualmente incluye más de 2000 casos autoinformados de electrohipersensibilidad (EHS) y / o sensibilidad química múltiple (MCS). Esta base de datos muestra que EHS está asociado en el 30% de los casos con MCS, y que MCS precede a la aparición de EHS en el 37% de estos casos asociados con EHS / MCS. EHS y MCS pueden caracterizarse clínicamente por un cuadro sintomático similar, y biológicamente por inflamación de bajo grado y una respuesta autoinmune que involucra autoanticuerpos contra O-mielina. Además, el 80% de los pacientes con EHS presentan uno, dos o tres biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo detectables en su sangre periférica, lo que significa que, en general, estos pacientes presentan un verdadero trastorno somático objetivo. Además, mediante el uso de tomosfigmografía cerebral ultrasónica y ecografía Doppler transcraneal, Demostramos que los casos tienen un defecto en la hemodinámica de la arteria cerebral media, y localizamos una deficiencia del índice pulsométrico del tejido en el área capsulo-talámica de los lóbulos temporales, lo que sugiere la participación del sistema límbico y el tálamo. En conjunto, estos datos sugieren que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede diagnosticarse, tratarse y prevenirse. Debido a que EHS se está convirtiendo en una nueva plaga mundial insidiosa que involucra a millones de personas, le pedimos a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) que incluya EHS como un trastorno neurológico en la clasificación internacional de enfermedades. Estos datos sugieren fuertemente que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede ser diagnosticado, tratado y prevenido.

Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It - PubMed

Esto... no sabes ni lo que lees.

Lo que pone es que han encontrado síntomas SOMÁTICOS, no dice el origen de los mismos.
Lo que está diciendo es que tenéis una enfermedad mental que provoca síntomas en el organismo.
O sea, síntomas psicosomáticos, nada que no se supiera.

Sacado de las conclusiones: Whatever its causal origin and mechanism of action, EHS should therefore be from now on recognized as a new identified and characterized neurological pathological disorder.

La comunicación completa, aquí, no solo el resumen Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It

O sea, que acabas de poner un estudio que dice que sí, que estáis como chotas los que os creéis esto.
Esto... no sabes ni lo que lees.

Lo que pone es que han encontrado síntomas SOMÁTICOS, no dice el origen de los mismos.
Lo que está diciendo es que tenéis una enfermedad mental que provoca síntomas en el organismo.
O sea, síntomas psicosomáticos, nada que no se supiera.

Sacado de las conclusiones: Whatever its causal origin and mechanism of action, EHS should therefore be from now on recognized as a new identified and characterized neurological pathological disorder.

La comunicación completa, aquí, no solo el resumen Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It

O sea, que acabas de poner un estudio que dice que sí, que estáis como chotas los que os creéis esto.

Estudio psicologia clinica, creo que poco sabes de somatico

pone claramente NEUROLOGICO, no psiquiatrico.

OWNEADO manipulador, que no tienes ni idea y te paga el CCARS, na jera augusto

Demostramos que los casos tienen un defecto en la hemodinámica de la arteria cerebral media, y localizamos una deficiencia del índice pulsométrico del tejido en el área capsulo-talámica de los lóbulos temporales, lo que sugiere la participación del sistema límbico y el tálamo. En conjunto, estos datos sugieren que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede diagnosticarse, tratarse y prevenirse

La electrohipersensibilidad como un trastorno patológico neurológico recientemente identificado y caracterizado: cómo diagnosticarlo, tratarlo y prevenirlo.
Estudio psicologia clinica, creo que poco sabes de somatico

pone claramente NEUROLOGICO, no psiquiatrico.

OWNEADO manipulador, que no tienes ni idea y te paga el CCARS, na jera augusto

Demostramos que los casos tienen un defecto en la hemodinámica de la arteria cerebral media, y localizamos una deficiencia del índice pulsométrico del tejido en el área capsulo-talámica de los lóbulos temporales, lo que sugiere la participación del sistema límbico y el tálamo. En conjunto, estos datos sugieren que EHS es un trastorno neurológico patológico que puede diagnosticarse, tratarse y prevenirse

La electrohipersensibilidad como un trastorno patológico neurológico recientemente identificado y caracterizado: cómo diagnosticarlo, tratarlo y prevenirlo.

Error, pone lo que pone: Whatever its causal origin and mechanism of action

Eso, teniendo en cuenta que nunca habéis podido replicar nada de la sarama que publicáis, indica que es un trastorno mental.

Vamos, lo de siempre.

Ahora, loco, vete a dormir.

P.S: mide las emisiones de tu ordenador, que además de loco eres un ESTAFADOR.
Error, pone lo que pone: Whatever its causal origin and mechanism of action

Eso, teniendo en cuenta que nunca habéis podido replicar nada de la sarama que publicáis, indica que es un trastorno mental.

Vamos, lo de siempre.

Ahora, loco, vete a dormir.

P.S: mide las emisiones de tu ordenador, que además de loco eres un ESTAFADOR.

El orate dice que nunca le he podido replicar y tiene 25.000 estudios con los que le replicamos, es que es patetico
Toma, otra, para que no duermas esta noche,

publicado hoy

st at risk. Given the clear risks that RFR-based technologies present, it is also vital for parents and educators to take immediate action on the use of microwave emitting devices where children are concerned. As there is overwhelming evidence that safety standards are woefully outdated, the action to be taken is clear. The precautionary principle should be applied and the use of all microwave RFRenabled devices, from WiFi-enabled tablets (and smartphones) to WiFi routers, should be heavily curtailed or eliminated. The figure above summarizes this paper’s findings and provides compelling reasons for why such action is necessary. As indicated, Figure 2 summarises the evidence of risk and indicates the role of specific mechanisms in producing the various threats to human health and well-being. Each of the outcomes identified are independent of each other; hence, the risk of some form of ill-health to children due to RFR exposure is highly probable. At the risk of repetition, there is only one realistic course of action. Children and adolescents should not be using smartphones, or WiFi-enabled tablet devices, and their expose to RFR sources should be minimized. This might seem impractical in the digital world, but in our real analogue world, children and teenagers are no longer permitted legal access to cigarettes, nor is it socially acceptable for adults to smoke in their presence. Given the current scientific evidence, the pathophysiological properties of RFR appear to be no different than cigarette smoke or similar carcinogens. Thus, in light of the evidence, the precautionary principle should be applied and governments should implement policies that result in the removal of WiFi routers and all WiFi devices from the classrooms of elementary/primary and secondary/high schools. Just to remind the reader what the precautionary principle means: "When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” 2 We are well beyond that point, as this paper illustrates. The application of the precautionary principle is a statutory requirement in some areas of law in the European Union, as expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Thus EU governments at least have a political and an ethical responsibility to act. In the absence of appropriate government policy, educators need to reconsider the untrammeled use of WiFi in schools and not employ iPads or tablets for use by children in class. Devices that use e-Ink, or similar types of electronic paper display, as opposed to LED screens, should be used in the classroom and at home to access ebooks/texts, but these should be operated in airplane mode when reading. Parents and guardians also need to act and should consider the amowing 2 ple 16 recommendations in order to exercise their personal duty of care:  Educate children and adolescents about the health risks of all smart devices.  Restrict device time to 30 minutes for all RFR-enabled devices, not just screen time.  In respect of screen time, all LED screen devices should have a Blue Light Filter. Apps like F-Lux are ideal here. This minimises melatonin reduction in users.  Smart phones have 2/3/4G, WiFi and Bluetooth radio units all of which are normally switched on. These should be used only when required. In addition, the small print on Health and Safety information that comes with a smartphone typically indicates that they should NOT be carried nor operated less than 2.5 cm from the body.  Remember that the WiFi Safety standards for ALL devices is that they must be operated 20 cm or 8” from the body and for no more than 30 minutes. o Given the risk handing a young child an active RFR device, such as a smartphone or an iPad, to hold in their car seat/pram, is for all intents and purposes the same as giving them a cigarette to smoke.  If children or adolescents have access to smartphones and WiFi devices, the devices should not be carried or operated on or near their person. o Ear & microphones should be used for all calls.  If children are using screen device for games, they should be operated in airplane mode.  Ensure WiFi routers are not in or near or directly beneath children’s bedrooms and they should be switched off at night. No RFR device, including some types of baby monitors, should in in a child’s bedroom.  Minimise the use in the home of all Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Smart Meters, Virtual Assistants, Hive, Chromecast, WiFi dongles, and so on. There is also a clear onus on scientists and practitioners in the computing and IT industry to act and ensure that the safety standards for all RFR and WiFi devices are reviewed in light of the recent scientific findings. To do otherwise would be irresponsible. There will be enormous resistance to change from vested interests and the political establishment. This has already happened, with orchestrated campaigns against natural scientists conducting independent research on the health implications of RFR, particularly in the US. An excerpt from a recent article in The Guardian newspaper summarises the type of response to be expected from industry with respect to microwave RFR and in particular the release of the findings of the NTP study. “Central to keeping the scientific argument going is making it appear that not all scientists agree. Towards that end, and again like the tobacco and fossil-fuel industries, the wireless industry has “war-gamed” science, as a Motorola internal memo in 1994 phrased it. War-gaming science involves playing offence as well as defence – funding studies friendly to the industry while attacking studies that raise questions; placing industry-friendly experts on advisory bodies such as the World Health Organisation and seeking 17 to discredit scientists whose views differ from the industry’s.” 53 Returning to the quote at the beginning of this paper by Professor FrentzelBeyme MD, we have, as the evidence adduced herein indicates, far exceeded the “level of proof required to justify action for health protection.” The theory that non-ionizing RFR exposure could not cause cancer has been refuted using the scientific method. It is ironic, in the era of neoconservatism, neoliberalism, and the anti-environmental policies of necon cheerleader-in-chief Donald Trump, that the smoking gun should be provided by the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services. This study, as indicated above, is just the latest of many to provide the “clear evidence” required for policy and social change. The need for social change is this area is as important, and no less controversial, than that required to respond to the challenge of global warming. However, the forces resisting change to the status quo are considerable. Take for example that “Not one major news organisation in the US or Europe reported [the] scientific news [published by the NTP]. But then, news coverage of mobile phone safety has long reflected the outlook of the wireless industry.”53 In order to combat vested interests and protect children, parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, need to act to change extant social perspectives on seemingly harmless digital technologies that entertain and beguile, and which offer affordances without apparent consequences. That will be the challenge for readers of this paper. To understand that technology is not neutral—that it has negative as well as positive consequences for users and society, and that there is a dark side to the bright screen on which you may be reading this article. About the Author Professor Tom Butler is a social scientist at University College Cork. A former satellite and microwave communications engineer and IT professional, he is more than familiar with the traditional safety issues relating to microwave RFR. His Pauline conversion from the engineering perspective on RFR thermal safety occurred through research engagements with the Chief Risk Officer of a global corporation who pointed out the significant risks to children from the nonthermal effects of RFR. These discussions and related events in his personal life stimulated Professor Butler’s interest in this important topic. In a research context, Professor Butler is a former Government of Ireland Research Fellow, Principal Investigator (PI) of the Governance Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (2013- 2018), PI of the SmaRT and SamRT4Reg Commercialisation Fund Projects (2017- 2019), and Co-PI of two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Career-FIT Fellowships in Artificial Intelligence (2019-2022). With over €8.5 million in research funding on the application of digital technologies to date, he has 220 publications and 11 inventions. Tom is a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Regulatory Obstacles to Financial Innovation (ROFIEG) in the area of FinTech, a member of the Global RegTech Council, and a member of the Financial Industry Enterprise Data Management Council (EDMC). References 1 National Toxicology Programme (2018). Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Studies. _phone_radiofrequency_radiation_studies_508. pdf. 2 National Toxicology Programme (2018). High Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation Associated With Cancer in Male Rats, Telephone Press Conference, 10/31/18, 2:00 18 pm ET. 3 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1999). Nomination Letter to Coordinator of NTP Chemical Nomination and Selection Committee. nomi ntp/htdocs/chem_background/exsumpdf/wirele ss051999_508.pdf . 4 Vijayalaxmi & Obe, G., (2004). Controversial cytogenetic observations in mammalian somatic cellsexposed to radiofrequency radiation, Radiat. Res. 162 (5), 481–96. 5 Morgan, L. L., Miller, A. B., Sasco, A., & Davis, D. L. (2015). Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A). International journal of oncology, 46(5), 1865-1871. 6 7 8 cellphone-radiation-cancer.html 9 Melnick, R. L. (2019). Commentary on the utility of the National Toxicology Program Study on cell phone radiofrequency radiation data for assessing human health risks despite unfounded criticisms aimed at minimizing the findings of adverse health effects. Environmental research, 168, 1-6. 10 11 Falcioni, L., Bua, L., Tibaldi, E., Lauriola, M., De Angelis, L., Gnudi, F., Mandrioli, D., Manservigi, M., Manservisi, F., Manzoli, I. & Menghetti, I. (2018). Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in SpragueDawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission. Environmental research, 165, 496-503. 12 Wyde, M. (2016). NTP toxicology and carcinogenicity studies of cell phone radiofrequency radiation. BioEM2016 Meeting, Ghent, Belgium. phone/slides_bioem_wyde.pdf . 13 Philips, A.. Henshaw, D., L Lamburn, G. & M. O'Carroll, (2018). Brain tumours: rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme incidence in England 1995–2015 suggests an adverse environmental or lifestyle factor, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. 2018, Article ID 7910754. 14 Röösli, M., Lagorio, S., Schoemaker, M. J., Schüz, J., & Feychting, M. (2019). Brain and Salivary Gland Tumors and Mobile Phone Use: Evaluating the Evidence from Various Epidemiological Study Designs. Annual review of public health, 40. 15 Coureau, G., Bouvier, G., Lebailly, P., FabbroPeray, P., Gruber, A., Leffondre, K., ... & Baldi, I. (2014). Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study. Occup Environ Med, oemed-2013. 16 Mialon, H. M., & Nesson, E. T. (2018). Mobile Phones and the Risk of Brain Cancer Mortality: A Twenty-Five Year Cross-Country Analysis. 17Kabbat, G.(2017). Are brain cancer rates increasing? geoffreykabat/ 2017/12/23/are-brain-cancerrates-increasing-and-do-changes-relate-to-cellphone-use/#12df118e25b4 18 West, J. G., Kapoor, N. S., Liao, S. Y., Chen, J. W., Bailey, L., & Nagourney, R. A. (2013). Multifocal breast cancer in young women with prolonged contact between their breasts and their cellular phones. Case reports in medicine, 2013. 19 Chauhan, P., Verma, H. N., Sisodia, R., & Kesari, K. K. (2017). Microwave radiation (2.45 GHz)-induced oxidative stress: Wholebody exposure effect on histopathology of Wistar rats. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 36(1), 20-30. 20 Carpenter, D. O., & Bushkin-Bedient, S. (2013). Exposure to chemicals and radiation during childhood and risk for cancer later in life. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(5), S21-S29. 21 Christ, Andreas, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Maria Christopoulou, Sven Kühn, & Niels Kuster. (2010). Age-dependent tissue-specific exposure of cell phone users. Physics in medicine and biology, 55(7): 1767. 22 Keshvari, J., Keshvari, R., & Lang, S. (2006). The effect of increase in dielectric values on specific absorption rate (SAR) in eye and head tissues amowing 900, 1800 and 2450 MHz radio frequency (RF) exposure. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(6), 1463. 23 Gandhi, O. P., Morgan, L. L., de Salles, A. A., Han, Y. Y., Herberman, R. B., & Davis, D. L. (2012). Exposure limits: the underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in 19 children. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 31(1), 34-51 24 Portier, C.J., & Leonard W.L. (2016). Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Probably, but It's Complicated, Scientific American, June 13, 2016. 25 Frentzel-Beyme, R. (1994). John R. Goldsmith on the usefulness of epidemiological data to identify links between point sources of radiation and disease. Public health reviews, 22(3-4), 305-320. 26 Waris G, Ahsan H. (2016). Reactive oxygen species: role in the development of cancer and various chronic conditions. Journal of Carcinogenesis. 2006;5(14). doi:10.1186/1477- 3163-5-14. 27 De Iuliis, G. N., Newey, R. J., King, B. V., & Aitken, R. J. (2009). Mobile phone radiation induces reactive oxygen species production and DNA damage in human spermatozoa in vitro. PloS one, 4(7), e6446. 28 Yakymenko, I., Tsybulin, O., Sidorik, E., Henshel, D., Kyrylenko, O., & Kyrylenko, S. (2016). Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation. Electromagnetic biology and medicine, 35(2), 186-202. 29 Nazıroğlu, M., Yüksel, M., Köse, S. A., & Özkaya, M. O. (2013). Recent reports of Wi-Fi and mobile phone-induced radiation on oxidative stress and reproductive signaling pathways in females and males. The Journal of membrane biology, 246(12), 869-875. 30 Pall, M. L. (2018). Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. Environmental research, 164, 405-416. 31 Pall, M.L., (2013). Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J. Cell. Mol. Med. (17), 958–965. 32 Kesari, K. K., Siddiqui, M. H., Meena, R., Verma, H. N., & Kumar, S. (2013). Cell phone radiation exposure on brain and associated biological systems. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, March 2013; 51: 187– 200. 33 Han, Y. Y., Gandhi, O. P., De Salles, A., Herberman, R. B., & Davis, D. L. (2010). Comparative assessment of models of electromagnetic absorption of the head for children and adults indicates the need for policy changes. Eur J Oncol. Volume, 5, 301- 318. 34 Kheifets, L., Repacholi, M., Saunders, R., & Van Deventer, E. (2005). The sensitivity of children to electromagnetic fields. Pediatrics, 116(2), e303-e313. 35 Akhavan-Sigari, R., Baf, M. M. F., Ariabod, V., Rohde, V., & Rahighi, S. (2014). Connection between cell phone use, p53 gene expression in different zones of glioblastoma multiforme and survival prognoses. Rare Tumors, 6(3). 36 Hardell, L., & Carlberg, M. (2015a). Increasing rates of brain tumours in the Swedish national inpatient register and the causes of death register. International journal of environmental research and public health, 12(4), 3793-3813. 37 Hardell, L., & Carlberg, M. (2015b). Mobile phone and cordless phone use and the risk for glioma–Analysis of pooled case-control studies in Sweden, 1997–2003 and 2007–2009. Pathophysiology, 22(1), 1-13. 38 Carlberg, M., Hedendahl, L., Ahonen, M., Koppel, T., & Hardell, L. (2016). Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the Nordic countries with main focus on Swedish data. BMC cancer, 16(1), 426. 39 Tillmann, T., Ernst, H., Streckert, J., Zhou, Y., Taugner, F., Hansen, V., Dasenbrock, C., (2010). Indication of cocarcinogenic potential of chronic UMTS-modulated radiofrequency exposure in an ethylnitrosourea mouse model. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 86, 529–541. 40 Lerchl, A., Klose, M., Grote, K., Wilhelm, A. F., Spathmann, O., Fiedler, T., ... & Clemens, M. (2015). Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 459(4), 585-590. 41 d2dQZmtJZWpKOW8/view. Accessed February 2019. 42 Belpomme, D., Hardell, L., Belyaev, I., Burgio, E., & Carpenter, D. O. (2018). Thermal and non-thermal health effects of low intensity non-ionizing radiation: An international perspective. Environmental pollution, 242, 643-658. 43 Grigoriev Y. (2017). Methodology of Standards Development for EMF RF in Russia and by International Commissions: Distinctions in Approaches. In Markov, M (Ed.), Dosimetry in Bioelectromagnetics. Chapter 15. pp. 315-337. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis. 44 Hankin, N. (2002). Letter from Norbert Hankin, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to 20 Janet Newton President, The EMR Network (July 16, 2002), available at /docs/noi_epa_response.pdf .Accessed 21-03- 2017.
La wifi son los padres. jorobaros.

Oda esta noche no tenia haloperidol y le ha dado su continuo brote de delirante antisocial, como nos descojonamos con sus procesos mentales delirantes, como el de arriba, que se inventa que un informe que dice neurologico, ponia “psiquiatrico”.

El pobre se cree sus delirios, los delirantes lo viven.

La imagen puede contener: una persona, texto
El orate dice que nunca le he podido replicar y tiene 25.000 estudios con los que le replicamos, es que es patetico
Toma, otra, para que no duermas esta noche,

publicado hoy

st at risk. Given the clear risks that RFR-based technologies present, it is also vital for parents and educators to take immediate action on the use of microwave emitting devices where children are concerned. As there is overwhelming evidence that safety standards are woefully outdated, the action to be taken is clear. The precautionary principle should be applied and the use of all microwave RFRenabled devices, from WiFi-enabled tablets (and smartphones) to WiFi routers, should be heavily curtailed or eliminated. The figure above summarizes this paper’s findings and provides compelling reasons for why such action is necessary. As indicated, Figure 2 summarises the evidence of risk and indicates the role of specific mechanisms in producing the various threats to human health and well-being. Each of the outcomes identified are independent of each other; hence, the risk of some form of ill-health to children due to RFR exposure is highly probable. At the risk of repetition, there is only one realistic course of action. Children and adolescents should not be using smartphones, or WiFi-enabled tablet devices, and their expose to RFR sources should be minimized. This might seem impractical in the digital world, but in our real analogue world, children and teenagers are no longer permitted legal access to cigarettes, nor is it socially acceptable for adults to smoke in their presence. Given the current scientific evidence, the pathophysiological properties of RFR appear to be no different than cigarette smoke or similar carcinogens. Thus, in light of the evidence, the precautionary principle should be applied and governments should implement policies that result in the removal of WiFi routers and all WiFi devices from the classrooms of elementary/primary and secondary/high schools. Just to remind the reader what the precautionary principle means: "When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” 2 We are well beyond that point, as this paper illustrates. The application of the precautionary principle is a statutory requirement in some areas of law in the European Union, as expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Thus EU governments at least have a political and an ethical responsibility to act. In the absence of appropriate government policy, educators need to reconsider the untrammeled use of WiFi in schools and not employ iPads or tablets for use by children in class. Devices that use e-Ink, or similar types of electronic paper display, as opposed to LED screens, should be used in the classroom and at home to access ebooks/texts, but these should be operated in airplane mode when reading. Parents and guardians also need to act and should consider the amowing 2 ple 16 recommendations in order to exercise their personal duty of care:  Educate children and adolescents about the health risks of all smart devices.  Restrict device time to 30 minutes for all RFR-enabled devices, not just screen time.  In respect of screen time, all LED screen devices should have a Blue Light Filter. Apps like F-Lux are ideal here. This minimises melatonin reduction in users.  Smart phones have 2/3/4G, WiFi and Bluetooth radio units all of which are normally switched on. These should be used only when required. In addition, the small print on Health and Safety information that comes with a smartphone typically indicates that they should NOT be carried nor operated less than 2.5 cm from the body.  Remember that the WiFi Safety standards for ALL devices is that they must be operated 20 cm or 8” from the body and for no more than 30 minutes. o Given the risk handing a young child an active RFR device, such as a smartphone or an iPad, to hold in their car seat/pram, is for all intents and purposes the same as giving them a cigarette to smoke.  If children or adolescents have access to smartphones and WiFi devices, the devices should not be carried or operated on or near their person. o Ear & microphones should be used for all calls.  If children are using screen device for games, they should be operated in airplane mode.  Ensure WiFi routers are not in or near or directly beneath children’s bedrooms and they should be switched off at night. No RFR device, including some types of baby monitors, should in in a child’s bedroom.  Minimise the use in the home of all Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as Smart Meters, Virtual Assistants, Hive, Chromecast, WiFi dongles, and so on. There is also a clear onus on scientists and practitioners in the computing and IT industry to act and ensure that the safety standards for all RFR and WiFi devices are reviewed in light of the recent scientific findings. To do otherwise would be irresponsible. There will be enormous resistance to change from vested interests and the political establishment. This has already happened, with orchestrated campaigns against natural scientists conducting independent research on the health implications of RFR, particularly in the US. An excerpt from a recent article in The Guardian newspaper summarises the type of response to be expected from industry with respect to microwave RFR and in particular the release of the findings of the NTP study. “Central to keeping the scientific argument going is making it appear that not all scientists agree. Towards that end, and again like the tobacco and fossil-fuel industries, the wireless industry has “war-gamed” science, as a Motorola internal memo in 1994 phrased it. War-gaming science involves playing offence as well as defence – funding studies friendly to the industry while attacking studies that raise questions; placing industry-friendly experts on advisory bodies such as the World Health Organisation and seeking 17 to discredit scientists whose views differ from the industry’s.” 53 Returning to the quote at the beginning of this paper by Professor FrentzelBeyme MD, we have, as the evidence adduced herein indicates, far exceeded the “level of proof required to justify action for health protection.” The theory that non-ionizing RFR exposure could not cause cancer has been refuted using the scientific method. It is ironic, in the era of neoconservatism, neoliberalism, and the anti-environmental policies of necon cheerleader-in-chief Donald Trump, that the smoking gun should be provided by the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services. This study, as indicated above, is just the latest of many to provide the “clear evidence” required for policy and social change. The need for social change is this area is as important, and no less controversial, than that required to respond to the challenge of global warming. However, the forces resisting change to the status quo are considerable. Take for example that “Not one major news organisation in the US or Europe reported [the] scientific news [published by the NTP]. But then, news coverage of mobile phone safety has long reflected the outlook of the wireless industry.”53 In order to combat vested interests and protect children, parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, need to act to change extant social perspectives on seemingly harmless digital technologies that entertain and beguile, and which offer affordances without apparent consequences. That will be the challenge for readers of this paper. To understand that technology is not neutral—that it has negative as well as positive consequences for users and society, and that there is a dark side to the bright screen on which you may be reading this article. About the Author Professor Tom Butler is a social scientist at University College Cork. A former satellite and microwave communications engineer and IT professional, he is more than familiar with the traditional safety issues relating to microwave RFR. His Pauline conversion from the engineering perspective on RFR thermal safety occurred through research engagements with the Chief Risk Officer of a global corporation who pointed out the significant risks to children from the nonthermal effects of RFR. These discussions and related events in his personal life stimulated Professor Butler’s interest in this important topic. In a research context, Professor Butler is a former Government of Ireland Research Fellow, Principal Investigator (PI) of the Governance Risk and Compliance Technology Centre (2013- 2018), PI of the SmaRT and SamRT4Reg Commercialisation Fund Projects (2017- 2019), and Co-PI of two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Career-FIT Fellowships in Artificial Intelligence (2019-2022). With over €8.5 million in research funding on the application of digital technologies to date, he has 220 publications and 11 inventions. Tom is a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Regulatory Obstacles to Financial Innovation (ROFIEG) in the area of FinTech, a member of the Global RegTech Council, and a member of the Financial Industry Enterprise Data Management Council (EDMC). References 1 National Toxicology Programme (2018). Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Studies. _phone_radiofrequency_radiation_studies_508. pdf. 2 National Toxicology Programme (2018). High Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation Associated With Cancer in Male Rats, Telephone Press Conference, 10/31/18, 2:00 18 pm ET.

Voy a empezar a reírme de vosotros.

1-El primer documento es el mismo de siempre, con un podría, un quizás, un hay que investigar... y nada más. A lo máximo, y ya me he partadio de risa, ponéis como riesgo la mala postura en el uso del móvil... ¿qué tiene que ver eso con las ondas electromagnéticas? Por otro lado, dejáis de ver la realidad: la incidencia de tumores es tan baja que, un solo caso al año más hace que la variación (en porcentaje) sea enorme. Por tanto, no, no presenta el documento PRUEBA ALGUNA de lo que defendéis.

2- Ahora paso a la cosa sin formatear que has copiado después, para ver qué vomitan otros idiotas. Por supuesto, esa mención al "principio de precaución" en wikipedia, ni la voy a tener en cuenta, es risible que pretendáis usar la wiki como base de nada, y aún más el principio de precaución, cuando llevamos más de 100 años con telecomunicaciones, primero analógicas, y desde hace unos 20 años, digitales. SObre todo cuando YA he probado que la cantidad de energía que se recibe ahora es MENOR que la de épocas pasadas (para ello ver el resto de hilos vuestros que solo son sarama, por eso nunca ponéis nada de esos supuestos 25000 experimentos, sobre todo porque cada uno de los que ponéis no tienen nada que ver con la realidad física, o están mal hechos de base, o usan irradiancias elevadísimas, completamente ilegales).

3- Pues eso, que comienzo con las citas de supuesta documentación científica, siendo generosos:

Veamos, las medidas que indican son de "1,5 a 6 W por kg" y de "2,5 a 10 W/kg" eso NO ES MEDIDA DE NADA, pero, si queréis, lo convertimos en algo útil, comprobable.

Un ratón (más pequeño que las ratas, curioso que uséis mucha más irradiancia en los ratones) ocupa una superficie aproximada de 64 cm2 y pesa unos 20 gramos. Para rellenar un metro cuadrado necesitamos 156 ratones, que pesan 3,125 kg. Si cogemos ahora la medición empleada, que no nos dicen cual emplearon durante más tiempo, ni nada, nos da que usaron 31W/m2 de irradiancia.

ESO ES ILEGAL (ya he puesto la prueba anteriormente en el resto de hilos, no la voy a repetir ahora)

Vale, primer "estudio" refutado dentro de los límites legales.

Es más, cuando veáis el segundo mensaje mío que cito, si se hace lo mismo que en él explico, la irradiancia saldrá MUCHO más alta, porque se usará correctamente la formulación, así que mejor... mejor os calláis, estafadores.

No existe el documento, vaya fruta cosa, ¿por qué no ponéis fuentes?, es más ¿POR QUÉ MENTÍS Y NO DAIS FUENTES? (la razón está en el anterior texto: porque no tenéis nada, y solo sabéis falsificar)

Una cosa de documento de 1999, donde otra vez pretendéis usar el SAR, que no es una medida científicamente avalada porque depende de muchos elementos para poder ser validada, como la conductancia de los materiales en los que vas a estudiar el efecto de la irradiación. De todas maneras, si hacemos lo mismo de antes, estaremos igual, así que pongo este mensaje en el que se explica:

Demostración ontológica que el 5G causa los síntomas del el bichito: el sorprendente caso de los cruceros

También dejo este otro, más exacto, usando otra formulación

Demostración ontológica que el 5G causa los síntomas del el bichito: el sorprendente caso de los cruceros

COn este mensaje se trabaja la demostración de que todo lo que has copiado ES sarama, además de probar que esa cosa que llamáis SAR es eso, un método para engañar a la gente y sacarles el dinero.

Ahora, como le dije a tu compañero estafador


NO hay más que decir, quédate con tus intentos de robo a pobre gente analfabeta y, joróbate, porque no voy a dejar de llamarte por lo que eres, ESTAFADOR.

P.S: bajo el texto que tienes porque bien sabes que está hecho para que no pueda citarse (cualquier respuesta va a superar los 20000 carácteres, y en eso te vas a intentar esconder, ESTAFADOR.
Última edición:
El manipulador y sus falacias

Has leido acaso el informe del NTP de EEUU, estudiaron el 2G y el 3G y descubrieron que produce daño en el ADN en la célula. Fué un programa que duró 10 años y con un presupuesto de 30 millones de dólares.

Lo unico ilegal es tu delito de repruebo continuado, halverto
El manipulador y sus falacias

Has leido acaso el informe del NTP de EEUU, estudiaron el 2G y el 3G y descubrieron que produce daño en el ADN en la célula. Fué un programa que duró 10 años y con un presupuesto de 30 millones de dólares.

Lo unico ilegal es tu delito de repruebo continuado, halverto

Claro, claro.

Anda, pasa el informe, pasa los experimentos, que la cosa es ver la potencia que emplearon.

Porque lo que tengo claro es que, si no es radiación ionizante, no puede romper los enlaces químicos, salvo que la energía emitida sea tan alta que lo que tengamos sea un efecto térmico de campeonato.

Anda, pon más.

Ahora, zascandil, sigue con lo tuyo.

Recuerda: aún espero una medición de tu ordenador, en reposo (idle, o con poca carga) y en uso intenso.


P.S: el manipulador eres tú, que ni siquiera citas, no va a a ser que alguien se lea lo que pongo y vea que eres un puñetero mentiroso. Y, otra cosa, no llames a gente que no conoces por un nombre, quedas como un enfermo mental... bueno, eso no importa, es lo que eres.
buscalo tu que vives de eso y de postear. Yo estoy ocupado con mis estudios personales.
buscalo tu que vives de eso y de postear. Yo estoy ocupado con mis estudios personales.

Eres tú el que lo nombras, es tu argumento, es tu obligación.

Lo que pasa es que es igual de falso que todo lo que has puesto.

Anda, ESTAFADOR, pon las mediciones de tu ordenador, o sus características, que nos podamos reír de ti.