Ellen Page instrumento de adotrinamiento tavistock iluminati.


16 Jun 2011
se hace famosa con har candy que ace de vengadoa castrahombres proque son odos unos pederastas bioladores

despues sale en juno que como mujer modena se queda preñada y se desace de su ijo.el padre no iene voz ni boto, esun pagafantas que dice qe si a tdo lo que qiera la protaganisa.

i aora dice que es lesbiana y qe siempre lo ah sido.

primero bende la idea d eque los ombes son bioladores, luego qe no cuentan para nada y aora que lo mejor es comerse la halmeja entre mjueres.

soy el unico que ve esta progesion?


16 Jun 2011
mas pruebas


---------- Post added 19-mar-2014 at 08:29 ----------

MK Culture: April 2011

In 2009 actress Drew Barrymore made her directorial debut with the film Whip It. Drew Barrymore began her career in the film Altered States which is about John C. Lilly sensory deprivation research which includes drugs such as LSD. These same methods were used in Project MKUlra and it's offshoot Project Monarch. Since then Drew has become yet another actress that has exemplified and has been associated with themes common in Monarch slaves. Check out my Facebook photo album for examples of Drew's Monarch symbolism and check out my Youtube channel for more info on Monarch symbolism in entertainment.

The film Whip It stars Ellen Page who I first covered in my post Lolita's Candy for her starring role in the film Hard Candy. In the film Ellen's character seems to reference Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood has long been suspected of being a thinly veiled story about sensual abuse. In chapter 4B of The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave, Little Red Riding Hood is identified as a programming tool used for slaves when they are being hunted.

Ellen Page also starred in the film Juno where she played a teenage mother. The title Juno is interesting considering there is a Roman goddess named Juno. Ellen also plays a mother in the film evening out the Mother Goddess theme.

The film Whip It is about a teenage girl who takes an interest in roller derby. The number 22 plays an important role in the film. First of all, Ellen's character has to lie about her age in order to join the team the Holy Rollers and chooses the age 22. Secondly she is number 22 on the team and the number is easily identifiable on her uniform throughout the film.

In the "Occult" (really gotta find a new word) the number 22 is considered a power number (consider this when you are paying attention to dates of significant events) along with 11 (mmhmm) and 33. These are numbers that cannot be reduced to a single digit. This fits right in with the theme of the film as the lead character is finding her power by breaking away from her parents dreams of her future and finding her own path.
Some of you may have noticed the inverted pentagram in the photo above and thought you were "reaching" but you weren't. The pentagram is shown numerous times in the film. As I watched I had to laugh at some of the scenarios in was shown in.
Ellen conveniently stopped right in front of the camera many times to show off her pentagram. The inverted Pentagram represents battles and association with the physical realm (as opposed to the spiritual). This fits right in with the film as Ellen's character battles her insecurities and relationships in order to claim her power. The inverted Pentagram is also the sigil for the Baphomet and can be seen in the music video for Wiz Khalifa's material (physical) obsessed anthem "Black and Yellow". Oh and check out the 12 on the shirt of the guy in the background.

Speaking of the guy in the background, his character is named Leo. Leo represents the lion which represents the sun God.
Check out Leo next to "Eve" and yet another inverted pentagram on Drew Barrymore's hat as she complains about something trivial (physical).


Será en Octubre
1 Abr 2013
Pero Ellen Page es una actriz que ha quedado profesionalmente muy estancada tras Juno y que no tiene apenas resonancia mediática.Me parece que no pasa de comparsa en el star system de Jewllywood.


7 Dic 2011
como encaja su papel en los xmen segun tu teoria?


1 Abr 2011
Un documento ciertamente estremecedor....

Baltasar G thang

Será en Octubre
20 Ene 2009
hombre, con el tamaño que tiene y la cara de protocharo que clase de pelis querias que hiciera mang, ¿una en plan instinto basico? ¿te la imaginas subida a un coche deportivo montada al lado de stan collymore mientras le hace un dedo? no es realista, se mataria en la primera kurwa porque no ve por encima del salpicadero, ¿o una en plan la teniente oneal? te la imaginas diciendole al autentico varon dandy que es el señor don vigo mortensen la mitica frase de "chupeme la berenjena" despues de haberle roto la cara? eso es inviable totalmente, o a lo mejor, ¿hacer de xena? la parte del lesbianismo y de hacer la tijera ahi lo clava, pero imaginatela levantando una espada... ni una espada corta romana levanta ese gnomo de tia

o sacarla de novia del acondroplásico de juego de tronos, porque pa mucho mas no da, ten en cuenta que debe de medir metro veinte o algo asi y apuesto a que no la dejan ni subirse a los coches de choque, y ademas tiene mirada de ministra, no hay muchos papeles que encajen ahi. Yo veo mas papeles de orate en el futuro, no necesariamente castrapenes, lo de los penes no es una maniobra iluminati, con la altura que tiene es el primer sitio donde te puede dar, es pura fisica :p, y tb papeles raros de peliculas romanticas en las que necesariamente va a tener un novio no ya beta, sino un "novio cera", michael cera, que viene a ser 10 peldaños por debajo del beta