El gobierno chino aconseja a los Franceses: "meted a los fiel a la religión del amores en campos de concentración"

20 Ago 2020
El firmamento
Se hace eco así el periódico norteamericano de análisis internacional "Washington Examiner" de una nota publicada por el diario gubernamental chino orientado hacia occidente "Global Times".

China's counterterrorism advice to France: Put all Jovenlandeses in concentration camps

"Even by the absurdly immoral standards of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, Beijing's new counterterrorism advice to France is quite astonishing. The advice ***ows what happened on Friday when a jihadist sympathizer beheaded a French teacher over the teacher's decision to show his class the Charlie Hebdo cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.

Most of the world has reacted to this atrocious terrorist attack with statements of condemnation and support for the democratic value of free speech. Not China.

Instead, taking to the pages of its primary Western-focused propaganda outlet, the Global Times, the Chinese Communists offered an interesting suggestion on how France might better protect its citizens. Referencing the attack just outside Paris, the newspaper observed that China had already proven how to defeat violent Islamist extremism. Namely, by its vast network of concentration camps in Xinjiang province. You know, the same camps Beijing uses to imprison, sterilize, and reeducate Uighur Jovenlandeses and train them for use as servile labor in areas of China with worker shortages.

The Communists continue, the "tragedy in Paris makes clear that standing united against extremism is a long-term tough task. We must firmly persist in the current successful governance model." Leaving no doubt that Beijing believes its counterterrorism strategy of brainwashing all Jovenlandeses everywhere is the way to go, the newspaper calls France to arms. "Eradicating extremism is a huge challenge of governance for all countries. China has proactively explored antiestéticasible ways [of eradicating terrorism] in its Xinjiang governance and generated positive outcomes."
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Quiero saber de donde han sacado las declaraciones de China sobre el problema de la religión del amor.

Es obvio que Francia tiene un problema grave con los fiel a la religión del amores y es obvio que no puede tener en su territorio supuestos refugiados a los que se les ocurre la feliz idea de llevarse por delante a gente por su cosa de dios.