El FBI intentó que la Maxwell acusara a Trump


21 Sep 2007
Somewhere under the rainbow
El otro día se hicieron públicos los archivos de un juicio por difamación en el que estaba implicada Ghislaine Maxwell. En él aparecieron varios nombres conocidos de gentes que iban a la isla de las orgías que tenía Epstein: Clinton, el príncipe Andrew...

Some of the prominent figures included in the claims are Britain’s Prince Andrew and former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D), who have both denied accusations of misconduct.

Giuffre also told prosecutors that former President Bill Clinton Epstein’s private Caribbean island, where “orgies were a constant thing that took place.” Clinton has previously denied ever going to Epstein’s island.

El que no aparece es Donald Trump a pesar que el FBI intentó en el interrogatorio que la Maxwll lo mencionara como parte de las fiestas y orgías:


Evidence Shows FBI Tried To Tie President Trump To Epstein Case But With No Success – Right Journalism

Según parece, Trump, que se llevaba bien con Epstein, lo echó de sus hoteles después de que este atacara a una chica

“Trump allegedly banned Epstein from his Maralago Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted a girl at the club,” according to the papers, filed in the Sunshine State as part of an ongoing legal battle between Epstein and Bradley Edwards, who represented many of Epstein’s underage accusers in civil suits against him.

Trump barred Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago over sex assault: court docs

Otra fuentes dicen que el enfado viene de una propiedad por la que competían los dos. Y que dos semanas después de la pelea, "alguien" se chivó de que Epstein se percutía chavalitas...

Trump and Epstein's friendship reportedly soured after they fought over a $41 million Palm Beach mansion. 2 weeks after the home's auction, cops received a tip about underage women at Epstein's house.