EEUU al borde de la LEY MARCIAL!!

Brit police train for riot scenarios

En Gran Bretaña no andan muy a la zaga y se estan preparando para posibles disturbios civiles. El desenlace se acerca cada vez mas rapidamente.

Police train for riot scenarios

The training gives officers experience of real-life situations
Police officers from forces across the South West are to receive training to prepare them for riots.

Police horses, dogs and a helicopter will be used to add realism during the two-day courses at Moreton-in-Marsh Fire College, Gloucestershire.

Some officers will take on the role of hostile crowds in real-life scenarios such as raves, demonstrations and disorder at football matches.

Missiles and petrol bombs will be thrown as part of the training.

Officers attending the training will come from Gloucestershire; Dorset; Wiltshire; Avon & Somerset; and Devon & Cornwall Constabularies.

Inspector Mac McGarry, of Gloucestershire Constabulary Operational Services, said: "These are very important and impactive sessions because it is essential all officers allocated to the Public Disorder Unit experience the sort of difficulties they will encounter in real-life situations.

"It also gives us the chance to test the command structure we have in place and the inter-operability with other forces."

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Gloucestershire | Police train for riot scenarios
Segun un periodista norteamericano con contactos en el FEMA se estan preparando para la ley marcial ante 2 posibles escenarios.

1. Conflicto belico con los paises poseedores de la deuda americana debido a que el gobierno de EEUU la cancele unilateralmente.

2. Disturbios internos al subir los impuestos para saldar la deuda con dichos paises.

FEMA sources confirm coming martial law

Wayne Madsen
October 8, 2008

WMR has learned from knowledgeable Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sources that the Bush administration is putting the final touches on a plan that would see martial law declared in the United States with various scenarios anticipated as triggers. The triggers include a continuing economic collapse with massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country.

In addition, Army Corps of Engineer sources report that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team (BCT) to the Northern Command’s U.S. Army North is to augment FEMA and federal law enforcement in the imposition of traffic controls, crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared. The BCT was assigned to duties in Iraq before being assigned to the Northern Command.

On April 3, 2008, WMR reported on a highly-classified document regarding the martial law scenario: WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources within the US financial community that an alarming confidential and limited distribution document is circulating among senior members of Congress and their senior staff members that is warning of a bleak future for the United States if it does not quickly get its financial house in order. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is among those who have reportedly read the ********** The document is being called the "C & R" document because it reportedly states that if the United States defaults on loans and debt underwriting from China, Japan, and Russia, all of which are propping up the United States government financially, and the United States unilaterally cancels the debts, America can expect a war that will have disastrous results for the United States and the world. "Conflict" is the "C word" in the ********** The other scenario is that the federal government will be forced to drastically raise taxes in order to pay off debts to foreign countries to the point that the American people will react with a popular revolution against the government. "Revolution" is the document’s "R word.

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
FEMA sources confirm coming martial law, says Wayne Madsen
October 8th, 2008 | Breaking News, Constitutional Crisis, Martial Law

By: George @ 6:09 PM - EST

Wayne Madsen a Washington based investigative journalist, author, columnist and former U.S. Naval Officer reported on April 3rd, 2008 the existence of a document called the “C & R” document is being passed around among senior members of Congress and their staff.

Bush planning martial law

FEMA sources have told Madsen today that the Bush administration is putting final touches on a plan that would initiate martial law in the event of continuing economic collapse causing massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country.

Troops on American streets

In addition to FEMA sources, Army Corps of Engineer sources report that the assignment of the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade to NorthCom to augment FEMA and federal law enforcement for the purpose of traffic control, crowd control, curfews, enhanced border and port security, and neighborhood patrols in the event a national emergency being declared.

America may default on it’s loans

The “C & R” document reportedly states that if the United States defaults on loans and debt underwritten from China, Japan and Russia and America unilaterally cancels the debts, America can expect a war that will have disastrous results for the United States and the world.

“Conflict” is the “C word” in the **********

Washington antiestéticars a popular Revolution

The other possibility discussed in the document is that the federal government will be forced to drastically raise taxes in order to pay off debts to foreign countries to the point that the American people will react with a popular revolution against the government.

“Revolution” is the document’s “R” word.

Updated: @ 11:48 PM - EST

Wayne Madsen reported the existence of the “C & R” document on April 3rd, 2008. The new information is the contingency plan being finalized by the Bush administration to initiate Continuity of Government by suspending The Constitution and declaring martial law in the event of a “crisis.”

Assigning the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division to NorthCom is a step toward implementation of the “Conflict & Revolution” **********

FEMA sources confirm coming Martial Law, says Wayne Madsen | Daily Newscaster
Bien aqui tenemos hablando a la CNN de la demolicion controlada de la economia y de una futura ley marcial si la cosa va a peor lo cual parece que sera asi. Es importante acordarse que en la historia nada sucede por casualidad, todo esta planificado.

Glenn Beck Highlights Threat Of Martial Law amowing Economic Crisis

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Oct 14, 2008

Like him or loathe him, last night CNN’s Glenn Beck became the only mainstream media source thus far to address on national TV the reality of the situation Americans are facing with the manufactured financial implosion - the direct threat of domestic martial law and a global financial dictatorship.

Beck’s guest, Peter Schiff, respected author of "Crash Proof" and president of the brokerage firm Euro Pacific Capital, joined him in outlining that martial law, the use of armed troops on the streets to quell dissent, is a real possibility should the economic crisis not improve or worsen to the point where civil unrest is fomented.

The amowing exchange between Beck and Schiff, who was also economic adviser to Ron Paul during his presidential campaign, is from the CNN tran****** of last night’s show:

SCHIFF: You know, what`s going to happen, of course, is as inflation starts running out of control and prices start going through the roof, the government again is going to focus on the symptoms and not the disease.

And they`re going to impose price controls on energy, on food, on a lot of other things that are vital, which means shortages, which means long lines, black markets, civil unrest. All this stuff is coming if we don`t stop. [...]

BECK: Peter, let`s talk a little bit about martial law. Why would that even be a consideration?

SCHIFF: Well, I don`t think it was a threat if they had rejected the bailout Bill, but I think it is a possibility a few years down the line. We just spoke a little bit about price controls and the effect that they`re going to have.

If we have shortages of food, if we have rolling blackouts. And people are upset, and they`re hungry, and they`re cold, there could be civil unrest. There could be looting, rioting, and that might be the impetus for the government to declare martial law.

BECK: You know, I don`t think you`re a couple of years away from something like that. I miccionan, honestly, Peter, I miccionan, look at what`s happening. In a half hour, I`ve got a congressman on about — about the racism cries. I miccionan, there are people that are right now so disenfranchised, and I think being encouraged to be disenfranchised on both sides, that at any time this damn thing could break apart.

SCHIFF: Yes. And we`re giving the government so much power. And you know, you give up a lot more civil liberties. When you have martial law and you`ve got the military policing our streets, when you`ve got suspension of habeas corpus, you`ve got curfews, you can`t be out of your house after dark, and they can just pick you up and put you in prison and keep you there indefinitely without charges, and there`s nothing you can do about it?

I miccionan, we`re giving up one liberty after another, all to protect ourselves from this economic crisis, which needs to happen anyway, but it doesn`t need to be nearly this bad.

BECK: Peter, this is — I miccionan, we`re in Crazytown, USA. But my gut tells me that, two years down the road — let`s just use that number — this country is not going to look anything like it does today. Our world has changed; it just hasn`t caught up.

During the ten minute segment, Beck and Schiff also pointed out that America is headed for Weimar Republic style hyperinflation at the hands of global bankers, stated that the financial implosion has been manufactured by design, warned that the Treasury has been given dictatorial powers and raised the question of whether the end game is a one world currency and one world financial governance.

Beck also played the now infamous clip of Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman from October 2nd stating that several members of Congress were threatened before the bailout vote that martial law would be instigated in America if the legislation was not passed.

Watch the entire segment below:

Though Beck was unable to bring Rep. Sherman on to his show, the Congressman did appear exclusively on the Alex Jones show on October 3rd to discuss the threat of martial law. Peter Schiff also appeared on the Alex Jones show recently to discuss this important issue.

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Claro, por eso siguen mandando los romanos.

Con la diferencia que hoy el poder de los que de verdad manejan el mundo es infinitamente superior al que pudieran tener los emperadores romanos, y creo que tu mismo sufres la manipulacion de su arma mas potente, la TELEVISION.
Incertidumbre económica y política aumenta compras de armas

• En 1994 hubo un aumento sustancial de ventas de armas cuando el presidente Clinton promovió una prohibición de rifles semiautomáticos de estilo militar

La incertidumbre económica y política en Estados Unidos ha incrementado entre un 8 y un 10 por ciento la venta de armas de fuego, informó el diario The Washington Post.

“Muchos vendedores y compradores de armas, y expertos en el negocio atribuyen el incremento en parte a las preocupaciones por la economía”, señaló el artículo.

Otro motivo de preocupación, según el Post, es que si el senador demócrata Barack Obama, de Illinois, gana la elección y ésta da una mayoría a los demócratas en el Congreso, habrá más leyes que restrinjan la posesión de armas por parte de los ciudadanos.

“La gente a menudo compra armas porque tiene preocupaciones acerca de su seguridad personal o acerca de las acciones del gobierno que limiten el acceso a las armas de fuego”, según Gary Kleck, investigador en el Colegio de Criminología y Justicia Criminal de la Universidad estatal de Florida, citado por el Post.

En 1994 hubo un aumento sustancial de ventas de armas cuando el presidente Bill Clinton promovió una prohibición de la tenencia de rifles semiautomáticos de estilo militar.

Y también hubo incrementos de las ventas de armas de fuego después de los disturbios de 1992 en Los Ángeles (California), y del desorden civil en Nueva Orleáns (Louisiana) tras el huracán “Katrina” en 2005.

En EEUU casi el 49 por ciento de los hogares tiene por lo menos un arma de fuego, y el 31 por ciento de los adultos -esto es unos 59 millones de personas- posee al menos una de tales armas.

El Post citó a Bob Leyshion, de 55 años, quien recientemente visitó una armería en Manassas, Virginia, y opinó que “la gente se prepara ahora para un desastre”.

“El arma es un seguro”, añadió Leyshion. “Con la quiebra del mercado de valores, la gente sin empleo y los pagapensiones indocumentados que hay en esta área, la probabilidad de disturbios es muy alta”.

El diario citó informes de la industria de armas y de las agencias policiales que indican que entre enero y fin de septiembre de este año han habido 8,4 millones de consultas de antecedentes -un trámite necesario para la adquisición de un arma de fuego- comparado con 7,7 millones en el período similar de 2007.

Los datos de impuestos federales muestran que las recaudaciones de tributos sobre las armas de fuego han sido en lo que va del año un 10 por ciento más altas que entre enero y septiembre del año pasado.
Diario Las Americas - Incertidumbre económica y política aumenta compras de armas
Prevision de tendencias de Gerald Celente un respetado analista estadounidense que preve disturbios en USA como los que han empezado aqui en Grecia de momento...
Lo peor es que en USA los campos de concentracion que ya hay contruidos estan gestionados por las nuevas SS, Blackwater y KBR. Miedo me daria estar en el pellejo de los yankis.

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 15, 2008

Frighteningly accurate trends forecaster Gerald Celente says that America will see riots similar to those currently ongoing in Greece and that the cause will be a hyper-inflationary depression, leading to the inevitable use of troops and mercenaries to deal with the crisis as Americans are incarcerated in internment camps.​
<table width="416" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td height="16">
</td> <td width="16">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="400">
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="8">
</td> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="photo-caption" valign="top" width="400" align="left">Celente said that the troops now being brought back to America for “domestic security” would be used to suppress the riots.</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td height="8">
</td> </tr></tbody></table> As we have highlighted before, Celente’s accuracy is stunning - he predicted the 1987 crash, the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the “panic of 2008,” and is routinely cited even by mainstream news networks as highly credible.
The cause of the riots would be a hyper-inflationary depression, Celente told interviewer Lew Rockwell, causing Americans to revolt in similar circumstances that we have witnessed recently in Iceland and Greece. The trouble would be sparked off by Obama declaring a “bank holiday” whereby people won’t be able to withdraw their money.​
“What’s going on in Greece with these riots has nothing to do with a 15-year-old boy being killed, that was only the spark that ignited the pent up, really hatred and disdain, people have for the scandals and corrupt government and the same thing is going on in this country as well,” said Celente.​
Celente reiterated his prediction of a revolution and riots in America, and said that the first signs of it could even emerge before the end of the year.​
Celente said that the troops now being brought back to America for “domestic security” would be used to suppress the riots.​
“There’s talk of opening all these detention centers and hiring the goon squads, the Blackwaters to run them, so these are realities going on as we speak,” said Celente, adding that the Halliburton subsidiary KBR had been awarded a half a billion dollar contract to build “national emergency” internment camps in the name of detaining illegal immigrants but that they would be used to hold rioting Americans.
“We’re really in a period of ‘off with their heads’ and its going to be the people against the politicians,” said Celente.​
Celente said that a breakup of the United States was possible and that the secessionist movement was strong.​
“The government owns and runs the largest mortgage company, owns the largest insurance company, they’re going to be owning a piece of the oil industry, so it’s a fight against a totalitarian government…so there’s going to be rebellions and things will change for the better if we break up these criminal governments that are in place now,” said Celente.​
The forecaster added that the government was killing people for a false reason in Iraq and robbing people blind with the bailouts at home.​
Listen to the interview here.​
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

Creo que de todo -y más de estos temas- hay que intentar hablar con la mayor prudencia posible, y se trate de lo que se trate ser capaz de entender la argumentación del otro y alguna vez, cambiar de opinión, estemos hablando de burbu,politica o lo que sea, pero de esto más. De la mofa y el insulto ya ni hablo.

Lo digo porque en éste y otros hilos con a (tamboresIII,no + apocalip, etc etc) Cada vez veo menos intervenciones de muchísimos foreros que está claro que simples no son, pero llevan años ridiculizando a los agoreros,y me gustaría saber si siguen pensando igual.

Más que nada por ver qué posibilidades reales hay de que mucha gente se entere de qué va la pelicula y como apuntaban algunos foreros evitarlo

Subo un documento imprescindible en cualquiera de estos hilos,la Presidencial Directive 51. sacado de la web de la casa blanca, de sep.2007, ahí va una perla:


(2) In this directive:
(b) "Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, ECONOMY, or government ********s;

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
Cuando el ejército reemplaza de sus tareas a la policía....mal asunto. De momento están empezando con los controles de alcoholemia.

Domestic Militarization Comes to San Bernardino County

The Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Provost Marshal (head of a unit of military police) and the local California Highway Patrol office will begin working together 12/12 — and through the holiday season — in a joint effort to reduce accidents and drinking and driving. The combined mutual cooperation between the Marine Corps Military Police and State enforcement officers will begin somewhere along Highway 62. The CHP will set up DUI roadblocks with the presence of Military Police. A violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

Gary Daigneault discussed the ramifications of this joint effort today on his 107.7 F.M. Talk Back show. Mr. Daigneault and his callers seemed to be very concerned. On its face, one may think this is a good idea. But it’s not. I agree with Mr. Daigneault and his callers. Most of which seemed to think this is a very bad idea. Mr. Daigneault contacted a Constitutional Law expert, and the attorney informed him this is absolutely unconstitutional. It’s NOT permitted under the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 8 U.S.C. § 1385. It’s my understanding that the Constitutional Law expert said CHP officers could be arrested out there working with the Military Police because it’s a “felony.”

Democracy depends upon abiding by the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, I challenge anyone to go out there and put a citizens arrest of the CHP officers, then call 9-1-1 and have a sheriff come out and take charge of your prisoner. Just kidding, of course, but a very brazen citizen legally could attempt to such a thing. But don’t even think about it.

Many of his callers vocalized that this joint effort or mutual cooperation between the military and the CHP is going to be very intimidating. They (as I) are very concerned the CHP is going through with this action. It’s not really clear what the specific role of the Military Police will be… To assist; to observe; to train; to make a strong military presence; to take charge of military offenders detained by the CHP? Nonetheless, whatever, it’s unconstitutional; it’s a felony. I contacted the Morongo CHP office.* The dispatcher said the program will be in effect tonight. When I asked here were it was going to be, she said call back tonight after 7:00 P.M. But I politely protested, these DUI check stops are public. She said I have to speak with CHP Public Affairs officer after seven.* A call to the CHP Public Affairs Officer’s number* after seven got a recorded message to call from 9-5 during business hours. Query: why wasn’t I told that?

By the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 20 Stat. 152, 18 U.S.C. § 1385, it was provided that “it shall NOT (emphasis added) be lawful to employ any part of the Army of the United States, as a posse comitatus, or otherwise, for the purpose of executing the laws, except in such cases and under such circumstances as such employment of said force may be expressly authorized by the Constitution or by act of Congress… .” The effect of this prohibition, however, was largely nullified by a ruling of the Attorney General “that by Revised Statutes 5298 and 5300 [10 U.S.C. §§ 332, 334] the military forces, under the direction of the President, could be used to assist a marshal. 16 Ops. Atty. Gen. 162.” B. RICH, THE PRESIDENTS AND CIVIL DISORDER 196 n.21 (1941).

Okay, as far as I know the President has not given direction to the local CHP to deploy the USMC on public roads in order to setup a military presence during routine DUI check stops in the Basin. It’s not allowed. Whoever came up with plan in the CHP in my opinion is abusing their powers. Where is the public necessity or authority to do this? There is none — unless the Commander in Chief made the call. It’s also my opinion, the CHP has made a very bad choice in their joint venture with the Marine Corps. Though I have intrinsic belief that the CHP has the very best of intentions, however, good intentions does not override the U.S. Constitution.

I know the Marine Corps has the best of intentions too. But the best of intentions is not cause to trump the Constitution.

Late this afternoon, I spoke with the Provost Marshal office, Corporal Knuesn. He indicated this may happen. I then spoke with the MCAGCC Public Affairs Chief, Gunny Sgt. Chris Cox.** He was very cooperative and informative about the mutual efforts of the Military Police and the CHP: “They will be working closely over the month to cut down of traffic accidents,” he said, “the Military Police will observe DUI check points and watch for their own guys. The intent is to have Military Presence out there.”

Gunny Cox explains that Hwy. 62 is one of the most dangerous highways out here. No doubt it is.

The Public Affairs Chief also explained, “they will not participate [assist the CHP] because they are not concerned [lack of jurisdiction] with California law.” I must say, Gunny Sgt. Cox is one extremely nice guy. And his good intentions — to save his guys from injuries or worse — was certainly manifested. May good fortune be with this Marine.

It’s little encroachments like this that undermine the Constitution. Then one day you wake up, and it gone. [See Franklin quote, infra-]. I can see numerous scenarios during those DUI check stops. To name a few: The Military Police go to the aid of the CHP to take down a civilian bad guy. A drunken teen. Unruly tweakers. Will the Military Police be armed? Do they have any sort orders of engagements?

* ** The bottom line: I urge anyone and everyone who believes in the Constitution, United States Codes, and Posse Comitatus — to do something! What can you do? To begin with, I suggest you contact the local Joshua Tree CHP Public Affairs Officer, Officer McLoud, at: 760. 366.3707 and voice your concern. Further, you can contact the MCAGCC Public Affairs Chief on the base at: 760.830.5476 or 760. 830.6213. Moreover, contact the Provost Marshal office at: 760.830.4215.

Voice your concerns. That’s just a start. Contact state officials and legislatures. Write letters to the editor.

Thank you, Branson Hunter

“What type of government,” a woman asks, “have you given us?” To which Benjamin Franklin replies: ” A democratic Republic, madam, if you can keep it.” — “Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Walter Isaacson (2003)

Domestic Militarization Comes to San Bernardino County Big Bear Observation Post
Algunos consideran que ya existe en cierto modo una ley marcial...

"En la opinión de algunos luchadores por las libertades civiles, ya existe en EEUU una forma de ley marcial que ha sido impuesta poco después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre, cuando Bush emitió la Military Order Number One (Orden Militar Número Uno), que lo autorizó para detener a cualquiera que no fuera ciudadano de EEUU como terrorista internacional o combatiente enemigo. Hoy esa orden también está extendida contra los ciudadanos de EEUU."
La administración Bush construye cárceles políticas en EEUU [Voltaire]

Y no habra ley marcial, pero...
¿alguien sabe algo de los 30.125 ciudadanos americanos detenidos entre 2005 y 2006?
Operacion Falcon, Operación FALCON: Con redadas policiales nacionales masivas, Bush acumula poder para habilitarse como dictador [Voltaire] (hay actualizaciones del articulo)

...Con todo, menos del 10% del total de 30.150 detenidos resultaron sospechosos de delitos sensuales y menos de 2% poseía armas de fuego. La prensa nunca preguntó «¿quiénes eran los otros?»
Y hasta la fecha, la oficina del US Marshals Service no ha difundido ninguna declaración pública aclarando si han procesado o han liberado a la gente arrestada en la Operación FALCÓN.
-¿sigue siendo asi? lo tengo que traducir y comprobar: Operation FALCON II
...El US Marshals Service todavía(16.abr.2008) no da a conocer los nombres de la gente arrestada en estas redadas masivas ni de qué crímenes fueron acusados. No tenemos ninguna manera de saber si [estos ciudadanos] fueron sometidos a un debido proceso conforme a la ley, dónde están ahora, o si fueron abusados mientras estuvieron en custodia

...En su gran mayoría, los grandes medios ignoraron totalmente a FALCON. En efecto, estos barridos extraordinarios de las policías de los estados no merecieron siguiera un editorial o algún centímetro-columna pulgada de comentario de ningún periodista del país.

...La última Operación FALCON fue realizada el 28 de octubre de 2006. Desde entonces, el proyecto se ha puesto en «congelación», probablemente hasta un momento en el futuro en que será reactivado por decreto presidencial. Ya se establecieron precedentes para que las agencias de aplicación de ley a través de la nación asuman el control cuando llegue el momento en que el ejecutivo les avise.
-o sea que ya tienen el como.

Si hay otro ataque terrorista dentro de EEUU, o brota una epidemia, o aparece un desastre natural en la escala del huracán Katrina, podemos contar con que el presidente Bush(-ahora Obama,...bueno...¿que dia asume el cargo?) consolide su poder asumiendo el control directo sobre todas las variadas agencias de policía federales, estadales y locales del país. Eventualmente, veremos que FALCON fue organizado con ese mismo propósito en mente.

...Una redada más reciente y menos publicada se hizo el 7 de marzo de 2007 en Baltimore, con la detención de cerca de 200 fugitivos. Esta redada recibió solamente la atención de los medios locales

PD: ¿nos afectara? ¿no nos afectara? no lo se, pero...

"Actualmente servicios secretos extranjeros pueden vigilar a cualquier ciudadano europeo en su propio país, puede ser calificado de “combatiente enemigo”, ser entregado a torturadores de la CIA y ser juzgado por comisiones militares estadounidenses. : Jean-Claude Paye: «Las leyes antiterroristas. Un acto constitutivo del Imperio» [Voltaire]
[y esperad a que este aprobado el tratado de lisboa,(pariot act a escondidas)...., si si, ese tratado (constitucion europea que prevalece a la española) que no nos han dejado votar]
Lo digo porque en éste y otros hilos con a (tamboresIII,no + apocalip, etc etc) Cada vez veo menos intervenciones de muchísimos foreros que está claro que simples no son, pero llevan años ridiculizando a los agoreros,y me gustaría saber si siguen pensando igual.

Más que nada por ver qué posibilidades reales hay de que mucha gente se entere de qué va la pelicula y como apuntaban algunos foreros evitarlo

Por mi parte el objetivo dando este tipo de informaciones es que se cree la masa critica necesaria para que cosas como estas no sucedan pero el problema es que para entender lo que va a suceder en los proximos años la gente tendria que cambiar el peradigma y romper con todo lo que damos por bueno y correcto.
A dia de hoy lo veo dificil, la gente o no quiere saber o prefiere olvidarlo, es decir el control mental al que hemos sido sometidos por años ha funcionado pero que muy bien.

Respecto a los foreros que ridiculizan este tipo de hilos pues se tendran que comer sus palabras aunque jamas admitiran su estrechez de miras.
"A dia de hoy lo veo dificil, la gente o no quiere saber o prefiere olvidarlo, es decir el control mental al que hemos sido sometidos por años ha funcionado pero que muy bien."

Estoy de acuerdo, por eso, para mí es clave en todo esto el 11-S.

Me explico, estamos tan intoxicados por años de manipulación, que si conseguimos hacer ver a la gente que todo un gobierno democrático como el de USA se implicó en un autoatentado de esas dimensiones sólo por poner en marcha una determinada politica exterior, habremos dado el primer paso.

No sé en cual de los muchos documentales que he visto sobre el tema, creo que fue en "In planes sites" alguien decía que mentalmente nos cuesta mucho aceptar un hecho como este, que nos bloqueamos e intentamos negarlo para no complicarnos la existencia.

Sin embargo, cada día veo menos intervenciones, y mucho más espaciadas en el tiempo, de esas personas que ridiculizaban a los foreros que en los últimos años y en varios hilos de este foro han intentado remover estos temas.

Creo que algo está cambiando, yo lo percibo así en mi entorno.
Weapons Confiscation in Wisconsin

(copied from received email 12/12/08)

Update - Despite us hearing of a court postponement
it seems now (12/15/08) the Tuesday 16th Dec date is still on.

If someone disagreed with you about an article or story you published and then complained to the police who came into your business and arrested you for disorderly conduct, would that incident be newsworthy?

What if the police arrested you for disorderly conduct while you were exercising any other constitutionally protected right because someone did not want you to exercise your right? Would you want to tell the people of Wisconsin how fragile it is to exercise their rights?

Once arrested, do you think an employer or all your friends and neighbors would understand or would some of them want to maintain more distance with you? Unfortunately, being arrested is the same thing as being found guilty to many people in the court of public opinion. The police don’t arrest innocent people just for exercising a constitutionally protected right after all. That would be outrageous.

Or do they?

Please come (or send a reporter) to the West Allis City Courthouse on Tuesday December 16th at 8 am when this question will be answered in court.

On August 22, Brad Krause was planting trees in his yard, at least until police stormed his residence and arrested him. It turns out they received a call from a man who said he didn't appreciate that Brad carried a gun, and wanted something done about it.

The West Allis police department sent two squads to investigate, and found Brad in his yard, minding his own business planting trees. From behind him, police rushed him, yelling, "Don't move!" while bearing down on him with their weapons drawn.

They shortly discovered Brad had no criminal record and was lawfully openly carrying on his own property, but instead of releasing him and returning his weapon, they tried to figure out how to arrest him. A call to the supervising lieutenant provided the answer: claim his action of carrying a weapon is disorderly conduct, and haul him down to the station. His firearm was taken away from him without a receipt, and it has not been returned. The police have effectively banned his exercise of his right by disarming him.

The fact is that Wis. Stat. § 941.23 does not ban or prohibit the lawful carrying of firearms by citizens. By enacting the law, the legislature intended to force citizens to openly carry their firearms while in public, which is what Mr. Krause was lawfully doing (additionally, he was on his own property).

Mr. Krause is self employed as a property manager and this action by the City of West Allis has cost him long term business relationships. The police had him standing in handcuffs on his own property for 45 minutes with squad cars parked in front of his residence while they tried to figure out a way to arrest him. Fortunately, Mr. Krause had taken a friends advice and he had a voice recorder with him and the entire incident was recorded and it has been transcribed.

Civil rights are very important – all of them – which is why they are protected from governmental actions just like this. The media would be all over this story if a voter had been wrongly arrested while waiting in line to vote, or a worshipper had been arrested while attempting to enter their place of worship, or a reporter was arrested while writing an article.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has said an otherwise reasonable exercise of police power cannot be invoked in a way that "eviscerates," "destroys," "frustrates," or "nullifies" the constitutional right to bear arms, yet that is exactly what is being done by law enforcement departments all over Wisconsin today. In Wisconsin, constitutional rights do not expand the police power; they restrict the police power. See Buse v. Smith, 74 Wis. 2d 550, 564, 247 N.W.2d 141 (1976); see also Robert Dowlut & Janet A. Knoop, State Constitutions and The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 7 Okla. City U. L. Rev 177, 185 (1982) (describing the general application of this principle).That is why this is such an important matter and I am asking for you to publically expose this unlawful use of police power.

Weapons confiscation in Wisconsin

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America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership.
