Disney aprendiendo del Cine español: Sospechan que Disney se AUTOCOMPRA ENTRADAS para Capitana Marvel y Star Wars


Será en Octubre
14 May 2010
El cine expañol lleva al menos desde los años 80 autocomprándose entradas, como ya referencié:

Medios: - El CINE ESPAÑOL es completamente ARTIFICIAL y PARASITARIO (vive de privilegios estatales) desde al m

Se le llama a esto "la rueda", Sirve para llegar a las "cuotas de pantalla" que permiten acceder a las subvenciones. Salió hasta en El País:

Respecto a problemas peridientes, como el fraude del control de taquilla...

El catalán Salomon Shang llevó este sistema a sus últimas consecuencias: Hacía sus películas (que nadie quería ver) y decía proyectarlas en sus propios cines (vacíos). Así consiguió obtener cientos de miles de euros en subvenciones, simulando que había vendio entradas:

salomon shang - Buscar con Google


***owing Captain Marvel, Disney is again being suspected of buying tickets for Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker in attempts to promote the movie.
Jeremy suggests this is a case of FOMO (antiestéticar of missing out) and that Disney could be buying Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker tickets in order to get people to think they have to see the movie.

"That's what this is. It's manufactured antiestéticar of missing out," the YouTuber says as he points out only certain seats in theaters are not being sold, which suggests a pattern. "They're buying out basically everything but the edges... Every single showing has the exact same tickets missing."
Jeremy also points out that it is strange that the hardcore Star Wars fans aren't buying the seats at the edges and that it is weird the front row is sold out prior to the seats on the edges at the back of the theater.
"You would expect, given normal human behavior, that seats C4 and C3 would absolutely have sold before anything in these front rows," Jeremy says. "This is not a normal ticket distribution in my opinion. This looks suspect. You would not have sold out the entire first row before you sold out these other rows. So is Disney buying tickets to get those headlines going for opening week? It's possible."
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker tickets
Disney falsely buying tickets for Captain Marvel, others?
Regarding Captain Marvel, many people took to social media to show empty theaters and seats, while the Fandago app and website showed the seats to have been sold.
We can also point out that Disney is accused of lying about their Parks revenue, and insiders have also filled me in that back in the day at Disney's Capitan Theater in Los Angeles that the general manager was told by Disney to fudge the numbers by adding in and counting additional tickets that were never sold.
Otra fuente para lo mismo:

YouTube channel The Quartering has released a video that reveals some suspicious patterns in these ticket sales. They allege that Disney are purchasing seats in opening weekend screenings from cinema chains, and have evidence to back it up. Their argument is that when you look at the seats available for the screenings on the opening weekend, they ***ow a pattern. For example, Twitter user @Dataracer117 posted an image that shows a Cinemark 14 with the same 94 seats pre-sold for every screening from December 19th to December 26th.
As you can see, the edge seats are block-booked, with the outer edges of every screening unavailable for sale. Surely anyone booking tickets to the opening weekend would choose to sit in the middle seats before the edges, right? The Quartering’s video actually alleges that everything except the edges are sold out, but they’re reading the seat availability incorrectly (according to the legend in the top corner).

Disney Alleged To Be Bulk Buying Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Tickets

So why would Disney do this? Well, headlines like “Record Sales for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Tickets” are a form of marketing in and of themselves, causing audiences to worry about missing out on the next big thing and book in advance. It also creates an aura of success around the movie, which can go a long way towards giving it some box office momentum.
The Quartering’s video tellingly points out that we saw similar headlines for Solo back in 2018, where we saw stories claiming it had sold more advance tickets than Black Panther did a few months earlier. But as we all know, Solo was a big flop, losing Disney $50 million, while Black Panther went on to make $1.3 billion.
Del cine español decimos que no necesita nuestro dinero porque ya se lo da el estado vía subvenciones.

Ahora igual tenemos que empezar a pensar que Hollywood tampoco necesita nuestro dinero: Se lo da la Fed.

Librados de la necesidad de complacer a los espectadores igual resulta que el Cine tiene como fin principal la PROPAGANDA:

Sociedad: - Críticas insólitas a catastrófica TERMINATOR DARK FATE: Armas manejadas de forma 100% amateur, CGI intolerables, coches imposibles en Méjico...

Yo ya empiezo a preguntarme hasta que punto vivimos en un SHOW DE TRUMAN de REALIDAD MANUFACTURADA.

Hasta las "Superventas" de música son altamente cuestionables:

Sociedad: - PAYOLA. Radio-fórmulas son PURA PUBLICIDAD (se paga por salir). Escucharles es como leer una revista

Las listas de ventas REALES de música son SECRETAS, como explico en mi hilo sobre la Payola. Una vez se filtró la lista real secreta, ¡y la que se armó!



EXCLUSIVA: Así son las ventas reales de álbumes en España por Navidad - Orgullo de ser

Todo el mundo de industria musical está lleno de fraudes gigantescos:

Un fraude que da el cante en la industria discográfica española

Por eso el que supuestamente pillen a Disney autocomprándose entradas me causa cero sorpresa.

¿Hasta qué punto lo "Popular" es "Popular" porque ALGUIEN HA DECIDIDO QUE LO SEA?
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Hace 5 o 6 años, leí, que en España en ese año, se habían rodado 1500 peliculas.....a ver cuantas llegan al cine y cuanto recaudan