Diario pro-Erdogan amenaza a EE.UU con otro 11-S y pide "castigar" a quienes se manifiesten en las c


Será en Octubre
5 Ago 2007
Uno de los diarios más próximos a Erdogan ( Yeni Akit - Wikipedia ) ha publicado una amenaza en su columna de opinión, en la cual conmina a EE.UU a reducir tensiones con el país. Si no lo hace, las tensiones internas del propio EE.UU "acabarían causando otro 11-S"-

Además, advirtió a los "colaboradores" de EE.UU en Turquía, que si se "atreven" a salir a la calle a protestar serán "castigados" junto a su patrón Estados Unidos.

Turkish columnist appears to threaten new 9/11 | Ahval

Turkish columnist appears to threaten new 9/11

An Islamist columnist at a pro-government Turkish newspaper has raised the threat of a second terrorist attack on the United States like that of September 11, 2001 should the United States not capitulate and reduce tensions with his country.

“Trump too, who is attacking right and left like the proverbial elephant in a china shop, will one day learn that creating more tensions in relations with Turkey will lead to more problems for the U.S. and EU countries,” Abdurrahman Dilipak wrote in Yeni Akit.

“Or else some people will teach him that. It must be seen that if internal tensions with the United States continue like this that a September 11 is no unlikely possibility.”


U.S. collaborators within Turkey will be punished alongside their master if they dared go out on the streets to protest, he added.