Demuestran que las plantas "gritan" y emiten sonidos si son cortadas o no tienen agua. Estos sonidos los escuchan algunos animales


Será en Octubre
11 May 2009

No tienen sistema nervioso ergo no sienten dolor
Excusa vegana
Es decir un animal con el sistema nervioso afectado o "anestiado" puede ser torturado y/o "asesinado"

Conocí una vegana animalista que le ponía muy nerviosa los insectos desde libélulas a cucarachas... En ocasiones para liberar el estrés (de histérica) cuando cogía un insecto lo torturaba, con ardor de estomago , pero lo torturaba le amputaba miembros mientras vivías.

Mirad cualquier vídeo de una avispa contra un insecto y veréis el "estrés" que sufren los bichos antes de morir
Última edición:

The Increased Yield
In callus cells or the cells that cover the plant wound, the sound at 1000 Hz and 100 dB at 20 cm for 1 hour increased the cell division, RNA content, growth, sugar contents, enzymes, and hormones.
The variable frequency generator of 60-2000 Hz and 50-120 dB at 50-100 meters increased plant immunity against diseases, insects, and pests. The frequency, when adjusted according to the temperature and humidity for 1- 3 hours in the morning, increased the yield of different crops as amows,​
a) Sweet pepper by 30.05%​
b) Cucumber by 37.1%​
c) Tomato by 13.9%,​
d) Lettuce by 19.6%​
e) Spinach by 22.7 %​
f) Cotton by 11.4%​
g) Rice in pots by 25.0 %​
h) Rice in the open field by 5.7%​
i) Wheat by 17.0%​
j) Edible mushrooms by 15.8%​
k) Yeast cells by 12%​
l) Treated cotton by 12.7%​
m) Spinach by 22.7 %​

The Increased Yield
In callus cells or the cells that cover the plant wound, the sound at 1000 Hz and 100 dB at 20 cm for 1 hour increased the cell division, RNA content, growth, sugar contents, enzymes, and hormones.
The variable frequency generator of 60-2000 Hz and 50-120 dB at 50-100 meters increased plant immunity against diseases, insects, and pests. The frequency, when adjusted according to the temperature and humidity for 1- 3 hours in the morning, increased the yield of different crops as amows,​
a) Sweet pepper by 30.05%​
b) Cucumber by 37.1%​
c) Tomato by 13.9%,​
d) Lettuce by 19.6%​
e) Spinach by 22.7 %​
f) Cotton by 11.4%​
g) Rice in pots by 25.0 %​
h) Rice in the open field by 5.7%​
i) Wheat by 17.0%​
j) Edible mushrooms by 15.8%​
k) Yeast cells by 12%​
l) Treated cotton by 12.7%​
m) Spinach by 22.7 %​

¿Y esto qué significa?