Cumbre G20 en Londres: se va a liar parda


15 Sep 2007
Segun las ultimas informaciones que aparecen en diarios britanicos y siempre segun la policia britanica grupos anarquistas podrian desatar la violencia durante la reunion del G-20. La policia esta metiendo miedo a la gente para que apoyen las intervenciones policiales con el fantasma de que aprovechando la reunion podrian cometerse atentados parecidos a los de Pakistan.
En mi opinion cualquier tipo de violencia favorece al propio sistema, no en vano la mayor parte de las ocasiones los incidentes los origina la propia policia infiltrando agentes entre los manifestantes para provocar las cargas en el momento que ellos lo deseen.

Anarchists Plot Mayhem for the G20 in London

Kurt Nimmo
March 30, 2009
According to the Independent, “extremist and anarchist groups” are handing out literature ahead of London’s G20 summit instructing demonstrators on how best to confront and attack the police.
The online pamphlets suggest certain groups are advising their amowers on how to beat the police should things turn rough. One document, called “Guide to Public Order Situations”, explains how to breach lines of riot police using a “snow plough” human formation; throw rape alarms to make it hard for the police to give orders; resist baton and horse charges using nets; and “de-arrest” seized protesters.
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</td> <td class="photo-caption">Anarchists plan to attack police in London and thus discredit legitimate protests aimed at the global bankers and their engineered economic crisis. </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="8">
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</td> </tr> </tbody></table> “We want to see resistance on the street on Wednesday. If the police are ready for you, go and fight them. If they’re not, give them a surprise,” a supposed anarchist told marchers at Hyde Park.
“G20 protesters are circulating detailed pamphlets advising people on how to win street battles against riot police and what to do if arrested,” write Jerome Taylor and Kunal Dutta, “The vast majority of protests are likely to be peaceful but the Metropolitan Police claims extremist and anarchist groups might resort to violence.”
In other words, “extremist and anarchist” violence will be used by police as an excuse to attack non-violent demonstrators.
MP George Galloway accused the London Metropolitan Police of engaging in “a deliberate conspiracy to bring about scenes of violent disorder” during Bush’s visit in June of 2006. In a letter to the Home Secretary, Galloway detailed incitements that an officer made towards police and how the man encouraged other protesters to charge baton-wielding officers and hurl projectiles at them. “Several protesters were kept in custody and were later charged with offenses including affray, violent disorder, assaulting police and possession of an offensive weapon,” Steve Watson wrote at the time.
Police instigated “anarchist” violence is a favored tactic of governments around the world. In December of 2008, a Greek television show revealed how Greek police posed as anarchists and destroyed property.
In 2007, agents provocateurs attempted to incite violence in Montebello, Canada, during a peaceful protest against a Prosperity Partnership summit. A video and photographs later revealed the so-called anarchists were wearing the same military boots as the police.
Other documented instances of agents provocateurs used against peaceful protests occurred in Seattle in 1999 at the World Trade Organization meeting, at the WTO protests in Genoa, Italy, and during protests in Miami in late November 2003.
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</td> </tr><tr> <td class="photo-caption" width="400">Italian police “beat the shit” out of protesers as suggested by former Italian President Francesco Cossiga.</td> <td height="8">
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</td> <td height="8">
</td> </tr></tbody></table> Last year, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga said the Italian government should deal with widespread demonstrations by students and teachers over a cut in state funding of education by “beat the shit out of the protesters.” Cossiga is one of the founders of the Operation GLADIO covert intelligence unit. GLADIO has a long and sordid history of blowing up train stations and engaging in random murder and blaming the violence on leftist political groups.
The reason for this staged violence “was quite simple,” explained GLADIO agent Vincezo Vinciguerra in sworn court testimony. “They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”
In likewise fashion the G20 — shorthand for the finance ministers and central bank governors of the leading 20 world economies — may need to portray overwhelmingly peaceful protesters opposed to the policies of IMF, World Bank, the European Central bank and other bankster dominated criminal organizations as violent terrorists.
In order to fill London’s streets with police and impose a state of “heightened security,” British authorities on Monday said they questioned five people suspected of possessing bomb-making equipment, according to the UPI. “Officers, acting under the Terrorism Act, said their raids turned up real weapons, fake weapons and materials espousing ‘political ideology’ during a house search, the Daily Mail said.”
“Britain already is at a ’severe’ level of alert, meaning security officials believe an attack is highly likely. Bankers are being warned to dress casually — to deflect populist anger aimed their way — and luxury hotels are securing their perimeters for antiestéticar they could be targeted,” reports the Associated Press.
Michael Clarke, the head of London’s Royal United Services Institute think-tank, said small terrorist groups may use the cover of planned protests by environmentalists, anti-war protesters and labor unions to mount an attack… amowing November’s seaborne attack on Mumbai, India’s financial center, extra patrol boats will guard the steel gray waters of the River Thames, and police frogmen will scour the river’s length for floating bombs.
In December, former Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul told Alex Jones he believes the Mumbai attacks were an inside job along the lines of the 9/11 inside job. “Gul joins a raft of former government officials and intelligence heads in questioning 9/11, the most recent of which was former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who last December said that the attacks were carried out by elements of the CIA and Mossad,” writes Paul Joseph Watson.
Cossiga should know. As noted above, he is one of the founders of the GLADIO terrorist group.
Anarchists Plot Mayhem for the G20 in London


15 Sep 2007
Hoy la prensa calienta el ambiente informando que 5 personas han sido detenidas por poseer armas falsas diciendo que podrian crear el caos durante las manifestaciones contra el G-20. Ademas atemorizan diciendo que se estan produciendo gran actividad de los movimientos antisistema como no se habia visto desde lo 90´.
A mi no me extrañaria que ni siquiera fuesen activistas antisistema sino agentes de inteligencia encubiertos para provocar el panico entre la gente.

Five activists arrested in G20 'bomb plot' as London goes into lockdown for world leaders

By Stephen Wright and Luke Salkeld
Last updated at 7:33 AM on 31st March 2009

Four Terror suspects are taken in four different police cars from Plymouth Magistrates Court yesterday

Five people were arrested under anti-terror laws yesterday after an imitation Kalashnikov rifle and other weapons were seized by police investigating a possible plot to cause havoc at the G20 summit.

Three men aged 25, 19 and 16 and two women of 20, were held after the eldest man was seen allegedly spraying graffiti in Plymouth.

In searches of several homes, officers found a range of imitation and deactivated firearms from handguns to hunting rifles and a Kalashnikov-style assault rifle.

They also found 'improvised explosives made of fireworks'.

Detectives are investigating the possibility that the group were planning to mount protests in London against the G20 summit.

Assistant Chief Constable Paul Netherton said 'politically sensitive material' had been found.
Sources said the suspects were not linked to any religious group. All five were being held under the Terrorism Act.

The arrests were made after the 25-year-old man was held in Plymouth on Friday evening, for allegedly spraying graffiti on a wall, and his home was searched.
Mr Netherton said the operation had no connection to Nicky Reilly, 22, the Muslim convert from Plymouth who was jailed for 18 years earlier this year for an attempted nail bomb attack on an Exeter restaurant.

In London, Scotland Yard said the Metropolitan Police was liaising with the Devon and Cornwall force but the investigation was at a very early stage.

The spokesman added that police were seeing 'an unprecedented level of activity amongst protest groups not seen since the late 1990s, involving some individuals we have not seen on the protest circuit for some time'.

One of the five people being held under anti-terror laws after being found with weapons and 'suspicious devices' thought to be linked to the G20 summit

Organisers of a planned protest in the City of London tomorrow are to meet Scotland Yard officers today to discuss their concerns over how it will be policed.
Activists from the Climate Camp said they had been trying to open communication amowing 'increasingly sensational police predictions' of violence.

The group said it was concerned it was the victim of a 'smear campaign' ahead of the demonstration.

More than 3,000 police officers will be on duty during the summit period, with up to 100,000 protesters expected to stage rallies and marches.
Police estimate the cost of the security operation at £8 million - the largest in UK history.

A huge cordon will be thrown around the Excel centre in London's Docklands, the headquarters of the summit.

A ring of steel will also be constructed to keep protesters away from the U.S. embassy in central London.

Senior officers antiestéticar a repeat of the violent anti-capitalist and MayDay protests of 1999 and 2000.

Shops and other businesses were damaged and dozens of arrests made.
Five activists arrested in G20 'bomb plot' as London goes into lockdown for world leaders | Mail Online


29 Abr 2007
Cuánta gente con ganas de violencia y de romperlo todo. A ver los "bobbies" qué tal andan de forma física.


15 Sep 2007
Os envio el cartel de las manifestaciones y actos que hay convocados contra el G-20. Parece que algo se mueve en Londres por que lo que es en este pais vamos de ojo ciego.

On April 1st, the G20 are coming to London to face up to economic crisis and political meltdown

Lost your home? Lost your job? Lost your savings or your pension? This party is for you!

Capitalism has been heating up our world for years, melting the icecaps, burning up the rainforests, pushing the planet to tipping point. Now we're going to put the heat on them. At the London Summit , the G20 ministers are trying to get away with the biggest April Fools trick of all time. Their tax-dodging, bonus-guzzling, pension-pinching, unregulated free market world's in meltdown, and those fools think we're going to bail them out. They've gotta be joking!
We can't pay, we won't pay and we are taking to the streets

Many, many imaginative actions will be taking place across London on April 1st. One major focus will be four separate carnival parades culminating in direct action against the financial follies in the City of London among them carbon trading.
Full circle back to 1649? 'A very English revolution!'

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will lead themed processions starting at 11 a.m. from the amowing rail stations:

  • Moorgate
    Red horse against War;
  • Liverpool St
    Green horse against Climate chaos
  • London Bridge
    Silver horse against Financial crimes
  • Cannon Street
    Black horse against land enclosures and borders in honour of the 360th full circle anniversary of the Diggers
At 12 noon, April 1st, we're going to reclaim the City, thrusting into the very belly of the beast: the Bank of England. Click here (or above right) for one of the many posters sent to this website.
4pm onwards, April 1st, we're are going to be heading to UEL, Docklands for the Alternative London Summit. For overnight accommodation bring your sleeping bag. For further information please


15 Sep 2007
Y algo que suena a chiste..apagaran las camaras wireless del centro de Londres porque en vez de 720 x 576 pixels dan 704 x 576 pixels y por ley a partir del 1 de Abril no seran permitidas. Supongo que finalmente no pasara nada pero parece hecho aposta para un ataque de falsa bandera y tener excusa para no mostrar una sola imagen de los terroristas como ya ha pasado en el 11-S, 11-M y 7-J.

Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal £15m CCTV network

The security operation at this week's G20 summit was thrown into chaos last night when it emerged that the entire network of central London's wireless CCTV cameras will have to be turned off because of a legal ruling.
The Department for Transport (DfT) has ruled that Westminster council's mobile road cameras - a third of the authority's CCTV network - "do not fully meet the resolution standards required" and must be switched off by midnight tomorrow.
The blackout begins on the eve of the summit, when world leaders arrive in the capital and protesters take to the streets.
The council only discovered last week that images from its newly installed £15m traffic cameras do not meet the quality required under the Traffic Management Act, which comes into force on 1 April.
In an urgently drafted letter seen by the Guardian and hand-delivered to the transport secretary, Geoff Hoon, on Friday, the council warns its entire network of wireless cameras will need to be shut down unless the minister finds a way to give special dispensation. "This would have a serious impact on our ability to manage our road network safely, as well as impeding our community protection efforts," the letter states.
It adds: "We are seeking authorisation from DfT as a matter of urgency to enable Westminster to continue using its digital CCTV network."
The 60 cameras in question use the latest digital technology and transmit images using Wi-Fi. While they are primarily for traffic enforcement, according to the council the cameras are "an essential additional tool" to tackle crime and disorder, and have been fixed to strategic locations across the capital ahead of the summit.
The 24-hour live footage from the cameras, which monitor roads around the West End, Belgravia, Trafalgar Square, Knightsbridge, Oxford Street and London's main bridges, is also accessible to police and the intelligence services.
A further 160 "permanent" CCTV cameras run by the authority are unaffected. However, security officials believe a shutdown of the mobile road cameras could hamper the G20 security operation, which will require police to secure the safe passage of dozens of motorcades carrying delegations VIP diplomats and leaders.
"Frankly, it couldn't have come at a worse time," a source said. "These are not just parking enforcement cameras, they're for public order and we've got the G20 world leaders coming. This is a complete disaster."
Under the legislation, traffic cameras must be capable of recording at 720 x 576 pixels, an analogue broadcast standard.
Westminster's wireless network of road cameras, introduced last year, is the only fully digital traffic enforcement system operating in the UK, and is regarded as one of the most advanced in the world. But its picture quality is only 704 x 576 pixels. The DfT's enforcement branch, the Vehicle Certification Agency, has ruled it does not comply with the law.
DfT lawyers were last night frantically exploring a way to exempt Westminster from the legislation. A department statement said: "To ensure local authorities have a fair and transparent way of detecting unlawful drivers, any recording device must meet minimum requirements."
The council last night confirmed that - barring an 11th-hour U-turn - it would have to switch off the network tomorrow to comply with the act.
Danny Chalkley, the council's cabinet member for environment and transport, said in a statement: "The DfT's position is ludicrous and stuck in the dark ages.
"[This] could result in millions of pounds of taxpayers' money being needed to replace the current cameras, all because of a tiny difference in image resolution on the TV screen."
Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal 15m CCTV network | UK news | The Guardian


5 Sep 2007
El augusto neցro llega con su circo a Londres

President Obama's security bubble

You can take the man out of the White House. But you can't take the White House away from the man.

And when US President Barack Obama arrives in London on Tuesday for the G20 summit, he will bring a large contingent of the White House staff with him.

Hundreds of security guards, doctors, chefs and others will accompany President Obama on his visit, and the entourage will include a number of presidential vehicles - including his new armour-plated limousine, The Beast, and aeroplane, Air Force One.

The 4,000 sq ft Boeing 747 is fully equipped for the president to work while he is in the air. The exercise-loving president will even be able to use the onboard gym to keep fit inflight.

The plane is fitted with some robust security equipment including shields to protect its instruments from an electromagnetic pulse. The communications equipment is even capable of withstanding radiation from a nuclear attack.

Blood supply

Once he lands at Stansted Airport in Essex, Mr Obama will be ferried into the heart of London on Marine One, his personal VH-3D helicopter.

Marine One is capable of firing flares to divert heat-seeking missiles - and always flies as part of a convoy of identical decoy aircraft. His helicopter peels away at the last minute only when the convoy has reached its destination.

On the ground, the president rides around in The Beast, a brand new presidential limo finished earlier this year at a cost of $300,000 (£200,000).

It comes with a tear gas cannon, a night-vision camera and oxygen tanks. Its reinforced steel plating is said to be able to protect against bullets, chemical attack, and even a missile strike.

And it will not be hard to spot on the streets - it will be accompanied at all times by a motorcade consisting of dozens of support cars, police cars and emergency medical vehicles.

The president's White House medical unit - nurses, surgeons and other medical professionals - will be permanently on call in case Mr Obama is taken ill. A supply of AB-type blood (the president's blood type) will travel with him for emergency transfusions.

As well as medical personnel, Mr Obama's entourage will consist of over 200 security officials, dozens of political aides and a team of personal chefs.

Mr Obama will also be cooked for at 10 Downing Street by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver - although Mr Oliver has been told that he will not be allowed to bring his mobile phone, even though his wife is due to give birth on the day after the event.

For security reasons, no mobile devices will be allowed at the dinner


22 May 2007
Y algo que suena a chiste..apagaran las camaras wireless del centro de Londres porque en vez de 720 x 576 pixels dan 704 x 576 pixels y por ley a partir del 1 de Abril no seran permitidas. Supongo que finalmente no pasara nada pero parece hecho aposta para un ataque de falsa bandera y tener excusa para no mostrar una sola imagen de los terroristas como ya ha pasado en el 11-S, 11-M y 7-J.

Ahead of G20 summit, council told to switch off illegal 15m CCTV network | UK news | The Guardian
Atentado de falsa bandera parece mucho, pero si puede ser que como dice Elputodirector, manden a los apaleahippies con ordenes de montarla, y se ve que no quieren pruebas.


15 Sep 2007
Atentado de falsa bandera parece mucho, pero si puede ser que como dice Elputodirector, manden a los apaleahippies con ordenes de montarla, y se ve que no quieren pruebas.
A mi tambien me parece que seria rizar el rizo..pero visto lo visto.