Como ganarse la vida yendo de fiesta en fiesta con ricos


3 Abr 2007
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PAID TO PARTY: Inside secret world of glam women paid to party on luxury yachts with millionaires – & the strict rules they must ***ow

  • Georgie Culley
  • Ally Einstein
  • Published: 22:25, 20 Aug 2023
  • 21 Aug 2023

THE super-rich and famous love partying on luxurious yachts across the world – often with attractive young women.
But the girls are only there because they have been hired to “look pretty”.
Three girls who work in the industry lift the lid on the secretive paid-to-party scene, pictured Carmen Fearnley
Three girls who work in the industry lift the lid on the secretive paid-to-party scene, pictured Carmen antiestéticarnleyCredit: Supplied
While being paid to party sounds like a dream job, sensual exploitation and coercion are problems for those wanted as eye candy by rich men.
Here, three girls who work in the industry lift the lid on the secretive paid-to-party scene to Georgette Culley and Ally Einstein.

'Rich men think they can buy anything. We are all disposable to them’

MODEL Sarah, 27, from Birmingham, says: “I didn’t realise how naive I’d been until I’d been sexually assaulted on a yacht by a drunken crypto-millionaire, and there was

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"Now I want to warn others about the murky under-belly of the glamorous gig.”

Model Sarah was sexually assaulted on a yacht by a crypto-millionaire
Model Sarah was sexually assaulted on a yacht by a crypto-millionaireCredit: Supplied
She says: “When I first started living in Dubai in 2021 I couldn’t believe my luck.
“I was shooting a swimwear catalogue when another model asked if I’d be interested in being paid to party on a superyacht.
“She and two other models I knew were going and the pay was £600 for five hours’ work. It was a party for a well-known DJ.
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“She told me excitedly, ‘All we have to do is chat to guests, dance, mingle and pose in our bikinis. We’re there to bring the glamour’.

“A chauffeur took us to the yacht, where a top squad was ready to do our hair and make-up.
“We were told not to drink too much and not to have sex with anyone.
"But if we happened to like someone we could flirt and have a snog.
“I had the time of my life. After that I was invited to one or two parties a month.
“It’s a whole secret world that most people have no idea exists. I felt like a celebrity.
"It was addictive. Sometimes I’d earn £1,000 for seven hours.
“But there were always more girls than guys.
‘I wasn’t for sale’
“I learned to be clear about my boundaries. I wasn’t for sale, I was just there to party.

“Most party bookers would ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement because of the calibre of famous people attending.
“I was living the good life for months — but then things changed at a boat party in the South of France last May.
“There were 12 girls and six men on board and I had been offered £1,200 for five hours’ work.
“I noticed the mood was different to Dubai.
"The other girls were clamouring over the crypto-millionaire, his mates and a well-known rapper.

“They were willing to do anything to keep the men happy. It was demeaning.
"They made us look like escorts, which was putting us in danger.
“One man grabbed me from behind and started trying to feel me up. He was drunk and slurring.
“I was horrified and scared. We were sailing in the ocean, with no escape. I felt trapped.
“In tears, I managed to push him off with my friend’s help and we demanded the organisers take us back to shore on a speedboat.

"We were shaking. We realised how naive we had been.
“I later heard two girls had passed out and another was so drunk she had to go to hospital.
“I vowed to stay away from the paid party scene after that. There is a mucky side to the unpoliced yacht parties, especially in Europe.
“Rich men think they can buy anything. We are all disposable to them.
"It’s very seedy. Girls should stay away.”

‘At first I was sceptical and mortified, in case they thought I was an escort’

PERSONAL trainer Pippa, 28, from Plymouth, recalls a culture of “what happens on the yacht, stays on the yacht.”

She says: “I was at an Instagram photoshoot in Ibiza in 2022 when a rep from a yacht firm asked me if I’d like to be paid to party.
Pippa from Plymouth, recalls a culture of 'what happens on the yacht, stays on the yacht'
Pippa from Plymouth, recalls a culture of 'what happens on the yacht, stays on the yacht'Credit: Supplied
“They said all I had to do was look pretty, sunbathe on the yacht and bring the glamour to the party.
“At first I thought it sounded too good to be true. I was sceptical and mortified in case they wrongly thought I was an escort.
“They assured me that wouldn’t be the case and said there were strict rules on the yacht.

“I asked if I could bring a friend and, after seeing her picture, they agreed.
“The next day we both spent four hours on a 60ft yacht chatting to a group of very rich businessmen.
“There were ten girls and five men and we each got £300 for our time.
“We were all in bikinis and sarongs and spent most of the time sunbathing. After that, I did it for six months and made thousands.
“I met millionaires, musicians, celebs, movie stars and their friends.

"I got access to the most exclusive clubs and was living the dream.
Pippa says it's important to know what your boundaries are and when to call it a day
Pippa says it's important to know what your boundaries are and when to call it a dayCredit: Supplied
“I had a rule of only doing day parties and I never accepted overnight invitations, as I didn’t want to give men the wrong idea.
“There were times I’d pinch myself sunbathing next to a well-known celebrity or chatting to a millionaire about his latest deal.
“But I was never allowed to take pictures of them or talk about them.
"That was the deal, we had to be discreet.
“What happened on the yacht stayed on the yacht.
“Event organisers always booked me because of my girl-next-door looks. We had to be polished and immaculate.
“But it wasn’t all sunshine and champagne.
"One yacht captain told me about a girl being assaulted on a night cruise and girls getting so drunk they couldn’t remember what had happened to them.

“I made sure I only had two drinks on board, and if there were ever any drugs going around, I never accepted them.
“Competition was fierce. There were always younger models coming through who were prepared to do anything to live the Kardashian lifestyle so I worried about my shelf life.
“Overall, I had a great experience and made lots of money, but I was careful. I decided to get out while the going was good.
“I made great contacts but gave it up to focus on my personal training business.

“I don’t regret being paid to party.
"I made sure I was safe and respected but you have to know what your boundaries are and when to call it a day.”
‘I’m proud of how far I’ve come. It’s an amazing industry if you are savvy’
Carmen antiestéticarnley
BUSINESSWOMAN Carmen, 27, from Leeds, says she is living the high life in Dubai, running her company Yacht Do You Want, renting yachts to celebrities and millionaires.
She says: “My life today is a far cry from my old life in Leeds, where I grew up.
Carmen is living the high life in Dubai, running her company Yacht Do You Want, renting yachts to celebrities and millionaires
Carmen is living the high life in Dubai, running her company Yacht Do You Want, renting yachts to celebrities and millionairesCredit: Supplied
“When I first moved to Dubai I was working in an exclusive club.
"I got so many requests from uber-rich men and celebrities for yacht parties and cruise rentals that I decided to set up my own business three years ago.

“I rent luxury yachts to Instagram influencers, sports stars, businessmen, wealthy cryptocurrency money men, millionaires and A-listers.
“Demand for a yacht is 24/7 in Dubai and I get calls at all hours of the day and night.
“The renting prices start at £100 to £5,000 an hour, depending on the size of the yacht.
“They range from 50ft to 220ft superyachts. It’s good money.
"A hostess with the mostest can make £100 to £200 for four hours’ work.

"They have to look glamorous, be well groomed and be dressed to impress.
“They are hired to add to the overall glamour so it’s important the girls are immaculate and behave properly.
“I will not tolerate any girls who break the rules.
"They are all vetted by me and I make it clear to them that they are not allowed to get drunk, take drugs or act inappropriately with any clients on board.

‘They’re seduced by money’

“If a girl ends up dating someone they met on a yacht, then that is their personal business.

“I have heard of girls in Europe destroyed emotionally and mentally when they fail to ***ow the rules or think they know better than people like me, who know the industry inside out.
“They’re seduced by the money and can end up used and abused.
“It’s critical they respect the strict laws in the UAE, where I operate.
“Some of these girls are naive and have delusional expectations.
“That’s why I’m proud of the business I’ve grown. Girls trust me.
"They know I have their best interests at heart and will look after them on board.
“Anyone who breaks my rules is kicked off the yacht.
“I don’t want girls hurt and I value and respect the laws of this country.

“In Dubai, police patrol the harbour so it is critical that boats are properly run.
“I do know some girls who have met amazing men from yacht parties and are now married with children.

“They’re living the luxurious life most women can only dream of.
“I’m proud of how far I’ve come. It’s an amazing industry if you look after yourself and are savvy.”
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