birmania quiere restringir el nacimento de jovenlandeses


Será en Octubre
17 Jul 2008
YANGON, Burma Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and Islamic leaders expressed dismay Monday over plans by authorities in western Burma to revive a two-child limit on Muslim Rohingya families, a policy that does not apply to Buddhists and comes amid accusations of ethnic cleansing.

Some Buddhists, however, welcomed the plan for addressing their antiestéticar of a Muslim population explosion.

Authorities in strife-torn said this past weekend that they were restoring a measure imposed during past military rule that banned Rohingya families from having more than two children. Details about the policy and how it will be enforced have not been released, sparking calls for clarity and concerns of more discrimination against a group the U.N. calls one of the world's most persecuted people.

A Muslim Rohingya child plays at a camp for displaced persons on the outskirts of Sittwe, Rakhine state, Burma, on May 18, 2013.
/ Soe Than WIN/AFP/Getty Images

"If true, this is against the law," said Suu Kyi, the opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Suu Kyi has faced criticism for failing to defend the Rohingya amowing two waves of deadly sectarian violence last year. She told reporters she had not heard details of the latest measure but, if it exists, "It is discriminatory and also violates human rights."

The policy applies to two Rakhine townships that border Bangladesh and have the highest Muslim populations in the state. The townships, Buthidaung and Maungdaw, are about 95 percent Muslim. Nationwide, Jovenlandeses account for only about 4 percent of Burma's roughly 60 million people.

The order makes Burma (also known as Myanmar) perhaps the only country in the world to level such a restriction against a particular religious group, and is likely to bring further criticism that Jovenlandeses are being discriminated against in the Buddhist-majority country. The central government has not made any statement about the two-child policy since Rakhine state authorities quietly enacted the measure a week ago. Calls seeking comment from government spokesmen have not been returned.

Longstanding antipathy toward the Rohingya erupted last year into mob violence in which Rakhine Buddhists armed with machetes razed thousands of Muslim homes, leaving hundreds of people dead and forcing 125,000 to flee, mostly Jovenlandeses. The New York-based group Human Rights Watch has accused the government and security forces in Rakhine of fomenting an organized campaign of "ethnic cleansing" against the Rohingya, who are regarded as aliens.

"All You Can Do is Pray": Crimes Against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing of Rohingya Jovenlandeses in Burma's Arakan State (HRW)
"Issues to Be Raised Concerning the Situation of Stateless Rohingya Children in Burma (Burma)" (The Arakan Project)

Since the violence, the religious unrest has expanded into a campaign against Muslim communities in other areas, posing a serious challenge to President Thein Sein's reformist government as it attempts to implement democratic reforms after nearly half a century of harsh military rule.

Rakhine state spokesman Win Myaing said over the weekend the policy was meant to stem population growth in the Muslim community, which a government-appointed commission last month identified as one of the causes of the sectarian violence. He said authorities have not determined how the measure will be enforced, but it will be mandatory.

"This is the best way to control the population explosion which is a threat to our national identity. If no measure is taken to control the population, there is a danger of losing our own identity," said National Affairs Minister for the Yangon Region Zaw Aye Maung, an ethnic Rakhine member of parliament. He said restricting the number of children in the poorer Muslim community will benefit them because smaller families are better able to feed, clothe and educate their children.

Burmese leader warns of force to stop religious rioting
U.N. official calls for help for Burma's displaced
Clashes between Muslim Rohingya minority, Buddhists leave 100 dead in Burma

An ethnic Rohingya refugee is seen through the window of an immigration quarantine center in Langsa district, Aceh province, Indonesia on March 2, 2013. She was among nearly 200 asylum-seekers from Burma who were rescued by fishermen off the waters of Sumatra island.

A Buddhist monk in Maungdaw township was also enthusiastic.

"It's a good idea. If the government can really control the Bengali population in the area, the other communities will feel more secure and there will be less violence like what happened in the past," said monk Manithara from the Aungmyay Bawdi monastery, using the name "Bengali" that most Buddhists prefer to "Rohingya." "It's also a good step to develop the living standards of the people in the region. China also has this kind of policy."
jovenlandesito bueno, jovenlandesito guapo...

No sé que tienen ustedes contra los jovenlandeses, si son un amor...: Roto2:
Seguramente será por algunas razones estoy empezando a tener un concepto más positivo del budismo, y esto me hace ver que estoy en lo cierto.
Hasta los budistas están hasta los narices de esta gente, vaya tela.
Esto es otro regalo envenenado que dejó el imperio británico y su fruta costumbre de divide y vencerás e introducir población alógena para debilitar a la población autóctona y conseguir un status de garante de la paz social y la convivencia. Los Rohingya iban a pagarle las pensiones, como los albaneses en Kosovo, y mira tu por donde han acabado reclamando un estado (islámico) propio, vaya, no me lo esperaba.

The British census of 1891 reported 58,255 Jovenlandeses in Arakan. By 1911, the Muslim population had increased to 178,647.[43] The waves of migration were primarily due to the requirement of cheap labour from British India to work in the paddy fields. Immigrants from Bengal, mainly from the Chittagong region, "moved en masse into western townships of Arakan". To be sure, Indian immigration to Burma was a nationwide phenomenon, not just restricted to Arakan.[44]

Historian Thant Myint-U writes: "At the beginning of the 20th century, Indians were arriving in Burma at the rate of no less than a quarter million per year. The numbers rose steadily until the peak year of 1927, immigration reached 480,000 people, with Rangoon exceeding New York City as the greatest immigration port in the world. This was out of a total population of only 13 million; it was equivalent to the United Kingdom today taking 2 million people a year." By then, in most of the largest cities in Burma, Rangoon (Yangon), Akyab (Sittwe), Bassein (Pathein), Moulmein, the Indian immigrants formed a majority of the population. The Burmese under the British rule felt helpless, and reacted with a "racism that combined feelings of superiority and antiestéticar."[

Vaya, quién iba a pensar que si dejas entrar a millones de pagapensiones de una cultura y étnica completamente distinta en un corto periodo de tiempo y dejas que estos se reproduzcan como conejos podría desestabilizar el país...


Como siempre el problema no es la persecución de un colectivo de personas, sino que esas personas son fiel a la religión del amoras y a eso no hay derecho. Pero que no cunda el pánico que sus hermanos acudirán al rescate:



Saudi Arabia Delivers $50m in Aid to Rohingya Jovenlandeses in Myanmar - IBTimes UK

Y bueno, como la dictadura/budistas de Birmania les persiguen qué diriais que han hecho... ¿ir a Bangladesh que es un país fiel a la religión del amor y que es a donde pertenecen? ¡NO! Se van por centenares de miles a Tailandia, a pagarles las pensiones a ellos y de paso hacer piña con los otros fiel a la religión del amores de la frontera con Malasia que curiosamente también están revueltos y quieren la independencia y un estado islámico.
Que tenga que darnos lecciones de inmi gración el tercer mundo, tiene narices la cosa.
Estos Muy de derechas nacional-católicos... uy, espera si son budistas, la religión del buen rollito hippie.

Mucho les tienen que haber cabreado los fiel a la religión del amores, no veo que se dé semejante rechazo contra la minoría cristiana que es tan numerosa como la fiel a la religión del amora.
Birmania es una dictadura no un estado del buen rollito. Consecuentemente la medida es natural viendo el comportamiento de la inmi gración fiel a la religión del amora.
¿Desde cuando jovenlandés = de la religión del amor?

jovenlandés = árabe