A Bobby Kennedy lo mató un segundo tirador


PLA Unit 61398
7 Nov 2009
Tonggang Road, Pudong, Shanghai
Acabo de enterarme en el programa de Nieves Concostrina de los detalles del asesinato de Robert Kennedy, siempre habia pensado que el autor de los disparos era Sirhan B. Sirhan, lo que no sabia era que hubo un segundo tirador. En efecto, Bobby acababa de ser nominado para candidato a la presidencia en contra del iluminati Johnson

Cuando se dirigia a su habitación en el hotel a traves de las cocinas, aparecio el candidato manchú y le disparó de frente ocho veces, lo que ignoraba es que los disparos que acabaron con su vida no procedian de la pistola del palestino si no de un segundo tirador que al parecer nadie vió y que le descerrajo un colleja desde atrás, nadie vió nada, solo una testigo declaro haberlo visto pero el FBI cambió su versión, lo acaba de declarar, es mas, los federales "limpiaron" completamente el escenario del crimen llevándose todos los lugares donde habia impactos para borrar las posibles trayectorias.

Esta claro quien manda en Bastardos Unidos.
¿Poco sumisa? John Kennedy firmó el Decreto 11110 por el que se cargaba la Reserva Federal, fin de la historia.

y algunas cosas más que algún día sabremos :D

a john kennedy lo dan el pasaporte los caballeros de malta
Motivos no les faltaban. Este video deberia verlo toda la humanidad y luego que me cuenten que no existen las conspiraciones.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/y7njL6WWEWg?version=3&amp;hl=es_ES"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allow******access" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/y7njL6WWEWg?version=3&amp;hl=es_ES" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allow******access="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>​
la orden de malta jesuita controla a la cia desde su creación con los nazis....

...la conspiración nancy tiene que ver en todo esto....si no me equivoco la familia kennedy también era nancy, y de la orden de malta probablemente, no se si john kennedy era un descarriado o actuaba por su cuenta, o hubo una guerra entre familias poderosas

creo que John Kennedy iba a su bola con todo....él quería ser abogado y no le interesaba la política lo más mínimo

Movers and Shakers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta: Joseph Kennedy, Sr.



It is hard to believe that the CIA, engaged in an epic battle to counter Communism in Italy, and active in organizing its Gladio network, would say no to "a query from NAGY asking if CIA would be interested in using Permindex in some capacity". Most probably, "The documents did not indicate whether or not CIA decided to use Permindex” because the answer was to obvious!

After the failure of the Hungarian uprising, Nagy became active in other CIA anti-communist projects, particularly those concerning Latin America and Cuba. Nagy eventually moved to Dallas, Texas where he was residing in 1963, allegedly engaged in anti-Castro activities.

It is worth keeping in mind that Frank Wisner, Ferenc Nagy’s CIA controller, was the superior of William Harvey and Cord Meyer, two of the CIA men that were implicated in the JFK assassination by CIA officer E. Howard Hunt in his death bed confession. In 1962, Bill Harvey, after an important conflict with the Kennedys, was exiled to Italy where he became Chief of Station in Rome. According to Hunt, Harvey organized JFK’s assassination from Rome and recruited Corsican sharpshooters to accomplish the President execution.


en definitiva, creo que kennedy iba a anunciar algo que no era del gusto de sociedades secretas, no solo los rockefellers... y no me refiero solo a denunciar sociedades secretas y sus tejemanejes
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Motivos no les faltaban. Este video deberia verlo toda la humanidad y luego que me cuenten que no existen las conspiraciones.

<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/y7njL6WWEWg?version=3&amp;hl=es_ES"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allow******access" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/y7njL6WWEWg?version=3&amp;hl=es_ES" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allow******access="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>​

Qué triste!!!!!!!!!!! Es una fruta animación!! Como cuando en la tele ponen a perros, etc hablando. Y sinceramente, creo que si esa es la voz de JFK, han hecho el discurso pillando palabras de otros suyos. Suena demasiado raro.

Vosotros trabjáis para Cuarto Milenio y tenéis miedo por vuestro pan, verdad?
It is worth keeping in mind that Frank Wisner, Ferenc Nagy’s CIA controller, was the superior of William Harvey and Cord Meyer, two of the CIA men that were implicated in the JFK assassination by CIA officer E. Howard Hunt in his death bed confession. In 1962, Bill Harvey, after an important conflict with the Kennedys, was exiled to Italy where he became Chief of Station in Rome. According to Hunt, Harvey organized JFK’s assassination from Rome and recruited Corsican sharpshooters to accomplish the President execution.

Es una de las pocas conspiraciones que podría llegar a tragarme, pero presenta un pequeño problema lógico: Si Hunt decía realmente la verdad, muchas otras personas deberían estar mintiendo (y tendrían que fabricarse un montón de evidencias para soportar esa tesis).

Aquí se puede escuchar la confesión:

Saint John Hunt - E. Howard Hunt-Testament

Y no dice nada directamente de "Asesinatos". Sólo referencias vagas.

(Por cierto, esa es la web de su hijo, en la que tras pagar el módico precio de 20$ puedes saberlo todo sobre "la conspiración para dar de baja de la suscripción de la vida a JFK")

Además, gran parte de la "historia" viene de aquí:

Plausible Denial, Mark Lane, E. Howard Hunt, and the Liberty Lobby Trial

Resumen: Howard Hunt puso una demanda por anti-semitismo a un periódico (El Liberty Lobby) que publicó una historia en la que afirmaba que él estaba detrás de la conspiración para dar de baja de la suscripción de la vida a Kennedy. Mark Lane (abogado judío, gran ironía) defendió al periódico, y Hunt perdió el juicio. Después de eso, un miembro del jurado comentó que Lane había convencido al jurado de que la CIA era cómplice. Pero los otros miembros dijeron que no habían tomado la decisión por que existiera algún tipo de conexión por la CIA, sino que lo habían hecho porque Hunt falló en su defensa.

Armstrong apparently did say that, and doubtless believed it. But there were five other jurors. Two of them told the Miami Herald that they most certainly did not believe that Lane had proven that Hunt was a conspirator. Suzanne Reach said that “We were very disgusted and felt it was trash . . . . The paper published material that was sloppy – but it wasn’t malicious.” Reach added that “We were worried that our verdict might give the wrong impression to the public” and added that Lane’s conspiracy theories were “absolutely not” the reason for the verdict.
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esto hay que leerlo

The nancy Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination by Mae Brussell

There had been prolonged controversy about how many shots were fired the day Kennedy was killed. The President's wounds, nicks on the limousine and curb, and other bullet evidence indicated quite a few. But the Warren Commission concluded there were only three. It took the testimony of spectators in Dealy Plaza who said they only heard three. It never considered the possibility that silencer-fitted guns were fired.

J. Edgar Hoover brought Nagy to the United States, where there were numerous Gehlen-supported emigre organizations. On August 18, 1951, the Saturday Evening Post pictured Nagy with Czech, Pole, Hungarian and Russian exiles under the heading: "They Want Us To Go to War Right Now." On November 22, 1963 Nagy was living in Dallas.

CMC was actually a subsidiary of Swiss-based Permindex, whose president was Prince Gutierez de Spadafora, Italian industrialist and large landowner. Spadafora's daughter-in-law was related to Hjalmar Schacht. Clay Shaw, who managed the New Orleans Intemational Trade Mart, was a director. Another was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who would later move to New Orleans. Once convicted of "criminal activities" in Switzerland, Mantello worked closely with his fellow Hungarian Nagy. One of the goals of the CMC was that "Rome will recover once again her position as center of the civilized world."



Some of Baron Bolschwing’s Powerful Secret Brotherhood- FBI Director Edgar J. Hoover (Knight of Malta ), U.S. President Harry Truman, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice and JKF Warren Commission Chief, Earl Warren (Knight of Malta).
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El crimen real tendría lugar casi un minuto antes del mismo y seria perpetrado por extraterrestres. No siempre la imagen puede ser capturada como un formato válido de archivo de vídeo (PROBLEMAS EN LA EMISION-RECEPCIÓN) hologramas


, como en el 11S la señal procedente de Marte invade todas las frecuencias televisivas al mismo tiempo. Un disparo de un rayo a la cabeza por donde le salió toda la masa encefálica, en la autopsia Kennedy no tenía cerebro. En algún momento el presidente Kennedy así como su hermano Bobby descubrieron partes de la verdad sobre los extraterrestres, el emitió un ultimátum en 1963 a Majestic12.
mas cosas interesantes...pongo información relativa al dr west , el psiquiatra de el asesino de Oswald, y unos bonus tracks manchurianos de la familia manson


British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination

David Berkowitz, convicted in the New York "Son of Sam'' serial murders, was an initiate of The Process. Manson is most widely known for his communal Family, which carried out the satanic Tate-LaBianca murders. But here we note that Lynette "Squeaky'' Fromme, who became the head of the Family after Manson was arrested in October 1969, was herself imprisoned for the 1975 attempted assassination of U.S. President Gerald Ford. Another associate of the Manson Family, Sarah Jane Moore, was also imprisoned for a failed assassination attempt on President Ford. Had either been successful, Nelson Rockefeller would have become President.

There is a certain psychiatric agency, the American Family Foundation, which exists officially to guard the public from injurious cults. AFF is the mother organization for the so-called Cult Awareness Network (CAN). Dr. Louis Jolyon West is a director of AFF. An expert in brainwashing for the Air Force and the CIA, West first achieved fame from his MK-Ultra antiestéticat--he injected LSD-25 into an elephant and killed it. West researched "the psychology of dissociated states'' for the CIA, using LSD and hypnosis. His friend Aldous Huxley suggested to Dr. West during an MK-Ultra experiment that West hypnotize his subjects prior to administering LSD, in order to give them "post-hypnotic suggestions aimed at orienting the drug-induced experience in some desired direction.''

Dr. West was called upon by the government to examine Jack Ruby, who had killed Lee Harvey Oswald before Oswald could stand trial for his alleged role in the assassination of President John Kennedy. West declared Ruby to be in a "paranoid state manifested by delusions, visual and auditory hallucinations, and suicidal impulses.'' Ruby was convicted in 1964, but conveniently died in 1967 while awaiting what could have been a revealing re- trial.

Dr. West lived in Haight-Ashbury during the summer of 1967, to study the hippies. In the 1970s, West became famous again for his plans to create a Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. Its staff was to investigate the genetics and biochemistry of their prisoners, including "hyperkinetic children,'' whose every motion would be electronically monitored by Orwellian guards. Though backed by Gov. Ronald Reagan, the plan was defeated.
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Jodie Foster - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

John Hinckley Jr ejecutó un atentado fallido contra la vida de Ronald Reagan el 30 de marzo de 1981. Poco después alegó que con esto pretendía llamar la atención de Foster, con la que estaba obsesionado a causa de su interpretación como una joven cortesana en la película Taxi Driver.


muy apropiada la temática........ no les pondrían taxi driver para programación mental?