71º Informe: es una FALSA movilización parcial. Es TOTAL.

Es lo normal. Al menos debe tener preparado a 1 millon por si acaso y la industria militar a tope. Esta claro que los globalistas les van a meter mas marrones tienen mucha frontera.
Se van a quedar los 4 oblast y a defenderlos sin mas. Y si quiere occidente que venga
CLIPBEIC ! que me devuelvan mi CLISS

en intel slava pone supuestamente la Ley y si no eres miltroncho no tienes que ir
si es la ley es la ley. al menos por ahora

Intel Slava Z


A selection of personnel from many regions of Russia - from Yakutsk to Derbent, from Vladivostok to Anapa - with gatherings of mobilized citizens at the gates of military enlistment offices. Farewell to relatives, promises to return and a fighting mood.

aqui el video : impresionate de ver y triste aunque sean militares o reservsitas
Sep 22 at 18:04

New statements by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the situation with partial mobilization:

The Russian government has created a call center for the procedure for conducting partial mobilization;

As part of the partial mobilization, shooters, tankers, gunners, drivers and mechanics will be called up;

The sequence of conscription of citizens from the reserve has not been established, but priority is given to those who have suitable military specialties;

One of the main factors in mobilization is the fact that citizens called up from the reserve have combat experience;

About 10 thousand citizens arrived at the military commissariats on their own during the first day of partial mobilization;

Citizens booked for organizations receive the right to deferment from mobilization;

Quotas for the number of citizens called up from the reserve for the subjects of the Russian Federation, public or private organizations are not set.​

37.4K views17:39

Intel Slava Z

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that, in accordance with Russian legislation, the ***owing are subject to mobilization:

privates and sergeants - up to 35 years,
junior officers - up to 50 years old,
senior officers - up to 55 years

in accordance with the law will not be called:

• reserved citizens, these include employees of defense industry enterprises
• recognized as temporarily unfit for health reasons
• engaged in constant care for a family member or disabled people of group I
• having 4 or more dependent children under the age of 16
• those whose mothers, in addition to them, have 4 or more children under the age of 8 and raise them without a husband.

37.1K views17:40