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Ayn Rand es una orate pervertida sensual y antiestética (mala combinacion) que se se fue a servir a los EEUU y acabo siendo la pilinguilla de algun ricachon, seguramente sometiendose a las mas degradantes practicas sensuales sadomasoquistas

Luego no sabemos como ascendio y segun dicen, se tiraba a un jovencisimo Alan Greenspan.

Tambien fue novia de un orate que mataba niñas y al que admiraba mucho, por la capacidad que veia en el tio de no ver a las niñas que mataba como personas, si no como objetos

La ideologia que propugna en sus libros, es un individualismo a ultranza, una especie de actualizacion del satanismo y del luciferismo.

Vamos, una mala fruta en toda regla y una ideologia a la que se han aferrado muchos trepas, sobre todo en ambientes economicos, por que les viene como anillo al dedo, el que alguien les diga que lo suyo no es ser unos sociopatas de cosa, si no que es una "ideologia to wapa"

ademas era alubia*
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Me gustaría que AynRandiano contestara al tema del malo múltiple que ha sacado a relucir el iluminati. Para variar allseeing ha estado expresando sin haberse leido una cosa de nada, pero yo si me he leído gran parte de ese artículo (gracias por traerlo) y cuanto menos me ha hecho pararme a pensar

Allseing no suele aportar mucho con sus posts, pero la historia del orate al que "admiraba" (mentira) me la hizo conocer él. A cada cual lo suyo.

Me parece absurdo entrar en largas disquisiciones sobre si Ayn Rand pensaba bien, mal o regular sobre un orate cuando todo lo que escribió sobre él puede pegarse en un post para que cada cual saque sus conclusiones sobre el asunto.

Esto es TODO lo que Ayn Rand escribió sobre el orate (subrayados míos):

[William Edward] Hickman said: "I am like the state: what is good for me is right." That is this boy's psychology. (The best and strongest expression of a real man's psychology I ever heard.) The model for the boy is Hickman. Very far from him, of course. The outside of Hickman, but not the inside. Much deeper and much more. A Hickman with a purpose. And without the degeneracy. It is more exact to say that the model is not Hickman, but what Hickman suggested to me.
The boy is a perfectly straight being, unbending and uncompromising. He cannot be a hypocrite. He shows how impossible it is for a genuinely beautiful soul to succeed at present; for in all [aspects of] modern life, one has to be a hypocrite, to bend and tolerate. This boy wanted to command and smash away things and people he didn't approve of. He could not compromise with <jrnl_28> that which he despised and knew he had a right to despise. All life is compromising, at present. A man that could not compromise

The Hickman Case
The first thing that impresses me about the case is the ferocious rage of the whole society against one man. No matter what the man did, there is always something loathsome in the "virtuous" indignation and mass-hatred of the "majority." One always feels the stuffy, bloodthirsty emotion of a mob in any great public feeling of a large number of humans. It is repulsive to see all those beings with worse sins and crimes in their own lives, virtuously condemning a criminal, proud and secure in their number, yelling furiously in defense of society.
This is not just the case of a terrible crime. It is not the crime alone that has raised that fury of public hatred. It is the case of a daring challenge to society. It is the fact that a crime has been committed by one man, alone; that this man knew it was against all laws of humanity and intended it that way; that he does not want to recognize it as a crime and that he feels superior to all. It is the amazing picture of a man with no regard whatever for all that <jrnl_37> society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. A man who really stands alone, in action and in soul.
A mob's feeling of omnipotence is its most jealously guarded possession and therefore a dangerous thing to wound. The mob can forgive any insult or crime except one: [the act of] challenging its ultimate power. It can forgive a criminal who erred, but who is just one of itself, i.e., has the same soul and ideas and bends to the same gods. But to see a man who has freed himself from it entirely, who has nothing in common with it, a man who does not need it and who openly disdains it—this is the one crime a mob can never forgive.
It seems to me that the mob is more jealous to possess a man's soul than his ****** It is the spiritual despotism that is so dear to it. It does not care whether it [physically] possesses a man, as long as the man acknowledges to himself that he belongs to it. It cannot stand to see a man who does not belong and knows it. That tyrannical monster, the mob, feels the helpless fury of impotence in the presence of the one thing beyond its power, that it cannot conquer, the only thing that counts—a man's own soul and consciousness. And when the mob sees one of these rare, free, clear spirits, over which it has no control—then we have the [spectacle] of a roaring, passionate public hatred.
Worse crimes than this have been committed. Not one has ever raised such furious indignation. Why? Because of the man who committed the crime and not because of the crime he has committed. Because of Hickman's brazenly challenging attitude.
[It can be seen in] his strange letters, which are a little theatrically melodramatic, but so boastful and self-confident, e.g.: "If you want help against me, ask God, not men," signed "The Fox." [It can be seen in] his utter remorselessness; his pride in his criminal career and in things that are considered a "disgrace"; his boasting of more and more crimes and his open joy at shocking people, instead of trying to implore their sympathy; his utter lack of anything that is considered a "virtue"; his strength, as shown in his unprecedented conduct during his trial and sentencing; his calm, superior, indifferent, disdainful countenance, which is like an open challenge to society—shouting to it that it cannot break him; his immense, explicit egoism—a thing the mob never forgives; and his cleverness, which makes the mob feel that a superior mind can exist entirely outside of its established jovenlandesals.
No: [the reaction to] this case is not jovenlandesal indignation at a terrible crime. It is the mob's murderous desire to revenge its hurt vanity against a man who dared to be alone. It is a case of "we" against "him."
And when we look at the other side of it—there is a brilliant, unusual, <jrnl_38> exceptional boy turned into a purposeless monster. By whom? By what? Is it not by that very society that is now yelling so virtuously in its role of innocent victim? He had a brilliant mind, a romantic, adventurous, impatient soul and a straight, uncompromising, proud character. What had society to offer him? A wretched, insane family as the ideal home, a Y.M.C.A. club as social honor, and a bank-page job as ambition and career. And it is not the petty financial misery of these that I have in mind. They are representative of all that society has to offer: a high social standing and a million-dollar business position is essentially the same Y.M.C.A. club and bank-page job, merely more of the same.
If he had any desires and ambitions—what was the way before him? A long, slow, soul-eating, heart-wrecking toil and struggle; a degrading, ignoble road of silent pain and loud compromises. Succeed? How could he succeed? How do men succeed? By begging successfully for the good graces of the society they must serve. And if he could not serve? If he didn't know how to beg? It's a long and tortuous road that an exceptional man must travel in this society. It requires a steel-strength that can overcome disgust, which is a worse enemy than antiestéticar, and also a steel-hypocrisy, the patient art of hiding oneself when it is wise not to be seen.
A strong man can eventually trample society under his feet. That boy was not strong enough. But is that his crime? Is it his crime that he was too impatient, fiery and proud to go that slow way? That he was not able to serve, when he felt worthy to rule; to obey, when he wanted to command? That boy could not get along with the men that society forgives and tolerates. He could not get along with the majority. He could not lick boots—and one can't succeed without licking boots. He was superior and he wanted to live as such—and this is the one thing society does not permit.
He was given [nothing with which] to fill his life. What was he offered to fill his soul? The petty, narrow, inconsistent, hypocritical ideology of present-day humanity. All the criminal, ludicrous, tragic nonsense of Christianity and its jovenlandesals, virtues, and consequences. Is it any wonder that he didn't accept it? That it left his soul emptier than it had been before? That boy does not believe in anything. But, oh! men, have you anything to believe in? Can you offer anything to be believed? He is a monster in his cruelty and disrespect of all things. But is there anything to be respected? He does not know what love means. But what is it that is worthy of being loved?
Yes, he is a monster—now. But the worse he is, the worst must be the cause that drove him to this. Isn't it significant that society was not able to fill the life of an exceptional, intelligent boy, to give him anything to outbalance crime in his eyes? If society is horrified at his crime, it should be <jrnl_39> horrified at the crime's ultimate cause: itself. The worse the crime—the greater its guilt. What could society answer, if that boy were to say: "Yes, I'm a monstrous criminal, but what are you?"
This is what I think of the case. I am afraid that I idealize Hickman and that he might not be this at all. In fact, he probably isn't. But it does not make any difference. If he isn't, he could be, and that's enough. The reaction of society would be the same, if not worse, toward the Hickman I have in mind. This case showed me how society can wreck an exceptional being, and then murder him for being the wreck that it itself has created. This will be the story of the boy in my book.
Facts and details that will be useful to me
The insistent efforts of the newspapers to represent Hickman as a coward, to break down the impression of his strength and daring. Immediately after his arrest the papers were full of articles about his being "yellow," his "breaking down," his "hysterical antiestéticar," his "white face," his appearance of being "a rat instead of a Fox," and so on, all insisting that even if he seems calm, he really isn't, he must be in a deadly terror. This might or might not have been true. Probably not, judging from his later behavior. Perhaps he was pretending to be insane. But the insistent way in which the papers shouted about his being "yellow" seemed to be a mad, furious attempt to degrade him, to take away any heroic appearance he might have had, to make the public think that they had succeeded in breaking him, while they really had not. It was as though it infuriated them to see strength, pride, and courage in this criminal and to see that they could not break him; it seemed to be the mob's subconscious fury at the sight of such virtues in its enemy. To humiliate, to throw down—that is the mob's greatest delight. (It's going to be so in the story, after the boy's arrest.)
The jury. Average, everyday, rather stupid looking citizens. Shabbily dressed, dried, worn looking little men. Fat, overdressed, very average, "dignified" housewives. How can they decide the fate of that boy? Or anyone's fate? If a man has to be judged, why can't he be judged by his superiors, who alone would have a right to do it? Why does he have to be judged by "equals" (and what "equals"!)? (In the story, I must select my jurors very carefully. One or two will have to be prominent characters whom the readers know very well, including all sides of their natures and their own unpunished crimes against society. Several will have to be incidental "background" characters—with enough of them shown to see what "good citizens" they are. The rest will be <jrnl_40> described by their looks—which is plenty. The whole must make a nice picture of society's representatives, who sit in judgment over the boy even though they are not worthy to lace his shoes.)
Asa Keyes, the prosecutor. His [lack of] honesty and conviction was clearly demonstrated in the shady, disgraceful case of Amy MacPherson. Shameful charges were directed at him immediately before the Hickman case. A fat, overindulgent-looking man, with an owl-like nose, narrow little eyes, a big, heavy face and double-chin, a grayish-yellow complexion, a balding head with greasy hair, and the booming voice of a bully, giving an impression of a fat seal or a bull-dog. He made an unintelligent speech, full of common platitudes, showing a complete lack of any imagination or originality. He had the nerve to speak in defense of the people, the country, the world and so on! And he had the right to yell about Hickman: "He is rotten, rotten!"
All of this is a good example of my "little street" idea. I kept the clipping of his speech, as a wonderful example of how the little street talks, almost exaggeratedly good, couldn't be better if I had written it for him.
(In the story, the prosecutor will have to be a rather prominent character, with a shady case on his hands, right before the boy's case, with all the characteristics of this one—and more!)
The public who attended the trial. Average citizenry in all its full bloom. Women and girls—silly, homely, uninteresting and insignificant, over-rouged, just utterly blank in every way. Old-fashioned little women—shabbily dressed, wrinkled and shriveled. God knows from where and why here. "Fellows'' with "their girls." Men of all ages and of every profession, high and low, mostly low. Newspaper women with the conceited vanity and superior dignity of mediocrity feeling its importance, of workers smaller than their jobs. The common woman with ugly clothes, a fat, soft white face, and religious pins, a "kitchen-sink" type, who looked on everyday and declared that she had been to all the murder trials. The barefooted, robed "hermit" with a white beard, "Prophet Jonas" written in white oil-paint on a band around his head, and a red banner of prayers in his hand, who claimed that he was a messenger from Jesus Christ, sent to attend the trial. The fat, tall woman in brown with a mustache and a suspiciously kind voice and manner. The young man with the horse's teeth, who was "just curious." And so on. These are the ones I saw. The list can be prolonged indefinitely. The circus show that the mob enjoys when it has a plaything that is going to be murdered.
Harry Carr and his superb indignation at Hickman. (More about him <jrnl_41> later. I must have a journalist like that in the story, a composite of Harry Carr, Arthur Brisbane, Adela Rogers St.-Johns and several others with newspaper columns.)
Harry Carr's friend, the perfect gentleman who suggested that the proper punishment for Hickman is that he be cut to pieces.
Patsy Ruth Miller, the "big star" who "openly expressed her disapproval of the effort to save Hickman," and who has such a right to express it!
Charlie Chaplin, who came to the door and went away claiming that "one look was enough" and "he didn't want to be seen here." Such a clean, decent, virtuous man! [The sarcasm here was in part provoked by Chaplin's support of communism.]
The prince of Sweden, the "royal presence," a chap with protruding jaws and the blank expression of a half-wit.
Richard Barthelmess who sat for hours in a place where he "could watch every expression on Hickman's face."
Adela Rogers St.-Johns cleverly noted that Hickman is an extremist, a type that can either be very good or very bad. This is true and the idea of the "extremist" is splendid. We should have more extremists—then life wouldn't be what it is. But she says that "an extremist is always dangerous" and we all should be just in between, the "golden miccionan," the balanced average. This is a wonderful expression of the view exactly opposite from mine. What I want to show in my book is just the horror of that middle: the illogical, inconsistent, weak, tolerant, mediocre, loathsome middle. For if men were extremists they would ***ow each idea and feeling to its end, they would be faithful to their purposes and to themselves, they would be clear, straight, and absolute in everything. And they wouldn't tolerate a lot of what is tolerated now. This is just what we need.
She says that Hickman could be either a very great man or a very great criminal. Well, it only shows that he is always great and the one thing impossible to him is pettiness and mediocrity. For this reason I admire Hickman and every extremist. [Later, AR identifies "extremism" as an "anti-concept"; see "Extremism, or the Art of Smearing" in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.]
She says that Hickman was always conscious of himself, always thinking of the effect he produces, always centered on himself. This is one of those things that isn't worth arguing about; the opinion on egoism is organic in every person and can't be changed or argued.
So she is afraid of men being too good or too bad? I think of the man who said: "Oh, that their best is so very small! Oh, that their worst is so very small! And oh, how horrid it is to be small!" [This is an approximate quote <jrnl_42> from Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche.] This is what my book is going to say. Extremist beyond all extreme is what we need!
Agnes Christine Johnston said that Hickman is "surprisingly uncivilized.'' I congratulate her, although not quite in the way she would expect. Her idea is that civilization is sympathy, i.e., a great sympathetic understanding and co-feeling with others. She is perfectly right; that is just what civilization is. But is that progress, which is the meaning usually associated with the word "civilization"? Isn't just that "sympathy" in civilization the greatest regress, the greatest danger, downfall and degeneracy of mankind? I know what Nietzsche and I think on this subject.
Johnston says that Hickman has "an ugly soul," that his mind is developed, but his soul is neglected. Well, "ugly" is a relative expression. She concludes with the responsibility of parents to develop their children's souls and mentions her "own three little ones."
(Incidentally, this same Agnes Christine Johnston is the author of a silly play about office-girls' love, about a homely working girl who becomes beautiful, and so on. The play has the deep, significant title of "Funny Little Thing." I mention this as an example of the ideology of those who speak so loudly about "civilization.")
V. M. declared, as though she were dictating a paragraph into my story, that Hickman's greatest crime is the fact that he willingly [detached] himself from "humanity," from the one and only thing that counts in the world—humanity and its progress. She claims that for this he should be killed and destroyed without pity. (She said this last part about destroying quite savagely, in a dark, threatening way that sounded so much like that typical, blind mob cruelty.) She says that the main thing in life is to feel that you are contributing to the progress of humanity, or life, or things in general—to feel yourself a part of some vague immense universal progress. She says that she is perfectly satisfied to feel herself a good average human being, and to believe that the other human beings are just as good—or bad—as she is; that the exceptional beings have to use their talent and intelligence to pull the average ones up, because kindness is the greatest thing, the only thing in life; that you are so closely related to other people that you can't tell where you end and they begin; that those who dare to stand alone always become insane.
I put all this down as a good, clear outline of the little street's high ideals.
Her claim that Hickman's greatest crime is his anti-socialness confirmed my idea of the public's attitude in this case—and explains my involuntary, <jrnl_43> irresistible sympathy for him, which I cannot help feeling just because of this and in spite of everything else.
Hickman said: "I am like the state: what is good for me is right." Even if he wasn't big enough to live by that attitude, he deserves credit for saying it so brilliantly. There is a lot that is purposelessly, senselessly horrible about him. But that does not interest me. I want to remember his actions and characteristics that will be useful for the boy in my story. His limitless daring and his frightful sense of humor, e.g., when he was playing the Victrola while policemen searched his apartment and he offered to help, asking if he could do anything for them. His calm, defiant attitude at the trial. His almost inhuman strength in being able to joke about his death sentence: "The die is cast and the state wins by a neck." His deliberate smiling when posing for photographs after the sentence. His hard, cynical attitude toward everything, as shown in the little detail that he expressed his feelings after the sentence by saying one obscene word. The fact that he looks like "a bad boy with a very winning grin," that he makes you like him the whole time you are in his presence, that he has a personality that would have carried him far if he had gone another way. His decision to die like a man and his promise to walk calmly up the death-steps. His playing jazz records and asking for flowers even in the death cell.
[The depravity of] the pastors who try to convert convicted murderers to their religion. Hickman has been baptized into the Catholic faith. So has Ruth Snyder. The horrible idea of "saving" a murderer's "soul," adding to the "glory" of their religion by demonstrating its power over antiestéticar-crazed convicts. The hypocrisy of "saving a soul," of turning a man to a religion of charity and forgiveness like Christianity and then executing him. The mob tyranny I mentioned, shown in the desire to make a new slave, add a new ***ower to the herd, break an independent man into submission.
The fact that right after his sentence Hickman was given a Bible by the jailer. I don't know of anything more loathsome, hypocritical, low, and diabolical than giving Bibles to men sentenced to death. It's one of those things that's comical in its stupidity and horrid because of this lugubrious, gruesome comedy.
The newsboy I saw on a crowded downtown corner, a heavy, unshaven young fellow, with a [sickly] complexion, fat lips, narrow forehead and spectacles, who was yelling: "They're gonna hang him!" when the first extras with the sentence appeared. Other adult newsboys, yelling with a bloodthirsty delight: "Hickman to hang! Hickman to hang by the neck!"
The drunken man who murdered his wife for no particular reason, and <jrnl_44> then regretted it, was Hickman's cell-mate in jail—and beat Hickman up, thinking himself superior.
The twelve-year-old little girl, who wrote a letter to Hickman, asking him "to get religion so that little girls everywhere would stop being afraid of him."
Dale Budlong and other prisoners who "don't want to be mixed" with Hickman, considering themselves so much better.
The woman who wrote a letter to the authorities asking for permission to be present at Hickman's hanging. A great number of other letters making the same ********* (!) (The bloodthirsty, blind, carnivorous beast that is hidden beneath the polished surface of our "civilized," religious, respectable citizens!)
All the dirty stories about Hickman. In this case they are probably true, but how easily they could have been manufactured to throw dirt at the object of the public's hatred (which will be the case in my book).

Fin del asunto Hickman-Ayn Rand. No hay nada más escrito sobre el tema. No hay más que rascar. Y Ayn rand dejó totalmente claro que condenaba jovenlandesalmente la psicopatía del malo, pese a reconocer algo digno de atención en parte de su actitud.

Resumiendo: Ayn Rand usó como inspiración lo que una parte de la actitud de un orate inspiró en ella, aún a sabiendas de que un orate es un orate, lo mismo que podemos admirar la parte heróica del Che Guevara sin perder de vista que era otro orate.
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