Se habla mucho del nazismo...

Es la segunda vez que se pone este post,el primero fué en temas calientes ahora en el os aburrís de levantar cosa de vez en cuando?...

Hasta cuando,tenemos que seguir soportando esta cosa de propaganda

¿Porqué te molesta tanto???

jorobaRSE¡¡ no lo leas y punto...

Pero que miedo le teneis a la libertad machote...a ver si ahora el foro tiene que ser como a ti te guste???

A mi me gusta tal y como es...cada uno que lea lo que quiera y que pase de leer lo que no le apetezca...punto.


Pero no dejan de ser totalitarismos exclavizantes


Es la segunda vez que se pone este post,el primero fué en temas calientes ahora en el os aburrís de levantar cosa de vez en cuando?...

Hasta cuando,tenemos que seguir soportando esta cosa de propaganda
Alemania y Rusia invadieron conjuntamente Polonia en el 39. Y cuando los polacos se rindieron se la repartieron entre los dos.

Los aliados solo le declararon la guerra a Alemania.

¿Como puede haber alguien tan loco que se crea que los aliados le declaron la guerra a Alemania porque tenían un pacto con Polonia?

¿Que tienes en el cerebro? ¿Que va mal en tu cabeza?

Np estoy más de la cabeza ni nada y por favor abstengase usted de argumentos "ad personam". Francia y Gran Bretaña declararon querra a III Reich formalmente 3 de Septiembre de 1939 y declaración de la guerra formaba parte de alianza que firmaron los 3 paises.
Enviado desde mi GT-S5830i usando Tapatalk 2
Hollywood hace bien su labor.

Pues igualito que la URSS, los EEUU en las guerras indias,..., los turcos en Armenia

Y la destrucción en la que sumio a Europa, es la misma que la de Napoleon.
A claro que Napoleon es bueno, extendio la revolución a base de monarquias familiares.

Napolen= Hitler- campos de exterminio

Hombre, si te parece omitimos los campos de exterminio, total, algo espureo y superficial.

Aquí no vale el "y tú más". ¿lo que digo es cierto o no? Lo es.

The ignorant se lo ha dejado claro: hay datos fehacientes, citas, documentos, etc..

Tenemos las 4 citas de siempre, y eso es lo único a lo que se pueden agarrar para intentar exculpar a Hitler. En cambio, es fehaciente que remilitarizó Renania, que invadió Checoslovaquia, que convirtió la República de Weimar en una dictadura, que encerró a la oposición en campos, que invadió Polonia, Bñélgica, Francia, la URSS.

Todo eso que le digó ocurrió. De verdad. No se lo imaginó nadie.
Y los jerarcas nazis estaban muy orgullosos de ello y lo llevaban planeando desde hacía muchos años.

Probablemente habría intereses financieros, claro, igual que los hubo en la IGM, e igual que Alemania, más allá de la criminalidad del nazismo, tenía unos intereses en cuanto a zonas de influencia, despecho por Versalles, espacio vital, expansión industrial...

Por otro lado, todo lo que plantea The ignorant sobre la educación alemana, el militarismo, el hipernacionalismo, que además conecta ambas guerras.

Otro día, cuando hable conmigo, espero que me muestre un respeto intelectual, y si no, absténgase.
A un ecologista francés le cayó la del pulpo por recalcar que en materia de protección ambiental y respeto por la naturaleza los nazis le daban sopas con onda a Francia :roto2: Montar una guerra mundial no es precisamente ecologista, pero al menos mostraban de forma expresa un interés, compromiso, respeto y voluntad de protección del medio ambiente, mientras que hoy día :fiufiu:

El III Reich de Hitler, la naturaleza y los animales

Enviado por Fabiola el Vie, 26/05/2006 - 00:00
Derechos Animales

En total contradicción con los hechos tiránicos y sanguinarios del Tercer Reich de Hitler, la sensibilidad por la naturaleza y los animales de este gobierno se reflejó en la promulgación de tres leyes proteccionistas: la ley de protección de los animales (la Reichs-Tierschutzgesetz de 1933), la ley de caza (Reichs-Jagdgesetz de 1934) y la ley de protección de la naturaleza (Reichs-Naturschutzgesetz de 1935). Es curioso -pero nada casual- que este visionario cuerpo jurídico ecologista haya sido el primero de este tipo en toda la historia, y que se haya dado precisamente, bajo este régimen totalitario. Los altos mandos del partido nacionalsocialista (nancy) alemán eran vegetarianos, ambientalistas y protectores de la naturaleza. Es de conocimiento público que Hitler amaba a su cortesana Blondi, pero además -según sus biógrafos- no admitía que se fumara en su presencia, y cuando compartía la mesa con personas que comían carne, les describía con lujo de detalle los horrores del matadero. De hecho, él mismo declaró que "En el nuevo Reich no debe haber cabida para la crueldad con los animales”.

En su libro El Nuevo Orden Ecológico, el filósofo francés Luc Ferry argumenta que la preocupación nancy por el medioambiente se basa en una estética que une al pueblo alemán en un sentimiento común:

... la belleza como sentimiento y la edad de oro perdida son, esencialmente... una naturaleza original, salvaje, pura, virgen, auténtica e irracional, accesible únicamente a través de las vías del sentimiento. Esta naturaleza original se define como tal incluso por su carácter extrahumano. Es exterior al hombre y anterior a él - exterior a su razón matemática y anterior a la aparición de la cultura artificial de la que el desvarío y el orgullo humanos son los únicos responsables."

Con esta idea pangermánica de la pertenencia a la propia tierra, la Naturaleza (asi, con mayúsculas) era ejemplo y base: la ley del más fuerte que impera en la naturaleza, y el triunfo de los más preparados y los mejores genéticamente, es básica en la ideología y la propaganda nancy. De este modo, los dirigentes del partido nancy no tenían más deber que proteger y defender esta "naturaleza natural" que es fuente del modo de ser germánico. De ahi que la Naturaleza fuera protegida como progenitora amorosa y acogedora, abarcante del ser humano. Por ello en su ley de protección establecieron la figura de los "Monumentos Naturales", como "creaciones originales de la naturaleza cuya presentación resulta de un interés público motivado por su importancia y su significación científica, histórica, patriótica...".

Por su parte, el respeto a los animales está dado no por su visión utilitarista desde el ser humano, sino por su valor intrínseco como ser vivo . En cuanto a la Ley de Caza, delinea la figura y rol del cazador en tanto: "el deber de un cazador digno de este nombre no consiste sólo en dar caza a la presa, sino también en mantenerla y cuidarla para que se produzca y se preserve una situación de la presa más sana, más fuerte y más diversificada en lo que a las especies se refiere".

Con la lectura y comprensión de los conceptos anteriores, no es difícil entender porqué bajo la Alemania nancy la protección a la naturaleza y los animales fueron impulsados y defendidos. La tierra progenitora, sus bosques, ríos, flora y fauna, debían ser preservados -además- de la crueldad humana y de la contaminación que comenzaba con la industrialización del país. Salvar el refugio y sostén de la raza aria era un deber ineludible. La paradoja es que mientras se instauraban zonas protegidas ecológicamente, millones de enemigos políticos eran humillados, gaseados y exterminados en los campos de concentración. De ahí que Luc Ferry insista en la necesidad de que la nueva ecología que se viene formando, esa misma que promueve el respeto de la naturaleza por sí misma, y de los animales más allá de la mera instrumentalidad para el hombre, respete a la vez la institucionalidad democráctica y las personas del planeta.

El III Reich de Hitler, la naturaleza y los animales | Ecosofía
Y de postre, pioneros en la lucha contra el tabaco:

After German doctors became the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer,[1] nancy Germany initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement[2] and led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history.[3] Anti-tobacco movements grew in many nations from the beginning of the 20th century,[4][5] but these had little success, except in Germany, where the campaign was supported by the government after the Nazis came to power.[4] It was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.[6] The National Socialist leadership condemned smoking[7] and several of them openly criticized tobacco consumption.[6] Research on smoking and its effects on health thrived under nancy rule[8] and was the most important of its type at that time.[9] Adolf Hitler's personal distaste for tobacco[10] and the nancy reproductive policies were among the motivating factors behind their campaign against smoking, and this campaign was associated with both antisemitism and racism.[11]

The nancy anti-tobacco campaign included banning smoking in trams, buses and city trains,[6] promoting health education,[12] limiting cigarette rations in the Wehrmacht, organizing medical lectures for soldiers, and raising the tobacco tax.[6] The National Socialists also imposed restrictions on tobacco advertising and smoking in public spaces, and regulated restaurants and coffeehouses.[6] The anti-tobacco movement did not have much effect in the early years of the nancy regime and tobacco use increased between 1933 and 1939,[13] but smoking by military personnel declined from 1939 to 1945.[14] Even by the end of the 20th century, the anti-smoking movement in postwar Germany had not attained the influence of the nancy anti-smoking campaign.[13] The use of nancy and health fascism rhetoric can be regarded as part of an institutionalised practice of the tobacco industry and its front groups to discredit tobacco control activities and prevent the introduction of effective policies. “Nicotine Nazis strike againâ€: a brief analysis of the use of nancy rhetoric in attacking tobacco control advocacy

[hide] 1 Prelude
2 Reasons 2.1 Hitler's attitude towards smoking
2.2 Reproductive policies

3 Research
4 Measures
5 Effectiveness
6 Association with antisemitism and racism
7 After World War II
8 See also
9 Notes
10 References
11 Further reading

[edit] Prelude

Anti-tobacco sentiment existed in Germany in the early 20th century. Critics of smoking organized the first anti-tobacco group in the country named the Deutscher Tabakgegnerverein zum Schutze der Nichtraucher (German Tobacco Opponents' Association for the Protection of Non-smokers). Established in 1904, this organization existed for a brief period only. The next anti-tobacco organization, the Bund Deutscher Tabakgegner (Federation of German Tobacco Opponents), was established in 1910 in Trautenau, Bohemia. Other anti-smoking organizations were established in 1912 in the cities of Hanover and Dresden. In 1920, a Bund Deutscher Tabakgegner in der Tschechoslowakei (Federation of German Tobacco Opponents in Czechoslovakia) was formed in Prague, after Czechoslovakia was separated from Austria at the end of World War I. A Bund Deutscher Tabakgegner in Deutschösterreich (Federation of German Tobacco Opponents in German Austria) was established in Graz in 1920.[15]

These groups published journals advocating nonsmoking. The first such German language journal was Der Tabakgegner (The Tobacco Opponent), published by the Bohemian organization between 1912 and 1932. Deutscher Tabakgegner (German Tobacco Opponent) was published in Dresden from 1919 to 1935, and was the second journal on this subject.[16] The anti-tobacco organizations were also against consumption of alcohol.[17]

[edit] Reasons

[edit] Hitler's attitude towards smoking

Hitler encouraged his close associates to quit smoking.
Adolf Hitler was a heavy smoker in his early life—he used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes daily—but gave up the habit, concluding that it was a waste of money.[10] In later years, Hitler viewed smoking as "decadent"[14] and "the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man, vengeance for having been given hard liquor",[10] lamenting that "so many excellent men have been lost to tobacco poisoning".[18] He was unhappy because both Eva Braun and Martin Bormann were smokers and was concerned over Hermann Göring's continued smoking in public places. He was angered when a statue portraying a cigar-smoking Göring was commissioned.[10] Hitler is often considered to be the first national leader to advocate nonsmoking, although James VI and I of Scotland and England has a better claim to that title by three hundred years.[19]

Hitler disapproved of the military personnel's freedom to smoke, and during World War II he said on 2 March 1942, "it was a mistake, traceable to the army leadership at the time, at the beginning of the war". He also said that it was "not correct to say that a soldier cannot live without smoking". He promised to end the use of tobacco in the military after the end of the war. Hitler personally encouraged close friends not to smoke and rewarded those who quit smoking. However, Hitler's personal distaste for tobacco was only one of several catalysts behind the anti-smoking campaign.[10]

[edit] Reproductive policies

The nancy reproductive policies were a significant factor behind their anti-tobacco campaign.[11] Women who smoked were considered to be vulnerable to premature aging and loss of physical attractiveness; they were viewed as unsuitable to be wives and mothers in a German family. Werner Huttig of the nancy Party's Rassenpolitisches Amt (Office of Racial Politics) said that a smoking mother's breast milk contained nicotine,[20] a claim that modern research has proven correct.[21][22][23][24] Martin Staemmler, a prominent physician during the Third Reich, opined that smoking by pregnant women resulted in a higher rate of stillbirths and miscarriages. This opinion was also supported by well-known female racial hygienist Agnes Bluhm, whose book published in 1936 expressed the same view. The nancy leadership was concerned over this because they wanted German women to be as reproductive as possible. An article published in a German gynecology journal in 1943 stated that women smoking three or more cigarettes per day were more likely to remain childless compared to nonsmoking women.[25]

[edit] Research

Research and studies on tobacco's effects on the population's health were more advanced in Germany than in any other nation by the time the Nazis came to power.[6] The link between lung cancer and tobacco was first proven in nancy Germany,[18][26][27] contrary to the popular belief that American and British scientists first discovered it in the 1950s.[18] The term "passive smoking" ("Passivrauchen") was coined in nancy Germany.[3] Research projects funded by the Nazis revealed many disastrous effects of smoking on health.[28] nancy Germany supported epidemiological research on the harmful effects of tobacco use.[2] Hitler personally gave financial support to the Wissenschaftliches Institut zur Erforschung der Tabakgefahren (Institute for Tobacco Hazards Research) at the University of Jena, headed by Karl Astel.[14][29] Established in 1941, it was the most significant anti-tobacco institute in nancy Germany.[29]

Franz H. Müller in 1939 and E. Schairer in 1943 first used case-control epidemiological methods to study lung cancer among smokers.[14] In 1939, Müller published a study report in a reputed cancer journal in Germany which claimed that prevalence of lung cancer was higher among smokers.[2] Müller, described as the "forgotten father of experimental epidemiology",[30] was a member of the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) and the nancy Party (NSDAP). Müller's 1939 medical dissertation was the world's first controlled epidemiological study of the relationship between tobacco and lung cancer. Apart from mentioning the increasing incidence of lung cancer and many of the causes behind it such as dust, exhaust gas from cars, tuberculosis, X-ray and pollutants emitted from factories, Müller's paper pointed out that "the significance of tobacco smoke has been pushed more and more into the foreground".[31]

Physicians in the Third Reich were aware that smoking is responsible for cardiac diseases, which were considered to be the most serious diseases resulting from smoking. Use of nicotine was sometimes considered to be responsible for increasing reports of myocardial infarction in the country. In the later years of World War II, researchers considered nicotine a factor behind the coronary heart failures suffered by a significant number of military personnel in the Eastern Front. A pathologist of the Heer examined thirty-two young soldiers who had died from myocardial infarction at the front, and documented in a 1944 report that all of them were "enthusiastic smokers". He cited the opinion of pathologist Franz Buchner that cigarettes are "a coronary poison of the first order".[20]

[edit] Measures

Reine Luft, the main journal of the anti-tobacco movement, used puns and cartoons in its propaganda, such as suggesting smoking was promoted by the devil.
The Nazis used several public relations tactics to convince the general population of Germany not to smoke. Well-known health magazines like the Gesundes Volk (Healthy People),[28] Volksgesundheit (People's Health) and Gesundes Leben (Healthy Life)[32] published warnings about the health consequences of smoking[28][32] and posters showing the harmful effects of tobacco were displayed. Anti-smoking messages were sent to the people in their workplaces,[28] often with the help of the Hitler-Jugend (HJ) and the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM).[11][28][32] The anti-smoking campaign undertaken by the Nazis also included health education.[12][26][33] In June 1939, a Bureau against the Hazards of Alcohol and Tobacco was formed and the Reichsstelle für Rauschgiftbekämpfung (Bureau for the Struggle against Intoxicating Drugs) also helped in the anti-tobacco campaign. Articles advocating nonsmoking were published in the magazines Die Genussgifte (The Recreational Stimulants), Auf der Wacht (On the Guard) and Reine Luft (Clean Air).[34] Out of these magazines, Reine Luft was the main journal of the anti-tobacco movement.[6][35] Karl Astel's Institute for Tobacco Hazards Research at Jena University purchased and distributed hundreds of reprints from Reine Luft.[35]

After recognizing the harmful effects of smoking on health, several items of anti-smoking legislation were enacted.[36] The later 1930s increasingly saw anti-tobacco laws implemented by the Nazis. In 1938, the Luftwaffe and the Reichspost imposed a ban on smoking. Smoking was also banned not only in health care institutions, but also in several public offices and in rest homes.[6] Midwives were restricted from smoking while on duty. In 1939, the nancy Party outlawed smoking in all of its offices premises, and Heinrich Himmler, the then chief of the Schutzstaffel (SS), restricted police personnel and SS officers from smoking while they were on duty.[37] Smoking was also outlawed in schools.[28]

In 1941, tobacco smoking in trams was outlawed in sixty German cities.[37] Smoking was also outlawed in bomb shelters; however, some shelters had separate rooms for smoking.[6] Special care was taken to prevent women from smoking. The President of the Medical Association in Germany announced, "German women don't smoke".[38] Pregnant women and women below the age of 25 and over the age of 55 were not given tobacco ration cards during World War II. Restrictions on selling tobacco products to women were imposed on the hospitality and food retailing industry.[37] Anti-tobacco films aimed at women were publicly shown. Editorials discussing the issue of smoking and its effects were published in newspapers. Strict measures were taken in this regard and a district department of the National Socialist Factory Cell Organization (NSBO) announced that it would expel female members who smoked publicly.[39] The next step in the anti-tobacco campaign came in July 1943, when public smoking for persons under the age of 18 was outlawed.[11][32][37] In the next year, smoking in buses and city trains was made illegal,[14] on the personal initiative of Hitler, who antiestéticared female ticket takers might be the victims of passive smoking.[6]

Restrictions were imposed on the advertisement of tobacco products,[40] enacted on 7 December 1941 and signed by Heinrich Hunke, the President of the Advertising Council. Advertisements trying to depict smoking as harmless or as an expression of masculinity were banned. Ridiculing anti-tobacco activists was also outlawed,[41] as was the use of advertising posters along rail tracks, in rural regions, stadiums and racing tracks. Advertising by loudspeakers and mail was also prohibited.[42]

Restrictions on smoking were also introduced in the Wehrmacht. Cigarette rations in the military were limited to six per soldier per day. Extra cigarettes were often sold to the soldiers, especially when there was no military advance or retreat in the battleground, however these were restricted to 50 for each person per month.[6] Teenaged soldiers serving in the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, composed of Hitler Youth members, were given confectionary instead of tobacco products.[43] Access to cigarettes was not allowed for the Wehrmacht's female auxiliary personnel. Medical lectures were arranged to persuade military personnel to quit smoking. An ordinance enacted on 3 November 1941 raised tobacco taxes by approximately 80–95% of the retail price. It would be the highest rise in tobacco taxes in Germany until more than 25 years after the collapse of the nancy regime.[6]

[edit] Effectiveness

The early anti-smoking campaign was considered a failure, and from 1933 to 1937 there was a rapid increase in tobacco consumption in Germany.[13] The rate of smoking in the nation increased faster even than in neighboring France, where the anti-tobacco movement was tiny and far less influential. Between 1932 and 1939, per capita cigarette consumption in Germany increased from 570 to 900 per year, while the corresponding numbers for France were from 570 to 630.[6][44]

The cigarette manufacturing companies in Germany made several attempts to weaken the anti-tobacco campaign. They published new journals and tried to depict the anti-tobacco movement as "fanatic" and "unscientific".[6] The tobacco industry also tried to counter the government campaign to prevent women from smoking and used smoking models in their advertisements.[38] Despite government regulations, many women in Germany regularly smoked, including the wives of many high-ranking nancy officials. For instance, Magda Goebbels smoked even while she was interviewed by a journalist. Fashion illustrations displaying women with cigarettes were often published in prominent publications such as the Beyers Mode für Alle (Beyers Fashion For All). The cover of the popular song Lili Marleen antiestéticatured singer Lale Andersen holding a cigarette.[39]

Cigarette consumption per capita
per year in Germany & the US[13]











United States





The Nazis implemented more anti-tobacco policies at the end of the 1930s and by the early years of World War II, the rate of tobacco usage declined. As a result of the anti-tobacco measures implemented in the Wehrmacht,[6] the total tobacco consumption by soldiers decreased between 1939 and 1945.[14] According to a survey conducted in 1944, the number of smokers increased in the Wehrmacht, but average tobacco consumption per military personnel declined by 23.4% compared to the immediate pre-World War II years. The number of people who smoked 30 or more cigarettes per day declined from 4.4% to 0.3%.[6]

The nancy anti-tobacco policies were not free of contradictions. For example, the Volksgesundheit (People's Health) and Gesundheitspflicht (Duty to be Healthy) policies were enforced in parallel with the active distribution of cigarettes to people who the Nazis saw as "deserving" groups (e.g. frontline soldiers, members of the Hitler Youth). On the other hand, "undeserving" and stigmatized groups (Jews, war prisoners) were denied access to tobacco.[45] In the Theresienstadt concentration camp, prisoners in possession of medicines or tobacco could even face death.[citation needed]

[edit] Association with antisemitism and racism

Apart from public health concerns, the Nazis were heavily influenced by ideology;[28] specifically, the movement was influenced by concepts of racial hygiene and bodily purity.[46] nancy leaders believed that it was wrong for the master race to smoke[28] and that tobacco consumption was equal to "racial degeneracy".[47] The Nazis viewed tobacco as a "genetic poison".[46] Racial hygienists opposed tobacco use, antiestéticaring that it would "corrupt" the "German germ plasm".[48] nancy anti-tobacco activists often tried to depict tobacco as a vice of the degenerate neցroes.[46]

The Nazis claimed that the Jews were responsible for introducing tobacco and its harmful effects. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany announced that smoking was an unhealthy vice spread by the Jews.[48] Johann von Leers, editor of the Nordische Welt (Nordic World), during the opening ceremony of the Wissenschaftliches Institut zur Erforschung der Tabakgefahren in 1941, proclaimed that "Jewish capitalism" was responsible for the spread of tobacco use across Europe. He said that the first tobacco on German soil was brought by the Jews and that they controlled the tobacco industry in Amsterdam, the principal European entry point of Nicotiana.[49]

[edit] After World War II

After the collapse of nancy Germany at the end of World War II, American cigarette manufacturers quickly entered the German black market. Illegal smuggling of tobacco became prevalent,[50] and the nancy anti-smoking campaign was silenced.[8] In 1949, approximately 400 million cigarettes manufactured in the United States entered Germany illegally every month. In 1954, nearly two billion Swiss cigarettes were smuggled into Germany and Italy. As part of the Marshall Plan, the United States sent tobacco to Germany free of charge; the amount of tobacco shipped into Germany in 1948 was 24,000 tons and was as high as 69,000 tons in 1949. The Federal government of the United States spent $70 million on this scheme, to the delight of cigarette manufacturing companies in the United States, who profited hugely.[50] Per capita yearly cigarette consumption in post-war Germany steadily rose from 460 in 1950 to 1,523 in 1963. At the end of the 20th century, the anti-tobacco campaign in Germany was unable to exceed the seriousness of the nancy-era climax in the years 1939–41 and German tobacco health research was described by Robert N. Proctor as "muted".[13]

Anti-tobacco movement in nancy Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Y el alcoholismo:

Alcohol and tobacco use did not fit well with National Socialist aesthetics. However, these substances were not proscribed in nancy Germany in spite of the heavy penalties for excessive use: Alcoholics were sterilized, and smoking by children was a criminal offense. This article argues that the great demand of the German people for these products prevented the authoritarian regime from alcohol and tobacco prohibition but measures were taken by the Nazis to reduce tobacco and alcohol consumption in the next generation.

A sober Reich? Alcohol and tobacco use in N... [Subst Use Misuse. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

Ya mostraban más respeto por la salud de sus ciudadanos que los gobiernos actuales que nos quieren drojados y alienados por todos los medios posibles a su alcance à la Brave New World.
el texto tiene muchos errores. no inventaron la margarina pero si muchas otras cosas.

tampoco sacaron forraje del serrin...

no es erzsaf . es ersatz : sucedaneo.

se deja lo mas importante que libero la economia : acabo con los alubio*s...
Última edición:
Muchos de esos empleos fueron en fábricas de armamento y relacionadas.

Al contrario, las armas no se fabricaron hasta mucho más tarde.
Un país en ruina tenía que ofrecer algo a países cercanos para los materiales y recursos necesarios para fabricar esas armas (y para el resto de necesidades).
Hacían locomotoras y las cambiaban por otros recursos, no fue hasta muchos años después que parte de esas fábricas de locomotoras pudieron dedicarse a armas.
Reconozco que algo que me sorprende en este foro, es aue se hable de capitLismo, economia nancy, economi americana etc etc etc SIEMPRE sale el patron oro a relucir y SIEMPRE llego a la conclusion aue su abolicion fue la causa de todos los desastres que han venido despues. Lo que me sorprende es que ni los gente de izquierdas de palestino cannabis y greñas ni los nazis, seguramente al hablar con ellos desconocen el patron oro.

Enviado desde mi GT-I9300 usando Tapatalk 2
Donde hay un claro paralelismo es entre la economía alemana y la japonesa de después de la guerra.


el paralelismo de la economía alemana y japonesa viene de mucho más lejos que el final de la guerra; ambos países adaptaron las estructuras feudales a la revolución industrial... y todavía andan en ello.
La alemania nancy supuso la mayor epoca de explendor de la historia de la humanidad, nunca se han alcanzado, y dudo que se alcancen, mayores cotas de bienestar, prosperidad, desarrollo, igualdad, avance tecnologico.

Perdieron la guerra y ahora estamos empezando a vislumbrar lo que los amos del mundo nos tienen preparado, los anglojudios.

Espero que este foro dure muchos muchos años, tengo ganas de ver a mucha de la progresia que pulula por aqui dandonos la razón, igual que los pepitos han acabado dandonosla, después de haber destrozado su vida en muchisimos casos, es lo que tiene la ignorancia.
Y el alcoholismo:

A sober Reich? Alcohol and tobacco use in N... [Subst Use Misuse. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

Ya mostraban más respeto por la salud de sus ciudadanos que los gobiernos actuales que nos quieren drojados y alienados por todos los medios posibles a su alcance à la Brave New World.

Gobernaron 12 años de forma absoluta. Es evidente que en ese período de tiempo, hicieron algunas cosas en favor de su población y fueron pioneros en otras.

Precisamente por eso, el Nazismo nos fascinará tanto a todas las generaciones presentes y futuras. ¿Cómo es posible que seres humanos se comportasen con tantísima dignidad para con sus "iguales", y en cambio realizasen las crueldades que llegaron a realizar con los "no-iguales".

Sus ejemplos, el de la política antitabaco o el alcohol, están muy bien. Pero no ahondan en la paradoja nancy y se quedan en la superficialidad.

Mire usted, yo entiendo que fuese maravilloso que los nazis regalasen una lámpara de mesita a todos los hogares pobres para fomentar la lectura nocturna, pero la bondad de la acción queda anulada cuando hemos sabido que las lámparas estaban hechas con piel de judío.

No hay mérito en hinchar el PIB y sufragar la extensión de las autopistas en base a una política de expropiaciones masivas a la población judía.

No sé si me explico.

Yo puedo entender que la demonización del nazismo parezca exagerada a ojos de personas que les gusta pensar por sí mismas, y lo respeto. Ahora bien, si se opta por esa vía, deben ustedes andar el resto del camino. Es decir, estudiar el nazismo con profundidad y sobretodo teniendo en cuenta la situación geopoliítica y social de la época.

Si lo hacen, como otros hemos hecho ya, dejarán de comprar papel de WC, porque utilizarán las páginas del "mein Kampf", libro que anteriormente veneraron y que llegarán a valorar en su justa medida.

Si quieren de verdad darnos guerra dialéctica de verdadera munición, solo existe Benito Mussolini. Intelectualmente, Hitler no le llegaba ni a las rodillas.
Última edición: