Niños colonos Judíos le patean el ojo ciego a los ebanjelikos en Jerusalen

Israel está petado de MΟROS.

Los MORΟS también son de otra religión.

Pero a los MORΟS no les tocan un pelo.

¿Por qué será? pensando:
Israel está petado de MΟROS.

Los MORΟS también son de otra religión.

Pero a los MORΟS no les tocan un pelo.

¿Por qué será? pensando:
La relación de Judíos y sunitas es menos hostil porque creo que es porque en el Islam Jesús no fue crucificado, creo que ellos dicen el que fue crucificado fue según el Islam Judas por error eso el dice Dios mío, Dios mío ¿Porqué me has abandonado?

En el Cristianismo es Jesús el supremo quien no es reconocido por los judíos esto hace que los alubio*s odien a los cristianos,

Los ebanjelikos son simplemente idiotas
Herejes, judíos e infieles deben ser desterrados del Reino de Jerusalén. Más Urbanos necesita Dios y menos Franciscos.

Lavon Affair | A Part of History You Were Never Taught

The Lavon Affair was a false flag operation carried out by Israel in Egypt in 1954.

Israel was concerned about the rise of Egyptian nationalism under President Gamal Abdel Nasser and antiestéticared the strengthening ties between Egypt and Western powers, especially the U.S.

So Israel came up with a plan.

The operation was codenamed ‘Operation Susannah’ or as it is commonly referred to now, ‘Lavon Affair.’

Israeli military intelligence recruited Egyptian Jews and undercover Israeli agents to orchestrate a series of bombings targeting American and British-owned institutions in Egypt.

The goal was to blame the attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian communists, or local nationalists and damage relations between Egypt and the Western powers, particularly the U.S. and the UK.

During the month of July in 1954, the operatives carried out a series of bombings targeting American and British-owned civilian facilities in Cairo and Alexandria.

The targets included:

- Cinemas
- Libraries
- American educational centers
- Post Offices

On July 2nd, the agents detonated bombs at a post office in Alexandria.

On July 14th, they bombed the libraries of the U.S. Information Agency in Alexandria and Cairo, and a British-owned theater.

The homemade bombs, consisting of bags containing acid placed over nitroglycerine, were inserted into books and placed on the shelves of the libraries just before closing time.

Several hours later, as the acid ate through the bags, the bombs exploded.

On July 23rd, an incendiary bomb went off in the pocket of one of the agents outside the British-owned theater in Alexandria.

On October 5th, 1954, Egypt announced the arrest of a “13-man spy ring.”

Egypt concluded that the operation was ordered by the Israeli Secretary of Defense, Pinchas Lavon, hence the name “Lavon Affair.”

The 13 agents consisted of Egyptian Jews and undercover Israelis.

2 were acquitted.

1 of the Israeli agents, Max Binnet, committed suicide on arrest.

1 committed suicide in prison.

2 were executed.

The rest were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

The Lavon Affair meant that Israel lost significant standing and credibility in its relations with the U.S. and the UK, which took years to repair.

In 2005, Israel publicly honored the surviving spies by presenting them each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel that the operation ever took place.

The Lavon Affair serves as proof that false flag operations are not off the table when it comes to Israel.