*Tema mítico* : Se está liando parda en Israel.

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Representante de Israel ante las Naciones Unidas: las resoluciones de la Asamblea General no tienen legitimidad ni importancia

Sorprende que Israel diga esto. A fin de cuentas deben su existencia a una resolución de la ONU.

No podrán quejarse ahora si alguien dice que Israel no tiene derecho a existir. Ellos mismos han socavado las fuentes legales de su existencia.
Sorprende que Israel diga esto. A fin de cuentas deben su existencia a una resolución de la ONU.

No podrán quejarse ahora si alguien dice que Israel no tiene derecho a existir. Ellos mismos han socavado las fuentes legales de su existencia.

Hay que leerlo todo:

Israel: Day of 'infamy'​
Gilad Erdan, Ambassador of Israel to the UN, said in response to the resolution passing that “today is a day that will go down in infamy”.​
“We have all witnessed that the UN holds not even one ounce of legitimacy,” he said. “The UN is committed to ensuring further atrocity. According to the family of nations, Israel has no right to defend itself.”​
There are no talks or discussions to be held with Hamas, he said, adding that Israel will not sit idly by to let them commit atrocities again. The resolution does not mention Hamas once, as if the war started on its own.​
“What is going on here?” he asked, questioning whether the goal was to tie Israel’s hands. “The only way to destroy Hamas is to root them out. Why are you not holding Hamas accountable?”​
“We know there is no humanitarian crisis in accordance with international humanitarian law,” he said, noting that every statistic comes from Hamas about information about Gaza.​
Anyone interested in preventing violence should call on Hamas to lay down their arms, turn themselves in and return all hostages, he said.​
“If this were to happen, the war would end immediately,” he said. “This is a dark day for the UN and mankind. Israel will defend itself and will do what must be done to eradicate Hamas’ capabilities and bring the hostages home.”​

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