10 Dic 2017
Siempre va a quedar algun resto del bichito en algun individuo de algun pais o zona remota una vez ya se ha extendido tanto el bichito, y ante la ausencia de contagios se volverian a restablecer los viajes y con ellos los contagios, sin tener en cuenta los reservorios inactivos del bichito en personas o animales que se pueden volver a activar, y sin tener en cuenta la situacion economica y la imposibilidad de algunas personas que les resulta imposible encerrarse porque moririan de hambre, ese sistema que predicas lo siento mucho pero no es viable.Retomar los viajes y la apertura de fronteras tira por los suelos cualquier confinamiento, por duro y estricto que sea, aunque no te guste, es la verdad.
eLPERRO dijo:
No te puedes hacer una remota idea de la brutal mala ostra que me da oir decir esa fruta poca falta de cultura del hambre a hordas de gordinflones malcriados caprichosos de hez cuyo unico puñetero problema es que lo que no les dejan es zampar ciruelos durante un puñetero mes

Eso es lo que os haria falta a todos, una fruta guerraza mundial de verdad, de la ostra fruta, que pasarais hambre de verdad, con cosechas y granjas arrasadas durante 10 años

Ibas a ver que pronto se os quitaban las ganas de lloriquear por la sola idea de estar un mes en casa con la nevera a tutiplen atiborrandoos a chetos y haciendos caricias

@eL PERRO Si me citas en un mensaje citame con el mensaje entero ,no solo con la parte que a ti te interesa para tergiversarlo y despues responder lo que a ti te de la gana para tener tu la razon, ahora con mi mensaje copiado completamente date cuenta de la porqueria de respuesta que me has dado, yo creo porque no tienes respuesta a el HECHO de que no todo el mundo puede confinarse 1 o 2 meses en su casa, y eso desmonta tu teoria de que con 1 o 2 meses de confinamiento total se eliminaria definitivamente el bichito, hay gente que a estas alturas todavia no sabe el significado de la palabra nevera, quitate la careta
Última edición:


Fue en noviembre
26 Oct 2009
Estoy escuchando la radio.

Previsto que baje positivos los próximos 3 días.

Anuncio de apertura...restauración? comarcal?

Cepa UK 10% en Barna, alta en la Garrotxa (Olot) + 12%.....si es así Olot le quedan 2-3 semanas, Barna poco más.

Calcula Barna ahora transporta unos 800.000 viajeros diarios en Metro. Si tenemos un 6,5% de positividad en Catalunya y un 10% de cepa UK en Barna.
Se están paseando 50.000 positivos cada día, en el mejor de los casos asintomáticos.
Es igual dame sólo un 1% de esos, 5.000 positivos al día.

¿Que puede pasar?.......No se podía saber.
Me hace gracia que ya sepan que van a bajar los positivos de los próximos 3 días. Quizás me puedo imaginar por qué vuelve a haber colas en las clínicas privadas donde hacen PCR: en algunos casos debe de ser la única manera de que te hagan test. Todo sea por salvar la fiesta de la democracia.


Será en Octubre
8 Feb 2012
En la India dicen que se acumulan millones de cuerpos en las calles.

Dice que es brutal, que son minolles y minolles de cuerpos roto2


Será en Octubre
8 Feb 2012

tu estás intoxicado de vitamina D, en serio. un gramo al dia de vitamina D 'industrial' eso es hez para tu organismo.

la vitamina D (la buena, de farmacia...) se toma cada 15 dias durante 3 meses...y luego 1 al mes hasta verano.

el Hidroferol se probó en un estudio en el hospital de Cordoba, 80% de reducción de ingresos en UCI.

de nada.

hay hilo propio.



Paso de todo
30 Ene 2019
Con un mensaje como este solo puedo sentir una mezcla entre pena, bochorno y un poco de ardor de estomago por ti. Lo que seguramente le inspirarás a todos los que te rodean. Lo peor es que seguramente hasta lo sabes. Bueno eso y que no tienes donde caerte muerto ni tienes un duro, y a partir de esto construyes el relato de la falta de libertad, la conspiración etc. Simplemente estás en paro y estás viéndolas venir. Anda que si tuvieras cultura, pasta y un buen trabajo ibas a tener ese discurso.
-El que cogio el bichito por andar haciendo el iluso sin mascarilla fuiste tu, no yo.
-El que disfruta viendo la miseria que esta generando con su egoismo eres tu, no yo.
-El que se cree que seguramente por ser un funcionata acabao tiene mas dinero que yo meparto: eres tu, yo desde que lo tengo no mido a la gente por su dinero.

En el fondo solo creo que te has montado una pelicula, porque me niego a creer que haya gente tan TRISTE que va contando sus miserias y enfermedades por foros a desconocidos para dar fruta pena.
Si necesitas cariño comprate un perro. Yo no tengo porque darte palmaditas en el hombro, ni te conozco ni quiero.

Pero no te deseo ningun mal.
Al contrario!!!
Solo digo que lo estais generando, promoviendo, y defendiendo.
Y que van a ser vuestros hijos los que se tengan que arrastrar para que gente como yo (no lo olvides) les de un cuenco de arroz.

Por cierto, no he podido evitar fijarme en que NO HAS RESPONDIDO A NADA de mis preguntas, y solo has soltado un adhominem patetico a un anonimo en internet.

Lo que no podeis pretender es que aplaudamos vuestras fascistadas.
Dicho todo de buen rollo angelito: angelito:


17 Dic 2020
Se están replanteando en UK (quién lo podía saber??????) que el personal sanitario está en mucho más riesgo porque la tos de los embichados es 10 veces más contagiosa que hablar o respirar ... acaban de descubrir un nuevo continente!

el bichito coughing study suggests NHS staff at far greater risk than thought

The NHS has been urged to rethink safety for thousands of frontline staff after new research suggested that el bichito patients’ coughing is putting them at far greater risk of catching the bichito than previously thought.

The study found that coughing generated at least 10 times more infectious “aerosol” particles than speaking or breathing – which could explain why so many NHS staff have fallen ill during the pandemic.

The research has led to fresh demands that anyone caring for someone with el bichito-19, or suspected el bichito-19, should be provided with the most protective equipment – including FFP3 respirator masks – and that hospital ventilation should be improved.

Health workers are up to four times more likely to contract cobi19 than the general population, with infection rates among those on general hospital wards approximately double those of intensive care unit (ICU) staff – who do have access to the most protective PPE.

This access to higher-level PPE was based on the assumption thatICU wards are more dangerous because treatments such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), used to support patients’ breathing, generated large amounts of aerosols – which linger in the air and can be breathed into the lungs.

Staff working in other hospital areas, GP surgeries and care homes are issued with looser-fitting surgical masks, which afford little protection against these tiny particles, but block larger bichito-carrying droplets.

The new research, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, turns these assumptions on their head.

“CPAP is not aerosol-generating – in fact, the aerosols are reduced compared to just normal breathing and speaking,” said Dr James Dodd, a consultant senior lecturer in respiratory medicine at North Bristol Lung Centre and the University of Bristol, who led the study. “However, cough really is a potent generator of aerosols.”

He added: “[The risk] appears to be far greater than what we would have assumed.”

Rose Gallagher, the Royal College of Nursing’s professional lead for infection prevention and control, said: “This research adds yet more weight to our calls for greater protection for all health and care workers.”

Dr Eilir Hughes, a GP and leader of the Fresh Air NHS campaign, which is calling for FFP3 masks to be available to anyone caring for el bichito-patients, or suspected patients, added: “It goes along with a growing body of evidence, which is telling us that activities such as talking, and coughing in particular, are aerosol-generating.

“If we as a country had taken the precautionary approach from the beginning of the pandemic, this paper would only have justified that it was the right approach, but unfortunately, we didn’t. We have to now look at the policy and change it, to ensure that we are adequately protecting our healthcare workers.

“The evidence is now so clear on this matter, that people are asking why isn’t the PPE coming. The suspicion is that it isn’t there for us to have.”

Dodd and his colleagues recruited healthy volunteers to receive CPAP or a related treatment called high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) in a highly ventilated operating theatre.

This enabled them to precisely measure the aerosols emitted in the absence of any background particles. They also took measurements when the volunteers breathed, talked and coughed normally, and separately measured aerosol emissions from el bichito-19 patients – the first time such measurements have been taken.

Coughing generated at least 10 times more aerosols than speaking or breathing, and all of these activities generated more airborne particles than CPAP – even when the volunteers wore a surgical mask.

Aerosol emissions were similar between el bichito patients and healthy individuals. HFNO generated the most aerosols of all, but further investigations revealed that these were coming from the machine, and were unlikely to be carrying any bichito from the patients’ airways.

The results have been presented to the National Institute for Health Research’s aerosols group, which feeds directly into Sage.

“We hope that they will look at the policies they currently have and whether they need to be updated,” said Prof Nick Maskell at the University of Bristol, who co-led the study.

According to data from the Office for National Statistics, at least 883 health and care workers died of el bichito between March and December in England and Wales. Comparable data is not currently available for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

“We know that staff are still getting sick and having to take time off work to isolate and recover, depriving the NHS and its patients of their expertise at a time when all efforts are being put into defeating el bichito-19,” said Dr Chaand Nagpaul, the British Medical Association (BMA) council chair.

“Current surgical masks are insufficient to prevent aerosol spread, which is why the BMA is calling for greater provision of enhanced FFP2 and FFP3 masks.”

The research may also boost efforts to force a public inquiry into el bichito-19 deaths among NHS staff and care workers. In December, Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK), which represents frontline medics, escalated its threat of judicial review against the government. “Inquiries must be initiated to investigate any factors that may have led to healthcare workers’ deaths,” a spokesperson said.

“We feel that there would be fewer infections among healthcare workers, and fewer deaths, if people had proper masks,” said Dr Katie Sanderson, a junior doctor and committee member of DAUK. “Acute medical wards and A&E, which is where most el bichito patients are being cared for, have much lower standards of ventilation than intensive care units, and generally people are coughing all the time.

“This issue affects GPs as well, because most GP commissioners have refused to let GPs have access to proper masks.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “The safety of NHS and social care staff has always been our top priority and we continue to work tirelessly to deliver PPE to those people who protect us all on the frontline.

“In response to the new el bichito-19 variants that have emerged in recent weeks, the UK Infection Prevention Control Cell conducted a comprehensive review of evidence and concluded that the current guidance and PPE recommendations remain appropriate. New and emerging evidence is continually monitored and reviewed by government in conjunction with our world-leading scientists.”

Y de regalo:
