INDIA: Se vuelve loco en la cuarentena y se pone a morder a la gente y las personas

Sargento Kowalski

El Señor del Alto amaje
29 Nov 2018
Hombre en cuarentena después de regresar de SL (Ceilán) huye desnudo y muerde a una mujer que termina por morir

Según fuentes policiales, una anciana de 75 años ha fallecido hoy sábado, tras ser mordida ayer por un hombre que había escapado de la cuarentena domiciliaria en Jakkamanayakanpatti en Bodinayakanur, cerca del distrito de Tamil Nadu Theni.

Manikandan, de 32 años, había sido puesto en cuarentena tras regresar a su ciudad natal desde Sri Lanka, donde trabajaba en una tienda textil.

A 75-year-old woman passed away Saturday, a day after she was bitten by a man who had escaped from home-quarantine in Jakkamanayakanpatti in Bodinayakanur near Tamil Nadu’s Theni district, police said. Manikandan, 32, was quarantined after he returned to the district, his hometown, from Sri Lanka, where he working in a textile shop.

Manikandan had returned as countries began locking down to contain the spread of el bichito-19, and was asked to remain in home-quarantine for 14 days by district health officials, as directed by the Tamil Nadu government. His family too had asked him to remain indoors, without any social contact.

Local residents claimed that a week’s isolation had pushed Manikandan into depression. On Friday afternoon, tearing his clothes off, Manikandan ran out of his house and bit the woman who was sleeping outside her house in the adjacent street. Her neighbours were alerted after she pogre up screaming in pain.

The police said Manikandan tried to flee the spot, attacking people who tried to stop him. He was eventually caught by the mob in a few minutes and handed over to the district police.

The old woman was immediately rushed to a local hospital in Bodinayakanur and then was taken to Kanavilakku government hospital where she succumbed to the injuries.

Manikandan was taken to the hospital as well.

“The incident happened in the afternoon on Friday. We have registered a case against Manikandan under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The hospital just confirmed that he is mentally stable, we are waiting for the official reports,” a police official from Bodinayakanur said.

Earlier this week, a 28-year-old man from Pudukkotai with a travel history from Malaysia committed suicide by hanging himself. Local reports said the man was depressed that his friends and family didn’t have a conversation with him during the self-quarantine period and that pushed him to take the extreme step.

On Friday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi said a committee has been formed and 24-hour helpline service is available to help people who are in distress.

Tamil Nadu: Home-quarantined man runs out half-naked, fatally bites elderly woman
Man quarantined after returning from Lanka runs nude, bites elderly woman to death in Tamil Nadu

Imágenes insólitas de la INDIA:




En India a los que salen en cuarentena les calientan en el acto:


Video enternecedor:


Los hombres atrapados violando las reglas sobre la cuarentena en la India se ven obligados a agacharse dentro de círculos de tiza dibujados en el suelo para mostrarles cómo son las distancias mínimas obligatorias en plena alarma del país
Los policias con varas roto2roto2 no tienen ni para una triste porra
Hombre en cuarentena después de regresar de SL (Ceilán) huye desnudo y muerde a una mujer que termina por morir

Según fuentes policiales, una anciana de 75 años ha fallecido hoy sábado, tras ser mordida ayer por un hombre que había escapado de la cuarentena domiciliaria en Jakkamanayakanpatti en Bodinayakanur, cerca del distrito de Tamil Nadu Theni.

Manikandan, de 32 años, había sido puesto en cuarentena tras regresar a su ciudad natal desde Sri Lanka, donde trabajaba en una tienda textil.

A 75-year-old woman passed away Saturday, a day after she was bitten by a man who had escaped from home-quarantine in Jakkamanayakanpatti in Bodinayakanur near Tamil Nadu’s Theni district, police said. Manikandan, 32, was quarantined after he returned to the district, his hometown, from Sri Lanka, where he working in a textile shop.

Manikandan had returned as countries began locking down to contain the spread of el bichito-19, and was asked to remain in home-quarantine for 14 days by district health officials, as directed by the Tamil Nadu government. His family too had asked him to remain indoors, without any social contact.

Local residents claimed that a week’s isolation had pushed Manikandan into depression. On Friday afternoon, tearing his clothes off, Manikandan ran out of his house and bit the woman who was sleeping outside her house in the adjacent street. Her neighbours were alerted after she pogre up screaming in pain.

The police said Manikandan tried to flee the spot, attacking people who tried to stop him. He was eventually caught by the mob in a few minutes and handed over to the district police.

The old woman was immediately rushed to a local hospital in Bodinayakanur and then was taken to Kanavilakku government hospital where she succumbed to the injuries.

Manikandan was taken to the hospital as well.

“The incident happened in the afternoon on Friday. We have registered a case against Manikandan under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The hospital just confirmed that he is mentally stable, we are waiting for the official reports,” a police official from Bodinayakanur said.

Earlier this week, a 28-year-old man from Pudukkotai with a travel history from Malaysia committed suicide by hanging himself. Local reports said the man was depressed that his friends and family didn’t have a conversation with him during the self-quarantine period and that pushed him to take the extreme step.

On Friday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi said a committee has been formed and 24-hour helpline service is available to help people who are in distress.

Tamil Nadu: Home-quarantined man runs out half-naked, fatally bites elderly woman
Man quarantined after returning from Lanka runs nude, bites elderly woman to death in Tamil Nadu

Imágenes insólitas de la INDIA:




En India a los que salen en cuarentena les calientan en el acto:


Video enternecedor:


Los hombres atrapados violando las reglas sobre la cuarentena en la India se ven obligados a agacharse dentro de círculos de tiza dibujados en el suelo para mostrarles cómo son las distancias mínimas obligatorias en plena alarma del país
puñeteros indios tercermundistas, son patéticos xdd
jorobar, le pudo la fuerza del zurullo y tuvo que romper la quarantine. Yo lo entiendo, poneos en su lugar: eres un cagaplayas y te obligan a jiñar en el boquete de Shiva de tu casa (el WC)...escalofriante.

Yo habría mordido también a una biega