*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Current 'figures':

China: 44,653 Total Cases / 8,204 Serious Cases = 5.44

Or 1 in every 5.44 cases is a serious case.

Internationally: 441 Total Cases / 16 Serious Cases = 27.56

Or 1 in every 27.56 cases is a serious case.

We're talking about the same disease affecting both cohorts here? ... right?

So from this we can see that if the disease is the same in both cohorts, then:

There must be 27.56 / 5.44 = 5.07 times as many 'total cases' within China.

So all you need to do to derive the actual number of cases in China is to multiple the official published "total cases", by 5.07, which gives you this:

China: 44,653 'Total' Cases * 5.07 = 226,391 actual cases of nCov19 within China today.

Thus china must be just over 1/4 of a million cases right now.

Being a cheeky **** I then multiplied all the daily total case numbers by 5.07 to get the correct number of total cases each day (as shown below). Then I curve-fitted that to determine the implied exponential geometric ratio.

Which ratio is multiplying case numbers by 1.103 per day

Date Ratio Cases Cases x 5.07 Obs Cases ∆ Cases
3-Feb-20 1.103 20,673 104,812 20,673 -
4-Feb-20 1.103 22,802 115,608 24,567 3,894
5-Feb-20 1.103 25,151 127,515 28,394 3,827
6-Feb-20 1.103 27,742 140,649 31,532 3,138
7-Feb-20 1.103 30,599 155,136 34,914 3,382
8-Feb-20 1.103 33,751 171,115 37,567 2,653
9-Feb-20 1.103 37,227 188,740 40,625 3,058
10-Feb-20 1.103 41,061 208,181 43,102 2,477
11-Feb-20 1.103 45,291 229,623 45,171 2,069

If the two cohorts respond the same way to the bichito, this requires that the correct number of Chinese total cases today would be ~229,623 people.
La fiesta llegara cuando prohiban este tipo de actos culturales

Hasta los cohones de los ummitas orionenses que nos quieren convertir en sus exclavos martilleables.

Ahora en serio, tengo a mi güeli en el hospital mala de un bichito, y visto lo visto, cuando llegue el bichito va a ser un LOL psicodelico.
Última edición:
Por lo visto se ha deslumbrado con un foco=D>. El golpe se lo ha llevado en el hombro. Nada grave pero concierto cancelado y caminito al hospital.
Parece que El bichito es bastante paco fuera de china.
No se,al igual Trompo tiene razon y en verano ya ni nos acordamos.
En sevilla a 42gradazos ya te digo que muy lozano y pizpireto no estara el bichito.
Esto se comentó anoche aquí, siempre dando la primicia.

hace 3 horas

Very sharp-eyed reporter noticed that China magically revised downwards the number of suspected #cobi19 cases by several thousand from ~21k to just 16k within a matter of hours. 5000 suspected cases just disappeared? That’s not a rounding error

Update - #China's National Health Commission released the latest number of #COVIT19. There are now 44653 confirmed cases, 1113 deaths, 16067 suspected cases (the number mysteriously drops by a few thousand) and 4740 recovered.
William Yang (@WilliamYang120) | Twitter

Además se da la circunstancia de que justo ayer anunciaban los medios oficiales chinos que habían encontrado 13.000 personas con fiebre durante los registros casa por casa. Uno esperaría que mínimo los contabilizaran como casos sospechosos. Pero no, desaparecidos igual que esos 5.000.