Ataque biológico contra China, El por qué







January 24, 2020 by Starship Earth: The Big Picture
Man Who Pushed SARS Dud Now Pushing New Chinese bichito & Is The “Deadly” China bichito a Covert Operation? | Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappaport, whom I consider our journalistic expert on viruses, vaccines, and scientific fraud has two additional articles for us concerning the “deadly new” China bichito and reminds us of the fake Zika bichito scare which I had forgotten about.
What these “designer diseases” as I call them really are… “biological weapons”—and they’ve now called in the military in China, they say.
What I realized when I heard China shut down everything in Wuhan and restricted travel elsewhere as well, is the timing. Timing is everything in a psyop. It’s right before the Chinese Lunar New Year. No travel outside this region. Period.
Sound familiar? This situation is similar to what they did in New York to the Orthodox Jewish community right before their Passover holiday last June 2019.
The globalist administration tried to convince everyone there was a measles epidemic and were going for forced vaccinations. They said kids had to be vaccinated if they wanted to go to summer camp, and people in New York were not permitted to fly to Israel to celebrate their holiday with family unless they were vaccinated—and measles isn’t a lethal disease. Almost no one has ever died from measles.
The Jewish community fought back. They knew about “mandatory vaccines” and what vaccines do to people and they wanted none of it. They stood on the streets of New York with signs telling people not to get vaccinations. They also filed lawsuits. I was so proud of them.
Not only are these “elite” creatures who have been ruling the world liars, they are greedy, evil, and they will create as much suffering along the way as possible. Imagine the cruelty of virtually “cancelling” a national holiday. It’s just holding a different kind of gun to their heads.
The Chinese communist regime is despicable and has to go.
The deep state/globalist New World Order is dying in Washington, Europe, and elsewhere and they needed a distraction. This is war, folks, but the weapons are aimed at civilians—and that is taboo. They are lawless, however, and will stop at nothing to continue their reign of terror.
John says the perpetrators of these crimes have a different religion. “They’re the Church of Biological Mysticism”. They’re also fakes, and since they own 95% of the media they can push their fake news to the masses but their psyops aren’t working so well any more.
Here are Jon’s updates so that we may be more discerning civilians and remain calm—and alive. ~ BP
This first article was from January 22nd which I hadn’t yet shared here.
Pay attention to their modus operandi, folks, and don’t believe everything you see or hear.
Is the new ‘deadly China bichito’ a covert operation?
A militia member uses a digital thermometer to take a driver’s temperature at a checkpoint at a highway toll gate in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province, Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020. China closed off a city of more than 11 million people Thursday in an unprecedented effort to try to contain a deadly new viral illness that has sickened hundreds and spread to other cities and countries amid the Lunar New Year travel rush. (Chinatopix via AP)The Associated Press
Man who pushed SARS dud now pushing new Chinese bichito
by Jon Rappoport
January 24, 2020
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First, a few updates. Things are moving fast.
The Chinese government has locked down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, owing to the “threat of the cobi19.” There are also travel restrictions in several other Chinese cities. Wh
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Ataque biológico no, en todo caso puede que haya habido una fuga en un laboratorio. Según han dicho hoy en las noticias de Antena 3, en la provincia donde se originó la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo hay un laboratorio secreto donde China estudia y experimenta con agentes biológicos muy peligrosos.

China's top bichito lab is in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak