Hasan, el "terrorista" de Ft. Hood fue asesor a sueldo del gobierno de George Bush


22 Ene 2009
TERRORIST HASAN WAS BUSH HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISOR : Veterans Today - News for U.S. Military Veterans Jobs, VA Benefits, Home Loans, Hospitals & Administration



By relleniton Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

"Lucy, you got some splainin' to do."

The task force at George Washington University designated with establishing transitional procedures in the Global War on Terror included Major Hasan, mass murder and terrorist, and, as we now learn, long time terrorist suspect. Where do we start? Do we wonder why our troops have a psychiatrist who is not only a potential terrorist but known to be extremely mentally unbalanced? Who, in the Bush Administration chose Hasan and helped him pass America's highest security clearances?

Do any of us wonder why President Bush would have a terrorist helping with his transitional policy? This put Hasan, under investigation for ties to Al Qaeda, at the heart of our government's counter-terrorist planning organization with full daily access to nearly all major leaders in Homeland Security, Defense, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other key agencies. He was one of them, along with representatives of conservative "think tanks" that advised the Bush Administration on a daily basis. Was he there because he reminded them of an Islamic version of Dick Cheney? Please, someone, let's hear an explanation for this.

Below is a cutout from the membership roster of those advising the Bush Administration. You will note Hasan's name among some of the best known security experts in America. We were told he was an Army psychiatrist with severe psychological problems who belonged to a mosque run by terrorists.


Hasan served with these individuals. Why was he here?

Richard V. Allen Former National Security Advisor
Stephen E. Flynn Ira A. Lipman Senior Fellow for Counterterrorism & National Security Studies Council on Foreign Relations
Charles B. Curtis President & Chief Operating Officer Nuclear Threat Initiative
Judge William H.Webster Former Director of Central Intelligence and Former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
James Lee Witt Former Director Federal Emergency Management Agency
R. James Woolsey, Former Director Central Intelligence Agency
Edwin Meese, III Former U.S. Attorney General
General Edward "Shy" Meyer Former Chief of Staff U.S. Army
General Edward L. Rowny Former Ambassador and Lt. General USA (Ret.)
Judge William S. Sessions Former Director Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bobbie Greene Kilberg Member President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
E. Floyd Kvamme Former Co-Chair President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Senator Connie Mack (R-FL) Former United States Senator, Florida
Secretary John O. Marsh, Jr. (D-VA) Former Secretary of the Army Former U.S. Congressman
and many others
Major Hasan was briefed by these individuals:
Michael Alexander, Majority Staff Director, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate
John Cohen, Senior Advisor, Office of the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment , Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Rosaline Cohen , Chief Counsel, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives
Beth Grossman, Senior Counsel, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate
Alethea Long-Green, Program Area Director, National Academy of Public Administration
Mark Lowenthal, President and CEO of the Intelligence & Security Academy, LLC, Former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production
Monica Schoch-Spana, Senior Associate, Center for Biosecurity, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases
Fran Townsend, Former Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism

The question we ask, is why was a simple low ranking military officer with a disasterous career, horrible security baggage and a Palestinian background placed at the center of the decision making apparatus of the Bush presidency?

The entire text of the procedings report and full membership are listed below. Hasan's name stands out like a rapper at a Klan rally. It doesn't take a genius to believe that Hasan had friends in high places, and that, despite every imaginable reason to see he shouldn't even practice medicine, much less be in the American military or treat troops suffering from combat stress, he was placed among the most influential and powerful Americans.

One could suggest that, since Hasan was in town and had nothing to do for the few months other than to work with thousands of patients returning from Iraq and, in the process, mingle with terrorist sympathizers and prove himself to be dangerously unstable and utterly useless as a physician and psychiatrist, he might as well be included in intelligence planning at the highest levels.

I can see where this could make sense to some, really, I do. After all, if you were choosing the absolute last person on Earth to include in such a group, the last person to expose to that much intelligence planning and the most dangerous individual imaginable to the safety of so many of our leaders, Hasan is a perfect choice.

Why did he choose to kill soldiers at Ft. Hood when so many of the top members of the Bush Administration would have been available to him at any time? If none of this makes any sense to you, I think you are beginning to understand.

Who was Major Hasan? Who was he really?


Hasan joined the Army at 18, entered and completed, not only college, but medical school and a residency in psychiatry at Walter Reed Hospital. This is an amazing accomplishment.

His attendance at the above mentioned meetings based on a careful analysis of subject matter and the expertise level of everyone involved made the likelihood of a junior officer specializing in combat stress being invited unlikely. Hasan would have to have been an intelligence asset of some kind.

Were this the case, as it most likely is, and taking into account that at least some of the accusations made against him are other than part of a coverup, Hasan was unstable. Stating this about a psychiatrist is not much of a stretch.

His first targets were coworkers. Were Hasan cross trained in intelligence and tasked with communicating with insurgents prior to deployment, the stress could have been enormous. Hasan seems to have responded to having to pretend to be a terrorist by actually becoming one.

The more we read about his attendance at a 'terrorist Mosque" and connections with Al Qaeda, the more likely our assumptions are the correct ones. It is far more likely that a double agent would become suicidally unbalanced than for a terrorist to, not only be promoted to Major in the US Army, but to be put on a high security intelligence transition team.

There may have been a time when the US Army believed Major Hasan would be of enormous value to them in ways quite unrelated to practicing medicine. The Major Hasan we now know is a terrorist. He may not always have been so.

This evening, the Associated Press states:

"Investigators from the Fort Hood shootings say that Nidal Malik Hasan acted alone and that no evidence supports the theory that Hasan had outside help or orders about the massacre. Though in late 2008 Hasan did communicate with radical imam Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni who now lives overseas and has ties to terrorist groups, the messages "did not advocate violence or threaten violence." Sources say that the communications were consistent with Hasan's research as an Army psychologist on post-traumatic stress disorder. The FBI has launched an investigation into how it handled, or perhaps mishandled, the information it had on Hasan."

In a very few hours, the truth has danced like a marionette, across one side of the stage to another. What can we expect? We will get an endless supply of interim stories until a commission is appointed to interview witnesses and come to a convenient conclusion that will best serve political necessity. The same among us will be sickened by the process.

ahora si que lo tengo claro,.,,entre que esta a sueldo de Bush y que el dia anterior fue a un local de streptease

de Al Qaeda seguro :D
eso es coincidencia. Lo importante es que era de religion fiel a la religión del amora porque hay un vídeo que apareció enseguida donde llevaba traje de beduíno para comprar el pan.
eso es coincidencia. Lo importante es que era de religion fiel a la religión del amora porque hay un vídeo que apareció enseguida donde llevaba traje de beduíno para comprar el pan.


cuatro acotaciones

--si va de beduino es musulmam...entonces hay conversiones masivas en carnaval:D

--que se haya demostrado la vinculacion entre Al Qaeda y la CIa ..por lo que se ve es irrelevante

---que este individuo perteneciera a un grupo asesor de Bush en organismo de seguridad tambien te parece irrlevante

-- intuyes que va vestido de beduino porque solo has visto 7 segundos de la vida de un tio de 40 años..lo que desconoces es que la CNN vulnero la seguridad de la base hackeando imagenes de una camara de seguridad de un supermercado de esta base..y solo porque era la unica forma de encontarle vestido asi