Hilo de Libros Imprescindibles para enterder la Crisis


Alea iacta est
10 Jul 2009
Pues eso, que no estaria de mas que compartiesemos nuestras lecturas sobre el tema.... sobre todo esperando que la lectura nos ayude a comprender que es lo que le espera a Hispanistan en el futuro cercano.

Siempre que se pueda intentad poned un enlace a Amazon o otra web donde podamos ver comentarios sobre el mismo, etc.

Y como primer libro (que desgraciadamente no he sido capaz de encontrar en Amazon)... nuestro "Libro de Eli" osea SNB.

EL CRASH DEL 2010 : en su libreria Casa del Libro


Resumen del libro
Los ciudadanos del mundo entero vivimos con inquietud la grave situación económica de nuestros días. Entre esperanzados y desconfiados, oímos las buenas palabras y los anuncios de planes salvadores con que nos bombardean nuestros gobernantes. Pero, más que frases de aliento y anuncios de milagros que no se cumplen, lo que deseamos es saber la verdad, encontrar respuestas fiables a las preguntas que todos nos formulamos:

• ¿Cuál es el origen de la actual situación económica?
• ¿Se trata de una crisis más, de efectos pasajeros?
• ¿Ha estallado la crisis, o estamos todavía en sus prolegómenos?
• ¿Cuál podría ser su alcance? ¿Tiene remedio?

Santiago Niño Becerra alertó hace ya tiempo de que los años de vacas obesas estaban llamados a terminar, y advirtió que esta vez íbamos a enfrentarnos a una crisis verdaderamente profunda, a una crisis sistémica, que conduciría a un inevitable y necesario cambio, pues el capitalismo está agotándose.

En El crash del 2010 desarrolla y profundiza su análisis de la situación, y ofrece respuesta a todas esas preguntas. Se trata de una obra valiente, clara y contundente. La crisis no ha empezado todavía, estallará con toda su crudeza en el 2010, y será larga y muy dura, sobre todo en algunos países, como España. Lo dice uno de los pocos expertos mundiales que, en los momentos de plena euforia, se atrevieron a anunciar lo que ahora apenas comenzamos a intuir.
Última edición:
Amazon.com: The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (9781594201929): Niall Ferguson: Books

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World (Hardcover)
~ Niall Ferguson

From Bookmarks Magazine
Niall Ferguson makes a strong, compelling case for the development of money and banking as a catalyst for the advancement of civilization. Yet while some critics praised his clear, comprehensible writing, punctuated with anecdotes and historical details, others were nonplussed by his explanations and narrative detours. Several critics also bemoaned the book's choppy and uneven structure—an echo of the episodic, six-part television series it was meant to accompany. So it seems the UK critics liked the book less because they had seen the show. Though perhaps best suited to readers with a fundamental understanding of financial terms and theories, Ferguson's latest work provides valuable insight into the inner workings of the global economy, past and present. For interested readers, it demonstrates how our current fiscal meltdown fits into the bigger historical picture and laments humanity's perennial inability to learn from this history.
Copyright 2009 Bookmarks Publishing LLC
Amazon.com: This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (9780691142166): Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff: Books

This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly (Hardcover)
~ Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff (Author)

Reinhart and Rogoff have compiled an impressive database, which covers eight centuries of government debt defaults from around the world. They have also collected statistics on inflation rates from every country where information is available and on banking crises and international capital flows over the past couple of centuries. This lengthy historical study gives what they call a 'panoramic view' of the unending cycle of boom and bust, showing how claims that 'this time is different' are invariably proven wrong. . . . This Time Is Different doesn't simply explain what went wrong in our most recent crisis. This book also provides a roadmap of how things are likely to pan out in the years to come. . . . This Time Is Different is an important addition to the literature of financial history.
(Edward Chancellor Wall Street Journal )
Amazon.com: The Great Crash 1929 (9780547248165): John Kenneth Galbraith: Books

The Great Crash 1929 (Paperback)
~ John Kenneth Galbraith

Amazon.com Review
Rampant speculation. Record trading volumes. Assets bought not because of their value but because the buyer believes he can sell them for more in a day or two, or an hour or two. Welcome to the late 1920s. There are obvious and absolute parallels to the great bull market of the late 1990s, writes Galbraith in a new introduction dated 1997. Of course, Galbraith notes, every financial bubble since 1929 has been compared to the Great Crash, which is why this book has never been out of print since it became a bestseller in 1955.

Galbraith writes with great wit and erudition about the perilous actions of investors, and the curious inaction of the government. He notes that the problem wasn't a scarcity of securities to buy and sell; "the ingenuity and zeal with which companies were devised in which securities might be sold was as remarkable as anything." Those words become strikingly relevant in light of revenue-negative start-up companies coming into the market each week in the 1990s, along with fragmented pieces of established companies, like real estate and bottling plants. Of course, the 1920s were different from the 1990s. There was no safety net below citizens, no unemployment insurance or Social Security. And today we don't have the creepy investment trusts--in which shares of companies that held some stocks and bonds were sold for several times the assets' market value. But, boy, are the similarities spooky, particularly the prevailing trend at the time toward corporate mergers and industry consolidations--not to mention all the partially informed people who imagined themselves to be financial geniuses because the shares of stock they bought kept going up. -
La Bolsa o la Vida

Joe Dominguez (Author), Vicki Robin (Author)


Aplicable a esta crisis, a toda crisis y en general a como liberarse del yugo del consumismo y el endeudamiento.
Dos referencias imprescindibles más (en inglés)...

Web of Debt
Escrito por Ellen Hodgson Brown, un impresionante caso de señora autodidacta en el campo de la economía pero que expone con una lucidez extrema la estafa de la deuda. También escribe artículos en su blog:

Why tour world is about to get a whole lot smaller
Por Jeff Rubin, ex-economista jefe de la firma canadiense CIBC World Markets. Enlaza el tema de la crisis económica con el pico del petróleo. Difícil pensar que pueda haber nunca una recuperación económica fuerte para esta depresión.
La rebelion de atlas.
Aplicable a cualquiera de los excesos de las subvenciones y las desgravaciones. Mostrando al final como la masa termina aborregada de tanta ayuda que recibe.
Es de los 90, pero el primer capitulo se titula "La tormenta que viene".

En uno de los capitulos describe que el capitalismo tiene pies de barro y que una crisis de credito puede acabar con todo... a partir de ahi nada sera igual.

el marca es lo más leído de españa.eso explica la crisis:D