The Washington Post: Tens of thousands march in Spain to protest against austerity measures, banks,

Honkytonk Man

Será en Octubre
3 Jun 2010
MADRID — Tens of thousands of students, social groups and unemployed Spaniards rallied in more than 50 cities on Sunday to protest against government austerity measures and the role banks and political parties have played in the financial crisis.

The events were organized by two activist groups under the banner of “We aren’t merchandise in the hands of politicians and bankers.”

Protesters in Madrid marched from Cibeles square to city hall in Puerta del Sol, many wearing yellow T-shirts distributed by the Youth Without a Future group, which was founded in early April at the city’s university and helped organize the rallies.

“We the unemployed, the badly paid, the subcontracted in precarious jobs, the youth of Spain, want change and a future with dignity,” said Ines Bajo, 24, who is unemployed.

Other large marches took place in the cities of Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao and Zaragoza.

“I have several degrees, speak many languages and still get paid a perversos salary,” said Cristina Corbera, 25, in Madrid, adding she had finally got a job two months ago after looking for work for more than a year.

She declined to say where she worked because of antiestéticar her employer might react badly to her comments, she said.

“For those who say that Spaniards are passive, here’s evidence that things are starting to change,” Luis jovenlandesago, 44, who is unemployed.

Spain is saddled with the eurozone’s highest jobless rate of 21.3 percent with a record 4.9 million people unemployed and a sluggish economy that grew by 0.3 percent in the first quarter of the year.

The government forecasts growth of 1.3 percent this year, but the central bank and others say that prediction is optimistic.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Tens of thousands march in Spain to protest against austerity measures, banks, politicians - The Washington Post
jorobar.. Me he emocionado leyendo esto. En España todos los medios de comunicacion compinchados para no dar la noticia... Y tiene que ser la prensa extranjera la que muestra la realidad.

Estamos en una autentica dictadura.
Esto pinta muy bien :D , yo creo que los politicos se estan empezando a acojonar seriamente :D

Bueno otro objetivo conseguido, hacerse eco en la prensa nacional e internacional, ademas en la internacional al mas estilo Islandes :D

Este puede ser el verdadero inicio del cambio , por fin el trabajo de hace meses y meses de todos nosotros difundiendo, creando, criticando, compilando, etc nos ha valido de algo y se ha extendido a todo internet con un crecimiento exponencial , ya tenemos la masa critica creada y gente que empieza a criticar la base del problema sin dejarse atontar por la tv sarama .
ya cansais perroflautistas de las narices, os tendriais que venir aqui a recoger escombros, sinvergüenzas, maleantes
ya cansais perroflautistas de las narices, os tendriais que venir aqui a recoger escombros, sinvergüenzas, maleantes

No sois capaces de coger del pescuezo a quien construyó esas cosas y a quien os hizo pagar un riñón por ellas, y encima van a tener que ir de fuera a desescombrar.

Anda a pastar.
Huy... Prisa no ha tapado la informacion, lastima que el imperio del monopolio es una sombra de lo que fué...
Pero muchas gracias!!!
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