The end is near: Israeli forces storm courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem


Varón Dandy
12 Oct 2008
Dozens of Israeli police and soldiers carried out a morning raid on the Al-Aqsa mosque in occupied Jerusalem. Witnesses said concussion grenades and tear gas were used and several Palestinians were injured. Police said the raid was part of a “security operation.”
The police also reportedly detained two guards as they surrounded the compound, entering through the Chain Gate. Scores of worshipers were inside the mosque.

Dozens of people were removed, the International Middle East Media Center reports. Meanwhile, all men below the age of 50 were prevented from entering the mosque grounds, as they headed there for Sunday morning prayers. Palestinians responded by throwing stones and fireworks, Israel’s reported, adding that several of the worshippers also barricaded themselves inside the mosque.

Reports by the Jerusalem Post indicate the raid was part of a security operation, involving a search for explosives. The police and the Shin Bet security forces earlier received information of a security threat posed by Muslim elements. This led to a city chase, with several masked Arab youths reportedly making their way toward the Al-Aqsa mosque, setting up road blocks on the way, to slow the Israelis down.

The clashes come just hours before the start of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, with celebrations to begin at sunset and continue until Tuesday evening.

According to the latest social media reports, the raid is still ongoing. Sonic and gas bombs could be heard, according to eyewitnesses. The masked men targeted by the Israeli forces are reported to be among the worshippers, engaging the police.

The Al-Aqsa mosque is considered to be the third holiest place of worship for Jovenlandeses, with locals fiercely against Jews praying near the Noble Sanctuary, known to Jews as Temple Mount. The site, however, is also considered holy by the Jews, with groups on both sides clashing over it.

ARCHIVE PHOTO © Ammar Awad / Reuters
Tensions have been boiling for months at the site in Old Jerusalem, occupied by Israel since 1967. Clashes took place in July, as Palestinians threw rocks at Jews trying to visit the site on one of their most important holidays – the Tisha B-Av.

READ MORE: Palestinians clash with Israeli police near Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem (VIDEO)

After the 1967 war when Israel captured East Jerusalem, Jews were restricted from praying on the Al-Aqsa plaza. Today, Jewish ultranationalists are pushing Israeli authorities to allow Jewish prayers on the compound outside Al-Aqsa, which stands above the Western Wall, something that irks Jerusalem’s Jovenlandeses.

Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is often accused of supporting the Jewish ultranationalists. On the Jovenlandeses side, however, are the Murabitat and the Murabitun - women's and men's groups, translated as 'the sentinels'. They closely monitor Jews who are allowed, under police guard, to visit the holy site five days of the week. They hurl abuse at them and often throw rocks.

Israel considers the two groups the main cause of tension at the flashpoint site, holy to both religions. The Muslim groups, outlawed on “security” grounds, have been accusing Israelis of trying to change the situation on the ground and give the Jews expanded rights over the holy site.
Ellos sigue su propio calendario, que no es el Zaragozano por cierto....

JUBILEO-YON KIPUR 23-septiembre-2015
TABERNÁCULOS 28-septiembre-2015: 4ª LUNA DE SANGRE
La mezquita de Al-Aqsa, es un conflicto tan antiguo como Israel, desde el momento que israel tuvo existencia y los conflictos que ha desencadenado son muchos, los judíos creen que bajo los cimientos de la mezquita, se encuentra el templo de salomón y la mezquita de Al-Aqsa es el tercer lugar más sagrado del Islam.

Tanto va el cántaro a la fuente hasta que se rompe, y eso puede ocurrir en cualquier momento e incendiar el mundo del islam a grados insospechados.

Los fanáticos del islam, ISIS, no responden a las provocaciones de Israel, más bien parece que estuvieran aliados con Israel pero hay muchos islamistas en el mundo y los lugares sagrados del islam son eso, sagrados.
Pero aquí ya se sabe, un Estado como el sirio, que respeta la libertad religiosa, es laico y aconfensional, es MUUUUYYY MALLLOOOOOO. Su jefe de Estado es un DDDIIICCCTTTAAAADOOORRRR.

Mientras, fundamentalistas sionistas y fundamentalistas islámicos, en cada territorio que dominan, se dedican a hacer poblaciones homogéneas imponiendo sus credos y doctrinas.
Pero aquí ya se sabe, un Estado como el sirio, que respeta la libertad religiosa, es laico y aconfensional, es MUUUUYYY MALLLOOOOOO. Su jefe de Estado es un DDDIIICCCTTTAAAADOOORRRR.

Mientras, fundamentalistas sionistas y fundamentalistas islámicos, en cada territorio que dominan, se dedican a hacer poblaciones homogéneas imponiendo sus credos y doctrinas.

Pues ahí tienes el porqué de la ola de refugiados, además de que todo el mundo si no actuamos de otra forma nos va a invadir.

El planeta se ha convertido en un gran país por la globalización y si aquí decimos que los ricos y los bancos nos roban y eso nos lleva a casi violencia en nuestras manifestaciones y violencia llegará porque el problema irá a peor y no mejor, podéis imaginaros como están en el resto del mundo con muchos de esos países islamistas, que creen y además es cierto que occidente les roba, les masacra etc.
The Al-Aqsa mosque is considered to be the third holiest place of worship for Jovenlandeses, with locals fiercely against Jews praying near the Noble Sanctuary, known to Jews as Temple Mount. The site, however, is also considered holy by the Jews

La mezquita está construida en la explanada donde estaba el Segundo Templo de Jerusalén.

Ya les dije (en uno de mis hilos más raros :D) que el 2º Templo está muy, muy, muy "vivo" en el Judaismo, pese a que fue destruido hace 20 siglos:

¿Es la destrucción de Templos Romanos en Palmira una venganza de YHVH por la destrucción del Templo de Jerusalén 70d.c.?

Jerusalén es un Manicomio.

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