Similitudes y Diferencias entre Elon Musk (TESLA) y José maría Ruíz Mateos (Q.E.P.D., RUMASA y NUEVA

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14 May 2010
Abro apasionado hilo sobre un tema menor que en principio ni me va ni me viene, pero que ha conseguido irritarme por la inanidad de los argumentos de los fanboys pro-tesla.

Al final me he "enganchado" y me he convertido en un Yonki de este tema, obsesionado, horrorizado y fascinado (me digo ¿pero como diablos pueden no ver que esta acción está disparatadamente inflada?) con la locura (estilo Burbuja de los Tulipanes en Holanda) de Tesla, le empresa que lleva 13 años perdiendo dinero y no ha fabricado aún 200.000 coches y que tiene una capitalización bursátil triple que Peugeot (¡!) y acercándose ya a la del BBVA.

Tesla tiene ya una capitalización bursátil (evito intencionadamente decir que "vale") la mitad que la que tuvo Enron al explotar (70.000 millones US$).

Contra Corner » Tesla Is The New Enron

Escribe el artículo David Stockman, nada menos. Sus demás análisis sobre Tesla son demoledores, tanto desde el punto de vista financiero como ético (el Tesoro USA está utilizando dinero público para subvencionar coches-capricho de millonarios)​

Tesla "vale" (¡comillas!) ya más en bolsa que Fiat-Chrysler, la mitad (¡!) que General Motors y un tercio de lo que vale Ford: Tesla now worth more than Chrysler, but GM, Ford?.Un dato para que aprecien el disparate: Tesla vende unos 60.000 coches/año, (2016), que son las ventas de General Motors en...2 días y medio. En cualquier semana GM vende más coches de los que Tesla ha vendido en sus 13 años de existencia.

Tesla es EMMO (y en opinión de otros) la Gran Burbuja Bursátil USA, con los Bears discrepando entre nosotros si Tesla vale (en vez de los >200$ actuales) 100$, 20$ o 0$ (mi opinión es 0$, y no tiene valor negativo sólo porque las acciones no pueden bajar de 0). "Dr Doom" coincide en mi punto de vista:

Me preocupa además el DAÑO (sí, DAÑO) que compañías-fantasma como Tesla, FaradayFuture o Fisker van a hacer al muy necesario y beneficioso coche eléctrico, con sus juguetes para millonarios: Carísimos, con características absurdas y -en el caso de Tesla- la peor fiabilidad de todos los eléctricos estudiados.

¿Qué sacará usted de leer este hilo sobre tan oscuro asunto que en principio sólo debería interesar a inversores y a súper-ricos que puedan permitirse un tesla? Aprender a DETECTAR TIMOS. A mi juicio Tesla es humo y espejos. Los pro-Tesla opinan lo contrario. Presento mi caso y decida luego usted...aprender a decidir sobre un asunto que en principio ni nos va ni nos viene es un excelente boot camp para decidir después con conocimiento en asuntos que sí nos conciernen.

No le doy más de un año a Tesla:


Las puertas traseras en ala del tesla X son capaces de partir calabacines (¡!)

Es un diseño absurdo. No aporta nada salvo gravísimos problemas. Diríase que Elon Musk quiere cargarse su propia compañia...igual se ha puesto corto en sus propias acciones.

Hay extensa presentación sobre estas puertas (que EMMO son patognomónicas de una empresa-fraude) en el post 3.

Adicionalmente (y esto es DEFINITIVO) Tesla hace los coches MENOS FIABLES de USA:


TrueDelta: Tesla Is Least Reliable Automotive Brand - Model S Repair Frequency Is 2 To 3 Times Worse Than Average


Tesla Model S "Not Recommended" by Consumer Reports


How does a Tesla Model S fare in long term reliability when compared to internal combustion engine cars like Lexus which has good reliability track record? - Quora

Actualización Septiembre dosmildieciocho:

Confirman en UK los datos USA en una encuesta aparte.

Tesla S coche menos fiable de UK; de todas las categorías. Con gran diferencia además:

Medalla de oro del coche-sarama: 50.9% de no-problemas en un año para el Tesla S, 16% peor que el Range Rover medalla de plata de la poca fiabilidad.

En contraste, el Nissan Leaf tiene una fiabilidad del 99.7%.



El "aburrido" Leaf da sopa con hondas como producto industrial utilizable en el día a día al "excitante" Tesla S.

Algo estas haciendo muy mal cuando Nissan lo hace mucho mejor que tú, y cuando hasta la legendariamente calamitosa Range Rover es mejor que tu producto.​

En USA miran MUCHO estos datos de fiabilidad y satisfacción. En USA no son como en España, que nos pasamos década tras década comprando PSA/VAG/Renault como leemings, no importa las averías que nos den, secuestrados por VAGtopista y por el borreguismo de comprar el mismo coche que los vecinos o que nuestro padre. En USA las estadísticas de fiabilidad/durabilidad/satisfacción (3 cosas diferentes) existen (en España no) e importan muchísimo.

Nota personal: Para dejar de comprar Renault (el "coche por defecto" de mi familia de toda la vida) y pasarme a Toyota como mi coche personal tuve que leer las estadísticas de fiabilidad de...UK y Alemania. En España "curiosamente" nadie presenta tales estadísticas, y si uno lee VAGtopista diríase que no existen. Es a base de leer mucho sitios USA sobre coches que empecé a pensar en Toyota como mi marca actual de coche.

Tesla EMMO está ya sentenciada como aspirante a fabricante de coches masivo (Vaporware-Tesla 3)
. El John o la Jane Doe NO va a comprarles nada masivamente por su pésima fiabilidad. Los ultraricos con pasta de sobra sí (como hasta ahora con los caros juguetes Tesla S y el completamente ridículo Tesla X). John y Jane Doe NO. John y Jane Doe necesitan el coche en perfecto funcionamiento todas las mañanas para ir a trabajar y no pueden permitirse "averías-susto" de 3 ceros.

Tesla está ya en Death Row, lo que ignoro es la fecha de la Ejecución, que será cuando convenga a quienes han inflado la acción hasta cumbres dignas de Gowex.​

Baso mi análisis Tesla- Rumasa en las horas dedicas a estudiar la Vieja Rumasa...

Florilegio de citas comentadas sobre la “Vieja RUMASA” y por qué este tema ha de apasionarle también a usted. - - Foro de economía

¿Pero dónde diablos está la sentencia que (supuestamente) da la razón a Ruíz Mateos? ¿Alguien puede enlazarla? - - Foro de economía

La "Vieja RUMASA" funcionaba igual que la España de la Burbuja Inmobiliaria (transcripción libro de 1983 inside) - - Foro de economía

FOTOGRAFÍAS resumiendo abismales diferencias entre intervención GOWEX 2014 Y RUMASA 1983 (Coches Policía Sede Rumasa) - - Foro de economía

Rumasa pre 1983 = España pre 2010 - - Foro de economía

Consideren estos hilos como mis fuentes sobre Rumasa. No reposteo en este hilo cada cosa que digo sobre Rumasa porque sería inmanejable. Todo lo que digo sobre Rumasa está referenciado en mis hilos Rumasinos.​

...y en mi experiencia personal de hijo de trabajadores de la Vieja Rumasa: Pasar toda tu infancia y pre-adolescencia dentro de Rumasa-Matrix imprime carácter. Uno tiende a NO FIARSE de la "solidez empresarial" aparente y de preguntarse siempre si hay engaños detrás de las fachadas de solidez.

Quizás mi desconfianza existencial crónica venga de esos años formativos pasados en un entorno familiar y laboral enteramente ficticio. Rumasa entera era una ficción contable, una ficción de la cual y en la cual vivíamos en mi casa y en mi familia, literalmente. ¿Comprenden ahora lo "PARANOICO" que soy?

Breve resumen de cómo funcionaba la Vieja Rumasa (1961-1983)

Ruíz Mateos compraba empresas quebradas a precio de saldo.

"Milagrosamente" "salvaba" esas empresas, manteniéndolas en funcionamiento. Todo el mundo estaba contento: Los trabajadores trabajaban, los productos se producían y los clientes financieros de Rumasa obtenían estupendos réditos (...hasta 1983). Todos contentos. Sólo los "aguafiestas" recelaban.

El eclecticismo de Ruíz Mateos era asombroso: Compraba igual bodegas, BANCOS (ojo), aseguradoras, distribución minorista, le hacía ascos a nada. Y nadie se preguntaba como un bodeguero podía tener éxito gestionando negocios que nada tienen que ver con las bodegas.

El "truco" de Ruíz Mateos era muy sencillo: Las empresas seguían con pérdidas, pero sobrevivían con las las líneas de crédito indefinido que les daban...los propios bnacos de Rumasa. Esta práctica se llama "connected lending" y está prohibida en todo el mundo. Los propios bancos de Rumasa camuflaban su quiebra con valoraciones "de fantasía" de las "garantías" dadas por las empresas del grupo.

Por ejemplo una fábrica Rumasina quebrada seguía funcionando a crédito indefinido con la "garantía" de una valoración (hecha por el mismo banco Rumasino) de 1000 millones de pesetas. La fábrica igual realmente valía 200, pero "sobre el papel" todo era "correcto": El crédito tenía "garantía", la fábrica seguía con su ruinosa actividad y el balance del banco prestatario registraba un seguro crédito a una respetable fábrica. TODO CORRECTO...hasta que no venga nadie de fuera que advierta que la valoración de la fábrica es 5 veces la real. El director del banco Rumasino "seguía órdenes" y aceptaba (no le quedaba otro remedio) la "valoración de fantasía".​

Adicionalmente, las empresas del grupo facturaban entre sí (a veces de verdad, a veces no) y había una maraña inextricable de empresas pantalla, empresas ficticias, testaferros, apoderados...un auténtico Laberinto. Sólo Ruíz Mateos en persona tenía una visión de conjunto de Rumasa. No había Junta de accionistas o de gobierno alguna donde rendir cuentas y Ruíz mateos recibía a ssu ejecutivos de uno en uno en su despacho y allí les daba órdenes verbales.​

Con todo esto in mente paso a analizar las similitudes y diferencias entre Rumasa y Tesla:


* Ruíz Mateos obtenía el dinero para "quemar" de sus propios bancos rumasinos. Elon Musk no puede por ley poseer bancos, así que lo obtiene de los mercados financieros.

* Ruíz Mateos se limitaba a comprar empresas quebradas y no hacía nada nuevo con ellas. Elon Musk es aficionado a crear fábricas de la nada y "novedosos productos".

* Rumasa reventó. Tesla aún no ha reventado. Y puede quizás no explotar nunca...veremos.


Recuerdo que Rumasa duró 21 años. Tesla aún no tienen 9 años.​

* Ruíz Mateos intentó sin éxito acercarse a Felipe González para "ayudarle" en su promesa de "crear 800.000 puestos de trabajo". Elon Musk parece que ya ha tenido éxito en acercarse a Trump ahora y a Obama antes:

Ruizma hubiese dado de baja de la suscripción de la vita por una foto así con Suárez.

Ser fanboy iu-es-ei, iu-es, ei debe de ser difícil.

Debes creerte al mismo tiempo que la NASA es la leche, lo más, que fueron ala Luna...

...y que Obama está encantado de que un advenedizo como Musk venga a explicarle al gobierno USA cómo hacer cohetes, cosa que el gobierno iu-es-ei lleva haciendo desde los años 1940.​

Es un guión INSOSTENIBLE.​


* Rumasa tenía ganancias sobre el papel, pero enormes pérdidas reales. Tesla no tiene ni ganancias de papel. Sólo tiene pérdidas:

Tesla Just Keeps Losing Money

Aug. 3, 2016

Tesla Motors reported its 13th straight quarterly loss[¡13 TRIMESTRES SEGUIDOS DE PÉRDIDAS!]

Tesla pierde 4000$ con cada coche que vende...pese a las subvenciones:

Me resulta incomprensible como alguien puede creer que Tesla lleve años perdiendo dinero a chorros vendiendo juguetes para ricos (el sector donde Porsche y Ferrari ganan dinero) pero que ahora lo va a ganar vendiendo...un coche "normal" para las masas:

Tesla is a money-losing business, really, in the fact that it brings in much less money than it spends and appears to be on that same path for the foreseeable future. It has never turned an annual profit by generally accepted accounting practices, and lost nearly $900 million by that standard last year...

...Many felt that the release of the Model 3, which is envisioned as Tesla’s first affordable electric car, would push the company toward profitability

A ver, almas de cántaro: Tras 4 años chorreando pérdidas vendiendo juguetes ultra-caros para ricos, ¿cómo diablos vas a ganar dinero en el ultra-competitivo mercado de los coches "normales"?

Si Tesla no puede ganar dinero compitiendo con Porsche o Ferrari, ¿cómo lo va a ganar compitiendo con Toyota o GM? El mercado de coches normales es A CARA DE PERRO, con márgenes mínimos y con dependencia enorme de las ECONOMÍAS DE ESCALA.

UN EJEMPLO: Mi Toyota lleva botones en el habitáculo que también llevan Toyotas y Lexus de todas las gamas desde los años 90 hasta hoy. Normal: Un mando de retrovisor es igual en 1999 que en 2019, en un Corolla que en un Lexus bajo. ¿Para qué cambiarlo? Toyota fbrica el mismo mando por millones y así sale más barato.


Mandos montados en Yaris, Corolla, Avensis...y en modelos "rarunos" que ni conocemos en la UE. Hasta en Lexus bajos lo he visto. Y en mi Toyota, claro.

Pueden asomarse al salpicadero de cualquier Toyota que vean aparcado y verán mandos idénticos a los de la foto. Es uno de los múltiples AHORROS que obtiene Toyota montando las mismas piezas (hechas en series enormes, de millones) en coches totalmente diferentes.

OTRO EJEMPLO: VW usa la misma plataforma básica en infinidad de coches de VW, SEAT, SKODA y Audi bajos.éticatures/mqb6.jpg


40 modelos VAG comparten las "tripas" básicas.​

Tesla nunca jamás tendrá esas economías de escala. El coche "Normal" es donde más difícil es ganar dinero...y Tesla pretende ganarlo tras fracasar en el relativamente "amable" mercado del caro juguete para ricos de corta serie.

Hasta Morgan gana dinero vendiendo este carísimo juguete para ricos. Es un mercado "amable" porque vendes caprichos a los muy ricos. Pues bien: Elon Musk lo único que hace es perder dinero en ese amabilísimo mercado...¡y ahora pretende ganarlo haciendo competencia (feroz, a deguello) al segmento del VW Passat, Toyota Avensis, Ford Mondeo...!!!

Tesla lleva 13 años perdiendo dinero trimestre tras trimestre en el "amable" y lucrativo mercado de los coches de capricho a precios absurdos para súper ricos: Desde el Roadster al S, degenerando al final en el X.

Pretender que ahora va a empezar a ganar dinero en el ultra-competitivo segmento del BMW Serie 5 (el Tesla 3) es no saber nada de Segmetación de Mercado, Márgenes comerciales, Finanazas y Automóvil.

Este es el plan fantasioso de los tesláicos:

Pretender ganar dinero con un poco rentable coches de masas cuando lo has perdido ininterrumpidamente con un rentable y caro coche-juguete de ricos es una fantasía de ignorantes.​

* Rumasa aglutinaba empresas que nada tenían que ver entre sí: Desde Hoteles a Bodegas. Desde Bancos a Alimentación. Elon Musk también se ha metido ya en 3 sectores totalmente dispares: Coches, Paneles Solares y...cohetes espaciales.

Esta cualidad de "Hombres del Renacimiento" fascina a los confianzudos, que ven una prueba de "genio" que Elon Musk sea "tan listo" como para "gestionar" coches, cohetes y faneles solares (O Ruíz Mateos Bancos, Vinos y Hoteles).

Los que somos desconfiados nos preguntamos qué tienen en común negocios tan dispares...y lo que tienen en común es sólo la parte financiera y vendehumista, ergo ahí están las "habilidades" del intrépido CEO.

La idea de que un mero licenciado en Física metido a hacer coches eléctricos pueda hacer (en su tiempo libre) cohetes mejores que los de la NASA es totalmente absurda. A los que sabemos algo sobre los tristes caminos de este mundo nos es evidente que Elon Musk es subcontratista de la NASA por Crony Capitalism, no porque un advenedizo en su tiempo libre vaya a mejorar lo que hace una agencia como la NASA, gestionada con el ojo ciego -sí- y mentirosa y corrupta como eela sola -sí- pero con más de medio siglo de presupuestos prácticamente ilimitados a sus espaldas.

Cada una de las 3 empresas de Musk requeriría un Genio con dedicación absoluta y con una historia personal de estar enfocado en ese sector.

Es totalmente increíble que una misma persona vaya -al mismo tiempo- a revolucionar el Automóvil, las Baterías, los Paneles Solares y -de propina- los viajes espaciales.​

Rumasa y Tesla: Envueltas en el secreto.

No había consejo de administración de Rumasa. Ruíz Mateos en persona quedaba en su despacho a solas con sus famosos 1000 ejecutivos y -uno a uno- les daba verbalmente órdenes.

La contabilidad de Rumasa era en gran parte una pura fantasía, con asignaciones de valor de empresas infladísimas (¿de verdad alguien se cree que 2 Teslas valdrían lo mismo que toda General Motors?) y facturaciones y préstamos intragrupo altamente opacas (ídem SolarCity-Tesla-SpaceX).

La guinda en el pastel de secretismo: Tesla no da datos de coches vendidos (¡!)

Algo insólito. Un síntoma gravísimo de la falta total de transparencia de esta compañía:

Matters also are not helped by Tesla’s refusal to publish monthly sales data by region, as other automakers do. Tesla adds to the confusion by selectively releasing data when it fits its narrative. “Tesla Dominates U.S. Luxury Sedan Sales” was the headline last week. “Tesla’s Model S now Hong Kong’s top-selling sedan,” wrote Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post in the beginning of the year. A few years ago, “Tesla Model S Was Best-Selling Car In Norway,” but recently, the Scandinavian nation with a population (5 million) smaller than Hong Kong (7.1 million) dropped off the radar screen of EV watchers, possibly because January-September, Tesla cars rank 15th in its former showcase market Norway. "Part of the reason why we don’t release the monthly deliveries number is just because it varies quite a lot by region and the media tends to read all sorts of nonsense into the deliveries," said Tesla CEO Elon Musk in a 2014 conference call. The nonsense continues unabated, both from the media, and from Musk.

El enlace a Elon Musk diciendo esta enormidad:

Por eso todas las cifras de ventas de Tesla llevan un asterisco (*) que lleva a * Estimación.

Pero el Gran Timonel Musk pierde toda "timidez" con las cifras de ventas cuando estas le favorecen, publicando grandes titulares sobre Tesla como el coche eléctrico más vendido en Noruega, el coche de lujo más vendido en Hong Kong o cualquier otra curiosidad estadística similar.

Elon Musk guarda en secreto los datos de ventas, y sólo facilita aquellos que le favorecen. Quien confíe en esta persona lo hace a su propio riesgo.​

Y ya veo a todos los fabricantes como Volkswagen, Toyota o BMW a rebufo de lo que haga Tesla

El LSD que usted consume es de una potencia superlativa:


Uzbekistán (¡!) fabrica más coches (88.000) al año que los 75.000 coches que fabricó Tesla en 2016:

Para comparar: Argelia (¡!) fabrica unos 40.000 coches año

Y espere a que empiecen a recibir Tesla 3 clientes normales (no pijos con 4 coches) como coche único y que el coche empiece a dar problemas. Nos vamos a reir mucho.

¿Cuándo va a dejar de parecerte ridícula la producción? ¿Cuando iguale a Toyota?

Cuando salga en la tabla de fabricantes de automóviles:

Tesla es tan insignificante que aún ni sale.

Proton (Malasia) 172.000 coches/año, Jiangling (China) 173.000, Changhe (China) 190.000, Volvo (qué triste verla así) 191.000, Hafei (China) 215.000, Mahindra (India) 292.000...y una lista inacabable de fabricantes chinos con 200-300.000 coches/año.

Y Tesla, el fabricante que va revolucionar el Mundo Mundial...76.000 coches/año.

Por cierto, ¿cuántos coches eléctricos puros vende Toyota?

Vende 2 modelos:

Bestial comentario:

Dejando a un lado el debate "eléctrico" vs "gasolina", a mi me sigue sorprendiendo que Tesla, que está usando tecnología muy pero que muy trillada con excepción de las baterías, tenga tantos problemas para hacer un coche con una calidad normal en un tiempo normal.

Nadie ve raro que se fabriquen 2.000 Opel Corsa al día en la planta de Figueruelas. Y eso que, como ya se ha dicho aquí mil veces, un coche eléctrico es mecánicamente mucho más sencillo que un convencional. Y fabricado por españoles, que somos genéticamente torpes y tal.

Y en cambio es noticia que Tesla fabrique 100 al mes, y que su objetivo final sean 10.000 al mes, la mitad que en Figueruelas.

jorobar, si mecánicamente es sencillo, y en todo lo demás es un coche como otro cualquiera, con sus puertas, asientos y demás... ¿qué están haciendo allí?


Los tesláicos nos dicen que:

* El coche eléctrico es sencillísimo, en vez de la atroz complicación del coche de combustión interna.

* Tesla se marca como gran objetivo a conquistar el hacer 10.000 Model 3 entre agosto y septiembre del 2017, mientras Opel Zaragoza hace esos coches en...5 días. Para colmo Tesla compró hace años la fábrica NUMMI California, que construía una media de 6000 (SEIS MIL) "complejos" vehículos de Combustión Interna a la semana:

Ambas afirmaciones son INCOMPATIBLES.

Si los Eléctricos son tan sencillos de hacer, Tesla no debería tener problema alguno en fabricar en la antigua NUMMI por lo menos el mismo número de vehículos de combustión interna que se fabricaron de media cada año cuando era una joint venture Toyota-GM, esto es, 6000x52 = 312.000 oches al año.

Pues no, tenemos que creernos que Tesla tiene "problemas de capacidad de fabricación" cuando hizo 83.000 vehículos en 2016 en la misma fábrica NUMMI:

Otro cálculo: La vieja fábrica NUMMI gestionada por Tesla tiene 1/7 la eficiencia que tenía gestionada por Toyota/GM:

The plant, 32 miles from Tesla’s headquarters in Palo Alto, is large enough to handle around 500,000 vehicles a year in 5.3 million square feet of office and manufacturing space. Tesla, meanwhile, produces about a fifth of the plant’s capacity.

So what gives? Why is the electric-vehicle manufacturer running out of room?

It’s because in this temple of lean manufacturing, Tesla uses far more workers than NUMMI employed to build far fewer cars. In 1985, its first full year of production, NUMMI had 2,470 employees and produced 64,764 vehicles — about 26 vehicles per worker per year. By 1997, it had 4,844 ​ workers and produced 357,809 vehicles — about 74 vehicles per worker per year.

Tesla, on the other hand, had between 6,000 and 10,000 workers in 2016 and manufactured 83,922 vehicles. That puts its vehicle-per-worker number between 8 and 14, about one-seventh the efficiency of NUMMI at its peak.

Read more: 400 Bad Request

Algo funciona espantosamente mal en Tesla. Piden más y más dinero para "aumentar la producción" de -dicen- coches sencillísimos de hacer frente a un combustión interna...y apenas fabrican una fracción del número de unidades que fabricaba NUMMI en los años 80 y 90.

Tesla’s Fremont factory used to build 300,000 cars per year

When Toyota ran the NUMMI plant in Fremont, now Tesla’s manufacturing site, it was producing 6,000 cars per week or 300,000 per year. Keep in mind that Toyota had decades of experience designing and testing cars, buying the parts for them, manufacturing and selling them. While in many ways Tesla’s electric cars should be less complicated to design and make than internal combustion engine (ICE) cars (and let's exclude the Model X with the Falcon doors as a one off) Tesla doesn’t have anywhere near the institutional knowledge to build at Toyota’s scale.

Los que "invierten" en Tesla (arrojan dinero a la fogata de Elon, EMMO), ¿no conocen estas cifras básicas?

Los VE son el 0.41% de la demanda en España

Según los datos facilitados por la asociación de fabricantes (Anfac), en 2016 el mercado de los eléctricos ha matriculado 4.746 unidades

Las ventas de coches eléctricos en España crecen en 2016 un 51,5% -

Las ventas de coches crecen un 11% en 2016 hasta 1,15 millones de unidades | motor | EL MUNDO

1.150.000 -------- 4746

100 ---------------- x

x = 0.41%

Los VE son el 0.41% de la demanda de coches en España.​


Tesla es un zombi:

Car Reliability Survey | June 2018 Results

Con este nivel de fallos en el Model 3 es cuestión de tiempo que la demanda se desplome, y entonces Game Over.

Esto es el remate de Tesla:


Fiabilidad al nivel de los peores coches de hace 10 años.

He visto esta historia 1000 veces en USA: Coche de éxito da fallos, la gente en USA deja de comprarlo y adiós.

Un ejemplo de los años 80: Sterling (la marca del relanzamiento de Rover en USA)

Initial confidence was very high and, given the promise of Japanese reliability and British interior ambience, the Sterling was hoped to be a huge success. Initial forecasts were that, once the Sterling range had been rolled-out, it would account for forty per cent of Rover 800 production at Cowley. Marketing would be concentrated in the states where imports accounted for a higher proportion of sales, such as Miami, Texas, California and the North-Eastern states. Without doubt, Sterling would be going for the jugular of Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

However, Sterling soon had the stuffing knocked out of it, thanks to the sub-standard build quality of those early cars. Sterling soon received a hammering on the J.D. Power surveys, which miccionan so much over there. In its first full year of trading, 14,171 Sterlings were sold – some way short of initial predictions. Sterling’s troubles soon became clear, especially to management in the UK, and Graham Day was forced to try and rectify the situation.

In 1989, ARCONA was brought back “in-house” by Graham Day and a new President, Graham Morris, was charged with the task of getting Sterling back on track. ARCONA was re-named Sterling Motor Cars, Inc. and a new emphasis on quality and service was played up for all it was worth. Improving build quality helped but, unfortunately, the damage seemed to have already been inflicted. 1987 was Sterling’s best year and, from that point on, sales declined (1988: 8901 sold, 1989: 5907).

Morris worked hard on turning things around, even going as far as releasing a picture of the upcoming 800 Coupé some three years before its launch, in order to gee-up dealers and their customers. However, it did not work: 1990 sales were a paltry 4015 and it was clear that Sterling was dying on its feet. It must have been galling for Rover to see this – after all, Honda created the Acura marque to sell Legends over there and that was going from strength to strength.

Still, there was some hope – the (Richard Woolley/David Saddington) 800 Coupé had been created specifically for the American market and had clinicked very well over there. The upcoming R17 also had an extra helping of “class”, so it was felt that Sterling’s fortune could make a turn for the better. The plan was to accompany the launch of these new cars with the dropping of the Sterling badge… and replace it with the Rover nameplate. Talk about a reversal of fortunes! There was some logic in this decision: the huge success of the Range Rover in the USA (launched there in the 1980s) had gone some way to restoring the prestige of Rover.

Nick Chung added: ‘It is evident that ARCONA tried to re-invigorate customer showroom traffic in the summer of 1990 by ordering 50 bespoke hand finished “NAS Promo 2″ cars from Cowley. Theese cars was uniquely different to anything produced before. They consisted of a five-door Fastback Body in Pulsar Silver with all mouldings body coloured including door rubbing strips and bumpers. Specification also included 24 carat gold plated Sterling badges for boot, hood and steering wheel, burr rosewood wood interior trim inserts, pig skin hide trimmed interior, factory fit Pioneer radio CD autochanger, factory fit car phone kit and 16in Alloy wheels (later used on the Tickford Turbo Vitesse XX run out models)’

However, it was all too little, too late

In August 1991, Rover made the decision to pull out of the USA… for the third time in twenty years. Poor sales made the decision inevitable and, even though the 800 Coupé and MGF had both been conceived primarily with the US market in mind, the company could no longer afford to maintain a presence over there. Rover Group’s Chief Executive, George Simpson, accompanied the announcement with this short but sweet statement: “It is best for the group as a whole to concentrate future resources on developing other markets.”

Marques : Sterling - AROnline

Coches premium deseables con enormes expectativas.

Según se ve que la calidad no está ahí realmente, los USAnos dejan de comprar. No son como los españolitos repitiendo Renault tras Renault o Citröen tras Citröen, como si no hubiese otra marca.

Igual resulta que las campas llenas de Tesla 3 son porque NO ENCUENTRAN PRIMO...digooooo comprador que se los lleve.

Este dato va en la misma dirección:

In Norway, where plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles made up more than half of new car sales last year, Tesla is the lowest-ranked automaker on a list of brands for quality of service, and fourth-worst among companies in all sectors.

Norwegians Quietly Revolt Against Tesla - Bloomberg

Los coches Tesla son una bailarina de striptease ninfómana cocainómana: Al principio excita la concupiscencia...pero a la larga genera rechazo.​


Este LBO, a las 11 horas en España, es esa jugada maestra de Elon para salvar y tirar para adelante un poco mas

Yo creo que conscientemente Enron Musk está autodestruyendo el chiringuito antes de que se caiga.

Es el equivalente financiero de pegar fuego a la fábrica y decir que le han pegado fuego las petroleras.

Si la SEC interviene Enron siempre podrá decir que Tesla era sanísima (como decía Ruizma de la Rumasa de 1983 o de Nueva Rumasa) pero que la malvada SEC la intervino (como decía Ruizma de Boyer en 1983 o de Botín tras lo de Nueva Rumasa).

Resumen: Si tu chiringuito sabes que se va a derrumbar él solo de forma inminente, es hasta "razonable" dinamitarlo tú antes y luego decir que era solidísimo, pero que la malvada SEC (o el malvado Boyer) lo sabotearon por oscuros intereses judeo-masónicos.

Era el meme de Ruizma que le permitió levantar Nueva Rumasa : Rumasa era sanísima, pero por culpa del malvado Boyer se quedó sin ella.

Ruiz Mateos vs Boyer. ¡Yo te pego, leche! ¡Yo te pego! - YouTube

Así Ruizma pudo convencer a incautos de que él era un gran genio financiero, y pudo reinventarse en Nueva Rumasa.

Que la SEC termine por intervenir Tesla (5 minutos antes de que quiebre ella sola) permitiría a Enron Musk un boleto para salir indenme del derumbamiento que se le avecinaba.​

¿Recuerdan que - según la Propaganda Tesláica- los Teslas eran "segurísimos" por el "Autopilot" y "baratísimos de mantener" por no tener "motor reloj de cuco" (ICE, motor de combustón interna)?

Bien, han subido el seguro a los Tesla por fostiarse más que los ICE, costar mucha más pasta repararlos e ir al desguace más por lo caro de las reparaciones.

No lo dicen los malvados Shortsellers, lo dice el neutral IIHS:

Tesla owners should pay more for insurance, AAA says

Teslas get into a lot of crashes and are costly to repair afterward," said Russ Rader, spokesman for the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which is the Highway Loss Data Institute's parent organization. "Consumers will pay for that when they go to insure one."

Collision damage claims for large luxury vehicles are reported 13 percent more frequently than average, and those claims cost about 50 percent higher than average, the Highway Loss Data Institute said. The rear-wheel-drive Tesla Model S is involved in 46 percent more claims than average, and those claims cost more than twice than average, it said.

In the large luxury SUV class, where collision coverage claim frequency is the same as the average for all vehicles and the cost of claims is 43 percent above average, the owners of the Model X file for claims 41 percent more often than average, and those claims cost 89 percent more than average, according to the institute.

Tesla S y X: Más accidentes (no menos) y más caros de reparar.

The study showed that compared with its rivals, the Tesla’s mileage-adjusted claim frequency was 37 per cent higher and that the claim severity was a full 64 per cent higher. This is interesting to hear, considering Tesla boasts a full suite of driver-assist tech including the controversial Autopilot antiestéticature that allows hands-free highway driving. That antiestéticature has already been involved in a few fatal crashes but is still available on Tesla models.

The IIHS also compared more affordable electric cars like the Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Bolt, among others. All those cars actually had lower claim frequencies than their gas counterparts.

Toda la fanfarria del "Autopilot" al final es para tener MÁS accidentes, no menos. Para aqueste viaje no necesitábamos aquestas alforjas. Tesla contraargumenta diciendo que son "coches deportivos" de "altas prestaciones". ¡Pues qué gran antiestéticature son esas "altas prestaciones" que terminan destruyendo el coche! A mi juicio la alta siniestralidad de los Tesla habla tanto del COCHE (inherentemente peligroso por su aceleración propia de moto R y el engañoso "Autopilot" que no es tal) como de sus CONDUCTORES, gentes de cabeza peor amueblada que la media de la población.

La "seguridad" de los Tesla es un mito más:

Si se computan todos los accidentes de Tesla S y X y se les compara con coches equivalentes, su mortalidad es mucho más alta:


El tramposo crónico de Enron Mateos Musk dijo que los Tesla eran mucho más seguros ("gracias al Autopilot") comparando su mortalidad...con la mortalidad de TODOS los vehículos a motor USA, incluyendo desde motos (¡!) hasta coches con 20 o 30 años encima.

La estadística correcta es comparar a los Tesla con coches de su precio, peso y antiguedad, y el resultado es que los Tesla tiene mucha más mortalidad, no menos.​

Adicionalmente, al final los "ecológicos" Teslas son coches de usar y tirar, los iPods del mundo del motor que terminan antes en el desgüace dado sus terrorífico coste de reparación:

The Model S has 46 percent more claims than other vehicles average, and a staggering 315 percent more losses, reports the HLDI, which is affiliated with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Compared to large luxury vehicles, it found that the Model S has 29 percent more claims and 84 percent more collision losses.

Estos son los "ecológicos" Tesla: Siniestros Totales por problemas perfectamente reparables en otros coches.

Pero los Tesla son:

* Más frágiles, con docenas de fotos de Teslas que han roto los soportes de las ruedas ellos solitos:

* Más complicados de reparar, al ser de aluminio (este porblema lo comparten con algunos Audi).

* Tesla se reserva la exclusiva de las reparaciones, lo cual hace que no tengan competencia y los precios sean abusivos:

¿Resultado?: Los coches para "salvar el planeta" terminan en el desgüace mucho antes que los "contaminantes" ICE convencionales.

Como regla general contamina tanto la fabricación de un coche como su uso, por lo que un coche "de usar y tirar" como los Tesla es antiecológico por definición.​


Año 2 mil dieciocho.

Tesla lleva 15 años perdiendo dinero:

* Con la exclusividad del no-mercado de los VE de lujo (a punto de terminar).

* Cobrando de los demás farbricantes penalizados por no fabricar VE (a punto de terminar)

* Con los 7500$ por coche regalo del tío Sam (a punto de terminar).

* Exclusivamente en el segmento de lujo E y SUV (el que más beneficios da)

* Los compradores de coches de lujo suelen tener un segundo (o tercer coche) y toleran comprensivamente que el coche "grande" esté fuera de servicio o en el taller. Conozco personalmente a acaudalados que tiene un (horrendamente poco fiable) Maserati Quattroporte para fardar y viajes y un Toyota Yaris para ir a la compra.

* Vendiendo a comprensivos y fanáticos early adopters, que estan dispuestos a pagar de más y perdonan fallos en sus exclusivas y vanguardistas compras.​

A partir de 2 mil dieciocho:

* Entran competidores de lujo VE. Competidores con décadas de historia (Mercedes pol ejemplo fabrió el primer coche en 1886) y millones de números neցros (Tesla tiene millones...en números gente de izquierdas).

Navajazos a Tesla en este anuncio:

* Los competidores dejarán de pagar a Tesla por no fabricar VE.

* Expiran los 7500$ por Tesla del tío Sam, que desaparecerán completamente en 2019. Mercedes o Audi COMENZARÁN AHORA a cobrar ese dinero por coche, hasta las 200.000 unidades.

El rebate fiscal que ha beneficiado a Tesla en los últimos 15 añs (¡y aún así han tenido sólo pérdidas!) ahora se les vuelve en contra: La competencia lo va a tener, pero Tesla ya no.

Buena suerte compitiendo con nuevos VE con 7500$ de rebate que Tesla ya NO tiene, al haber vendido sus 200.000 VE.​

* Tesla encima produce ya un coche del segmento D (el Model 3), que es menos rentable que el E.

* Para colmo los compradores de coches D lo suelen tener como único coche, luego esperan fiabilidad casi total y tiempos de servicio y reparación breves.

* Se acabó el chollo de vender a early adopters. Ahora hay que vender a fastidiosos y quisquillosos clientes normales, de esos que esperan que el coche funcione (casi) siempre y que esperan un servicio post venta razonable (el servicio post venta es una de las mayores catástrofes de tesla)​

Si Tesla lleva 15 años perdiendo dinero con todo a favor, ¿qué va a pasar ahora con el viento en contra?
Última edición:
* Tanto Elon Musk como Ruíz Mateos se han presentado como "empresarios con una misión social". (rolleyes).

Ruíz Mateos "crear puestos de trabajo" y "progreso" en general:



Elon Musk "abrir el espacio" y la "ecología".​

La "misión" les permite presentarse como "benefactores sociales" y les blinda frente a las críticas.

Si criticabas a Rumasa "querías dejar en el paro" sus trabajadores y eras un Mr. Scrooge de corazón de piedra sin sensibilidad ante la magna obra social que hacía Rumasa.

Si criticas a Tesla estas a sueldo de las petroleras y de la extinción de la humanidad al no salir nunca de la Tierra, además de ser un negacionista del cambio climático y no se sabe cuantos horrores jovenlandesales más:


"Espacio asequible". Llevo oyendo promesas de "espacio asequible"...desde los años 70.


Y ahora este cantamañanas repite la misma desgastada promesa, jamás cumplida. Lo siento pero ya soy demasiado viejo y resabiando: Cuando alguien me promete (por septuagésimo novena vez en 40 años) "espacio asequible" se me encienden todas las luces rojas de alarma anti-fraude.​

Este complejo mesiánico es peligrosísimo en un supuesto empresario, y suele ser la TAPADERA de sus miserias:


Lean esta ampulosa cita de Elon Musk. ¿Les recuerda a Jenaro García y su "visión" de la "ciudades inteligentes" con "WiFi como si fuera agua: Todo el mundo debe tener derecho a WiFi":


Gowex fue nuestra Tesla de andar por casa, liderada también por un "visionario" (como Elon Musk) entregado a actividades ruinosas (como Elon Musk) y siempre cerquita de los castuzos y sus prebendas (como Elon Musk).​

En general desconfío muchísimo de empresarios que pretenden "salvar al mundo" en vez de hacer su función: Ganar dinero vendiendo productos que valgan más de lo que cuestan.

* Ruizma y Musk: Crony Capitalism?. Son "exitosos" por estar a buenas con el poder.


La devaluación de la peseta beneficia a Rumasa

Como sintetizó genialmente un socarrón forero (música de la Abeja Maya):

La abeja Maya Opening Intro Español - YouTube

En un país con hiperinflacióooooon...

...una abejita Rumasina laboraba bajo el Soooooool

Ruizma vivía de prestado.

Cuanta más inflación, mejor para los deudores: Más devaluada está su gigantesca deuda.

Ruizma probablemente esperaba encadenar patadón palante tras patadón palante, y "salvarse" al final por la inflación (que se comiese sus deudas impagables) o por aliarse por el PSOE en "crear 800.000 puestos de trabajo".


Transcripción tríptico PSOE 1981 "OTAN DE ENTRADA NO". De obligada lectura para conocer la catadura jovenlandesal del PSOE - - Foro de economía​

Elon Musk probablemente también pergeña planes sobre cómo salir del lío en que se ha metido (el Tesla 3 es un dsparate, por ejemplo, no va a suceder...)​


Ruizma consiguió lo que consiguió gracias a su "enchufe" con el poder Franquista: Ruizma multiplicó por 300 (¡!) su capital entre 1960 y 1965:

En cinco años ¡RUMASA había multiplicado su capital inicial por más de 300!

“Si a esto añadimos el hecho de que el Instituto Nacional de Industria quedó bajo su control, concretamos el cuadro de actividades del Opus Dei y podemos comprender el enorme dinamismo de este grupo en la última década (de lo cual es buen ejemplo RUMASA, objeto de nuestro estudio), así como los conflictos surgidos con la oligarquía más tradicional (MATESA podría ser un ejemplo de ello). Dentro de este cuadro, el holding RUMASA ha sido posible con el apoyo de Crédito oficial, que le ha permitido la adquisición de empresas y Bancos, así como la connivencia con el ministerio de Hacienda le permitió hacer caso omiso de la legislación financiera existente.”

Era difícil acceder a los datos que fundamentaran o refutaran la hipótesis, en el caso de MATESA ocurría lo mismo, no se podía cuantificar el volumen de los créditos concedidos a dicha empresa acudiendo a las Memorias del banco de Crédito Industrial.

Pero la hipótesis era que RUMASA creció de manera exponencial por su “colaboración directa con el poder, que le permitió adquirir a precio de saldo ciertas empresas que atraviesan dificultades monetarias en cuanto a liquidez, vencimiento de créditos o bien, como en el caso de los bancos Siero y Murciano, que se encuentran en situación de embargo por algún tribunal que determina en asuntos económicos.”

... Rato poseía buenas razones para suponer que había habido una íntima colaboración entre RUMASA y las autoridades financieras del país, para ceder a precio de saldillo los Bancos de Siero y Murciano, a la vez que RUMASA obtenía un crédito a muy bajo interés para acceder a la compra de los mismos.”

Rumasa debe su explosivo crecimiento a una colaboración directa con los elementos en el poder, que la capacita para poder planificar en todo momento la cantidad y forma de crecimiento.”


A mi juicio Elon Musk hace lo mismo:

EspaceX consigue "contratos" dela NASA (que en teoría la NASA debería ser capaz de hacer por ella misma).

Tesla y SunCity consiguen todo tipo de ayudas por ser "empresas verdes".


Noten también la facturación intragrupo, otro rasgo de Rumasa (vide infra)

Elon Musk en realidad no necesita los bancos Rumasinos que Ruizma "ordeñaba" para sus ruinosas empresas. No los necesita porque chiringuitos como Goldman Sachs ya le "calientan la acción" y diferentes entidades públicas USA le meten dinero público en el bolsillo:


Contra Corner » Tesla Is The New Enron

Ruizma gustaba de disfrazarse de Superman. A Elon Musk lo llaman "The real Iron Man":

Hasta en este pequeño detalle chusco se parecen los dos habilísimos y encantadores vendehumos:


Elon Musk: How I Became The Real 'Iron Man' - YouTube



Como augusto estricto yo la verdad es que me quedo con Musk. Sus payasadas me lo están haciendo pasar en grande: Hyperloop, Colonias en Marte, vivimos en un vídeo juego...y lo dice totalmente en serio el tipo. Me recuerda a Eugenio:

Chistes de Eugenio Parte 3 - YouTube

Saben aquel que diu que monta una colonia en Marte, se pilla el Hyperloop para ir, y entonces...

Humor desternillante sin esbozar jamás ni una sonrisa. Totalmente en serio. Ese es Elon Musk. Me cae cada vez mejor el habilísimo showman según veo que la culpa del Burbujón Tesla no es de él, es de los oligofrénicos que se toman en serio sus geniales performances de Humor.​
Última edición:
* Ruizma y Musk: Familiares a cargo de las empresas del grupo.

Ruizma ponía a su extensa red de hermanos y primos a cargo de empresas de la Vieja Rumasa.

En Nueva Rumasa ponía al mando a su extensa colección de hijos.

Elon Musk hace justo lo mismo:

SolarCity, an unprofitable solar business run by Elon Musk's cousins, propped up by bond sales to SpaceX, another Elon Musk venture.

Debunking The Tesla Mythology - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

Poner a familiares a dirigir empresas es signo de que NO necesitas a "los mejores", sino a "gente de confianza". El "negocio" no está basado en el producto, sino en la "confianza"​

* Ruizma y Musk: Prestamos y "rescates" entre empresas del grupo.

Ruizma manejaba una inextricable maraña de facturaciones internas (reales o no) intra-Rumasa, y de préstamos y avales cruzados intra-Rumasa.

Era parte del fraude: La Empresa Rumasina A "avalaba" a la B, la B a la C...y la C a la A. Era todo una charada para dar sensación de "solidez", mientras el agujero financiero real crecía y crecía.

Musk hace algo parecido: Sus 3 empresas se hacen "rescates" entre ellas:


Veanse en el diagrama como las empresas estan controladas por EL HERMANO o PRIMOS de Mus, que "casualmente" deben de ser los "mejores" para el puesto. ¿O estarán ahí por ser de la "famiglia"? Ruizma hacía los mismo en RUMASA y en NUEVA RUMASA, con sus hijos al cargo de empresas:



El ataque de los Clones. Ruizma y sus "Clones" genéticos (sus hijos, vaya) dirigiendo sus empresas de Nueva Rumasa.


En Vieja Rumasa hacía lo mismo con hermanos, primos y otros familiares.

¿Por qué? Porque son negocios DONDE HAY COSAS QUE ESCONDER, y los lazos de sangre dan la "confianza" necesaria.

Elon Musk está haciendo justo lo mismo:


Su hermano.


Sus primos.

Y con deuda disparándose como un Cohete de SpaceX:


Y ya con facturaciones INTRAGRUPO "salvando" a empresas arruinadas.



Esta película ya la vi en los 80, y se titulaba RUMASA.​

Tesla no hace más que perder dinero de forma ininterrumpida desde su creación hace 13 años:

Elon Musk no presenta ganancias ni sobre el papel, ni Ruizma se atrevió a tanto. Al menos Ruizma maquillaba los balances para que pareciese que estaba ganando dinero.

Claro que Elon Musk cotiza en Bolsa USA, allí no tiene las libertades de cubrir tu empresa con un tupido velo de silencio y secreto que sí que tenía Ruíz Mateos.

A quien no alarme este párrafo que se haga institucionalizar por su bien:

Just three months after promising the company would be net cash-flow positive this year with no need to raise more capital, Tesla said its advanced production schedule would preclude its cash-flow goal and require raising more capital.

Elon Musk promises Tesla will do the improbable (or even impossible) - MarketWatch

Elon Musk lleva años prometiendo beneficios inminentes, pero siempre termina pidiendo más y más dinero ajeno.

Un comentario terrible a la noticia:

Elon Musk is running a Ponzi right under the SEC nose - his three entities are merely vehicles to suck the dumb money through institutions like Fidelity which are loaded to the gills with Tesla stock. The only one to see through this charade is Chanos and now even the Cramer has weighed in against this "shameless manipulation" in order to suck in investors. Unable to stomach Musk instability, his two Manufacturing guys quit. What Musk should have done is what Steve Jobs and Cook did at Apple. AAPL is simply design and marketing and now financial engineering. Musk should have outsourced to Fiat, selling through his own channels (ala AAPL) and collecting licencing and royalty fees. Once the spotlight shines on Fidelity for playing footsie with client moneys, TSLA will crater fast down below $50 per share.. and maybe the SEC will put Musk in Jail..

Es como esos estudiantes estudiando (se supone) en otra ciudad que siempre están "a punto de aprobar", pero que "el profe les tiene manía" y por lo tanto piden a sus padres 3 meses más de gastos pagados, y otros 3, y otros 3, y otros 3...ha habido casos de padres que tras años así han comprobado que su hijo (supuestamente con la carreras "casi" terminada) no había pasado de 1º de carrera.


Según su propio criterio Elon Musk es el innovador supremo como empresario del automóvil, porque no hace otra cosa que FRACASAR (gasta más de lo que gana año tras año tras año).​

* Diferencia Elon Musk-Ruizma:

Elon Musk "sólo" está metido en 3 empresas:


Empresas con contínuas (Tesla y SolarCity) o dependientes del Tío Sam (EspaceX). Empresas con relaciones incestuosas de familia...pero sólo 3.

Ruizma en cambio construyó una inextricable maraña de docenas y (al final) cientos de empresas y empresitas, reales o ficticias, pantallas, matrices, sociedades interpuestas...



54 empresas Rumasinas...en los años 70.

En 1983 los libros que tengo citan más de 600 (¡!) empresas rumasinas, alguna fuente da "666", como los puntos de "Camino", para darle más "salsa" al asunto.

Mariano Rubio antes de la intervención sugirió llegar a un acuerdo con Ruizma, ya que "sólo él comprende Rumasa". El autor de uno de mis libros especual que no, que ni siquiera Ruizma comprendía Rumasa, dado que ninmguna mente humana puede retener el laberinto financiero creado por Ruíz Mateos para maquillar el muerto financiero que era Rumasa.

Según este resumen gráfico la Rumasa de 1983 tenía 700 empresas (¡¡¡!!!), de las cuales "sólo" 200 estaban operativas:


Quizás Elon Musk podría aprender cosas de Ruíz Mateos: Tener 200 empresas operativas te permite hacer todo tipo de facturaciones intragrupo (reales o no) que disimulen el "Muerto" financiero que en realidad son.

A mi juicio Musk compró SolarCity como patadón palante que le permitiese venderse y comprarse a sí mismo (y a sus primos y hermano) espejitos de colores, disimulando así la ruina de sus empresas y consiguiendo que le presten (aún) más pasta.

No por casualidad se decía que Ruíz Mateos hacía "La Bicicleta":

"La Bicicleta" empresarial.

Si te paras te caes.

Hay que encadenar patadón palante con patadón palante, ampliando la deuda y las refinanciaciones hasta el infinito (o hasta que Miguel Boyer te mande a la policía en 1983)

Ruíz Mateos hacía la bicicleta comprando empresa ruinosa tras empresa ruinosa para dar el patadón palante.

La compra de SolarCity es un patadón palante de Elon Musk.

En USA causó asombro (entre quienes confunden a Elon Musk con un empresario serio) que el CEO de la arruinada Tesla comprase otra empresa arruinada más (las ratas saltando del iceberg al Titanic, dijeron)

A mí no me sorprende en absoluto: Es el Modus Operandi clásico de Rumasa.​

Si criticabas a Ruíz Mateos eras un "Rojo". Si criticas a Elon Musk eres un "muy de derechas":

Preguntar si Toyota o Samsung o Apple o Unilever son "de derechas o de izquierdas" es absurdo. Las empresas serias no tienen ideología porque son...empresas, NO SECTAS NI PARTIDOS.

Pero Rumasa sí tenía ideología, de derechas:


Todo Rumasa estaba empapado de milagrería y un mensaje conservador y tradicional de misa con mantilla y peineta. Tengo muchos números de "La Colmena" (revista interna de Rumasa) llenos de reportajes sobre peregrinaciones a tal Virgen de empleados del grupo, bodas, bautizos, bendiciones de tal nueva fábrica...

Tras la expropiación de 1983 el meme era que "Los gente de izquierdas del PSOE" eran los responsables del "robo" de Rumasa.

Aún cuando petó Nueva Rumasa en Intereconomía estuvieron emitiendo sonrojantes programas especiales donde los hijos de Ruíz Mateos defendían a capa y espada la "solidez" del grupo.

El Gato al Agua - NUEVA RUMASA (parte1) - YouTube

Si atacabas a Ruizma es que probablemente eras un "rojo" del PSOE.

Y si atacas a Elon Musk...eres un "muy de derechas" a sueldo de Trump

Right-wing group led by Trump propagandist launches campaign against Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX | Electrek

The trolling of Elon Musk: how US conservatives are attacking green tech | Technology | The Guardian

Fake news is the newest strategy for taking down Elon Musk, Tesla (TSLA) and SolarCity

Elon Musk es un diosecillo para los progres "ecologistas", lo mismo que Ruíz Mateos era un diosecillo para los carcas.

El Fanboyismo ideológico es muy útil para Musk, como lo fue para Ruíz Mateos.​

Creo que Ayn Randiano se equivoca por 3 razones:

1) Tesla sólo da perdidas

Respuesta: sí, pero como casi todas las compañías de Silicon Valley. Las compañías de Silicon Valley tienen a su disposición miles de millones de dólares de financiación creados de la nada y manejados por misteriosos fondos opacos... y si son estratégicas, tienen detrás hasta al Estado.

Así que Opel no compite con una empresa pequeña que da pérdidas como es Tesla, sino que compite contra una empresa fantasma que esconde detrás el músculo financiero del Tío Sam.

¿Cuánto dinero da Twitter? Poco. Pierden cientos de millones de dólares, pero ahí siguen. Tener los datos y la ubicación de cientos de millones de "twiteros" es algo muy jugoso para EEUU. Por eso está prohibido en China, como Facebook.

Los coches Tesla están conectados a internet 24 horas, tienen autopiloto y registran tu ubicación en todo momento. Si eres una persona non-grata para la CIA... a lo mejor sufres un accidente.

¿No es esa una buena inversión para el Estado?
Tesla es ya "too big -para el gobierno yanqui- to fail".

2) ¿Por qué pagar más por menos? Comparación Opel Ampera vs Tesla 3.
Respuesta: Porque es cool. Como todo lo de Apple. La gente busca algo "cool".
Por eso lo de las puertas que se abren hacia arriba. Es una "innovación" para los aparcamientos, sí... una chorrada. Pero a la generación de 20 añeros de hoy en día... es el coche que se les va a vender.
¿Has visto la cantidad de móviles de 500 y hasta 800€ que se venden hoy en día cuando uno de 150€ hace -casi- lo mismo?

3) Tesla es un vendemotos
Respuesta: cierto, pero no es simple, y tiene 2000 millones de dólares.
Musk invierte en cosas que iban a avanzar igualmente... pero entra de lleno en el mercado, el primero, saca subvenciones del Estado y de panolis Appleros de California... y luego es considerado por el Pentágono como un agente clave con inmunidad estratégica.
¿Si cae Tesla... la supuesta Apple de los coches... cómo competimos con los alemanes y los japoneses...? ¿Con la Ford medio quebrada de hace 5 años?

Además tiene calada a una upper-middle class americana acomodada a la que le va a sacar hasta los higadillos: paneles solares, coches...
Apple les saca 500$ al año... pero este tío les va a sacar 5000$ anuales a esa gente acomodada.
Y con ellos y con el gobierno detrás (Estatal -en varios Estados, porque saca dinero de California, Nevada, Florida... y pronto de Texas- y Federal...) está muy bien posicionado.

Si se arruina Ruiz Mateos a nadie le importa una cosa.
Si se arruinara Tesla porque Trump le cortase las subvenciones... se liaría una muy subida de peso. Estarías acabando con los sueños de millones de manchildren upper-class americanos... Y el gobernador de California no lo permitiría. Antes de que caiga Tesla reduciría las raciones de los comedores de las escuelas públicas.

Resumen: Tesla es too big to fail para los americanos.

Lo último del, según algunos, vendehumos.

SpaceX logró completar con éxito la misión Iridium el pasado catorce de enero. Una misión que dejó algunas increíbles imágenes de la nave y el proceso de despegue y aterrizaje.

Las increíbles imágenes del último despegue (y aterrizaje) de SpaceX

El hilo es sobre Tesla, no sobre Spacex.

Los "logros" de Spacex son enteramente irrelevantes para Tesla.

Y además, ¿que prueban exactamente unas imágenes de un cochete de Spacex? ¿Que Elon Musk es un genio? ¿Qué sus empresas son viables?

¿Cuál es exactamente el "argumento"?

Hasta Corea del Norte lanza cohetes:

Launch of North Korean Rocket (High Quality, Full Version) - YouTube


Elon Musk puede hacer lo mismo que Corea del Norte:

Fantástico. ¿Y? What´s the point?

Hasta Hitler también hacía lo mismo en 1944: Lanzar un cohete que desaparece en la altura sin explotar:

¿Y? ¿Cuál es el argumento exactamente?

Aquí tenéis todo el Newspeak de Elon Musk: Promesas, promesas, promesas...

In a talk at the ISS R&D conference on Wednesday, Elon Musk shared some more insight into SpaceX’s path to fast and full rocket reusability. The company hopes to achieve its 24-hour turnaround window for used Falcon 9 rockets sometime next year, he said, and there is already “a technical path in place to achieving that.”

Some of its reuse efforts aren’t immediately bearing fruit in terms of lowering costs, however – Musk revealed that refurbishing the Dragon capsule it flew for a second time during the most recent ISS resupply mission cost “almost as much – maybe more” than building a new one from scratch.

That should improve over time, however, as SpaceX gets better at refurbishing the cargo craft. Next time around, it should be able to shave a few percentage points off the cost of refurbishment, he said, which makes it sound like in the case of the capsule at least, there’s still lots of work to be done for rapid reflight capabilities.

Meanwhile, Musk said that SpaceX is getting closer to being able to recover the fairing, a nosecone that sits atop the rocket to protect the payload during launch. The company managed to land one of those earlier this year, and Musk said that they’re now “quite close” to being able to land it and recover the component as well. The fairing, including all of its integrated systems, is a $5 or $6 million piece of equipment, he noted.

“Imagine if we had a $6 million pallet of cash falling through the sky,” Musk said he tells his staff. “Would we try to catch it? I think the answer is yes.”

Fairing recover is on track for either the end of this year, or the beginning of next, Musk added. Between the boost stage, and the fairing, this would make SpaceX’s launches about 80 percent reusable, and he also noted that “for a lot of missions, we could even bring the second stage back, so we’re going to try to do that.”

Rapid and full rocket reusability is a basic necessity for making Mars missions viable, Musk later commented, which is why it’s such a crucial part of SpaceX’s pipeline.
Última edición:
Lo que NO es relevante para este hilo:

Florilegio de "Argumentos" pro-Tesla que son perfectos non sequitur (no se sigue, no relevantes). Los he leido todos emitidos por Tesláico ahñitos de MuskAid (como el KoolAid de Jonestown), y vuelven a emerger en este hilo.

Pre-contesto estas inanidades de quien no tiene argumentos y así me ahorro el trabajo de replicar uno a uno a los Tesláicos.

Lo buenos y bonitos que sean (o dejen de ser) los coches Tesla. Es perfectamente irrelevante para el balance de Tesla. Como si pudiesen volar o resucitar muertos. Fabricarlos produce PÉRDIDAS.

Lo mucho que liguen y amen y lo guays y populares que sean quienes tienen un Tesla. Lo grises, aburridos y nunca follistas envidiosos reconcomidos por nuestro rencor existencial que seamos los que tenemos coches de combustión interna. Toda esa discusión aporta exactamente 0€ a los balances de Tesla.

Lo pobretones que seamos los críticos de Tesla, que en el fondo somos unos envidiosos por no poder acceder a sus maravillosos coches. Nuestras miserias jovenlandesales, espirituales o económicas como críticos de Tesla aportan exactamente 0€ al desastroso balance en números gente de izquierdas permanentes de Tesla.

Lo contaminante que es el petróleo. Ídem. La contaminación del petróleo no añade un centavo a los balances de Tesla.

Que se vaya a "terminar" el petróleo. Tesla no saca un solo € de que haya más o menos petróleo. Tesla debería ganar el dinero de vender más caro que los costes de producción, cosa que no ha hecho jamás. Mientras Tesla gaste más en producir un coche que lo que cobra por él, le es indiferente que mañana mismo el petróleo milagrosamente deje de manar.

Que "el futuro es eléctrico". Aunque sea cierto es irrelevante si Tesla no puede hacer coches sin perder dinero, y de momento no los ha hecho.

Que los críticos de Tesla estemos a sueldo de las petroleras. ¡Ojalá lo estuviésemos! :D. Como si tal circunstancia compensase de algún modo que Tesla jamás ha ganado un solo dolar.​


Solo una de estas personas pierde dinero año tras año con sus actividades.

Todas las demás ganan dinero.

Pruebe su criterio e indique quién es el PERDEDOR entre todos estos trabajadores:





El PERDEDOR es el último.

Castañeras, Afiladores y Limpiabotas hacen algo que Elon Musk jamás ha hecho vendiendo Teslas: Ganan dinero.​


Las puertas en ala del Tesla X

Elon Musk ya me ha "perdido" por completo con este engendro técnico que desconocía:

tesla x doors - Buscar con Google


Esto NO (¡no no no no no, ¡1000 noes!) se hace, y Elon Musk lo ha hecho.

Lista de fallos a priori de este diseño 10.000% FORMA SOBRE FUNCIÓN, que en una compañía seria lo hubiesen descartado en la fase del primer diseño del vehículo:

1. Because part of the roof is now the door, you can't mount a roof rack or roof-mounted cargo box atop the Model X
2. No door pockets or cupholders allowed. Unless you want those things dumped on the ground
3. They're slower to operate than any manual door
4. You have to stand away from the door after pressing the release button on the door, else the sensors detect your presence and only open partially
5. The doors are incompatible with garages with low roofs. This includes operating the doors inside many/most home garages when the garage door is open
6. Close parking quarters can result in a partial door opening. Perhaps not any worse than a swinging door in this regard. Plus, our Model X has the "summon" function, which helps. A minivan's sliding door, however, will open fully in virtually any gap into which even a slim person can physically squeeze
7. With their electric motors, sensors, additional hinge points, et al,, they're almost certainly much heavier than other doors
8. Speaking of weight: because part of the roof is now the door, the chassis is structurally inefficient and thus heavier than it would otherwise be
9. The operating mechanism is located at the highest point of the car, raising its center of gravity
10. When it rains, it had better be falling straight down, otherwise it's going to blow in through the huge opening and soak the leather and/or your butt
11. Snow on the roof will be snow on your seat
12. Presence of doors in roof leaves no space for a proper sliding sunshade between the "receding hairline" windshield and the door openings. Instead we get a cheesy K-mart-grade fixed sunshade
13. The corner of the articulating door sometimes rests right at forehead height of exiting front passengers
14. The articulating doors are over the rear passengers, not the driver. The rich dude that buys one of these wants to own his Lambo flashbacks for himself, not his whiny kids. They need a sliding door

14 Drawbacks to Those Doors - 2016 Tesla Model X Long-Term Road Test

A posterior ha sido peor aún:

Tesla Model X doors crushing things - YouTube

Tesla Model X - Falcon Wing Door Safety antiestéticature Secretly Removed! Part 1 of 2 - YouTube


Las puertas traseras en ala del tesla X son capaces de partir calabacines (¡!)

La respuesta de Tesla es de risa (si no tienes un Tesla, claro):

We received this comment from Tesla, as did Jalopnik (same words): “We adjusted Model X Falcon Wing doors via a software update in order to improve closure consistency and reduce false detection of obstacles.”

Tesla Model X: software update turns gullwing into guillotine doors? - ExtremeTech

Vamos a ver: Un compañía seria no desarrolla "actualizaciones de software" para "mejorar la consistencia de cierre" de las puertas de un coche.

Las puertas de un coche se deben cerrar el 100% de las veces, sin software. Lo hacen en un Renault 11 de 1984 de 500€ y hasta el Tata Nano no tiene problemas con sus puertas traseras. Esto es absurdo, completamente absurdo. Estan "resolviendo" problemas enteramente artificiales, creados por un diseño que da repelús a cualquier persona racional que sepa un poquito de Ingeniería.

From the horse´s mouth:

Tesla CEO Elon Musk in the past has spoken broadly about the challenges of making top-hinged doors work well. At the May 31, 2016 shareholder meeting, Musk said:

“In particular, the software that controls the Model X and the operation of the doors has been incredibly difficult to refine, and getting the complex set of sensors to work well has been difficult to refine. I think we’re almost there in making the doors useful.”

Aquí lo tienen. El Sr, Musk diciendo que "ya casí lo tienen"...hacer las puertas traseras "útiles"...en un SUV de 100.000€ de nada.

Tesla dilapidando dinero (¡aún más pérdidas!) intentando que las puertas hagan lo mismo que las puertas de cualquier coche ordinario: Cerrarse correctamente y no aplastar a sus ocupantes.

Todo esto es absurdo. ¡Esas puertas no dan ninguna ventaja en primer lugar, y muchísimos inconvenientes!

En una compañia residualmente sensata esas puertas no hubiesen pasado del tablero de dibujo.

Cualquier persona que sepa algo de coches sabe que esas puertas NUNCA HAN FUNCIONADO, y que son marchamo de coches fracasados:


Bricklin SV1. Sale en el libro "The Worst cars". Un desastre sin paliativos, tanto técnico como empresarial.


El célebre Delorean. Otra catástrofe que aparece en "The Worst cars". Un desastre técnico y empresarial que terminó en unos meses.

En ambos casos las puertas en ala (y sus múltiples problemas) contribuyeron a la catástrofe final, y -más importante- fueron un SÍNTOMA de que la dirección de la empresa estaba en manos de incompetentes/irresponsables que permitieron que llegasen a producción unas puertas que jamás pasan del tablero de dibujo en empresas medianamente bien gestionadas.

Esas puertas sólo dan gravísimos problemas y NO APORTAN NADA al valor del producto.

Lo siento, pero con este diseño algo ha hecho click en mi cabeza y EMMO a Elon Musk ya solo lo considero como un estafador, un charlatán de feria.

Un "visionario idealista" que quiere "luchar por el medio ambiente" con sus coches eléctricos NO compromete todo el proyecto con unas puertas en ala caras, inútiles y peligrosas que han dado problemas gravísimos en todos los coches que las han adoptado

Basta con que alguien ponga la mano donde no debe en una de esas puertas para que el castillo de naipes de Tesla se venga abajo.

El Delorean se fue al garete de forma parecida en los 80: Empezaron a sugir relatos de gente atrapada por las malditas puertas en ala y fue un clavo más en el ataud del coche.

Un comentario:

Model X was an error since the beginning.The falcon doors are just a stubborn decision that makes liltle sense, as the front doors are standard. also, from what I read, it has a lot more problems than model S. they should have focused more on model 3 immediately after model S, imho. or plan something different like the now announced pickup

Hay un terrorífico PDF con fotos en alta resolución de problemas en un Tesla X:***********/potential-tesla-x-issues_web-2-pdf.168870/

Parecen fotos de un Kit Car británico de esos que te montas en tu garaje...y es un SUV de 100.000€.


El Autopiloto de Tesla: Un "lío" absurdo para una empresa pequeña con muchos problemas y pérdidas contínuas

Una empresa minúscula que pretende competir con los grandes e innovar NO se mete en varios "frentes" al mismo tiempo.

Es SUICIDA empresarialmente pretender innovar en todo, en campos dificilísimos, cuando no tienes más que pérdidas y aún no has construido 100.000 coches.

Es absurdo que Tesla pretenda innovar en propulsión electrica Y en las "Puestas en Ala" Y en el peliagudísimo Autopiloto. Con UNA innovación ya tendrían desafío de sobra. Meterse en las 3 a la vez es SUICIDA, máxime con un CEO dedicado además a conquistar Marte, poner tejas fotovoltáicas, crear el Monorail de Springfield...perdón, el Hyperloop y no se sabe cuántas cosas más.

Más flanes:


Aquí el autopiloto de Tesla hace tres cosas:

- El autopiloto mantiene la distancia de seguridad con el coche delantero.
- "Ve" que 1 coche está parado delante del coche que sigue (El coche parado no era visible para un humano).
- Avisa y frena, ANTES de que se produzca el accidente.

Resultado: 2 vidas salvadas y 0 daños para el coche.

Humo y flanes amigos.

Eso lo hace cualquier conductor atento: Parar si hay un accidente delante, dentro de la zona de detención que uno siempre ha de mantener delante. Only a fool breaks the two seconds rule:

Que aburridamente analógico es esto, ¿verdad?

Prestar atención mientras conduces, cosa de "viejunos", ¿verdad?

Los "nativos digitales" no tienen capacidad mental para hacer tan aburrida tarea, ¿verdad? Por eso necesitan un Tesla con autopiloto.​

Yo he parado en circunstancias similares: Ves que se para el tráfico a 100m de distancia y paras.

El vídeo que usted pone sólo hubiese "salvado" a fulastres que conducen pegados al de delante y/o sin prestar atención.

El maravilloso autopiloto se puede "comer" tranquilamente a un camión, matando al dueño, si este es tan necio de confiar a este la conducción del vehículo.


Investigators say Tesla self-driving car was speeding at 74 mph in a 65 mph zone when it plowed into truck killing ex-Navy SEAL as he was watching a 'Harry Potter DVD' | Daily Mail Online

El autopiloto Tesla interpretó un camión como "cielo" o "niebla". ¡Un sistema cojonudìsimo, ciertamente!


Hay ya muchos "autopilotos". El de Volvo, el de Cadillac...hacen lo mismo que el de Tesla.


El pobre necio confió en las irresponsables promesas de Elon Musk de que el autopiloto es "el doble de seguro" que un piloto humano.

Murió. Murió por confiar en Elon Musk:

Otro fin similar, esta recogida en vídeo:

No, no es como los flanes Dhul de Ruiz Mateos.

Los flanes Dhul al menos nunca mataron a nadie.

Es empresarialmente disparatado que estes perdiendo dinero trimestre tras trimestre con un producto de nicho que gusta a la gente pero que no cubre gastos y que ENCIMA te metas gratuitamente en una tecnología puntera que las grandes marcas aún no han resuelto y que nadie exige aún en un coche.​

Vídeos surtidos:

Tesla S.

Seven hundred pounds (700 libras) por cambiar una manilla de puerta de un Tesla S.

One Expensive Door Handle - YouTube

Tesla Ranger Fixed my Door Handle - YouTube

Yo jamás he gastado ni sé de nadie que haya gastado un solo € por cambiar la manilaa de la puerta de ningún coche.

Agua en el maletero de un Tesla S. Entra por la cerradura y ls agarraderos para cerrar la puerta. He tenido coches de los 80 con 25 años encima y a ninguno le entraba agua por ahí.

Tesla X: Las puertas trasera y delantera chocan entre sí:

Fan de Tesla explicando la "Gran solución" al súper-cristal del Tesla X (que abrasa a sus ocupantes a poco que haya Sol):

El Tesla X tiene un parabrisas absurdo, 2000€ si se rompe y un tostadero a poco que hag un poco de sol:


Es tan absurdo que Tesla ha tenido que regalar un parasol a sus clientes:


Gástese usted 100.000€ en un coche para al final tener que poner en el techo un parasol como los que venden por 5€ en las gasolineras.​

La broma pesada de las puertas eléctricas (no se abren mecánicamente) de los Tesla

Fallos que no daría un Dyane 6 los da un coche de precio de 6 cifras: Es el precio de que todo-todo-todo sea electrónico-motorizado a lo Rube Goldberg.

And now the downside. They're really just big beautiful buttons. When you grab them they don't unhook a sturdy latch, they merely fire a small motor that pops the door open

Rube Goldberg en estado puro:


Tesla X, el Sport Utility Vehicle sin Utility

El diseño "forma sobre función" de los asientos traseros del Tesla X hace que NO sean abatibles.

¿Resultado?: Un humilde Nissan Leaf tiene más espacio de carga (¡¡¡!!!) para objetos voluminosos que el Behemot Tesla X:

Es un defecto muy menor comparado con el disparate del "autopiloto", pero es muy sintomático de la compañía Show sin substancia que es Tesla: La "Utilidad" del "SUV" se sacrifica tranquilamente en el altar de unos asientos "dramáticos" (que NO pueden abatirse).

En el caso del Tesla X es más cierto que nunca el descifrado alternativo de "SUV": Stupid Useless Vehicle.​
Última edición:
¿Recoges ya tu owned o quieres esperarte a que la gente empiece a hacer vídeos de este coche en los garajes de sus casas?

¿Mi owned dice usted?

Espere a que vendan unos miles de unidades y a lo que diga JDPower y los ratings de fiabilidad.

Y espere a ver el número real de unidades vendidas, en especial cuando se sepa cuál es la fiabildiad del artefacto.

Nos vamos a reir mucho con este asunto.

Mire, otro visionario con su prototipo:

Bricklin Story - Introduction Part 1 - YouTube

Malcolm Bricklin.

Y otro:

John DeLorean:After his cocaine trial, business collapse,loss of his wife and his reputation! - YouTube

Car Crash The DeLorean Story - YouTube

Vinieron ambos a "revolucionar el mundo del motor" con sus "visionarias creaciones". Como Elon Musk.


Gran expectativa, gente hacienco cola para comprar sus coches, gente adelantando pasta para ser los primeros (¿le suena?)...y el GRAN BATACAZO según la gente vio de verdad lo que era vivir con estos coches, de mal diseño e inmaduros industrialmente: Chasis defomados y pésima maniobrabilidad en el SV1, puertas atascadas, fallos eléctricos y problemas sin fin en el V6 Renault del deLorean...

Con el Tesla 3 va a pasar lo mismo. Una cosa es vender juguetes a millonarios (Tesla Roadster, S y X), otra muy diferente es vender coches a menesterosos de clase media, que lo necesitan todos los días para ir a trabajar y no tienen un segundo o tercer coche de repuesto mientras les arreglan la avería del mes en el juguetito Tesla.

Colección de citas brutales sobre Tesla:

Jobs strived to create massive profits while Musk could figure out how to lose money running a whorehouse in a sex- addiction clinic. Good luck investing in someone who prioritizes his phony version of “saving the world” from the window of a Gulfstream G650 over creating a business that’s actually profitable.

Another fun Tesla tidbit in December came from fanboy blog InsideEVs, which proudly reported without irony that Tesla’s Fremont factory now contains 6200 employees, which is nearly as many as the 6800 who worked there back when GM ran the factory. But here’s the thing: GM built over 400,000 cars a year with those employees while Tesla is building approximately 80,000! Perhaps now all those duped journalists reporting their own version of “fake news” regarding Tesla’s factory being unusually

automated will publish their corrections (I won’t hold my breath!) or at the very least run a quick YouTube search to learn how un-unique Tesla’s robots are.

Stanphyl Ends 2016 Up Up 31% Sure Of Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA) Collapse

One Tesla owner describes this Catch-22, after being told that a crash was her fault because she turned off Autopilot by hitting the brakes: “So if you don’t brake, it’s your fault because you weren’t paying attention,” she told The Wall Street Journal. “And if you do brake, it’s your fault because you were driving.”

How Tesla and Elon Musk Exaggeraged Safety Claims About Autopilot and Cars - The Daily Beast

Las proclamas de Tesla de que su "Autopiloto" es más seguro que los humanos incluyen también....a los motoristas.

So Tesla’s comparison is actually looking at two quite different data sets. In 2014, 4,586 motorcyclists and 5,813 pedestrians/cyclists were killed.

That leaves 22,276 vehicle occupants (drivers and passengers) that died. This latter set are probably the ones we should be comparing to Tesla’s one death in 130 million miles. By that count, one vehicle occupant died for every 135.8 million miles traveled with a human driver in control. Based on that statistic, humans are actually better drivers than computers.

Forbes Welcome

En realidad el "Autopiloto" es peor que los humanos...y eso sin tener en cuenta que Tesla está comparando sus coches (vida media de 2 años, >60.000€) con una flota general USA de vida media 11 años y con trastos de 1000$ circulando:

Tesla compares its fleet of (on average) 2-year-old cars to the U.S. fleet and its average age of 11.5 years, almost as old as the automaker itself. Data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety show that even when vehicles from 2004 were new, they were much less safe than modern vehicles are. At the time of manufacture, these vehicles were responsible for 79 fatalities per million registered-vehicle years—by comparison, the 2011 model-year vehicles cut the fatality rate by nearly two-thirds, to just 28 per million vehicle years. This yawning gap in safety is even wider now, since the 2004 vehicles are now over a decade old, and have likely racked up over 100,000 miles. Tesla holds up this aging U.S. fleet (including motorcycles, which are 26 times as likely to be involved in a fatal accident as passenger vehicles) as a reasonable safety comparison for its fleet.

Tesla’s comparison also overlooks the dramatic cost difference between its luxury cars and an “average” vehicle on the road in the U.S. today.

The lowest-priced Model S starts at $66,000, about the same as an entry-level Audi A7, and climbs to around $135,000 with options, a similar price point as a fully-optioned Lexus LS 600h hybrid. The Model X starts around $83,000 and tops out around $145,000, a price range bracketed by the Porsche Cayenne SUV on the low end and a Porsche 911 Turbo on the high end. Vehicles in this price range are engineered to be some of the safest vehicles on the road, and many come with a panoply of advanced driver assistance safety functions, like Automatic Emergency Braking and Adaptive Cruise Control, making them the most direct competition for Tesla’s vehicles. Comparing a vehicle in this rarified segment to the overall market, where the average new vehicle costs less than $35,000, is beyond disingenuous.

How Tesla and Elon Musk Exaggeraged Safety Claims About Autopilot and Cars - The Daily Beast

Their deposits are already gone into the till from which company expenses are paid (as per the company's May SEC filing). Many reservation depositors may not even have read the TOC and believe their money is held in escrow. It could be years until the last of them receives the car so much desired. In any case, unlike unfortunately often falsely reported, reservation deposits are neither pre-orders nor do they guarantee delivery or specifications.

By analogy, we have a kind of Ponzi scheme evolving

Debunking The Tesla Mythology - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

Mi evaluación: Musk está usando los anticipos por el "Tipo 3" (que quedará en VAPORWARE) para alimentar su horno incinerador de dinero llamado "Tesla".

Adicionalmente a los predepósitos DE 1000$ a un coche que aún no se ha empezado a fabricar, Tesla descuenta 1000$ a quien venga "referido" por un dueño de otro Tesla:


Programa de Referidos Tesla

Receive a 1,000 € credit when you order a new Model S or Model X.

Referral | Tesla

Cada "referido" va asociado a su "referidor", que recibe otros regalos. Los dueños de Tesla son ESTIMULADOS A VENDER NUEVOS TESLA.

"Regalos" a quien meta a compradores nuevos, y "descuento" de 1000$ al "nuevo", que asu vez puede obtener nuevos regalos si mete a nuevos "referidos". ¿Les suena a algo?:


Tesla Motors' battery storage business generated near insignificant revenue of $13.45m in first quarter 2016, mainly attributable to sales of 100kWh Powerpacks to another company controlled by the Musk family, SolarCity, run by CEO Lyndon Reve and CTO Peter Rive, two of Elon Musk's cousins.

Debunking The Tesla Mythology - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

Las baterías tesla se venden casi en exclusiva a...SolarCity.

Rumasa puro: Unas empresas de Rumasa manteniendo a flote a otras.

That was a rhetorical question, of course. The merger is not to achieve synergies. The merger is so that one struggling Musk enterprise can bail out an even more desperate Musk enterprise.

It is the most incestuous, self-interested, disgraceful public company deal of my lifetime.

Tesla Performs Like A Paper Tiger In Falcon Wing Door Lawsuit - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

He leido en alguna parte que Tesla (perdiendo dinero) comprando SolarCity (perdiendo dinero) es "como las ratas saltando del icebergy refugiándose en el Titanic".

Tesla is a carbon trading company that happens to also make a battery powered car.


How does a vehicle with no fuel burn so aggressively?

Unicorn piss is highly flammable. :XX:

There is a very, very thin membrane electrolyte separator in Li-Ion batteries. To increase volumetric energy density it is being made even thinner. A microscopic membrane breakdown can connect anode to cathode causing thermal runaway, releasing oxygen and feeding a self-sustaining fire when the heat reaches the material ignition point. The separator membrane is derived from petroleum and burns very nicely. A burning Li-Ion battery will continue burning even in a vacuum because of the free oxygen released.

Tesla Spontaneously Catches Fire, Burns Down During Test Drive In France | Zero Hedge

Un Tesla S tiene 7000 baterías 18650 men el piso.

Es el mismo tipo de baterías que explota en los Hoverboards:

10 Fire Exploding Hoverboards Caught On Camera - YouTube

Terrible cita:

Because of this, and because of the fact that just recently Tesla also issued another $1.7 billion in equity, even I was amazed that during this Gigafactory event Elon Musk said a "mild" equity raise might be necessary to complete the Gigafactory. Not only do we see a Potemkin-line story, but the whole selling of Tesla tales seems to be based on people having no memories.

They need to have no memories that Tesla has already raised money for the Gigafactory. They have no memories of what Tesla promised for Tesla Energy. They have no memories of deliveries or margin proclamations. They have no memories of delays for the Roadster, Model S or X. In the end, it seems Elon's public will always believe his latest unbelievable proclamation, like the objective of selling 100,000 Model 3 during 2017.

I miccionan, take a look at that proclamation. It is, in itself, impossible and even Elon Musk knows it. It's impossible not because of the sheer impossibility of building those cars on such short notice, but simply because it already implies a production run rate (400,000 Model 3/year) Elon Musk itself only promises for 2018 (where it, too, will not be attained). It seems not even Elon Musk noticed that by promising so many cars for 2017, he was effectively promising the 2018 production run rate ahead of time. And what is real in the midst of it all? The only real thing is that even Elon Musk already sees the need for a further equity raise.

The Tesla Gigapotemkin Village - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

Musk pide más dinero (¡más!, en un horno crematorio de capital que lleva 13 años quemando pasta ajena) para terminar la Gigafactoria...pese a que ya pidió en su día ese dinero.

Es como este sketch de Cruz y Raya:

Cruz y Raya - Regreso Al Futuro - YouTube

Musk pide una y otra vez...un dinero que ya se le ha dado.

Tampoco es nada nuevo, la verdad: La NASA lleva desde los años 70 pidiendo una y otra vez (década tras década) dinero para "volver a la Luna" o "ir a Marte", y los TimnoSIDAicos llevan desde 1984 pidiendo dinero para una "banderilla contra el SIDA" que Margaret Heckler prometió en 1984 para...1986.

La "Gigafactoria" parece una opración de relaciones públicas:

Why is it strange? It is strange because the Gigafactory stood for nearly nine months in its present state. Yet, a few weeks from its unveiling is when everything must be rushed. Quite obviously, all of this construction activity was not driven by business considerations - it was driven by the oncoming exposure to cameras...

...doing things this way is uneconomic. Tesla is now building seven days per week on double shifts after not advancing construction for nearly nine months. This urgency is paid at an unnecessary premium.

Tesla is clearly a company now being managed to a media schedule, not a business schedule

Exhorbitantes 1450$ de mantenimiento anual medio para cada Tesla:

Este era el "coche barato" de mantener.

Asombrosamente ya existe un coche eléctrico que puede hacer viajes larguísimos de 500 Km.

Es el Opel Ampera.


80 Km eléctricos más 420 Km de gasolina si agotas la batería.


El Ampera lleva un motorcito de gasolina de 4 cilindros. Si agotas las baterías, arranca automáticamente y sigues viaje como en un gasolina normal (pesadote, eso sí).

Si tienes carga, es un eléctrico puro.

A mi juicio es el mejor compromiso en estos momentos: Eléctrico puro <80 Km (casi todos los viajes) y motorcito gasolina para el ocasional viaje más lergo.​

El Ampera es (desde 2008) todo lo que el Tesla "asequible" pretende ser.

Apenas se vende, inexplicablemente.

¿Alquien puede explicarme por qué el Opel Ampera se vende tan poco y el Tesla 3 se va a vender tanto?

Así después de mirar rápido:

Velocidad máxima:
Ampera: 160 km/h
Model 3: 201 km/h

Aceleración: 0 a 100 en
Ampera: 9.2 segundos
Model 3: 3.9 segundos

Conducción autónoma:
Ampera: No
Model 3: Si

Ampera: $38,445
Model 3: $35,000

No sé, diferencias hay unas cuantas...

Mejor producto a mejor precio. Resultado: más ventas. Parece lógico no?

¿Y dónde dice usted que puedo ir a comprar ese súper coche?

Ah, que no ha salido a la venta aún, vale.

Tiene usted Amperas usados por 15.000€

Opel Ampera de segunda mano o nuevo. Comprar Opel Ampera ocasión y km 0

El Tesla 3 es HUMO. ¿Puede usted entenderlo?

El Ampera también se hace con pérdidas:


Pero es que GM puede permitirse hacer UN coche con pérdidas. Tesla no...y pese a todo lleva 13 años haciéndolo. Esto no puede durar mucha.​

El Tesla 3 (si llega) puede dar de baja de la suscripción de la vida a Tesla como los Packard "baratos" mataron a Packard:


Los Packard "baratos" destruyeron la imagen de marca de Packard:

Fall from Grace: The Bathtub Packards and the Decline of America's Most Prestigious Brand - Ate Up With Motor

The People's Packard: The Packard One Twenty and How NOT to Build a Brand - Ate Up With Motor

El Tesla 3 podría hacer lo mismo, vulgarizando la "magia" de súperlujo del Tesla S (el Tesla X no tiene magia alguna) con el Tesla 3, un coche del tamaño y precio de un BMW serie 5.

El 3 no sería un "verdadero Tesla", sería el "Tesla de pobres".​

La contradicción de Tesla: La marca para "entusiastas" del automóvil con coches que se conducen solos y con cero entretenimiento por el dueño

Tesla comenzó vendicendo un Lotus electrificado:


El Roadster era un coche para entusiastas, apasionados de conducir.

El Tesla S mantiene el "tema" del súperdeportivo con sus líneas estilo Porsche Panamera.

El Tesla X pierde ya totalmente el guión.

La adición del absurdo (especialmente para Tesla) "Autopiloto" destruye todo el "tema entusiasta" previo: ¿Qué "entusiasta" del automóvil desea un coche que se conduzca solo?

El "cierre" de Tesla de cualquier posibilidad de mantenimiento por parte del usuario va también en contra del tema "entusiasta", ya que los entusiastas gustan (gustamos) chapucer con nuestros coches:



19263958-485-640x864.jpg una promesa de diversión para el entusiasta.

Tesla niega el acceso a sus manuales.​


Esta doble renuncia coincide, además, con una entrevista la pasada noche de Elon Musk en el programa del comediante Joe Rogan. Duró un par de horas y en las imágenes del podcast se ve a los dos fumando marihuana y bebiendo alcohol mientras conversan. La gran pregunta que se hacen en el parqué de Wall Street es que hará el consejo de administración de Tesla ante esta sucesión de farolillos gente de izquierdas que se enciende. En solo un mes, Tesla perdió más de un 30% de su valor, reflejo de la ansiedad de los inversores.

Musk quiere que lo echen antes del colapso, lo veo cada vez más claro.

En USA fumar MArihuana es ILEGAL en la mayor parte de los estados, amén de que te pone en contra de un enorme sector de potenciales compradores que nunca jamás comprarán un coche de una compañía cuyo CEO fuma Marihuana delante de una camara.


Todos los Conservadores USA (medio país) nunca jamás comprarán un coche a un tipo "Hippy" que fuma porros en público. LO de "perroflauta porreta" es también una asociación despectiva que existe en USA.

Es un suicidio en directo. A ver si de esta lo echan 5 minutos antes de que Tesla quiebre y así puede decir que Teslas ha quebado por no contar con sus insustituible liderazgo...y a montar otro chiringuito: Como Nueva Rumasa o como el Gowex 2.0 de Genaro García.

Quiere ser despedido, es obvio: Esto es lo que le ha hecho a la acción.

Chaos Erupts At Tesla: Stock Crashes, Bonds Implode After Heads Of Accounting, HR Quit | Zero Hedge

En Zero Hedge se rumorea que Elon se pone largo y corto en sus acciones y por eso intencionadamente las hunde de precio (así gana en corto) o les da un patadón como cuando el comentario del funding secured: Por delegación está corto y largo en sus acciones.

hace 19 minutos

Musk, his family and closest friends were all probably short.

hace 1 hora

How short do ya think the Elon is on his own stock?
hace 53 minutos

Seems like massively as he repeatedly is doing so much wrong from an optics/ PR position.

Otros dicen que es un muñeco del deep state:

Deep state has apparently pulled elon's handlers. He is quickly spiraling out of the character role that was created and promoted for him to fill. Off to obscurity musk, if thats a real name.
hace 36 minutos

Deep state pump and dump. The deep state is just a set of rackets like drugs running, stock pumping, weapons dealing: all defended by lies, bribery, and murder. So that wouldn't surprise me.

Un comentario que lo resume todo:

TSLA was going to change the world by shifting cars away from "nonrenewable energy" via $100,000+ electric sports cars (powered by VERY environmentally unfriendly batteries) with a frame/materials design that results in the entire car being scrapped (repair cost higher than car value) when involved in even minor accidents.

TSLA is a prime example of malinvestment due to "free" money...

Por cierto, el 420 es una broma de porreros:



JB - 420 Día mundial de la marihuana - YouTube

Interesante texto sobre el NO MERCADO de los VE

* Tesla tiene escasísima competencia porque ningún constructor de verdad desea "competir" en el NO MERCADO CON MARGENES NEGAVITIVOS del VE. Tesla "está sola" porque cualquier empresa en la situación de Tesla quebraría en unos años (lo mismo que Tesla debió haber quebrado hace ya muchos años).

* Tesla no ha "obligado" a los fabricantes a fabricar VE. Antes bien, los fabricantes (de verdad) fabrican VE por exigencia legal con respecto a las emisiones de su gama. Es un fastidioso deber impuesto por el estado, no una "nueva frontera" (rolleyes) abierta por Tesla.

Tesla isn't facing a wave of competition because there isn't any competition in the electric-car market | Business Insider España

The global auto market is enormous. In the US, about 17 million new vehicles were sold in 2017. In China, the market could hit 40 million in annual sales at some future point, if the most optimistic predictions are correct. By the end of 2018, close to 100 million so-called light vehicles - cars and trucks designed to carry passengers and moderate amounts of cargo - will get sold.

Almost all of them will be powered by petroleum, either gasoline or diesel. How many is almost all? That would be 99%. EV sales should come in at around 1%.

This is the "market" that's about to be beset with Tesla-undermining competition. Which is to say that it isn't a market at all. It's an experiment.
We still live in an all-gas world

Over time, it will become less of an experiment as EV sales pick up speed. But let's be honest: if the global EV market doubles, the gas-powered market will still by 98% of everything. If EV sales notch gains of ten times their current levels, the internal-combustion engine will be 90%.

This doesn't miccionan that Tesla can't have a great business with its slice of a small pie; if it records double-digit profits selling mainly luxury electric cars to well-heeled early adopters, there won't be anything to argue about.

But as for the rest of industry, big automakers aren't so much looking to take on Tesla as they are aiming to simply be in the EV space. Tesla has served the extremely useful purpose of validating a market of sorts for EVs, and the Porsches and Jaguars and Audis and Mercedes of the world don't want to fall too far behind.

These automakers also need to add zero-emission vehicles to their lineups to meet more stringent global-emissions and fuel-efficiency requirements. That's why they're willing to run their EV portfolios at a loss. If you look at an company such as FCA - whose former, late CEO, Sergio Marchionne, famously lamented losing over $10,000 on every electric Fiat 500 he sold - you see an automaker that lives on full-size pickups and SUVs, hardly the most fuel-sipping products.

But those pickups and SUVs are insanely profitable. To keep that business all good, EVs and gas-electric hybrids have to be sold.

I realize this is a depressing reality. But it isn't helpful to deny it.

Nor is it sensible to accept the notion of a coming competitive assault on Tesla as a dire prognostication. At its current rate of production, Tesla can reasonably expect to deliver 200,000 vehicles per year globally as a baseline. New factories would obviously increase that two or three times, again at a baseline, but still far fewer vehicles than GM sells annually.

Electric cars are a science project

This isn't a market that in this year is worth spending serious money to compete in. Pickups in the US are such a market. So are smaller hatchbacks in Europe. Increasingly, compact crossover SUVs are becoming a ferociously competitive market.

EVs are a science project. That's why Tesla occupies outsized mindshare: it's selling so many EVs relative to the size of the market that it typically compares its vehicles, erroneously, to gas-powered cars, as if consumers are somehow cross-shopping various propulsion technologies. They aren't. There are just a lot of people with resources out there who want a Tesla. The brand is powerful. And the cars are pretty cool.

As for the dozens of other car companies on Earth, it's unclear whether they'd really be making EVs at all if there weren't some edge-case justifications to take the plunge and the other 99% of the auto market wasn't doing so well (the US has been running at a record or near-record sales pace for three straight years). On top of that, most people I've talked to about competition and Tesla aren't worried about it. They think the next 10 years will present an all-boats-rising-on-a-tide-of-improving-sales scenario.

An EV is still just a vehicle, and until some level of scale arrives - if it ever does - margins aren't very appealing. Or they're nonexistent. Or simply, you know, negative. Carmakers know all about the economies of making cars. If you build small ones, you make less money. If you build cars nobody wants, you lose money. If you build successful cars, you can post profits, but they can range widely. And at the low end, we're talking single digits.
New lines of business that may or may not be electric

This isn't to suggest that EVs are at threat of being also-rans or that the larger project - Tesla's project - of eliminating tailpipe emissions should be abandoned. Electric cars have lost out to gas-powered vehicles for over a century, but since about 2010 they appear to have entered a tipping-point period where their small market is stable and sustainable.

Los fans de Tesla seleccionan sólo los crash test que les interesan

El test NHTSA de las 5 estrellas del Tesla Model 3 del que tanto hablan:

Tesla Model 3 earns flawless 5-Star safety rating from NHTSA

Test de anchura completa, enteramente obsoleto (la NHTSA es una castuzada estatal USA):

1979 Volvo 244 DL NHTSA Frontal Impact - YouTube

Un Volvo de los años 70 también lo pasaba. Claro: ¡Usas todo el ancho del coche!

Los tests modernos son los de anchura parcial, "Overlap" y "Small Overlap" de la IHSS (una entidad privada de las aseguradoras), el más difícil de todos, y ahí es donde Tesla fracasa:

2016 Tesla Model S driver-side small overlap IIHS crash test - YouTube

Why the Tesla Model S Couldn't Ace That Small Overlap Front Crash Test | WIRED

As Tesla protests, what exactly is IIHS' small overlap front test? - SlashGear

La respuesta de Tesla de mal estudiante a su fracaso en los tests del IIHS:

Tesla, unsurprisingly, wasn’t too impressed. In a statement, it highlighted that the small overlap frontal crash test was the only category in which the Model S was dinged by the IIHS, then went on compare the results to that of the NHTSA’s testing. It also hinted at questions about the IIHS’ subjectivity:

“Tesla’s Model S received the highest rating in IIHS’s crash testing in every category except for one, the small overlap front crash test, where it received the second highest rating available. While IIHS and dozens of other private industry groups around the world have methods and motivations that suit their own subjective purposes, the most objective and accurate independent testing of vehicle safety is currently done by the U.S. Government, which found Model S and Model X to be the two cars with the lowest probability of injury of any cars that it has ever tested, making them the safest cars in history[/tonalidad

Para Tesla los tests del Gobierno USA son Yavé en los cielos. Claro, claro.

Tesla como coche de segunda fila:

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Lincoln Continental, the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and the Toyota Avalon come out at the top of a group of six large cars recently evaluated by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The three cars qualify for Top Safety Pick+, the Institute's highest award.

The Tesla Model S, the Chevrolet Impala and the Ford Taurus fall short of any award because they each earn only an acceptable rating in the small overlap front test.

A ver si los teslaicos asumen de una vez que una montadora de Kit cars a pilas en una fábrica comprada usada en California no puede competir con conglomerados globales que llevan décadas fabricando coches.

Cuanto más venden, más dinero pierden

Venga, voy a poner otra vez este gráfico:


Da igual cuánto fabrique. Da igual cómo esté la imagen de Musk. Da igual cómo sea su servicio postventa.


Será en octubre.
Última edición:
Tesla guarda en secreto los manuales de taller de sus coches:

Factory Service Manuals ?
Submitted by Litennn on April 21, 2013

I have a new Red P85 scheduled for delivery in May and since I am located in Oklahoma the nearest service center is hours away.
I am a National Field Engineer and would like to be able to trouble shoot minor problems without waiting days for a Tesla Ranger, better yet be trained to become a Ranger for Oklahoma support. I would sign any non-disclosure agreements necessary to get Factory Service Manuals.

MSNGIRL | April 21, 2013

Sudre_ I inquired months ago but no one replied

Litennn | April 22, 2013

As a Tesla Model S owner since last Oct. I sorely miss a good service manual. The one supplied with the car is an incomplete embarrassment to Tesla.
Litennn | April 22, 2013

I was informed by my DS that Factory Service Manuals are not available to the public.

Strange as I bought the first Lexus RX400 available in 2005 and was sold the factory service manuals at the same time I bought the car.

Oscar | April 22, 2013

I also wanted the manuals or at least a wiring diagram, but also was told they are not available to the public. I suspect it's a lot of factors:

1) It may be expensive to make and update a quality manual - so a good one may not even exist.

2) Perhaps it's only on-line and they haven't put is a system to allow public access (I've used the Lexus system, and obviously a lot of work went into the system. I love how it gives you a day's worth of on-line access for only $10).

3) All the service work is still under warranty, so the need is far less to date (but doesn't excuse after-market add-ins needs).

4) They may have concerns about users getting electrocuted and/or damaging the car. Then again you can blow up your ICE car if not careful (like when removing a gas tank full of gas). I can't see how Tesla is liable for stupid users, but there could be some liability concerns.

5) They may be trying to keep proprietary technology in house as long as possible and/or until relevant patents are issued.

6) Things are changing far more rapidly than a typical car company as they produce in-line improvements or changes to simplify manufacturing.

It's likely some mix of these, but I would hope that they will realize the value to MS owners who want a service manual, even if some areas are considered "Tesla service personnel only" - like the battery pack.
Vawlkus | April 23, 2013

Vawlkus: I know the uneducated need to learn about the EV industry and Tesla needs to protect it's proprietary information, but I should not have to call a ranger to replace a fuse for a tail light.
Even my Lexus had some black boxes for only "Lexus eyes", but I found the manuals very helpful for explaining to service department why my rear tires were wearing extremely fast on the inside before it was even noticed by the service department. It looks like this problem also occurred on the Tesla Model S for early owners.

All Tesla owners do not need to be educated to read the technical manual !

Vawlkus | April 25, 2013

I disagree. Until Tesla is established, they are vulnerable to public opinion. Until that is not the case, Tesla must be very careful.
lolachampcar | April 25, 2013

I would pull out Star Diagnostics and run through the ride height calibration. I asked Tesla for this access and they refused. To their credit, they set up and appointment for me to bring the car down and work with their technicians to check it out. I have replaced the upper control arms on the back of the car to remove some camber so Tesla would be well within their rights to say it is not a warranty issue (although the camber spread is on the front as well which I have not touched). Instead, they have chosen to be helpful and for that I am grateful. That is a very good attitude but I am afraid it only postpones the inevitable conversation.
cnkurzke | June 21, 2013

Add me to the list of people.

I live right between the Factory and HQ in the Bay Area, but I bought the car exactly BECAUSE I am a car enthusiast.

I understand they have to keep some of their technology proprietary, and I would't expect to get a detailed circuit diagram of their charger system.

BUT - Simple things like fixing a dent in the bumper (and taking off the bumper) or doing some basic wiring on the inside (like hard-wiring a radar warner or installing after market backup sensors) should be allowed for the owners.

Having a wiring diagram would help immensely to make sure you DONT accidentially do something stupid, and having a diagram how the panels clip together avoids expensive and ugly accidential breaking of mounting tabs.
tim | February 6, 2015

The least Tesla should do is provide exploded diagrams showing how interior, exterior, and trunk trim is attached.
data02 | April 6, 2015

Manuals - Tesla
data02 | April 6, 2015

or you can use paid access here :
Welcome | Tesla Service
scotty2541 | September 17, 2015

The least they could do is make a service manual available so some of us could DIY repair these (excessive) failures of their (aux) battery, sensors, etc...

Factory Service Manuals ? | Tesla Motors

"Su" Tesla no es "suyo" después de todo.

Tesla mantiene en secreto toda la información pertinente para el mantenimiento del coche, aún el más básico.

Hasta el Nissan Leaf tiene su manual público:






Normal. Si el coche pertenece a alguien ese alguien debe tener derecho a repararlo si así lo desea.

Bestial "autopsia" de las razones de Tesla para NO facilitar esa información esencial:

Saturday, March 5, 2016
Why I think Tesla is building throwaway cars
Tesla very clearly builds some good cars. The Model S is an incredibly well regarded car, and it certainly goes like stink in a straight line.

A lot of Tesla fans claim that electric vehicles are inherently superior, because with fewer moving parts, they'll be able to stay on the road basically forever - no piston rings to wear, no transmissions to fail, no oil to change.

But will they? Frequently, the decision to repair or scrap a car isn't made based on what is technically possible, but based on what the owner thinks is financially reasonable. In many cases, it's possible to repair a car long past what most people would consider reasonable, but cars end up scrapped anyway because someone doesn't want to pay for the repairs.

For the Model S to remain on the road long past the standard lifetime of cars, then, it has to be financially antiestéticasible for an average owner to repair it and keep it running.

Is it? Read on and let's take a look.

What makes a "Repairable Car"?
Any car (or other vehicle) kept around long enough is going to need repairs at some point. Things break. It's the nature of the reality we live in, and it's especially the nature of things that go pounding down poorly maintained roads at high speeds for hundreds of thousands of miles.

What matters for longevity, then, is how easy it is to repair something when it breaks, and how expensive it is to get the parts and knowledge required to perform the repair. If something cannot be affordably fixed, the whole vehicle gets scrapped.

I've owned a number of vehicles over the years. Some, I've literally rescued from junkyards. Others, I've intercepted hours away from the junkyard ("Hey, the scrapper offered me $125, beat that and it's yours." "I'll be up there in half an hour with cash.") - and I've kept all of them on the road, and sold them in working condition to other people. In the process, I've learned a lot about what is easy to keep on the road, and what is hard.

There are several factors that go into a repairable car.

The first, obviously, is being able to get the parts. Having a common enough car helps a lot. Nobody is going to have problems finding parts for a Mustang or a Civic. You can get parts for them anywhere, and there are often a wide range of aftermarket parts available as well to improve on what the factory put in.

The second factor is the design of the car. How easy is it to replace parts? If you need a full factory service manual (that you cannot obtain) and a bunch of specialized tools to work on the car, it fails here. If you can repair the common failures with a set of socket wrenches and a Chilton's or Haynes manual, awesome! Worth a special mention for "difficult" are the cars that needlessly require a service computer to replace parts. On a certain 1994 GM car I've had the displeasure of working on, replacing the brake master cylinder requires a $10,000 GM Tech 1 computer, because removing the master cylinder requires removing the antilock brake module. This, in turn, requires detensioning the antilock actuator. Which requires a computer. Not a friendly car to work on, and I'd hope it's long since been turned into anvils.

How Repairable is a Tesla Model S?
Tesla has, at literally every corner, made it as hard as they can to work on their cars. An incomplete list of issues with keeping a Model S on the road includes:

Service manual availability
Extended Warranty Transfer & Exceptions
Firmware Updates for Everything
No independent shops
Salvage title checks
Strong stated opinions about information screens
Lack of a working OBD-II port

Service Manuals
The first problem in trying to repair a Tesla involves the service manuals. Historically, factory service manuals are easy to come by, and the Chilton and Haynes aftermarket manuals cover most things you'd want to do on a car.

Tesla, being of the internet age, has "progressed" past paper manuals you can buy and peruse - they've got their service manuals available online! If you browse to Welcome | Tesla Service, you see a friendly "WELCOME TO TESLA MOTORS SERVICE" banner, with information about available information subscriptions.

Yes, subscriptions. $30/hr, $100/day, $350/mo, or $3000/yr (prices as of Feb 15, 2016).

Well, that's still better than shop labor rates, right? One click takes you to the Registration page, where you enter your email, a password (complete with password strength meter), and once you select your country ("United States" for me), there's a bit of a problem.

I don't live in Massachusetts.

And there's no other options in the list.

So, sorry. You probably can't get the service manuals outside Massachusetts. In a car with sensors everywhere, you probably shouldn't pry anywhere with one. Where are they? Guess!

Why can you get the manuals in Massachusetts (if for obscene rates)? Because they passed the Massachusetts Right to Repair Initiative back in 2012.

Extended Warranty Transfer
Tesla has an 8 year/unlimited mileage battery and motor warranty on their Model S. However, the rest of the car has a reasonably standard 4 year/50,000 mile warranty.

If you'd like to extend this out to 8 years, you can - Tesla offers an extended warranty that can be purchased before the 4 year/50,000 mile warranty is expired.

For quite a while, this couldn't be transferred to a new buyer. However, in the middle of February, 2016, Tesla did change this, and chose some really weird wording for the change.

The original, before mid-Feb: Service plans | Tesla (Feb 14, 2016):

Can I transfer my Tesla Service Plan or Extended Service to the new owner if I sell my Tesla vehicle?

No, you can request a cancellation and reimbursement of your Tesla Service Plan. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for your Tesla Service Plan or Extended Service for more information.

Shortly after some news sites noticed this change, Tesla said "Whoops!" and changed it to some shiny new wording:

Current wording, mid-March:

Can I transfer my Tesla Service Plan or Extended Service to the new owner if I sell my Tesla vehicle?

Yes, you can transfer the unused portion of your Tesla Service Plan or Extended Service Agreement with the sale of your Tesla. In addition, we’re going to take this opportunity to go one step further: Tesla owners can transfer the unused value of your Extended Service Agreement towards an Extended Service Agreement for a new Tesla Model S or Model X. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for your Tesla Service Plan or Extended Service for more information. You can view these Terms and Conditions after logging into your Tesla account. Click on “Services Sign Up” and amowing the appropriate link for your chosen plan.

Tesla claims the previous wording was a mistake - but notice in the new wording, "In addition, we're going to take this opportunity to go one step further:" What opportunity? That they got caught with some changes? It's really weird wording for a standard policy, at best.

Extended Warranty Exceptions
Not wanting to trust that everything would be resolved within the first 4 years, you wisely bought the extended warranty.

What does, and doesn't, this cover?

If you haven't looked over it, you should. As of this posting, the document is dated Feb 18, 2016. I'll highlight a few interesting bits and pieces.

Per-Visit Deductible
The deductible for an extended warranty visit is $200. Per visit (not per issue).

Schedule Service Requirements
You did keep up with all the "optional" scheduled service, right?

To maintain the validity of this Vehicle ESA, You must amow correct operations procedures and have Your Vehicle serviced as recommended by Tesla during the Agreement Period of this Vehicle ESA. If requested, proof of required service, including receipts showing date and mileage of the Vehicle at the time of service, must be presented before any repairs under this Vehicle ESA commence. Service within 1,000 miles and/or 30 days of Tesla’s recommended intervals shall be considered compliant with the terms of this Vehicle ESA.

This is especially entertaining, considering Tesla's stance on warranty for the "regular warranty" (from, March 2, 2016):

If I choose not to service my Tesla vehicle, will this void my warranty or Resale Value Guarantee?
It is highly recommended that you service your Tesla vehicle once a year or every 12,500 miles. If you do not amow this recommendation, your New Vehicle Limited Warranty will not be affected. If you are financing your Tesla vehicle through Tesla Financing, you will only be eligible for the full Resale Value Guarantee if your Tesla vehicle is brought in for service per the above recommended timeline.

They conveniently fail to mention that by doing this, you might void your extended warranty.

Transport to the Authorized Service Center
It's on you. Hopefully you live near a Service Center.

The cost of transporting Your Vehicle is not included in this Vehicle ESA and You are solely responsible for the cost of transporting Your Vehicle to the Tesla Authorized Service Center.

Tesla's new 500 mile roadside assistance offer doesn't seem to apply to the extended warranty. Sorry.

Exclusions (What is not covered)
This section includes a lot of things that will void your warranty or aren't covered. A sample of items:

Repairs, modifications or alterations, or the installation or use of fluids, parts or accessories, performed by any service provider other than a Tesla Authorized Service Center without prior authorization from Tesla;
…using the Vehicle as a stationary power source…
…including not performing all vehicle maintenance and service requirements during the Agreement Period…
Vehicles used for commercial purposes, which includes but is not limited to government purposes, pick-up, and delivery service, company pool use, or for service or repair calls, route work, or hauling;
Racing on or off road, competition, speed contests or autocross or for any other purposes for which the Vehicle is not designed…
Roadster and Model S vehicles used for towing;
Towing the Vehicle or improper winch procedures;
Tampering with the Vehicle and its systems, including installation of non-Tesla accessories or parts or their installation, or any damage directly or indirectly caused by, due to or resulting from the installation or use of non-Tesla parts or accessories;
Adjustments necessary to correct squeaks, rattles, water leaks or wind noise;
Parts and normal or expendable maintenance items and procedures such as annual service and diagnostics checks, brake pads/linings, brake rotor, suspension alignment, wheel balancing, hoses, air conditioning lines, hoses or connections, Battery testing, fluid changes, appearance care (such as cleaning and polishing), filters and wiper blades/inserts;

This is a small list of ways to void your extended warranty and things that aren't covered. Basically, unless you've had a Tesla Service Center do all the work from day 1, on schedule, they can probably find an excuse to not cover you.

Regarding competition driving, autocross, etc - remember, this is a company who wrote their interpretation of a test drive, including such details as, "Instead of plugging in the car, he drove in circles for over half a mile in a tiny, 100-space parking lot."

Have you driven for Uber? Ever? That might be considered a "commercial purpose." Is it? Maybe.

I certainly hope you haven't done what a Tesla owner in Texas did, and towed a ton and a half or so behind a Model S. That's definitely going to void the extended warranty!

If it leaks water anywhere? That's not covered either.

And air conditioning lines not being covered? They shouldn't fail that early.

Basically, if Tesla doesn't want to honor your extended warranty agreement, they can probably find some way out of it.

What about service center costs?

Service Center Costs
Since the only answer for service is, "Take it to your nearest Tesla Service Center," it would be helpful to know what will it cost to repair a Model S out of warranty? Nobody knows! They're all in warranty!

It's possible to take a look at known service plan pricing, though, and get an idea.

Service plans | Tesla lists the services performed and cost for each of the three annual inspection levels.

For a service consisting of: Multi point inspection and alignment check, tire rotation, cabin air filter replacement, wiper blade replacement, and a new set of key fob batteries, you pay $400.

If brake fluid replacement and "AC Service" is added to the previous, it's $700.

And if the battery coolant is getting replaced, it's $900.

This is not particularly cheap. At all. Especially when one considers that the car is perpetually performing a "Multi point inspection" of itsself. From a comment in a post on rebuilding a flooded Model S, the cars are constantly detecting and reporting faults back to the mothership, even as they flood (apparently with enough detail to determine that the battery pack was taking on water). This isn't a 1970s Camero. We've moved to sealed bearings and bushings for suspension, and everything else has a sensor. What are they inspecting?

Don't expect the Service Center to be cheap, out of warranty. It's not like you've got other options!

Salvage Titles
A salvage title is a reasonably straightforward thing. It means the insurance company didn't consider the vehicle economical to repair (usually if it's more than 50% of the remaining value), and have fun.

You can usually pick up salvage title vehicles cheap, repair them yourself (since parts cost is less than "insurance company shop cost"), and be on your way.

Well, unless you tried to do that to a Tesla with a salvage title. Tesla, unlike every other manufacturer, will only reactivate your car in their system if you take it to them first.

Take a look at their Authorization & Release for Inspection of Salvage Vehicle form.

In a nutshell:

Tesla requires you to bring the vehicle to one of their Service Centers or a Tesla-certified body shop to do a detailed inspection, to their desired level of detail (which, of course, you can't find out in advance). You pay actual cost for this inspection.
All warranties are void (this is reasonable enough).
If Tesla doesn't like the repairs, they won't touch the vehicle until you fix it to their satisfaction. You, of course, pay for subsequent inspections. And the repairs.
"If Tesla determines that sufficient repairs cannot be made to the Salvage Vehicle, Tesla will not service the Salvage Vehicle."
Tesla won't sell you parts to fix your vehicle (not that you can get the service manual anyway).

Basically, a salvage Tesla is useful as a source for parts Tesla won't sell people, and that's it. Tesla has the final say on repairs, and if they don't feel like doing it for you, well, tough.

Would you like to do something interesting with a salvage Tesla chassis, like putting a stretched Vanagon body on it? Sorry. This guy's local service center sent him an email saying, "Due to the salvage status of your Model S , I have been instructed to cease providing you with parts."

Did you buy a salvage Model S and repair it yourself? Oh... you wanted it reactivated so it would work? Tough. Not only does Tesla "deactivate" cars, you have to bring it to them and pay their inspection fees to get it working again.

Who really owns a Tesla? Not the title holder, that's for sure.

Information Screens
Recently, a set of photos of the service menus of the Model S did the rounds of the internet.

Why is this remotely interesting on the 4th production year of a car? Well, because most people can't get to it. Even read only screens. You're locked out, on "your" car.

The car has a wealth of information available to it, and the only way to obtain this is with a Tesla Technician. Almost certainly, this will not be released to owners when the car is out of warranty (though if the car detected it's status and unlocked access, this would be incredible).

A Tesla VP, posting on Tesla Motors Club back in 2012, expressed a very clear opinion on the service screens:

The screens behind this password are behind a password for a reason. These diagnostic screens contain information that is not meant to be public. These screens are accessible in the car to help our technicians help our customers. They contain information about the car and its systems.

I won't go into all the reasons why I would prefer these screens not be posted here, or anywhere else for that matter, but if anyone reading this owns or works at a business that has information that is not meant for public display, then they will understand my request. If you work at a company with a client list, you would prefer that your client list not be published on the web. If you use any type of proprietary software or hardware, you would prefer not to have the code published on the web. If you have a new technology that you are fighting very hard to bring to market, you'd prefer that all the workings behind your new technology not be published on the web.

I could go on and on, but I will not. I will simply say that what is behind this password is not meant for public display. It is there to allow us to help our customers as quickly and efficiently as possible, and I would respectfully ask that the screens and content of the screens not be posted openly anywhere.

So, despite you holding the title, it's Tesla's information. Even useful things, like tire pressure.

OBD-II and Network Ports
This information being unavailable is in contrast to almost every other car on the market that puts out plenty of useful information over the OBD-II port. They're required.

Tesla has one on the Model S. It just doesn't happen to work. Even if you just want basic information like "speed" and "miles driven" for those pay-by-the-mile insurance discounts? Nope. Nothing. They just think it's a parked car (before the companies involved figured out that it's not compatible).

Fortunately, the Model S has an accessible ethernet port. Unfortunately, if you use it, you may get a phone call from Tesla that talks about voiding your warranty, industrial espionage, and then a firmware update that disables the port.

Tesla doesn't want you messing with "their" car.

Why does this matter?
It matters because Tesla would like people to believe they're making very long lived cars that will last nearly forever. It's apparently been stated in some conference or another that Tesla has a battery pack that has done the equivalent of 500k miles in a lab somewhere, and "low maintenance" is consistently listed by owners as a reason they purchased one.

Right now, almost all the Model Ss driving around are under the factory warranty, and I'd wager a large number have the extended warranty (though see above for my opinion of it). In another 4 years, the first wave will be leaving the extended warranty coverage, and then people will have to pay the full costs to maintain the car.

Which, unless something changes, involves going to a Tesla Service Center and paying whatever they want, since you can't get parts other places, and even if you do get the parts, you can't find out how to install them. And, at least some of them apparently involve firmware updates to make things work, which you can't get the software to do.

It's pretty well locked down, and you simply don't have any options. There are no independent shops you can use either.

So far, it doesn't seem to affect people that much. The Model S and Model X are selling as fast as they can be built, and it turns out that people who buy new $100k cars don't really care much about out-of-warranty maintenance costs.

But this will become more and more of a problem as the cars drop in value over time - both for the Model S/X, and for the more inexpensive Model 3. Not everyone buying a $35k or $45k car will be able to afford to replace it when the warranty is up, and with Service Centers being the only places for service at unknown prices, they could end up as very expensive vehicles to keep on the road. If everything is reliable as expected, the power electronics and motors should be fine long term, but only time will tell how they actually handle decades of use.

According to the US DOT, the average age of cars on the road in 2015 was 11.4 years - and this has been steadily increasing over time. So the question shouldn't be, "How easy is it to maintain a Model S in 4 years" - it should be, "Can they be reasonably maintained to survive 20 or 30 years on the road?"

Why not leases only?
There's actually another electric car that had this level of lockdown with regards to access and service. The GM EV1. From Wikipedia:

The cars were not available for purchase, and could be serviced only at designated Saturn dealerships.

If Tesla really wants to maintain this much control over it's cars, they could do it reasonably enough with leases.

But they're not. They're selling vehicles outright, offering owners the title, and then essentially saying, "But it's still our car - not yours. You can't access it, you can't repair it, and you can't have the information from it."

What can be done?
If you're an owner of a Tesla vehicle, it would be wise to keep a bit of a cash or credit buffer around post-warranty for repairs. Until they're better understood in frequency and price, it's safe to assume they'll be quite expensive.

If you're Tesla? Independent service shop certifications would be a good start, but so would making the information available to the owners of your cars. A working OBD-II port would be a nice touch too.

And if you don't care? Well, then don't care, and do whatever you want.

Los comentarios son demoledores:


Vijay SankarMarch 6, 2016 at 8:22 AM

Thank you for the detailed info re. what one can expect with a Tesla. I was thinking about getting a Tesla next year till I read your post.
Ken MillerMarch 6, 2016 at 9:48 AM

The no-lease thing is because you can't get federal or state incentives I'd you lease. Great rundown thanks for publishing this.
Mike JacoubowskyMarch 7, 2016 at 5:49 PM

At least in California, you can get both federal & state incentives with a 3-year lease (at least that's been the case with the Chevy Volt). The money actually goes to the bank, but is (or should be) credited back to the person leasing the car.
Paul RodmanMarch 6, 2016 at 9:52 AM

A very strange blog post indeed. From what I know, the gist of your posting would be the same for any high end car. Do I want to use my car as a power source? Tow a trailer with a car not rated for that? No, of course not.

The service lockdown makes total sense right now. I have no problem with it. The car is completely computer controlled and could probably easily be hacked into going faster, etc.... Not to mention they are still learning and changing things....the over the air upgrades and bug fixes are awesome and all car makers are amowing as quickly as possible. Musk has publicly stated he doesn't intend for service to be a profit making organization. Perhaps you don't believe that promise but I'm willing to take that risk.

Comparing this policy to the EV1 is just silly. The EV1 was built by AC propulsion for GM, GM had no interest in electric cars (Watch movie "Who killed the electric car?") but probably wanted to understand what they'd be up against if they became popular.

I'm not a "rich" person. The most expensive car I have owned was the Camry Hybrid I sold when I got my Tesla. The Camry, which has a good reputation, required plenty of expensive repairs during it's live...with a 'finale' of $800 to change a bad electric duct flapper valve that prevented defrost mode from working. There was only one guy in the shop willing to take the 2 day job of open heart surgery to replace it so I could sell that car.

Basically, With all due respect, I think your blog posting is overblown. IMHO, the Model S will be more reliable and no more difficult or expensive to service than any other luxury car over time.

It's an awesome machine. Have you driven one yet?
Russell GravesMarch 9, 2016 at 8:43 PM

Elon Musk claims many things. It will be interesting to see where things go, but I stand by my conclusions right now.

Being "no more difficult or expensive to service than any luxury car" is interesting, but ultimately not useful when it comes to the Model 3 - as that will be a lower price, mass market car that, at least from everything that's known now, will be serviced in the same way - the same service centers that Model S owners are annoyed at.

I haven't driven one. There's literally nothing in my life that would be improved by one, since I've found other forms of transport that are cheaper and more consistent. I'd rather spend the money on a house.

I'd like one eventually, once they hit cheap beater status, but unless something changes, that won't happen, so I won't own one.
UnknownMarch 10, 2016 at 4:16 PM

I am the manager of an independent auto repair shop specializing in hybrids, and I can assure every aspect of this blog is spot-on. Our industry advocacy association ASCCA lobbies in Sacramento constantly to fight the OEMs for access to parts and information, partly of course out of the self-preservation instinct, but also in the interest of allowing competition to create a market which benefits the consumer. In fact, it sounds like Tesla is in violation of state and federal laws, but much like BMW they probably use loopholes such as the technology eternally being in a beta release.

At any rate, don't undervalue the information presented here.
FlaviosloviMarch 6, 2016 at 10:20 AM

Paul, no other high end car (we own a few) have such atrocious Extended Warranty provisions.

This is an area Tesla can do a lot better. Some of these concerns are not at all overblown.
ChrisMarch 6, 2016 at 12:13 PM

Why do I need a automobile which needs repairs often and spews nasty fumes at all times. My horse takes care of itself for the most part and there are plenty of places to tie up the beast, while easily feed and shelter on the road at almost every stop. The car needs gasoline which I can't get from many places and the parts are all made in a factory three states away. Everyone around knows animal husbandry but few if any know how to fix an automobile.

"Yup, the automobile is waste of time and is never going to be worth owning and besides I'm not selling my horse since I just got a new saddle and matching crop. You're all crazy with your highfalutin auto-mo-bile."
Russell GravesMarch 6, 2016 at 2:05 PM

You miss the point entirely. My problem is not with electric vehicles (see the whole rest of my blog). My problem is with vehicles that are deliberately difficult to maintain for no good reason.

I commute daily on an electric bike, and my bike is entirely maintainable by me. I can trivially swap out parts if something fails (the throttle lever failed the other day, and it took me 15 minutes to install the replacement). I can obtain parts for it from a wide variety of sources. As a result, I'm not bound to any particular vendor or bike shop for repairs.
ChrisMarch 7, 2016 at 8:11 AM

No, you missed the point of MY post. The point is that these were the same issues when the automobile was new. It worked itself out as the quantity increased.

Tesla is keeping repairs close to home since it's been shown that their is a concerted effort to stop Tesla. When you have that kind of animosity you don't trust others to do certain things that are important to your image.

You make a lot of assumptions and predict future problems but let me make an assumption of my own: It will work itself out. The sky isn't falling on Tesla. They are playing their hand close to their vest and when they go much bigger with the Model 3 they will change their modus operandi to accommodate. They believe it will last longer due to less moving parts; it makes scientific sense that it will.
Ko KoMarch 6, 2016 at 2:15 PM

The author should have been a lawyer the way he shouts overblown antiestéticar from every orifice to cloud the extreme value proposition that the Tesla Model 3 represents. Please analyze the stock market next so we all know to do the exact opposite of your opinion and earn the highest ROI.
Russell GravesMarch 6, 2016 at 2:21 PM

"Overblown antiestéticar from every orifice"?

If you can point to where I made factual mistakes, please, do so - I welcome the correction, and this post was somewhat hard to find reliable sources for. If there are genuine errors, I would like to correct them.

However, if all you're going to do is scream that "BUT HE DOESN'T LIKE TESLA HE'S A BIG MEANIE DOODOO HEAD!!!" (which is basically what your comment amounts to), you're not adding anything of value.
MikeMarch 6, 2016 at 3:43 PM

Most of the points you make are par for the course in legal/insurance matters. 1. You promise the world 2. You insert clauses retracting all previously mentioned liability.
Andrew MartinMarch 6, 2016 at 4:45 PM

Thanks for the article, Russell.

The Tesla is an interesting car to me, but the comments from the Tesla VP are very enlightening indeed. My car's tire pressure is top-secret Intellectual Property? I wouldn't buy a car where even my vehicle logs are considered Tesla's. Also, all that technology and they couldn't put a working OBD port in there?

Tesla better change their attitude about this stuff if they intend to last as a business beyond the warranty period of the current generation of their cars.
UnknownMarch 7, 2016 at 3:34 PM

Tyre pressure is visible since the autopilot upgrade with the new UI. So there's a factual error there already.
andrewcjduongMarch 6, 2016 at 8:28 PM

The transfer of warranty completely makes sense to me. It's basically stating that if you sell your car, but are purchasing another Tesla. The remaining extended warranty can be transferred to another Tesla. I don't get why you're confused...
Russell GravesMarch 6, 2016 at 9:34 PM

What you can do with an extended warranty seemingly changes on the whims of some manager at Tesla Motors.
Barnacle BillMarch 6, 2016 at 8:43 PM

On the one hand, I see your point. I carefully considered buying a Tesla, and one of the things that turned me away was the reputation that it's "the iPhone of cars", and even basic software upgrades would require additional payments. On the other hand, I get the impression that you might consider driving a 1986 Ford Mustang, which might get 12MPG, a better choice than driving a Tesla, because you can fix it yourself. Cars are complex. It's been 20 years since the average home mechanic could do much more than an oil change. If anybody buys a Tesla and expects it to be serviced less expensively by a 3rd party shop, they are smoking crack. And I have to give them the benefit of the doubt that allowing 3rd parties to muck about will result only in sadness. Do you reprogram the ROM on your computer, or the microcode on your NIC card? Do you feel like you need to, or should be allowed to?
Time will tell. If Tesla is still servicing the 2012 Model S in 2032, at the same shop rates as for any other cars, then your arguments are specious. But neither you nor I can predict whether they will, or whether they will "EOL" their old models. True, their service is expensive and proprietary. Um, have you been to a Benz service department lately? Just because it's expensive and proprietary doesn't miccionan it's any less sustainable than any other system, for similar technology.
Russell GravesMarch 6, 2016 at 9:40 PM

I'm not a fan of Mustangs, but, yes, you have the year right for my long term plan as a fun car.

I do my best to reduce single occupant car based transportation, and the number of other posts on my blog about electric bikes should give you an idea as to what I consider a reasonable way of getting one person around.

As for reprogramming the ROMs, would you consider modifying the EFI firmware flashed into a BIOS chip "reprogramming the ROM"? If so, then, yes, I have done this, and I have messed around with some NICs as well. If by ROM you miccionan "hardware ROM" static boot block, no, I haven't messed about it with it, because it is, in fact, read only. I'd have to replace it entirely, and I haven't found a need to.

Even if Tesla is servicing a 2012 Model S in 2032, do you expect the buyers of a 20 year old Model S to all be in the financial situation to pay whatever Tesla wants for repairs? That's going to be the only option unless something changes, which is what I hope to bring awareness of.

I haven't been in a Mercedes service department lately, no. The only Mercedes vehicles I've had the pleasure of taking care of were quite old at the time.
Satisfied Model S owner in CTMarch 6, 2016 at 9:23 PM

I have a 2013 Model S P85 which I purchased from the original owner with 75,000 miles on the odometer. No extended warranty. Thus far, over 8 months:
Replaced 2 door handles (about $950 each);
Replaced the motor (mentioned to the tech that I heard "something" between 23-28mph; he concurred, recorded the noise, and shortly thereafter I received a call telling me that the replacement was covered by the 8-year/unlimited mile battery/drivetrain warranty - replaced at my convenience for free, along with a "frayed wiring harness to the emergency brake" - again, cost =$0);
Crimped windshield washer fluid hose fixed (courtesy repair);
Replaced rear tail light assembly (bugs inside - clearly not sealed) cost = about $950
Bought 4 new snow tires = $1,100 installed

All in all, although it appears to be expensive, it really isn't - and the Service Center people (3 locations, 3 states) have been very professional... Not "Lexus White Glove" lecel, but better than my recollections of dealer service elsewhere.
I timtied to get an exception to purchase an extended warranty - not offered in CT when car was <50k miles - but request was denied.

Car is really great.

Thing to remember: owners are subjects in a Beta test process.

I'm confident I'll be good for 200,000 miles+ here.
Russell GravesMarch 6, 2016 at 9:43 PM

In 8 months, you've had $1900 in door handle repairs, a drive unit replaced (under warranty), a failing wiring harness to the emergency brake (which, ideally, would function in an emergency), a failed hose for wiper fluid (often quite important for seeing clearly in conditions), and a failed tail light? You've spent nearly $3000 on repairs in 8 months (I don't count snow tires as repairs), have a significantly greater amount covered under warranty, and you expect this will be an affordable car to take another 200k miles? I wish you the vest of luck, but that's not something I would consider a reasonable decision.
UnknownMarch 6, 2016 at 11:24 PM

Geez I bought 2 20ish year old cars(93 camaro, 98 camaro) and one 30 year old car(85 corvette) in the last year as Ive developed a keen interest in sports cars as I near 30 years old.

The 93 camaro ran fine but small things needed, the 98 camaro needed a transmission, and the corvette needed a transmission. i fixed all 3 of them up for half what your 3 year year old car needed alone. Granted, I did the work myself because I thought it would be a good learning experience and now its become a hobby because I enjoyed doing it so much. I wouldnt trade my old cars that I actually own and have titles for and I can do ANYTHING I WANT WITH, for one of these new locked down electric cars ever.

I saw the videos for all the neat antiestéticatures when they first started hitting the road and Ill admit.. I was impressed. The part of me that loves to tinker thought, "Wow I wonder if I could get a wrecked one and maybe turn one of my camaros into an EV!" But reading how locked down this stuff is, was disappointing.. SERIOUSLY. Im not asking for the source code or a developer kit.. but them requiring all vehicles to be unlocked at the dealership? What a shame.. and we were all behind this company for doing something different but it really looks like a stealership in disguise. I think when these cars start breaking down, things will get ugly.
Satisfied Model S owner in CTMarch 7, 2016 at 3:50 AM

It is fair to note that I paid a meaningful discount for the car... The previous owner failed to handle some warranty issues (rear lights, one door handle) that I ended up handling from my own pocket (discount covered those) and the "crimped hose" was just a brief hassle. The rear-drive replacement issue was covered by the basic warranty - imagine the sh*tstorm trying to get an engine - or key component - replaced from another manufacturer EVEN while under warranty! (Watch what Chevy/BMW do if this happens with their EV's)...
I have other cars (Porsche, Mercedes), and the hassle factor here is SIGNIFICANTLY lower thus far... Probability/Occurrence/Experience are where the potential problems reside moving forward - who knows? Thus far, Tesla has been a "stand up" experience in terms of their stance on repairs.
The message appears to be that if you want to "tinker" with your car, perhaps look elsewhere.
MichaelMarch 6, 2016 at 10:22 PM

I clicked thinking I would disagree but you quickly changed my mind. Very eye opening. Thanks!
cornflakesMarch 6, 2016 at 11:44 PM

Very very enlightening post, thank you Russell.

Your post has blown up in some other subs too, like r/cars.
UnknownMarch 7, 2016 at 12:55 AM

Would anynone who understands the complexity of a Tesla like a tinkerer (presumably a good one - no offense) to repair his car? I certainly would not.
This is why Tesla is doing quite right to restrict amateurs from fiddling with their products. One big selling point for a Tesla is its safety - and this I rather lay into the hands of the manufacturer.
Anyway - many thanks for the blog!
UnknownMarch 7, 2016 at 2:29 AM

Very interesting post!

First of all, I'm a big fan of Tesla and I totally agree with you. I'm also disappointed by other fans who say "great car, I'm 100% sure it will work forever" or "saying anything against Tesla means you are against EV", etc.

Your arguments are valid and I hope Tesla will do something in this area to fix some of the problems. Definitely some data (tire pressure) should be easily accessible.
Lew AshloMarch 7, 2016 at 7:48 AM

The title of this article is nonsense. The Tesla should not be condemned because it is not repairable by back yard mechanics. It is more akin to an airliner that is maintained according to manufacturers specifications for several decades. They are then only replaced when something more fuel efficient comes along. The Tesla's battery and motor efficiency are unlikely to be improved upon more than a few percent. If a higher capacity battery becomes available in the future, it can be changed in minutes in a Tesla. The cost of after warranty maintenance will be reflected in the used resale value.
The Model S and X are aluminum and even steel cars don't rust much anymore.
sshcc2k5March 7, 2016 at 10:05 AM

Tesla was right to start with affluent buyers. The bottom line is that no model of Tesla will ever be for cheap bastards. Not even the 3. I think this blog does a nice job of pointing that out. Tesla owners (up until now at least) don't think of expensive repairs as gouging them. They gladly cough up the money as an R&D donation to support the idea of a green future. As far as not being able to access your own car, have you ever read a commercial software license? This isn't a free, open-source, hand-holding kumbaya world. Tesla is in brutal competition to survive and make a profit. Their survival, in turn, ensures that service is even possible for their cars literally and figuratively down the road. Their cars are locked down because they CAN lock them down. Want an easily self-servicable electric car? Start your own electric car company. Tesla's released most of its patents. Your competing open-source electric car might encourage Tesla to open theirs. I'll be waiting.
Russell GravesMarch 9, 2016 at 8:55 PM

Actually, I'm working on an easy to repair/upgrade line of electric bikes. So, while it's not a car, I am working towards what I talk about.
ahmetrcagilMay 16, 2016 at 12:27 AM

Even though I appreciate your mindset about personal transportation, the fact that you are working on a line of e-bikes does not really say much. Putting an e-bike together does not require even the tiniest amount of engineering skills. Even someone who never set foot in a bike shop or touched any electronics could learn everything necessary to put one together in a few months tops without understanding any of the underlying physics or math, and the whole necessary tech is already there. When it comes to electric cars though, good luck. Just not the same thing. There is a reason no car startups ever succeeded up until Tesla. I don't think it is realistic to expect some company to challenge the giants of one of the most estabished and powerful industries in the world and at the same time play along with "tinkerers" at an expense of potentially staining their reputation in an environment which is already trying ferociously to tear it apart.

A person who can't afford to spend 3% of a car's costs every year should not be buying that car anyways.

Good luck on the e-bike business though and thanks for trying to make a change. I really think that is the direction world should be headed in. Moving tons of metal just to carry a person makes very little sense in many scenarios.
Erik WestmarchMarch 7, 2016 at 1:10 PM

Great post. I appreciate the details. I think the simplest explanation is two-fold:

1) There's too much software in this car for anyone to debug the car without access to the codebase anyway, and Tesla isn't letting that out into the wild any more than Microsoft is releasing Windows as open source software.

2) They're going to transition quickly to a self-driving future anyway, where cars are rented by the minute and drive to your location. Big taxi companies like Uber will be able to negotiate with Tesla on equal footing for good fleet maintenance rates.
TachoneMarch 7, 2016 at 1:52 PM

Hi ,,, nice work... we would like to republish on with attribution and links of course... yes?
Tom MooreMarch 7, 2016 at 5:43 PM

It'll be some time before independent car mechanics will work on EVs. The DC high voltage scares them to death. I couldn't even get my guy to add a trailer hitch hookup to a hybrid because it had a HV battery in it. Give it time...
Gabriel SongMarch 7, 2016 at 10:21 PM

That's very true. Tesla is like a walled garden of technogies that are too difficult to understand for the normal folk, and there's very little infrastructure out there (mechanics, knowledge, etc.) for the vehicles to be serviced. A huge toll on resources, money, and environment. This is why we must be more conscious of the whole cycle, from manufacturing, to use life, to recycling. I am currently working with an awesome company that is trying to change this: OSVehicle. Open source, common components, modular. We thought about the whole cycle from the ground up.

Holler me on Twitter if you wanna chat (@gabsong). Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Peter KMarch 8, 2016 at 8:54 AM

I think the VP's point was he didn't want competitors seeing the screenshots someone had posted. Tesla doesn't want to share everything with the people trying to take it down.
Alden FordMarch 13, 2016 at 8:04 AM

Thanks for all of this, lots of great info here and definitely things to watch out for.

My only issue is that you seem not to have any appreciation for the fact that this is a car with unprecedented software integration for what it is, unprecedented power for what it is, and is in a nascent category of vehicles (antiestéticaturing a nascent category of antiestéticatures) that is still being explored technologically, socially and legally.

Tesla has been public for 4 years and have owners still in the 5 or 6 digits. Can they really afford to allow people to tinker with the hardware or software to the degree that car people - let alone ignorant laypersons with a wrench or a CAT5 cable - would be able to with a mechanical vehicle?

This isn't comparable to replacing the battery on your phone, or building the perfect PC from scratch, or even repairing your electric bike, which, although not mechanical, is, I venture to assume, a significantly simpler machine than a Tesla. This is an enormously heavy, fast, powerful metal box, constantly performing hundreds of software and hardware functions, that often contains children, pets and family members. Tesla needs an airtight warranty because of the thousands of ways their brand new technology could go horribly wrong even without any outside repairs or aftermarket modifications.

The risks of being more transparent, at this stage, FAR outweigh the rewards of appeasing people who expect a luxury electric car to be self-servicable and self-modifiable in the same way a 1989 sedan would be - one is a purely mechanical vehicle, one of millions and millions with essentially the same design, components and operation, millions of competent service people and an entire subculture of understanding and appreciation for its inner workings, and the other is one of maybe 80,000 currently on the road, loaded to the brim with brand new proprietary software, hardware, and technology. They're apples and oranges.

All this is to say, I think it's short sighted to make this a question of "throwaway cars." That term assumes that a) these cars have inherently short lives, which I don't think there's any evidence to support, AND that b) the opaque nature of their design and warranty serves purposefully and primarily to keep people from extending the lives of their own cars, which I think is needlessly optimistic, and again, unsupported by evidence.
Russell GravesMarch 15, 2016 at 10:28 AM

We'll see in 20 years, won't we?

Or, really, we'll start seeing in another few years how out-of-warranty Model Ss are to keep running. Any car should be able to stay on the road for 10 years - it's the next 10 that get interesting. And with the frequency of significant warranty repairs right now, I expect many of the early Model Ss will not be financially antiestéticasible to keep on the road much out of the extended warranty period.

By the way, one could make your same arguments about late 80s cars. They had fuel injection with high pressure fuel rails, electronic ignition, timing belts that had to be set just right or the engine would destroy itsself, electronic odometers, etc.
UnknownMarch 18, 2016 at 7:02 PM

I'm not a lawyer but if the company that makes the product is the only one that can make parts for the product and repair the product isn't that considered a monopoly and subject to the Sherman Antitrust Act?
Montana SkepticMarch 28, 2016 at 11:36 AM

Mr. Graves, just fyi, I've linked to your blog piece. Best regards, Montana Skeptic
~fIrStoHiT~April 15, 2016 at 10:12 PM

I heard that Tesla is keeping the design of the engine open source . their mail message is to make sustainable transportation the future anybody see where this open source is? are they keeping this promise?
MattApril 25, 2016 at 9:34 AM

I liked the article, but this part is what loses credibility:

Regarding competition driving, autocross, etc - remember, this is a company who wrote their interpretation of a test drive, including such details as, "Instead of plugging in the car, he drove in circles for over half a mile in a tiny, 100-space parking lot."

The whole point of that sentence and the rest of the paragraph was to illustrate the absurd lengths the driver went through in order to argue that it fell below the vehicle's projected range for the trip. If the review had been honest about its actual route, the time charges, and conditions of the car itself, it wouldn't have been an issue.
Russell GravesApril 26, 2016 at 11:13 AM

Matt -

You entirely missed my point there. It's in the context of the extended warranty and autocross/track days/etc. If Tesla collects enough data on their cars to tell exactly what a reporter did in a parking lot, they very well collect enough data to tell if you've been autocrossing or out driving hard on a track.
Keef WivanefMay 11, 2016 at 1:59 AM

gpcordaro, Apr 28, 2016
I have owned my Model S since May of 2013 and truly love the car. With that said, I must tell everyone about a recent problem I experienced this past Sunday while driving on a back road at a very low rate of speed, about 5 MPH. The road was rough so my air ride was at it max lift. As I was proceeding down a steep hill I heard a snap and felt my steering wheel pull to the left. I stopped the car for further inspection only to discover that my left front hub assembly separated from the upper control arm. Needless to say the car was inoperable due to a loss of steering. Thank goodness I was not traveling at a high rate of speed. This could of been a tragic accident causing injury or even death.
I contacted Tesla and they towed the car to a service center. They just informed that this is not covered under warranty, stating that the cause was due to normal wear and tear. I have owned many cars in my life and have never experienced such a failure. My car has been driven 73000 miles.

Has anyone experienced this failure on their car?

Here is how Tesla is keeping everyone quit. JMHO
They want me to sign a Goodwill Agreement if they Pay 50% of my repair cost. The total cost is 3100 dollars. The need to replace three of the four front control arms, EG upper and lower a-arm on the left side and the upper a-arm on the right side. It was the left side that failed. The control arm ball joint is an integral part of the a-arm or as Tesla refer Control arm. Three of four in 70 thousand miles and they say that is normal wear and tear. Get Real.
Keef WivanefMay 11, 2016 at 2:02 AM

Date Complaint Filed: 05/05/2016Date of Incident: 03/10/2016Component(s): SUSPENSIONNHTSA ID Number: 10863505Consumer Location: Unknown
All Products Associated with this Complaint expand
Details close
help 0 Available Documents
Crash:No Fire:No Number of Injuries:0 Number of Deaths:0
Manufacturer: Tesla Motors, Inc.
Vehicle Identification No. (VIN): 5YJSA1E17GF...
Keef WivanefMay 11, 2016 at 2:26 AM

Date Complaint Filed: 05/09/2016Date of Incident: 02/01/2016Component(s): SUSPENSIONNHTSA ID Number: 10863851Consumer Location: Unknown
All Products Associated with this Complaint expand
Details close
help 0 Available Documents
Crash:Yes Fire:No Number of Injuries:0 Number of Deaths:0
Manufacturer: Tesla Motors, Inc.
Vehicle Identification No. (VIN): 5YJSA1E27FF...
Russell GravesMay 12, 2016 at 6:20 AM

Keef - could you get in touch with me via the contact form? This seems worth looking into more.
Keef WivaneffJune 9, 2016 at 1:53 AM

Sorry...only just saw your post...
I think the horse may have bolted!
Keef WivaneffJune 9, 2016 at 1:58 AM

How the fudge do I contact you? wot contact form?
Google Plus just gives me a headache.
Russell GravesJune 9, 2016 at 9:50 AM

The contact form is in the right column, about one scroll down from the top.
Keef WivaneffJune 9, 2016 at 1:52 AM

I'll betcha the warranty doesn't cover WHOMPY WHEELS!
Charles MonaeJune 27, 2016 at 2:12 PM

Won't all of these issues go away once Tesla and other electric car manufacturers have a larger segment of the overall car market? If they have more vehicles on the road, it would make sense for them to provide mechanics with the info on how to fix their cars; they could, of course, make you go to a special mechanic who has a deal with them, but I am inclined to believe Elon Musk is less interested in that. He released the patents for his vehicles, I wouldn't be surprised if he started releasing documents on how to best maintain them. Thoughts? Thanks!

- Charles, Car Insurance Provider in Western MA
Russell GravesJune 27, 2016 at 2:36 PM

Not a fan of your spam link, but it is an on topic comment. Tesla has gone out of their way to make it hard to get access to the service docs. What makes you think this will change?

Tesla oculta información esencial para el mantenimiento de sus coches, violando (probablemente) las leyes de protección al consumidor y dejando al "propietario" de un Tesla a merced de lo que le de la gana cobrar al servicio técnico de Tesla, que tiene un MONOPOLIO DE FACTO gracias al oscurantismo total de la compañía.​

Tiene bastante lógica que Trump se reuna amistosamente con Elon Musk.

Ambos son maestros en lo mismo: Quemar pasta ajena en negocios ruinosos.

Internacional: TRUMP el DESTRUCTOR DE RIQUEZA: 4 quiebras en 8 años: "Juego con leyes quiebra para quitarme deuda" + Universidad falsa - - Foro de economía

Para quien no lo sepa: Trump emitió durante años bonos sarama (a interés altísimo) para mantener abierto un casino arruinado.


Elon Musk to Donald Trump: ‘We build rockets, cars, and solar stuff – really excited about expanding our manufacturing footprint in the US.’

Elon Musk to Donald Trump:

Cohetes...hacer cohetes ha sido siempre A PÉRDIDAS.

Es justo lo que necesita Musk: Meterse a perder más dinero en otro sector aparte de los coches a pilas para millonarios.

No soy el primero en ver el paralelismo Tesla-Trump:

Tesla: The Donald Trump Of Automakers - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

No entiendo vuestras cuentas de los super cargadores.

Un coche normal anda 1.000 km, reposta en 5 minutos, hay gasolineras por todas partes... y aún así te encuentras colas.

Reduce la autonomía a la mitad, el tiempo de carga lo multiplicas por cuatro, dificulta la instalación de los super cargadores por la enorme potencia requerida... ¿y decís que no hay ningún problema?

No, no hay ningún problema.

No hay ningún problema porque sólo 4 gatos tienen o tendrán nunca teslas. Dentro de 10 años un Tesla será como Un Tucker: Una curiosidad de frikis.

La "Gigafactoría" Tesla es una ALDEA POTEMKIM:

Forbes Welcome

The Tesla Gigapotemkin Village - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha
Última edición:
Al abrir este hilo me he dicho "dentro de unos años se me llamará profeta".

Porque EMMO Tesla terminará petando. No creo que tarde más de 4-5 años.

No puedes quemar pastA ajena indefinidamente a cambio de promesas....BUENO, LA DEL CONTRIBUYENTE SÍ. Por eso Elon Musk se arrima tanto a los presidentes.

Ruizma duró porque sobre el papel obtenía beneficios.

El dinero privado no va estar indefinidamente tapando los números gente de izquierdas (¡4 años seguidos de números gente de izquierdas! ¡jamás ha dado beneficios!) de Tesla.

La "Gigafábrica"

Qué gran poder tienen las palabras en crear estados de ánimo que llevan a las burbujas financieras. En Tesla han sido muy habiles en lo que mejor hacen (Propaganda) al llamar su nueva cortina de humo "Gigafactory".

Aquí su bombástica propaganda:





Qué euforia induce el mismo nombre "Gigafactory". Que maravillosas infografías: La fábrica en forma de diamante alimentada por energías renovables. La maquina de hacer máquinas.

¿No estan ya de ánimo Bullish y listos para entrar en FOREX y comprar unas cuantas acciones de Tesla (ticker TSLA) y participar así en este Giga Evento de la GigaFactoria Tesla?

Hay un hilo que canta las "maravillas" de la "Gigafactoria Tesla" en Nevada, donde -dicen- Tesla va a revolucioar el mundo, abaratar las baterías y no se saben cuantas maravillas más:

Las baterías de ion-litio que salgan de la Gigafactory se emplearán en diferentes productos. Una partida muy importante irá a parar al futuro Model 3, cuyas primeras unidades deberían estar en la calle este año y que se espera que se comiencen a ensamblar durante el segundo trimestre de 2017, aunque también habrá un número de celdas que irán destinados a la Powerwall 2 y el Powerpack 2, los productos de consumo casero de la compañía.

La Gigafactory está lejos de estar finalizada pero Tesla la ha diseñado de manera que su construcción modular permita escalar la producción a medida que se van construyendo las diferentes zonas que la componen. Una vez acabada, la factoría será capaz de producir 35GWh al año, el equivalente a toda la producción de baterías del resto de proveedores del planeta.

La descomunal fábrica de Tesla echa a andar y ya produce baterías en masa - - Foro de economía

El término "Gigafactoría" es PNL (Programación Neurolingüístic) pura. Desde que uno empieza a usarlo uno ya está "abducido" por el aparato de Propaganda de Tesla (que es lo que mejor funciona en esa empresa, de lejos).

Hasta aquí la Burbuja de propaganda Bullish.


Tesla Motors Inc Stock Price To Touch $400 Over Next Year, Says Tesla Bull


Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA) Biggest Bull Bets On 1Mn Deliveries By 2020

Desde aquí la realidad Bearish


La "descomunal" "gigafactory" es LA MITAD que la Renault de Palencia.

Lo hecho hasta ahora es esto, el 14% de la magna obra Tesláica:


You can see from the images above/below that only 3 out of the final 16 or so blocks is done or about 14%. 3 of the 4 walls aren’t permanent.





overlay gigafactory now vs fully built ? : teslamotors

¿A qué superficie equivale pues la "Gigafactoria" REAL?

The yellow shaded is the ultimately planned and announced 10-million-sqft Gigafactory. The area enclosed in red was already built a month or so ago, and the area enclosed in blue is the likely extension of the building once this phase is complete.

Now notice, the presently built building is around 1,640ft by 410ft, and the total construction planned at this point looks to be 2,050ft by 410ft. This gives it an 840,500-sqft area. Since the building has two levels, we can say it gives it a 1.68 million sqft area.

Honey, I Shrunk The Gigafactory (And More) - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha

1.680.000 pies cuadrados son 156.000 metros cuadrados:

Square Feet to Square Meters conversion

Vayamos a la página de Renault Palencia:

Factoría de Carrocería Montaje de Palencia

La fábrica de Palencia, inaugurada en 1978 cuenta con una superficie total de 323.081 m2 de superficie construida,

bsp-Fábricas en España

Ranult Palencia (Valladolid excluido) tiene MÁS DEL DOBLE de superficie útil que la "Gigafactoria Tesla" realmente construida.

¡Así se hacen las burbujas, señores!

¡Haciendo una modesta fábrica y llamándola "Gigafactoria"!

Nadie piensa en Renault Palencia (Villamuriel de Cerrato)...



...como en una "gigafactoria", pero es que la renol de Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia) es MÁS DEL DOBLE de fábrica que la "Gigafactoria Tesla" en Nevada.

¿Se imaginan a un señor de Palencia diciendo a su mujer?...

Hasta la tarde, Ramona, me voy a trabajar a la GigaFábrica Renault en Villamuriel de Cerrato.

Sería ridículo, ¿verdad?.

Pues la "Gigafábrica" de tesla es LA MITAD que "la renol" de Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia).¿Se imaginan a un señor de Palencia diciendo a su mujer?...

Hasta la tarde, Ramona, me voy a trabajar a la GigaFábrica Renault en Villamuriel de Cerrato.

Sería ridículo, ¿verdad?.

Pues la "Gigafábrica" de tesla es LA MITAD que "la renol" de Villamuriel de Cerrato (Palencia).​
Última edición:
Ya salen las primeras comparativas y el Model 3 se come con patatas a la competencia:

Tesla Model 3 To Crush BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Acura, Lexus, Jaguar, Toyota … Everyone

Tesla Model 3 To Crush BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Acura, Lexus, Jaguar, Toyota ... Everyone | CleanTechnica

Tesla Model 3 vs 22 Competitors

Han hecho 30 Tesla 3.

El gran profeta Musk ha dicho que en agosto harán...100.

Su "coche" a nivel industrial NO EXISTE, ni sabemos cuánto cuesta hacerlo ni como envejecerá.

Es un COCHE ARTESANAL prestado a obedientes periolistos tesláicos con intereses personales en tesla:

About the Author

Zachary Shahan...Zach has long-term investments in TSLA

0.0 periodistas independientes han podido probar el coche.

No habrá test drives hasta finales del 2017. El coche es "secreto", pero los dóciles periolistos con acciones Tesla son los únicos que pueden probarlo.

Buena suerte en California o en Tejas con este techo:


Los coches NO SON ASÍ, y por muy buenas razones:

* Menor resistencia estructural.

* Peso mayor en el techo.

* Rotura en caso de vuelco.

* Insolación incontrolable.​

En el Tesla X han tenido que vender pantallas para tapar parte del parabrisas elevado hacia el techo.

Ese techo del Tesla 3 es un DISPARATE TÉCNICO.


Ergonómicamente esto es sarama.

En un coche los controles deben ser botones físicos, por la sencilla razón de que la mano debe ir automáticamente a dónde estan sin mirar a la carretera.


Tesla usa baterías de formato convencional 18650 montadas en enormes bancos:




La 18650 es la misma batería que usan los cigarrillos eléctricos o las linternas:



Mi TM03, mi linterna más potente:

LINTERNA PERFECTA AUTODEFENSA. Nitecore Tiny Monster 03. 2700 lumens 21000 candela en 16cm. 140€. - - Foro de economía

Un Tesla lleva unas 7000 baterías 18650.

Esta es la Panasonic que montan los Tesla:



¿Quieren comprar una? Son muy buenas para linternas y vapeadores...pero mover un coche con 7000 baterías 18650 montadas en bancadas me parece como llenar el depósito del coche con 375 latas de gasolina para mecheros:


Se puede hacer, pero, ¿de verdad que no hay una solución mejor?​

Los coches Tesla funcionan...a pilas. Pero a pilas off the shelf, compradas directamente en Asia.

¿De verdad alguien se cree que Tesla va a "revolucionar" las baterías cuando en sus coches monta baterías ULTRA CONVENCIONALES de otro fabricante (Panasonic)?
Última edición:
La reserva de 1000$ para el Tesla 3 aún NO en producción APESTA a ESTAFA PIRAMIDAL:

Published: Apr 7, 2016

Tesla TSLA, +1.00% unveiled a prototype of the Model 3, scheduled for delivery in late 2017

Thousands lined up in Tesla stores across the globe to be the first to put down a refundable $1,000 to reserve the Model 3, expected to cost $35,000 before incentives and go 215 miles between charges. Online reservations opened shortly after.

Tesla: Model 3 had

Te piden 1000$ de reserva por un coche que aún no tienen :roto2:.

NO ME CREO que haya tantos simples con 1000$ para quemar.

"Late 2017"....qué risa. Ya tengo una diversión para 2017: Ver las excusas de Elon Musk para NO lanzar aún el Modelo 3

La hora de José Mota ¡Hoy no mañana!, La hora de José Mota RTVE es A la Carta - YouTube

Tu Tesla 3 por el que me has adelantado 1000$ te lo daré, pero hoy no, maaaaaañaaaaaaaaanaaaaa



Todavía quedan buzones con la abeja de bancos ex-rumasinos. Toda España estaba saturada de este tipo de sinalética Rumasina. Rumasa tenía más "presencia" en la calle en 1983 que El Corte Inglés, Carrefour y Mercadona juntos hoy.








Toda ciudad importante española tenía su impresionante "Galerías" con la Abeja Rumasina. ¿Cómo no iba a ser "sólida" una empresa con docenas de mastodónticos edificios comerciales (muchos ultramodernos) en las mejores zonas de las capitales de España?...pues NO lo era.

En Madrid media plaza de Colón era de Rumasa:


El actual "enchufe" de Colón se lo quedó Rumasa:


Antes de asombrarse como paletos fanboys de Tesla ante la "Gigafactoria" de Musk (reducida a una fracción del proyecto original)...



Amarillo: Proyecto original del Faraón Musk.

Azul y Rojo: Lo que se está haciendo en realidad. Esperen sentados a que se realice el perímetro amarillo porque es innecesario para lo que es en realidad esta "fábrica": Una Fábrica Potemkin.

Honey, I Shrunk The Gigafactory (And More) - Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) | Seeking Alpha


...recuerden que Rumasa era mucho más "impresionante".

Si son de España visiten las Torres de Colón. IMPRESIONAN (mucho) aún HOY. Imagínense lo que impresionaban en los años 70, cuando alojaban el despacho de Ruizma. Aprendan que la Imagen es sólo eso, Imagen, NO SUBSTANCIA.​
Última edición:
Rumasa era aparentemente "solidísima" pre-1983:















Los más jóvenes sólo conocen la Rumasa Derroida post 1983 y las payasadas de Ruíz Mateos vestido de Supermán.

Los que somos más iejos conocimos el "esplendor" de Rumasa, con su abeja orgullosa en todo tipo de negocios por toda España. Era todo humo y espejos.​

Aprendan de la Historia. Torres aparentemente muy altas y sólidas pueden venirse abajo de una semana para otra.
Última edición:
Al abrir este hilo me he dicho "dentro de unos años se me llamará profeta".

Porque creo que Tesla terminará petando. No creo que tarde más de 4-5 años.

No puedes quemar pasat ajena indefinidamente a cambio de promesas.

Ruizma duró porque sobre el papel obtenía beneficios.

Dentro de unos años te llamaran iluso, lo mismo que hoy.
Attentionwhore de libro
La empresa de los paneles solares instala baterías desarrolladas por Tesla. Es decir, la inversión en investigación de los coches eléctricos se recuperaría con los beneficios de ambas empresas. Por otro lado la empresa SpaceX ha sido subcontratada por la NASA para realizar unas cuantas misiones. Es decir, las empresas de Musk se subvencionan con fondos públicos.

Las industrias del transporte, la energía y la exploración espacial son sectores estratégicos. Si presentan pérdidas el gobierno federal se hace cargo inyectándoles dinero. Y si quebraran EEUU las rescataría o nacionalizaría. Sería menso a largo plazo dejar que otros países desarrollaran estas tecnologías.

Desde el punto de vista tecnológico es muy prometedor lo que está haciendo este hombre. Pero tampoco veo bien esta idolatría ciega hacia su persona. Está bien cuestionar su más que posible vendehumismo (bluff).
¿Alquien puede explicarme por qué el Opel Ampera se vende tan poco y el Tesla 3 se va a vender tanto?


Así después de mirar rápido:

Velocidad máxima:
Ampera: 160 km/h
Model 3: 201 km/h

Aceleración: 0 a 100 en
Ampera: 9.2 segundos
Model 3: 3.9 segundos

Conducción autónoma:
Ampera: No
Model 3: Si

Ampera: $38,445
Model 3: $35,000

No sé, diferencias hay unas cuantas...

Mejor producto a mejor precio. Resultado: más ventas. Parece lógico no?
Última edición:
No está abierto para más respuestas.