La OMS declara el ébola como emergencia pública sanitaria de alcance internacional (Hilo ofiicial Éb

Los expertos creen que el bola no supone una amenaza para Europa | Salud | EL MUNDO

Y es que el ébola es un bichito sumamente contagioso y muy peligroso para el hombre. Tiene una mortalidad de entre el 50 y el 90%, aunque como aclara Enjuanes, la mortalidad depende de la variante del bichito y del estatus inmunitario de cada persona.

Ah, vale, el "50-90% de mortalidad" es SEGÚN ESTÉ EL PACIENTE.

Una "infección" a un habitante del Primer Mundo sano y bien alimentado aún no sabemos qué "mortalidad" tendría...porque nunca ha habido tal cosa: Sólo se han infectado "primomundistas" viviendo en el tercer mundo.

"En India, por ejemplo, hay mucha gente que se muere por diarreas -uno de los síntomas del ébola- pero esto en Europa no pasaría porque en el hospital le pondrían un gotero para que no se deshidrate" explica Enjuanes. Y es que puede que esa sea la clave: que el ébola es un bichito que nunca ha supuesto una gran amenaza para los países desarrollados, que son precisamente aquellos donde sí hay medios para la investigación. Porque la realidad es que, hasta el momento, tal y como recuerda Sánchez-Seco, sólo se han dado brotes importantes en África, donde los medios económicos no son los mejores.

Ah, vale: Que si estas en un país desarrollado no te mueres.

El "letal bichito" sólo es "letal" en países tercermundistas, lo mismo que los tiburones sólo son letales si te metes en el agua con ellos.

La segunda opción sería la terapia con anticuerpos, esto es, administrar a pacientes contagiados un suero que neutraliza el bichito

TimoSIDA reloaded:

Nuevo tratamiento experimental del SIDA con sangre de portadores sanos | Edición impresa | EL PAÍS
Leyendo en detalle:

Según el centro de control de enfermedades en Enero se podrán alcanzar el medio millon de infectados.

CDC: Ebola cases could reach at least 550,000 by January

The number of Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone could rise to between 550,000 and 1.4 million by January if there are no "additional interventions or changes in community behavior," the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report Tuesday. The estimate was derived from a new forecasting tool developed by the CDC.
The range of estimated cases -- from 550,000 to 1.4 million -- is wide because experts suspects the current count is highly under-reported. The official death toll from Ebola in West Africa has climbed to more than 2,800 in six months, with 5,800 cases confirmed as of Monday, the World Health Organization said.

CDC: Ebola cases could reach 550,000 by January -

CDC Director Tom Frieden cautioned that this model is based on older data from August. The numbers are not projections, but "scenarios."

It blamed the spread not on a particularly virulent strain of the bichito, rather it said this outbreak was so deadly because of a "combination of dysfunctional health systems, international indifference, high population mobility, local customs, densely populated capitals, and lack of trust in authorities after years of armed conflict."

Meanwhile, health workers there have come under attack as they seek to educate the local population.
"Today, one of the biggest barriers to control is violence from an impoverished, terrified and shattered population that does not understand what hit it and fights back the only way it can," the report said.

Da lo mismo: Los "testigos del ébola" del hilo de los "puros" se toman las cifras como si fuesen el futuro revelado en la bola de cristal.

Más indicios respaldando la "fantasía" de RappoporT de que la "epidemia" podría ser un ENVENENAMIENTO INTENCIONAL:

Earlier this year, at the start of the outbreak, a team from Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, had to stop working in one isolation ward in Guinea because local residents mistakenly believed they had brought the bichito with them.

It's a common misconception which makes the work of medical staff harder than it already is, MSF's Dr. Marc Forget told CNN: "[When we decontaminate houses] they think we are spreading the disease, so some villages just shut down their access, they put trees on the roads."
He says groups from MSF, the Red Cross and the Ministry of Health have also been pelted with rocks as they try to reach Ebola-hit areas.

Elbagir says the region's recent history of bloody civil war also feeds the rumor-mill, with some claiming that the fact the army has been deployed to stop people dumping bodies in the streets is a sign the government is deliberately infecting people in order to have an excuse to enforce martial law.
Why are they proving so hard to dispel?

According to Nima Elbagir widespread suspicion of authority, coupled with a lack of basic infrastructure miccionan that educating people about how to avoid infection is extremely difficult.

"These are very remote places in countries still bearing the scars of war [in Liberia and Sierra Leone] - people are already traumatized and there is a lot of distrust to be overcome: when the government says something, people don't necessarily believe it," she says.

"There aren't enough doctors and healthcare workers - people just aren't used to seeing them in their communities, and so they aren't the figures of authority that they are elsewhere."

Elbagir said the practise of quarantining whole areas "almost like the plague villages of the Middle Ages," had also led to anger and mistrust as entire communities were cut off from vital supplies. "People say 'We're going to die of hunger before we die of Ebola!'" she said.

Are myths making the Ebola outbreak worse? -
Última edición:
Confirmado: Lo confiesan ellos mismos.

Estan EXAGERANDO A POSTA lo mala-malísima que es la "epidemia" para así poderse colgar la medalla cunado la hayan "controlado":

El director de los CDC, Thomas R. Frieden estima que las medidas que se están tomando, así como las que están previstas desarrollar en los países afectados harán que el peor escenario no llegue a ser una realidad, “pero es importante entender que esto podría suceder”, ha indicado en declaraciones recogidas por The New York Times. “Lo que nos advierten estas cifras es el enorme coste que tendría una demora [en aplicar programas efectivos contra la enfermedad]”, ha añadido. "Necesitamos aumentar los centros de tratamiento de ébola lo más rápido posible y también proveer la mejor atención posible fuera de estos centros”.

El ébola podría afectar a 1,4 millones en enero en el peor escenario posible | Sociedad | EL PAÍS

Esta gente tiene la cara dura de presentar "escenarios" que te dicen que NO van a suceder.

Eso sí, el "escenario" apocalíptico bien grande en los titulares.

Dentro de unos meses (predigo):

Éxito de la comunidad internacional en controlar el brote de ébola.

Este éxito demuestra la importancia del gasto sanitario y de unos estados fuertes que bla, bla, bla...
Fallece desgraciadamente el segundo cura repatriado:

Un enlace de la OMS:

The total number of probable, confirmed and suspected cases (see Annex 1) in the current outbreak
of Ebola bichito disease (EVD) in West Africa was 6263, with 2917 deaths

In Liberia, additional support for the three mobile laboratories operating throughout the country will
be provided by a US Navy laboratory and the deployment of two further mobile units, which are due
to be operational by the end of September

There continues to be resistance to social mobilization efforts in some communities. For example,
there are reports from Fassankoni, Guinea, that communities have set up roadblocks to screen
entering response teams. UNICEF is working with local authorities and police to improve the security
of teams in the field. In addition, given the resistance shown by many young people to traditional
leaders and government authority, social mobilization teams are continuing to engage young people
to support outreach efforts and address resistance.

Observen que meten alegremente en el total los casos "sospechosos" y los "probables".

Observen que la U.S. Navy va a empezar a hacer "tests de ébola", que si dan muchos "+" van a JUSTIFICAR LA MISMA PRESENCIA DE LA U.S. NAVY en Liberia.
Dios! Claphan y Randiano en el mismo hilo!
Y a unos días de que entre octubre!! Apocalipto!!
Sería bueno que algunos se dedicasen a sus propios hilos magufos en vez de jorobar los del resto...
Maravilloso gráfico del hilo "puro" de creyentes:


Es maravilloso porque confirma que antes de la "epidemia" NO se hacían "tests de ébola".

Se lo digo de otra forma: hAce 1 año (o 10) no había "epidemia" por la sencilla razón de que nadie hacía "tests de ébola".

Ah, NWO a las puertas:

“Esta crisis ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de fortalecer los sistemas de identificación pronta y temprana de amenazas como el ébola. Hay que analizar si el mundo necesita un equipo de médicos de la OMS con la capacidad logística de Naciones Unidas. Este equipo podría ayuda a mantener la salud en el mundo”.

Obama exige al mundo una respuesta urgente contra el ébola | Sociedad | EL PAÍS

La OMS "cuidando de la salud del mundo" :rolleyes:

On the very same day that vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline is being fined $490 million by Chinese authorities for running an illegal bribery scheme across China [3], the media is announcing the “astonishing” launch of human trials for an Ebola vaccine.

Care to guess who will be manufacturing this vaccine once it is whitewashed and rubber-stamped as “approved?” GlaxoSmithKline, of course. The same company that also admitted to a massive criminal bribery network in the United States, where felony crimes were routinely committed to funnel money to over 40,000 physicians who pushed dangerous prescription drugs onto patients.

This is the company that is now — today! — injecting 60 “volunteers” with an experimental Ebola vaccine.

Spontaneous vaccine development a scientific impossibility

Normally it would take years of human trials before a completely new vaccine was approved for use,” reports the BBC. [1]

“But such is the urgency of the Ebola outbreak in west Africa that this experimental vaccine is being fast tracked at an astonishing rate.”

Yes, it’s astonishing because it’s impossible.

As any vaccine-related virologist already knows, the process of going from an in-the-wild infection of Ebola to a manufactured vaccine ready for human trials simply cannot be achieved in a matter of a few weeks or months. Apparently, we are all to believe that a spontaneous scientific miracle has now taken place — a literal act of vaccine magic — which has allowed the criminal vaccine industry to skip the tedious R&D phases and create a vaccine ready for human trials merely by waving a magic wand.

“The first of 60 healthy volunteers will be injected with the vaccine,” says the BBC today, and vaccine pushers are of course lining up to proclaim the vaccine miracle which has spontaneously appeared before them like a burning bush:

Professor Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute in Oxford, who is leading the trial, said: “This is a remarkable example of how quickly a new vaccine can be progressed into the clinic, using international co-operation.”

Near-proof that this was all scripted

The far more likely explanation, of course, is that all this was scripted in advance: the outbreak, the international cry for help, the skyrocketing of the stock price for Tekmira (which has received financial investments from Monsanto), the urgent call for a vaccine and now the spontaneous availability of human vaccine trials. It’s all beautifully scripted from start to finish, better than a Shakespearean tragedy played out on the international stage.

The “heroes” of this theater have been pre-ordained to be drug companies and vaccines, and it is already written in the script that vaccines will be heralded as lifesaving miracles of modern science even if they infect people and cause widespread damage as has now happened to young girls in Colombia who are being hospitalized en masse after being injected with HPV vaccines. [2]

Incredibly, the official response from vaccine-pushing health authorities in Colombia is that all these girls who are suffering from paralysis are merely “imagining” their symptoms and suffering from “mass hysteria.” Obviously, if vaccines are created by the gods of modern science — the new cult of our delusional world — then they must be perfect and infallible. Therefore, anyone who suffers side effects of such perfect vaccines must obviously be imagining things. Such is the delusional dogma of modern vaccine pushers.

This will be the exact same explanation leveled against anyone who suffers harmful effects from an Ebola vaccine, too. After all, the discovery of vaccine side effects simply isn’t in the script being played out before us. Therefore, it cannot be allowed, and any person who actually suffers side effects will be immediately deemed to be mentally ill. (Yes, this is how insane and Orwellian the vaccine industry has become. All who do now bow down to the voodoo of dangerous vaccines are labeled mental patients and then treated with psychiatric drugs. The vaccine industry has quite literally become the Heaven’s Gate Cult of modern medicine…)
Los jovenlandeses no se creen nada:

However, after weeks passed with only a handful of reported Ebola cases, skepticism about the bichito’s presence took hold across the country. By May, if you asked most Liberians on the streets of Monrovia about their views on the outbreak, the most common response was, “There is no Ebola in Liberia.” Now, with the death toll climbing every day, experts say their efforts to combat the epidemic have been frustrated by antiestéticar, superstition, and denial.

In Monrovia, some people are finally starting to recognize that the epidemic is real, partly due to photos of Hazmat-suited medical staff burying bodies that were published this week in local newspapers

There's often extreme reluctance among those who contract the illness to reach out for help when they become sick. Those tasked with coordinating the medical response to the outbreak say that they are encountering antiestéticar and even violent hostility when they try to help. “We are being met with high resistance — sometimes people say that health workers are bringing Ebola into communities,” says Liberia's Assistant Minister of Health Tolbert Nyenswah. He describes a recent situation in which Liberian health officials had to beat a hasty retreat after people they suspected of hiding ill family members threw stones at them.

In an interview with VICE News, an MSF staff member who recently returned from Guinea described a tense environment for responders, explaining that the facility was attacked because locals heard a rumor that MSF had brought the bichito to Guinea. “We were chased out of quite a lot of villages,” she says. “President [Alpha Condé] sent a delegation to sensitize the population, to get them to understand that Ebola exists. They were attacked and were evacuated the day after they arrived.”

The antiestéticar and anger in communities is to some extent perfectly understandable. “Ebola works inversely," the MSF worker explains. "Normally if you have someone who is sick, you take them to the hospital and they get better. With Ebola, you have to negotiate bringing someone to the hospital because they’ll almost certainly die there.”

Observen por favor que los jovenlandeses culpabilizan del "ébola" a las personas que vienen a "ayudarles":

It's Hard to Know How Many People Will Die of Ebola

Ahora nos salen con que NO SE PUEDE SABER el "verdadero impacto" de la "epidemia".

Llevan meses informándonos del "número de casos", con desgloses por países entre "confirmados", "probables" y "sospechosos".

...y ahora dicen que "no se puede saber" cuántos casos hay.

In this unprecedented Ebola outbreak, measuring and predicting the bichito' true impact is nearly impossible

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report in mid-September estimating that if current trends in the Ebola outbreak continue without a ramped up effort, then Ebola cases in West Africa would double every 20 days. In that situation, Ebola cases could reach up 1.4 million by January.

Here are five reasons why we may never know Ebola’s true impact :8:, despite health experts’ best efforts to fully understand the bichito’ deadly potential:

1. Most Ebola cases aren’t reported

CDC researchers believe that for every 1 reported case of Ebola, there are 1.5 additional cases that go unreported. They estimated that without additional intervention, 550,000 Ebola cases will be reported by January, a lower bound that doesn’t account for the cases that go unreported. By correcting for underreporting, they arrived at the upper bound of 1.4 million.

“Underreporting is always an issue with communicable diseases,” says Thomas Gift, an economist at the CDC. “We believe the actual incidence of disease is higher than what shows up in case reports.”

In West Africa, a lack of on-the-ground healthcare resources has meant that many Ebola patients haven’t been treated by doctors, or, in some instances, they have been turned away by doctors, which has resulted in an incomplete headcount of afflicted people.

2. Adjusting the projected numbers accurately is extremely difficult.

“It’s always difficult with these models to try to capture what’s really going on on the ground,” says Dr. Eden Wells, an epidemiology professor at the University of Michigan. “Given the data they used, it’s the best projection they could get at the time.”

The projections were based on data from only one day in only one country—Liberia—Gift said. Researchers used a model to predict the number of beds in use in Liberia on Aug. 28, 2014—the occupied beds were a measure of reported cases. They then surveyed experts at Ebola treatment clinics in Liberia to estimate the actual number of beds in use, weighing that estimate by the proportion of those who stay at home (and are therefore “unreported” cases) who eventually arrive in hospitals: a measure of both reported and unreported cases.

Gift added that while on-the-ground conditions made it difficult to collect more frequent data, there was also an urgency in releasing information about the outbreak. “Why didn’t [researchers] do more to get a range of confidence? Partially because this was designed to provide a tool to be used by people to assess the potential impact of intervention while the outbreak is going on,” Gift says.

3. The projection, based on a slice of data from Liberia, was applied to all of West Africa.

Liberia has been the most hard-hit country in the Ebola outbreak, with more than 1,800 deaths and 3,400 confirmed cases, according to the CDC. Sierra Leone and Guinea have suffered significant death tolls as well, though far fewer than Liberia. “Notable regional differences in underreporting might miccionan that using one [assumption] across an entire country is inappropriate,” the report said. This could, in theory, result in an overestimate.

“The 2.5 correction factor”—meaning that for every one reported case, there are potentially 1.5 unreported cases, according to the CDC’s modeling—”seems to have been correct for that day,” Gift says. “But [that] might change over time.”

Still, the fact that an Ebola outbreak has never been this widespread—and thus never modeled so extensively—allows the study some liberty in deciding its parameters, the report said.

“The purpose is to show that this epidemic was not going to show signs of peaking on its own. In historic outbreaks, there were a few hundred cases, and the epidemic diminished. That didn’t happen this time,” Gift says.

4. Much of the data coming from West Africa is likely inaccurate or incomplete.

A recent World Health Organization report said that in Liberia, “data were being reported from 4 different and uncoordinated streams, resulting in several overlaps and duplicated numbers.” The report added that many deaths were not being properly documented.

Last week, the New York Times similarly reported a discrepancy between the number of reported deaths in Sierra Leone and the number of buried victims, a fact that further complicates researchers’ efforts to measure Ebola’s true impact.

5. Projecting all the way to January is difficult.

“It’s a bit like weather prediction,” says Marisa Eisenberg, an epidemiology professor at the University of Michigan. “There’s a lot more uncertainty if you’re going all the way out to January versus the end of October.”

The obvious difficulty is that the report is based on the assumption of no significant additional intervention, which, with each passing week, is changing. A shorter-term projection of Ebola cases was provided by the WHO in a report published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. The projection’s limited time span indicates a more realistic prediction of Ebola cases, even though it also assumes “no change in the control measures for this epidemic.” If Ebola cases were to double every 20 days without additional measures, as the CDC reported, then the WHO’s estimate indicates that there will be about 150,000 cases by January, a markedly more conservative figure.

Still, experts believe there is value in examining the CDC’s “worst-case scenario” of 1.4 million cases. Overestimation offers a safety net in ensuring adequate assistance is provided. If anything, it also adds an urgency to prove wrong the study’s chilling caveat: that this is what could happen if no additional resources are used to battle the deadly disease.

“[The researchers] are trying to cover their bases, and make sure they don’t under-deploy resources,” Eisenberg says. “If you’re going to be wrong in one direction or the other, it’s better safe than sorry.”

Confirmado por ellos mismos: Han INFLADO las predicciones a sabiendas para poder montar una psyop.
Última edición:
Estaras contento eh AYN? Ya has conseguido que no entre nadie al hilo.

Enhorabuena campeón
Estaras contento eh AYN? Ya has conseguido que no entre nadie al hilo.

Enhorabuena campeón

Yo entro todos los días en este hilo, pero en el "no contaminado" no he entrado ni una vez. Entro a los foros para poder contrastar opiniones, no para cantar alabanzas a la élite corrupta que dirige el mundo.
Estaras contento eh AYN? Ya has conseguido que no entre nadie al hilo.

Enhorabuena campeón

Ni siquiera eso , por supuesto no ha cumplido su parte del trato( que esperabais?:XX:) y viendo que ni dios lee sus sandeces ya esta enmierdando tambien el hilo "limpio".

Todo un "hombre de palabra" :XX: seguro que esta orgulloso de si mismo.
patetico. Francamene patetico.
"Confirmado" el "primer caso de ébola" en USA:

CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US

Por lo visto se les ha "olvidado" la "primera micro-epidemia" de "ébola Reston", la que dio una mortalidad human del...CERO %

Ya hay gente ganado dinero con esta noticia. ¡Alegría, señores!:

Ebola stocks surge after first US case diagnosed

Lo siento pero ya me estoy imaginando controles con soldados en USA y con personal parasanitario tomando la temperatura a los pasajeros de los coches...y quien presente "síntomas de ébola" será RECLUIdo en una "clínica de ébola" de las cuales NADA SABEMOS sobre qué pasa dentro de ellas.

Cada día que pasa miro con más cariño a mis reservas de alimentos a largo palzo (un armario lleno de conservas de las que podría vivir un par de meses, las voy rotando). Mis "paranoias preppers" están resultado ser -desgraciadamente- sumamente sensatas.​
Última edición: