Se empieza a hablar de nosotros y de como nos vamos a la cosa

La cosa está mal, pero la forma de promocionar el vídeo en cuestión hace pensar que posiblemente no seamos los únicos ni los que peor estamos. Algo traman estos morenos, y no va a ser bueno.
Christian Blasco López Hace 1 día
As an Spaniard, I can confirm. I am surprised by how well informed you are about this issue.
Your words reminded me of all the years my childhood spanned... Which were all characterized by the constant crisis, a word that has a very dark, and constant meaning for every Spaniard. It was painfully dramatic to see how the economy shrunk. At the very beginning, in 2008, and during the first months of 2009, the elderly used to say that we would complain too much for the situation, and that crises which took place during the last centuries were way worse. But soon, they all shut up. Everyone shut up. The president of the Government (or the Prime Minister for you Anglophones), who began by saying his famous phrase: "Trust me, there is no crisis", was forced to renounce and dissolve the parliament one year before his tenure was finished, because of how dramatic a situation turned out to be so he could not longer face it. Even taking a walk through the city was sad: you would see almost every non-essential shop closed. I remember how my friends and I used to go all the way up to the next town just to eat a burguer, because there was not even such a thing in ours. I know, it sounds silly that I complain about it... It's just difficult to describe how fucked up everything was. People who used to have a good job and a family were suddenly evicted and being left out at the streets. That was a national drama, seeing how, day after day, the police would show up and evict a family who would resist as much as they could.
Education turned out to be horrible, too. Because of the austerity measures, costs had to be cut in schools. I remember how I was with 41 other people in a single room which was designed for around 25.
I know, I know, there are worse things like this in the world. And there are also many other, worse things I remember about those times, but I just wanted to write some impressions down. At the end, the economy recovery was fragile. At the beginning of 2020, everyone could see that: underpaid and temporary jobs were widespread, and tourism, a low add value industry, was one of the drivers of the economic recovery. We would laugh and say that we were not at all prepared, should another crisis hit the economy. The worst case scenario up until that point was the US-China trade war, which did not affect us that much... And then came el bichito, and everything began, once again, to crumble. Man, I just have one year more of college, and I know very well that as soon as I finish it, I'll go abroad to look for a job, and a life. Seriously, the job prospects here are trash, you may well end up working underpaid for more hours for those of you were officially hired for. Fuck this, I'm going out. Wish me luck, YouTube.

j0j0j0j0j0 no faltan boomers de cosa en los comentarios poniendolo a parir
Que con el el bichito hemos perdido más PIB que ningún otro país desarrollado del planeta, y que como arrastramos la herencia de la crisis de 2008 (habla del banco malo y de como nos la metieron doblada a todos), pues no vamos a tener margen de maniobra para evitar lo que se nos viene.

Que supongo que serán los hombres de neցro de Bruselas.

Con la rebaja.
El Sareb o banco malo ahora le podemos llamar el banco okupa y pagamos todos

Inmobiliaria: - Bomba de relojería en el 'banco malo': 1.200 millones al año en intereses

Un ex director general del Banco de España advierte del agujero que la Sareb provocará a las arcas públicas
  • Zanx
Reacciones: JOF