*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

Lo estoy escuchando, ha dicho algo del estado de alarma? o algo importante? lo de siempre?
Nah lo de siemrpe, que se amplía hasta el 11 de Abril y bla bla, eso sí, sigue remando que los 14 médicos que tiene en la moncloa no trabajan gratis y quiere el falcon siempre lleno de 'queroseno'.
Lo pongo asi en letras obesas, en este nuestro hilo de la gente que quiere ver las cosas

solo para poder cortar y pegar mas facil en los hilos de los normies

que si no, haran todo lo posible para mirar para otro lado y no evaluar otras propuestas de analisis o enfoques , que lo oficial o lo que les confirme sus creencias previas

asi por eso tanto colorin y tamaño, nosotros no necesitamos tanto xD


NATO 2020 Defined



jorobaR QUE SE SI PODRO MALDITO me gusta la fruta




ji ji

New NATO surveillance drones bet on Italian safety ruling

The Five RQ-4D drones based at Sigonella became operation at the end of 2019 with the NATO AGS (Alliance Ground Surveillance).

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (2016)—Army scientists secretly spread simulated biological poison on two subway lines in Manhattan in the mid nineteen‐sixties to test the vulnerability of the New York subway system to a biological warfare attack, a Department of Defense engineer testified today.

Charles Senseney, a project engineer who developed weapons such as an electric poison dart gun and a system to spread biological poison from a fluorescent bulb, told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that he took part in the New York “vulnerability study” as one of many such efforts aimed at testing the dangers of biological warfare.
His account provided the first substantial details of the subway project, which was disclosed Tuesday in testimony and documents submitted to the Senate panel by William E. Colby, the Director of Central Intelligence.
Mr. Senseney said the studies. conducted by the staff of the Army laboratories at Fort Detrick, Md., had been performed on behalf of the Army and the Central Intelligence Agency. They included tests at the, White House, the Pentagon, a Food and Drug Administration building in Washington and McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.

In a meeting with reporters after today’s hearing, Mr. Senseney gave this account of the New York City subway experiments:
Possibly in 1966 or 1967, Mr. Senseney and 20 other Fort Detrick employes were sent to New York for the two‐week test. The “operator” of the test threw “bulbs” of a simulated biological poison on the tracks of two subway lines. He said he believed, but could not be sure, they they were the Sixth and Eighth Avenue lines in Manhattan.
The bulbs burst and the wind of the passing subway trains spread the simulated poison along the tracks. He said that in the short time it took for two trains to pass the simulated poison was spread from 15th Street to 58th Street.
Mr. Senseney’s conclusion, which appeared to be the conclusion of the experiment, was that the subway system could “not be safeguarded against” this type of attack. If the attack was carried out during rush hours, he said, it would “put New York out of commission.”
Mr. Senseney said his role in the experiment was as a “sampler.” He and part of the team rode the subways with a sampling device t,o test the spread of the simulated poison. His was kept on his belt with the appearnce of a photographic‐light meter, he said.
City Officials Not Told
He said the other detection devices had been hidden in pocketbooks and other camouflages so the subway possengers would not know what was being done. He said that to his knowledge — and Senate committee documents appear to confirm this —neither the New York City government nor the Transit Authority officials were aware that such a test was being conducted.

He said that the simulant, which he declined to identify. was harmless. Several biologists, however, said it was impossible to tell if the simulant was entirely harmless without knowing what it was.
Mr. Senseney said that, “depending on the agent” used, someone who wanted to attack the subways could either introduce material to kill large numbers of the passengers or make them ill. He said the tests were conducted between rush hours, but that a real attempt to disable the city would call for an attack during rush hours.
Mr. Senseney said the New York project was part of a broader effort to discover how vulnerable the United States was to germ warfare, stretching from the early nineteen‐sixties.
He knew of, but did not participate directly in, tests at the White House, Mr. Senseney said. He added that the White House experiment had revealed that the building had faulty air filters that made it extemely vulnerable to a biological attack,
Dye In Water System
Mr. Senseney confirmed under questioning by Senator Gary Hart, Democrat of Colorado, that the Fort Detrick labs had secretly placed a colored dye into the water system of a Washington building used by the Food and Drug Administration to test how fast the occupants could be killed or incapacitated by introducing a biological agent into the water system. Mr. Senseney said he had developed a special drill that allowed the dye to be punched into a water pipe without leakage or change in the water pressure.
Mr. Senseney said that his specialty at the Fort Detrick laboratories was making “hardware” devices to deliver poisons and biological agents.
He said he developed the “M‐1” dart gun system, an apparatus for firing poison darts. The electric dart gun shown by the C.I.A. at Tuesday’s hearing was one of the guns developed as a by‐product of this system, Mr. Senseney said.

He said that his unit, the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, had received assignments to crew e exotic weanonry. Most of the assignments came from the Army, mainly the Special Forces, he said, though he recalled one request from the C.I.A. to develop a hand‐held dart gun that could shoot a poison dart into a dog without leaving a trace.

Use in Asia Reported
Authoritative intelligence sources said that poison darts had been used operationally in Asia to “incapacitate” guard dogs at installations the C.I.A. wanted to enter surreptitiously. The poison did not kill the dogs, these sources said; instead, it put them out for several hours but left no trace so that examination would not reveal the dogs had been out of action.
Mr. Senseney said that the agency had asked for about 50 of these weapons and that he believed the agency had used them operationally. On several occasions, he said, he delivered the weapons to agency officials and they were returned six or seven weeks expended.
“We didn’t get any feedback [from the agency] so you didn’t know whether the device worked or not,” Mr. Senseney said.


New NATO surveillance drones bet on Italian safety ruling

By: Sebastian Sprenger   December 22, 2019

NATO’s first RQ-4D Alliance Ground Surveillance drone, a Global Hawk derivative, arrives at Sigonella Air Station in Sicily, Italy, in November 2019. (NATO)

COLOGNE, Germany — NATO members are relying on Italy’s safety certifications for the alliance’s new Alliance Ground Surveillance drone fleet, as questions remain about the aircraft’s ability to fly through Europe’s regulated airspace.

The status of the airworthiness-certification process is outlined in a recent government response to a parliamentary inquiry lodged by the far-left political party Die Linke. According to the document, Berlin is aware that the Italian government issued a so-called military-type certification in late October for the Northrop Grumman-made Global Hawk Block 40 drones, five of which will be stationed in Sigonella, Sicily, in 2020.


All, no seas egoista ocupanfo tantas páginas seguidas, por favor
En eso tienes razon. Se han muerto 5000 personas, mas las que quedan por morir. No se puede comparar con la Peste Negra. Mi intencion era solo hablar de la falta de reaccion general de los europeos, no solo contra sus gobiernos, sino de reaccion per se, de reflexion vital ante la que nos ha caido encima.

En todo caso esas 5000 muertes, que no son ni mucho menos todas de viejos, podrian haber sido evitadas. Esa es otra de las diferencias con el siglo XIV. No es solo la cantidad de muertos, sino el simple hecho de que esas muertes no habrian ocurrido con medidas preventivas que no se tomaron. En 1348 no podian hacerlo.

5000 muertes es poco, si. Pero imagina lo que supone la fin de uno solo de ellos para su familia, sus amigos, sus allegados.
Aunque suene crudo decirlo, el único daño grave es el económico y el miedo que se está transmitiendo adrede.
Las cifras no son escandalosas, si son reales y no nos están engañando.
La epidemia va rápida pero no es devastadora. Y habría que ver si cada fallecido ya tenía complicaciones serias antes de contraer el bichito.
Lo dolido va a ser la vuelta a la normalidad cuando todo esto acabe porque el daño ya está hecho y no es solo el de la salud.
Sí, si yo no he dicho que no tenga "solución" casera y sencilla. Ha sido otro el que me acusaba de tener intereses en que la gente compre o deje de comprar agua. Nada más lejos. Y sobre todo, no quiero causar paranoia en otros, y menos durante un confinamiento, como me ha apuntado un forero (insultando y amenazando, pero ese es otro tema). Por eso y por lo preocupados que os veo a algunos con esto, no seguiré comentando pero sí seguiré creyendo. Ojalá tengáis razón.

Y me refería a que no encontraba la noticia en Google que leí al principio no al foro.
pero sí seguiré creyendo
¿Creerás por qué motivo?

Te acabo de explicar porqué eso que dices de la grifería no es posible.
Las multas crel que ya estan paradas

Y todod los.procedimeinto administrativos

Vana ser 5 o 6 meses sin produccion
Espera que nos vuelve a dar daos que dió ayer él y la charo de transportes...