BUUUUNGA!! LA JewUE PREPARA UNA INVASION MASIVA DE jovenlandeses ..20 minolles en los proximos meses


2 Jun 2015
EU Warns Of "Waves Of Migration" Caused By Global Food Crisis
Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022 - 11:00 AM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
The European Union has warned of a new wave of migration caused by a global food crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

Aija Kalnaja, the newly appointed interim director, told reporters in Prague that the bloc was already prepared for refugees leaving Ukraine, but that the wider problem would likely be an influx of people from other areas of the world.
“We have to prepare also for refugees coming from other areas because of food security,” said Kalnaja.
“You probably know that grain transport from Ukraine is hampered and that will create waves of migration.”
Her warning amows the release of a 27-page internal EU report last month which highlighted the threat of “a catastrophic famine” facing North Africa.
A global hunger crisis might trigger “new waves of social protest, internal displacement and migration to neighboring regions and possibly towards the EU,” the report said.
A similar warning was sent by Italian League party leader Matteo Salvini, who back in May said that up to 20 million Africans could try to enter Europe if the disruption to grain supplies continues.
Salvini cautioned that, “Significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem.”
“Without peace there will be famine in the autumn and 20 million Africans will be ready to go,” he added.
British TV presenter and celebrity farmer Jeremy Clarkson was also only half-joking when he quipped that global food shortages caused by the war in Ukraine could eventually lead to cannibalism.
In addition to the food crisis, there is already a massive pull of people wanting to leave Africa, with Europe their favored destination.
A survey of 15 African countries last month revealed that more than half of young people want to leave the continent in the coming years.
As we document in the video below, the food crisis is being exacerbated by globalist technocrats enforcing green agenda cuts that will devastate the agriculture industry.
Farmers in the Netherlands, one of the world’s largest meat exporters, have staged massive protests over a plan to slash nitrogen emissions that would put many of them out of business forever.


17 Jun 2022
Ucrania luchará hasta el ultimo ucraniano... y despues que les vayan llevando a estos al frente...


16 Abr 2019
Es lo que hay, si no queréis currar ( entendible porque vuestras hermanas hijas y madres están ocupadas comiendo platanos)


6 Ene 2020
hay que derrotar a rusia y pilinguin como sea, son un peligro para la civilizacion, ya lo dijo george soros
y quien mete a los inmis? george soros

ese era uno de los pros de la inmigracion para las elites, y parece que ahora se esta volviendo lo principal, y ademas hay prisa


Pendiente de inoculación forzosa.
11 Abr 2013
En serio estáis poniendo enlace a esa grandísima hez de página magufa?


14 Jul 2021
EU Warns Of "Waves Of Migration" Caused By Global Food Crisis
Tyler Durden's Photo's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jul 13, 2022 - 11:00 AM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
The European Union has warned of a new wave of migration caused by a global food crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

Aija Kalnaja, the newly appointed interim director, told reporters in Prague that the bloc was already prepared for refugees leaving Ukraine, but that the wider problem would likely be an influx of people from other areas of the world.

Her warning amows the release of a 27-page internal EU report last month which highlighted the threat of “a catastrophic famine” facing North Africa.
A global hunger crisis might trigger “new waves of social protest, internal displacement and migration to neighboring regions and possibly towards the EU,” the report said.
A similar warning was sent by Italian League party leader Matteo Salvini, who back in May said that up to 20 million Africans could try to enter Europe if the disruption to grain supplies continues.
Salvini cautioned that, “Significant hunger is expected on the African continent, which will be a humanitarian, then a social, and finally an Italian problem.”

British TV presenter and celebrity farmer Jeremy Clarkson was also only half-joking when he quipped that global food shortages caused by the war in Ukraine could eventually lead to cannibalism.
In addition to the food crisis, there is already a massive pull of people wanting to leave Africa, with Europe their favored destination.
A survey of 15 African countries last month revealed that more than half of young people want to leave the continent in the coming years.
As we document in the video below, the food crisis is being exacerbated by globalist technocrats enforcing green agenda cuts that will devastate the agriculture industry.
Farmers in the Netherlands, one of the world’s largest meat exporters, have staged massive protests over a plan to slash nitrogen emissions that would put many of them out of business forever.

Si enlazamos este post con este otro, todo cobra más sentido.

Venga, ahora cuando tengamos personas de color hasta en la sopa, más que ahora (y ya es decir) decid eso de: yo no soy racista pero....

Eric Finch

Será en Octubre
30 Jun 2006
Concejalía de Festejos del Ayuntamiento de Sodoma
Nada más efectivo para detener la invasión de ninjas menas envarasadas refujeadas que filas de bayonetas clavándose en sus amplios pectorales o filas de fusiles disparando rítmicamente descarga tras descarga.

Vivimos en la era de los badulaques de cerebro líquido y pensamiento débil que desconocen lo que es la Historia y lo que es la Humanidad. Que me acusen de repruebo los gente de izquierdas y pardos de fruta esos. ¿Acaso sentía repruebo el poilu que se enfrentaba al boche, o sólo obedecía lo que le ordenaban sus superiores burgueses desde la retaguardia?

No es repruebo, badulaques: sólo es supervivencia. No son pagapensiones, badulaques: son invasores. No son trabajadores, badulaques: no les han prometido trabajo.