El informe que denuncia la burbuja

  • Autor del tema No Registrado
  • Fecha de inicio

No Registrado


1. The unprecedented rise in house prices has dangerous
implications for the economy.

2. The housing bubble has created more than $5 trillion in
bubble wealth, the equivalent of $70,000 per average family of

3. The increase in house prices is NOT BEING DRIVEN by
fundamental factors in the housing market, such as income
and population growth.

4. The housing bubble regions are large enough to have a
major impact on the national economy.

5. The collapse of the housing bubble will throw the
economy into a recession, and quite likely a severe recession.

6. The collapse of the housing bubble is likely to put major
strains on the financial system and require a federal bailout
of the mortgage market.

7. The sooner house prices drop, the less economic damage there will be.

8. The housing bubble could pop from higher interest rates,
but it could also deflate even if interest rates stay low.
Queda Poco (de Paris)

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¿deberia iniciarse un juicio al estilo del de Nuremberg tras este "genocidio inmobil

No Registrado dijo:

1. The unprecedented rise in house prices has dangerous
implications for the economy.

2. The housing bubble has created more than $5 trillion in
bubble wealth, the equivalent of $70,000 per average family of

3. The increase in house prices is NOT BEING DRIVEN by
fundamental factors in the housing market, such as income
and population growth.

4. The housing bubble regions are large enough to have a
major impact on the national economy.

5. The collapse of the housing bubble will throw the
economy into a recession, and quite likely a severe recession.

6. The collapse of the housing bubble is likely to put major
strains on the financial system and require a federal bailout
of the mortgage market.

7. The sooner house prices drop, the less economic damage there will be.

8. The housing bubble could pop from higher interest rates,
but it could also deflate even if interest rates stay low.
9. Si,definitivamente, y como todo parece indicarlo, estalla la burbuja inmobiliaria en España,¿no sería necesario plantear un juicio como el de Nuremberg frente a los promotores de este "genocidio inmobiliario"?