*Tema mítico* : Se está liando parda en Israel.

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Western sources report the firing of several Shahid_136 suicide drones and various types of missiles from Yemen towards Israel!

Some news sources also reported the firing of ballistic missiles from Yemen!
No os da la sensación de que estaban esperando a que USA posicionara sus juguetes en la zona?

Vaya Navidades de cosa se vienen en Europa. Y Enero...
Las navidades de cosa las íbamos a tener igual, y no por culpa de los israelíes o los rusos sino por méritos propios.
The Gaza resistance took advantage of the darkness of the night and reached the back of the Israeli army.
Palestine Online says that four Cornet missiles were fired from behind at Israeli tanks!
Senior Hezbollah member:

"With Israel's ground incursion into the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah will launch a military operation against Israel in which all its organizations will participate.

En verdad a Hezbollah le rezuma los narices Gaza, en la actualidad Hezbollah son simples sicarios de Iran.

E Iran parece que tiene una agenda oculta en todo eso.

Desde 2015 llevan jijijaja con EEUU y el Iran Deal.
The Zionists are also afraid to launch a massive attack, they have no choice... It's like a saw for them, they will suffer no matter what they do. Under the strong pressure of their domestic public opinion and the humiliation they have become at the global level, they want to restore their reputation! And with where? With the 360-kilometer strip of Gaza that has been targeted with 15,000 tons of bombs for 21 days... they are still afraid. It is said that the soldiers who are sent to the front line are under severe stress and mental pressure, and everyone knows that they will not return safely.

They are afraid of announcing the official arrival. If they say we entered and they fail, they will have no honor and if they don't enter, they will be called cowards and cowards. Despite the intense bombardment of the area from where they were supposed to enter Gaza, anti-armor rockets continue to be fired. For this reason, don't be too surprised if they say in half an hour that we haven't arrived by land.
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