Atención a noticias de fallecimientos de "VACUNABLES" (por edad) sin causa de fin. RECOPILACIÓN DE "MUERTOS SIN CAUSA" en edad "vacunable"

Mensaje de agosto. ¿Posible caso de "Hepatitis Pfizer"?. En septiembre surgieron noticias que vinculaban a la banderilla con efectos de hepatitis agudas.

Aun así, los beneficios superan a los riesgos....
Gracias, lo desconocía, pero me cuadra.
En el trabajo decían "no, no, no ha sido por el bichito ni nada relacionado"
Lo de que fuese un efecto secundario de la banderilla ni se lo planteaban.

True Defender





/Emergency Landing Required Due To The Sudden In-Flight Death Of A VACCINATED Delta-Pilot!

Emergency Landing Required Due To The Sudden In-Flight Death Of A VACCINATED Delta -Pilot!
Photo of Ava Garcia Ava Garcia1 day ago

¡Se requiere un aterrizaje de emergencia debido a la fin repentina en vuelo de un piloto delta medicado!

Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required

During an interview with Stew Peters, anti-vaccine specialist, and fighter, Dr. Jane Ruby provided the nation with some breaking information! c
Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here:
Multiple sources have confirmed that the company that has been in the center of the public news lately, Southwest Airlines, has covered up a MASSIVE scandal in the past two weeks when a vaccinated Delta Airlines pilot suddenly collapsed and DIED in the middle of a flight!
orroborated by multiple sources, that a fully vaccinated Delta Airlines pilot died in flight within the last two weeks, an emergency landing was forced, and the company is covering it up!
Here’s the breaking story and video from the latest “chatting” between Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby!

“It was a disastrous weekend for Southwest Airlines. Across Saturday and Sunday, they canceled more than 2,100 flights, about a quarter of their total. Now here’s where it gets interesting: It’s extremely obvious someone is lying about why. In a statement, Southwest blamed bad weather and air traffic control problems.
But the Federal Aviation Administration says, no, there haven’t been any air traffic control issues since last Friday. And if “Bad weather” was forcing cancellations, it was a peculiar kind of weather that only affected Southwest and its airplanes. Other airlines didn’t have mass cancellations. There was some rain and thunderstorms in Florida, but no hurricanes.
Nothing that required a mass shutdown.
No, somebody is lying here. And it could be from both Southwest and the FAA. There are reports that in Jacksonville, Florida, air traffic controllers walked off the job to protest against vaccine mandates. But that might not be all.
Southwest announced a vaccine mandate for all personnel last week, and there are reports that pilots are joining the resistance as well. But Southwest’s pilot’s union claims there is no such protest action underway.
They say that “poor planning” by Southwest management caused the cancellations. So maybe the union is lying or clueless as well.”​
Me he metido en su twitter pero su último mensaje es del 2015:
En su facebook lo único reciente fue actualizar su foto de perfil en abril: Jokin Larrañaga Mezquita

Pero seguro que tiene que ver por la noticia. Sería muy raro meter a todos por cobi19 porque significaría que estaría palmando mucho por ''el bichito''.

"Oficialmente" los efectos graves son los mismos que no haberte medicado...
¿no es maravilloso morirse por la banderilla cuando no te hubiera pasado nada con la enfermedad?

Efectos adversos de las banderillas: solo el 0,02% es grave, se dan más en mujeres jóvenes y Jannsen no registra todavía (

Muere Manuel Ojeda, vicepresidente de los farmacéuticos sevillanos
Martín LaínezSevilla Actualizado:14/10/2021 18:49h Guardar

El farmacéutico sevillano Manuel Ojeda Casares y vicepresidente del Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Sevilla ha fallecido esta pasada madrugada en la capital hispalense de forma repentina cuando apenas sobrepasaba los sesenta años de eda
Manuel Ojeda, vicepresidente de los farmacéuticos sevillanos

True Defender





/Emergency Landing Required Due To The Sudden In-Flight Death Of A VACCINATED Delta-Pilot!

Emergency Landing Required Due To The Sudden In-Flight Death Of A VACCINATED Delta -Pilot!
Photo of Ava Garcia Ava Garcia1 day ago

¡Se requiere un aterrizaje de emergencia debido a la fin repentina en vuelo de un piloto delta medicado!

Sources: VAXXED Delta Pilot DIES IN-FLIGHT, Emergency Landing Required

During an interview with Stew Peters, anti-vaccine specialist, and fighter, Dr. Jane Ruby provided the nation with some breaking information! c
Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here:
Multiple sources have confirmed that the company that has been in the center of the public news lately, Southwest Airlines, has covered up a MASSIVE scandal in the past two weeks when a vaccinated Delta Airlines pilot suddenly collapsed and DIED in the middle of a flight!
orroborated by multiple sources, that a fully vaccinated Delta Airlines pilot died in flight within the last two weeks, an emergency landing was forced, and the company is covering it up!
Here’s the breaking story and video from the latest “chatting” between Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby!

“It was a disastrous weekend for Southwest Airlines. Across Saturday and Sunday, they canceled more than 2,100 flights, about a quarter of their total. Now here’s where it gets interesting: It’s extremely obvious someone is lying about why. In a statement, Southwest blamed bad weather and air traffic control problems.
But the Federal Aviation Administration says, no, there haven’t been any air traffic control issues since last Friday. And if “Bad weather” was forcing cancellations, it was a peculiar kind of weather that only affected Southwest and its airplanes. Other airlines didn’t have mass cancellations. There was some rain and thunderstorms in Florida, but no hurricanes.
Nothing that required a mass shutdown.
No, somebody is lying here. And it could be from both Southwest and the FAA. There are reports that in Jacksonville, Florida, air traffic controllers walked off the job to protest against vaccine mandates. But that might not be all.
Southwest announced a vaccine mandate for all personnel last week, and there are reports that pilots are joining the resistance as well. But Southwest’s pilot’s union claims there is no such protest action underway.
They say that “poor planning” by Southwest management caused the cancellations. So maybe the union is lying or clueless as well.”​
Otro locutor de radio, fallecido de manera repentina.

Nuestro compañero de Canal Sur Radio Alberto Pettengui, más conocido como Hugo de Veró, ha fallecido este jueves de manera repentina. Hugo de Veró era uno de los colaboradores históricos de la radio, que trabajó desde el principio ante los micrófonos de Canal Sur Radio.

Muere Hugo de Veró, una de la voces históricas de Canal Sur Radio

El colaborador radiofónico de Canal Sur Alberto Petengui ha muerto este jueves 14 de octubre mientras preparaba su intervención en el programa «La noche con Cremades». Petengui es conocido por uno de sus personajes a los que alumbró, Hugo de Veró.
El colaborador falleció por la tarde tras sufrir un infarto en la redacción de la radio apenas unas horas antes de una nueva intervención en directo, dejando a sus compañeros sumidos en una profunda tristeza. Hugo de Veró era uno de los colaboradores históricos de la radio andaluza.
En Cáceres ha fallecido uno de sus arquitectos más conocidos, autor de obras emblemáticas en la ciudad, a la edad de 73 años, no dan datos de enfermedad o causa.

Muere el arquitecto cacereño Justo García Rubio

Casualmente, otro de los arquitectos más relevantes en la reciente historia de la ciudad de Cáceres, fallecía hace poco más de un mes, a la edad de 83 años.

Última edición:
Otro arquitecto emblemático, especialmente conocido en Barcelona, aunque con actividad internacional. A la edad de 66 años, fallecido de manera súbita.

Luis Alonso, el arquitecto emprendedor

Muere Juan Antonio García León, ídolo del Algeciras y la Balona

La dura enfermedad que se ha llevado a este deportista de 49 años ha sido una pancreatitis aguda que lo mantenía hospitalizado desde hacía semanas.

En teoría la pancreatitis no debería ser un efecto secundario de las banderillas el bichito, aunque hay artículos de investigación de médicos en los que se plantea la posibilidad de que puede darse excepcionalmente

This case of acute pancreatitis was temporally associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech el bichito-19 mRNA vaccine suggesting a causal link. The characteristics of pancreatitis cases associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech el bichito-19 mRNA vaccine should be examined to see if a consistent pattern is present.