NVTRICIÓN, fallo en la MÁTRIX: ISRAEL no paga, Pfizer contra ISRAEL

Sky King

Ex Cathedra
30 Ene 2020
Pfizer ha parado los envíos de banderillas a Israel porque no han recibido el pago a tiempo y han llamado a Israel "República bananera".


https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/b...-failed-to-pay-for-el bichito-vaccines-664140

"Pfizer has halted shipments of cobi19 vaccines to Israel in outrage over the country failing to transfer payment for the last 2.5 million doses it supplied to the country, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
Senior officials at Pfizer have said they are concerned that the government-in-transition will not pay up and the company does not want to be taken advantage of. They said that they do not understand how such a situation can occur in an organized country"
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Pfizer ha parado los envíos de banderillas a Israel porque no han recibido el pago a tiempo y han llamado a Israel "República bananera".


https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/b...-failed-to-pay-for-el bichito-vaccines-664140

"Pfizer has halted shipments of cobi19 vaccines to Israel in outrage over the country failing to transfer payment for the last 2.5 million doses it supplied to the country, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
Senior officials at Pfizer have said they are concerned that the government-in-transition will not pay up and the company does not want to be taken advantage of. They said that they do not understand how such a situation can occur in an organized country"
Los dueños de pfizer estafados por sus propios paisanos.