Oro en la superficie de Marte (Captado por el rover Curiosity)


Palazos en las Costillas
19 Ago 2017
Ojala el Eloncito le eche narices y planifique de una vez la primera colonia marciana, le salga todo de querida madre, y pise a fondo el piston del desarrollo

Va a ser la ostra. El que hayan 2 planetas habitados supondra un brutal seguro de vida ante posibles cataclismos en la tierra. Y segundo, sera la ostra vivir alli, aventura de verdad, pioneros de verdad, tener la oportunidad de planificar un mundo desde pilinguiSIMO CERO y hacer las cosas bien, planificadas al milimetro, todo con una tecnologia brutal y una optimizacion de recursos total

Ojala se empiece ya

Red Star

19 Ene 2020
NASA wants to make oxygen on Mars and gold is a key part of it

NASA wants to make oxygen on Mars and GOLD is a key part of it

Anna Golubova

Anna Golubova Friday April 17, 2020 10:14

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(Kitco News) NASA is planning to make science fiction a reality this year as it attempts to make its own version of The Martian’s oxygenator that could make oxygen on Mars using a golden box called MOXIE (Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment).
The experiment is part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, which includes sending a state of the art Perseverance rover to Mars’ Jerero crater. The launch day is July 17 and the scheduled arrival is set for February 18, 2021. The rover is being manufactured by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The goal of the Perseverance rover is to probe the Martian rocks for evidence of past life. “Throughout its investigation, it will collect samples of soil and rock, and cache them on the surface for potential return to Earth by a future mission,” NASA wrote.
Another part of the experiment will be turning CO2 into oxygen by using a golden box, which the rover is equipped with.
The Martian atmosphere is about 95% carbon dioxide, 2% percent nitrogen and 2% argon. The experiment will attempt to see if it can liberate the oxygen from the atmosphere’s CO2.
If successful, it will pave the way for future human exploration of Mars.
“When we send humans to Mars, we will want them to return safely, and to do that they need a rocket to lift off the planet. Liquid oxygen propellant is something we could make there and not have to bring with us. One idea would be to bring an empty oxygen tank and fill it up on Mars,” said MOXIE's principle investigator Michael Hecht.
Moxie uses solid oxide electrolysis, which is like a fuel cell in reverse. The idea is to take low pressure Martian gas from atmosphere and compresses it closer to Earth’s atmosphere pressure.
“This is a solid oxide electrolysis unit, what happens is we have Mars atmosphere enter in this line, goes into the unit, it’s then heated up to 800C,” MOXIE engineer Jim Lewis said last year. “We inject energy into the cathode and anode, then what happens is oxygen is separated from the CO2 and comes down this line over here.
And gold is a key part of it because of its unique properties.
“[The box is made from gold] because we were concerned that Moxie itself would run hotter than anything else around it and we wanted to make sure we didn’t impact any of the nearby electronics boxes inside the rover. Gold has very low emissivity, which means it doesn’t radiate heat effectively,” Asad Aboobaker, instrument systems engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Seeker in March.
MOXIE will be able to make six grams of oxygen per hour, which is just enough to keep a small dog alive, Aboobaker said. “No one has ever done anything like this,” he noted.
The oxygen system will attempt to sample different conditions on Mars — days versus night, dust storm versus clear weather, and summer versus winter. But it will likely only run once every two months in order to save the rover’s energy for other science experiments.
In order be used in future human Mars explorations, MOXIE will have to be scaled up by a factor of 200, according to NASA.
Last year, a team from the California Institute of Technology found that molecular oxygen can be produced out of carbon dioxide reactions. The research team has successfully simulated this experiment by crashing carbon dioxide into gold foil.
The idea of getting certain key elements from space has been reaching a broader audience this year, including the mining industry. During PDAC — the world’s biggest mining convention — in Toronto, Canada this March, space mining was a hot topic of discussion with key guests, including officials from Canadian government talking about the potential of space mining.
The Kitco News team took advantage of this opportunity to talk to some PDAC attendees to see what they thought about space mining and whether we could see it in our lifetime.


al loro

30 May 2012
En el boom de oro de California, se vendían picos, ahora se venderan naves espaciales Tesla..

al loro

30 May 2012
Con tecnología futura ese oro será rentable llevarlo a la Tierra por eso todos quieren ser el primer país es poner un hombre en Marte porque eso da derecho a reclamar el "martitorio"
Va a ser un martirio cuando vayas a catastro.

Red Star

19 Ene 2020
Ya queda menos para que podamos ir a coger todo ese HORO. Sólo hará falta agacharse y recoger las pepitas. Le darás una patá a una piedra y encontrarás HORO a tutiplén. Saldrá HORO de debajo de las piedras. Marte ya no será nunca más en nuestro pensamiento el planeta rojo, sino el planeta DORADO.



24 Jun 2010
Con tecnología futura ese oro será rentable llevarlo a la Tierra por eso todos quieren ser el primer país es poner un hombre en Marte porque eso da derecho a reclamar el "martitorio"
Y lo dice el viajero del espacio que ya conoce la tecnología futura. Eso no lo verán ni tus tataranietos si es que los tienes....


20 Oct 2009
con esto le pueden ir dando por trastero al bitcoin


Forero Paco Demier
26 May 2019
Llegar a Marte en el modo que lo ha hecho esa sonda ha supuesto un triunfo para la ciencia. La intención es comprobar si en Marte se desarrolló la vida del mismo o similar modo que lo hizo en la Tierra cuando las condiciones en nuestro planeta fueron similares. Esto contestaría a muchas de las grandes preguntas que nos hacemos como humanos.
La panda de badulaques que puebla este foro son en realidad una muestra del humano medio en cuanto a su reacción al ver el oro. Parecéis etnianos en vuestras chabolas disfrazados con cadenas de oro mientras no sabéis ni leer.
También patinan los que creen que la solución a nuestros problemas es "terraformar" planetas. No hay solución para nuestra especie fuera de la Tierra. Hablando de oxígeno en Marte mientras derrochamos los recursos de la Tierra en insensateces como el Bitcoin.
Si se hallan rastros de vida en Marte vamos a vivir una revolución. ¿De qué tipo y a dónde nos va a llevar? No lo sé. La verdad es un cuchillo afilado en las manos de un niño.