
Será en Octubre
2 May 2012
Voy a recopilar algunas predicciones del florero belga-rumano del floro de www.godlikeproductions.com, floro que tanto yo como @2plx2 hemos mencionado varias veces aquí. Lo hago debido al eco de su última predicción.

22 de Febrero (SHTF - Shit hits the fan - básicamente que se va todo a la cosa)

The pandemic is out of control. It always was. Probably the reason why WHO downplayed it, and all governments not doing anything to stop it...because IT CANNOT BE STOPPED.

We are approaching the end of the month, when hundreds of thousands of people will start presenting SERIOUS symptoms, and hospitals will be assaulted by patients.

It's game over. Next week will be the last "normal" week on Earth.

Things will speed up this week, A LOT. Panic will start next week, in many places.

SHTF by March 5-6.

I am closely watching Italy.

Expecting similar pattern with South Korea, possibly higher number of confirmed cases for Italy, considering that current cases in Italy are more spread then South Korea.

Italy had 19 total cases yesterday. I expect 50 new ones today (similar with South Korea second day, 49 cases), for a total of 70 cases in total at the end of Saturday, February 22nd, in Italy.

At this very moment, Italy have 42 total cases.

If Italy will have 68-70 total cases today (or more), I expect 100+ new cases tomorrow, and 200+ on Monday, amowing the South Korea pattern.

Eyes on Italy.


I don't know WHEN it will happen, but it is going to be soon.

What I do not know, and it might accelerate the SHTF, is PANIC.
I expect panic all over the world, but it highly depends on WHERE it will happen.

For example, an uncontrolled panic in Milan, Italy, amowing a lock-down will absolutely be more impactful then a panic in Qom, Iran.

Europeans and Americans won't blink an eye, if there is a panic buying in Qom....but if it's Milan, a major European city, they will give a fuck.

A panic buying in Milan can trigger a panic buying in MANY European cities.

3 de Marzo

The current model points to an overload of the healthcare systems in Europe and the U.S. to start around mid-March, with Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan to start feeling the pressure at the end of February.

The former model was pointing that the healthcare systems would start feeling the pressure around mid-February for Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, with Europe and U.S. by early March.

The former model was off by about 2 weeks.

The new model will have its critical period between March 2nd-March 8th.

This is what I believe to take place by the end of the current week (March 2nd-March 8th), posted last week :

1.More Italian towns will be locked-down, with a high probability that one will be a major city.
2.France and Germany will have their first lock-downs.
3.Epidemic will spike in numbers in Scandinavian countries.
4.Bigger and bigger loses on the stock markets, with high chances for a collapse next week.
5.Panic buying across Europe, in multiple cities and countries.
6.One or more countries in Europe will close some borders.
7.Multiple hospitals in Europe will be over-crowded.
8.The U.K. will report a significant number of cases.
9.Spain is going to see first lock-downs.

Y esta el 12 de Mayo

What will happen after reopening.

I see many people arguing that it's been a week (or two, in some parts of the world) since things started to relax, and doesn't seem to be an explosion in cases.

To understand when we (we, the general population) will see that explosion in cases, please go back to my model on page 1 of the thread.

On my model, which was made to reflect how to bichito is spreading without any measures in place, due to exponential nature of the bichito, the effects were visible, across the world, after March 8th.

This was because 5 days earlier, on March 3rd, the number of infected people was 4 times smaller, hence, 4 times less visible.

However, many countries were in lock-down in early March, and most in mid-March, air travel (both international and national) dropped to less then 20%, tourism was basically zero after mid-March, so the infection rate plummeted.

That being said, the number of cases and deaths kept climbing, despite the lock-downs, because those were the results of previous infections, before lock-downs.

The effects of lock-downs were felt 3-4 weeks AFTER the lock-downs, when the infections and deaths started to plateau and decrease.

The same thing will happen with reopening.

The residual effects of lock-downs (low infection rate), paired with a gradual relaxing of measures AND with people being weary (many will wear masks for a while and avoid social contact) will be present for about 3-4 weeks.

We won't see any significant rise in cases aprox. 3-4 weeks after lock-downs are eased...actually, in many countries, were reopening is limited to parks, small stores, veg. markets, hair saloons and such, with mandatory masks indoors, the residual effects of lock-downs could last up to 6 weeks, especially if a significant number of people will abide by mandatory mask wearing and keep social distancing.

The second wave is going to be seen, by general population, between 4 to 6 weeks after reopening, quicker by those living in countries that will reopen factories, schools, bars, restaurants, etc., and later by those living in countries that will limit the reopening to smaller places.

The authorities will detect the second wave 2-3 weeks after reopening. But that doesn't miccionan that they will actually do anything about it.

I believe that the governments will choose, again, the wrong option, like they did since this started. Every worst measure that could have been possibly chose was chosen.

The governments did not took this bichito seriously, they did not started the lock-downs when it was supposed to (by early February, the entire world SHOULD have been on lock-downs, as I said since I started this thread), they didn't made masks mandatory (many countries don't even have masks mandatory even now), they did not grounded the ENTIRE air travel at the end of January, they did not stopped all travel with China in early January...basically, the governments reacted extremely late and their measures were poorly implemented.

The SAME thing will happen with reopening. They will choose the WRONG option : even if they will KNOW (before we will) that the second wave is upon us, a mere 2-3 weeks after reopening, they will choose to go forward, and not to lock-down when NEEDED.

Why will they do that?

Simply because it BUYS THEM TIME. The same as lock-downs bought them time with the health side of the problem, the gradual reopening will buy them time with the economic side of the problem.

But, not more then 6 weeks after reopening. In 6 weeks, the lock-downs will be back, in many countries. In others, they will revert to an earlier phase, pushing the second round of lock-downs couple more weeks.

They will rush with reopening...many already do, opening back big factories, malls, bars and schools. This is because they don't want to be "late" compared to others. It is all about money : "we will open when others will, so we won't lose the race".

The effect will be that most people will see this as "it's over, we're back to normal", instead of what ACTUALLY IS : an EXPERIMENT to see how the bichito hits when places were many people are congregating for long time.

And this will lead to a MASSIVE drop in human awareness : very soon, the number of those wearing masks will be close to zero, social distancing will be dropped, and the masses of lemmings will sing kumbaya, speeding toward the cliff.

Depending on the country, the size of reopening, the human behavior and residual effects of the lock-downs, the second wave will hit 3 to 4 weeks later (the governments will know earlier then that), and will be felt by the general population no later then 6 weeks.

Mark your calendars, because it will help you know when the preparation time is over, really over.

4 to 6 weeks after reopening, the lock-downs will be back. And when this happen, everyone will know it : we're fucked.

And everyone will assault the stores to make food reserves. Sadly, not even then, most will don't get it : the worst won't happen until fall/winter. And they won't prepare for such a long time.

You, on the other hand, will. Because you, like me, are understand what is happening, and were things are going.

Don't panic. October 2020 to April 2021 is going to be the worst time in recorded human history, but things will start to go bad the moment the second round of lock-downs is announced. People will go nuts.

Just prepare, as much as you can, to be SELF RELIABLE for as long as possible.

My worst-case scenario was postponed by the lock-downs and central banks throwing piles of cash in the economy. But that is over now. Everyone is rushing to open back up...because there are no money left to throw at the economy. Half the population is not working. Food prices are rising.

CHINESE bichito infection rate OUTSIDE China; UPDATE Page 266 - Page 200
He leído esta mañana las predicciones que pusiste anoche y la verdad es que no pinta nada bien, no se la veracidad del tema de esos foreros pero si no han fallado en antiguas predicciones más vale que nos vayamos agarrando los machos pq es un Madmax sin precedentes.

Caronte el barquero

Será en Octubre
27 Mar 2009
¡Pero en el Alentejo no hay casos!

Eso sí, ayer 14 muertos, ya un 50% de los muertos diarios en el pico de primaverA en Portugal.

Hoy 16 muertos.

16:10 cobi19 PORTUGAL | El Ministerio de Salud portugués ha notificado este martes 16 fallecidos por cobi19 en un único día, un dato que no se registraba desde el 20 de mayo. En concreto, Portugal ha registrado hasta la fecha 2.110 víctimas mortales y 89.121 casos de el bichito-19, 1.208 más que el lunes.



Será en Octubre
2 May 2012

- Se acabó la Uni presencial desde el jueves, casi totalmente.


Esta tarde se amplia info.

Telodijeeeeee!!! un mes ha durado......los siguientes los colegios.
En el colegio de mis sobrinas pasaron el primer recibo el día 23 de septiembre, pues bien, el día 8 de Octubre han vuelto a pasar el segundo cuando corresponde a finales de mes de octubre... creo que va quedando clara la dinámica de que no hay un puñetero duro y hay que pagar sueldos,etc.... por otra parte lo pasan tan pronto ante un posible Lockdown.


Hala Madrid
24 Abr 2009
85 Albert Embankment
Hoy 16 muertos.

16:10 cobi19 PORTUGAL | El Ministerio de Salud portugués ha notificado este martes 16 fallecidos por cobi19 en un único día, un dato que no se registraba desde el 20 de mayo. En concreto, Portugal ha registrado hasta la fecha 2.110 víctimas mortales y 89.121 casos de el bichito-19, 1.208 más que el lunes.

Extraño para un país que tiene JER IMUNITI de la buena y en el que usan "viseiras" para un bichito que se transmite en aerosol.

Luo Ji

26 Sep 2020
Tengo una hipótesis: la solución a la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo no vendrá a través de ninguna banderilla, ni medidas generales tipo mascarilla o confinamientos. La salida la tienen los tests rápidos.

Imaginad un test rápido, autoadministrable, que valga céntimos, y fiabilidad del 90% o más. Imaginad que el Estado los reparte gratuitamente para toda la población y pide que todo el mundo se lo pase 1 vez al día. En caso de positivo, validación por una unidad médica y confinamiento, con incentivo económico. Sería un confinamiento selectivo. En 2 meses, todos limpios. Y la economía a salvo.
Es que esto que dices es exactamente lo que pretende conseguir el grupo de investigadores de Can Ruti, con la idea de tenerlo para el gran público hacia Navidades y, sí o sí, para la celebración del próximo Primavera Sound (que son unos de los financiadores del tema). La fiabilidad según sus últimos tests es del 98%. Una pega, de momento, es que creo que no será tan barato, pero ya veremos.

El punto débil para que funcione del todo lo veo precisamente en la responsabilidad. Mucha gente puede hacérselo, dar positivo, encontrarse de querida progenitora y sudar de todo. Tú idea de incentivar de alguna manera está bien, pero no se si los políticos van a estar por la labor.


4 Oct 2020
Viejo San Juan, PR
Las personas que equiparáis la situación de gente en libertad con los de las granjas esclavistas, no, no, que denigráis a los gobiernos que respetan la libertad de los ciudadanos para guiar sus vidas, me parecéis unos cosas malnacidos y desearía no vivir con vosotros.


11 Dic 2008
Veteranía d efectos visuales-Refranero d políticos
Suecia ha tenido suerte por ser el apestado del el bichito. Ni su querida progenitora ha viajado a Suecia, ya de por sí alejada de los grandes hubs.

Una media muy buena que ha hecho Suecia y ha mantenido desde el principio de la epidemia es la prohibición de reuniones y actos públicos de más de 50 personas. Esa ha sido la clave, evitar eventos de superpropagación.

8 Oct 2020
Voy a recopilar algunas predicciones del florero belga-rumano del floro de www.godlikeproductions.com, floro que tanto yo como @2plx2 hemos mencionado varias veces aquí. Lo hago debido al eco de su última predicción.

22 de Febrero (SHTF - Shit hits the fan - básicamente que se va todo a la cosa)

The pandemic is out of control. It always was. Probably the reason why WHO downplayed it, and all governments not doing anything to stop it...because IT CANNOT BE STOPPED.

We are approaching the end of the month, when hundreds of thousands of people will start presenting SERIOUS symptoms, and hospitals will be assaulted by patients.

It's game over. Next week will be the last "normal" week on Earth.

Things will speed up this week, A LOT. Panic will start next week, in many places.

SHTF by March 5-6.

I am closely watching Italy.

Expecting similar pattern with South Korea, possibly higher number of confirmed cases for Italy, considering that current cases in Italy are more spread then South Korea.

Italy had 19 total cases yesterday. I expect 50 new ones today (similar with South Korea second day, 49 cases), for a total of 70 cases in total at the end of Saturday, February 22nd, in Italy.

At this very moment, Italy have 42 total cases.

If Italy will have 68-70 total cases today (or more), I expect 100+ new cases tomorrow, and 200+ on Monday, amowing the South Korea pattern.

Eyes on Italy.


I don't know WHEN it will happen, but it is going to be soon.

What I do not know, and it might accelerate the SHTF, is PANIC.
I expect panic all over the world, but it highly depends on WHERE it will happen.

For example, an uncontrolled panic in Milan, Italy, amowing a lock-down will absolutely be more impactful then a panic in Qom, Iran.

Europeans and Americans won't blink an eye, if there is a panic buying in Qom....but if it's Milan, a major European city, they will give a fuck.

A panic buying in Milan can trigger a panic buying in MANY European cities.

3 de Marzo

The current model points to an overload of the healthcare systems in Europe and the U.S. to start around mid-March, with Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan to start feeling the pressure at the end of February.

The former model was pointing that the healthcare systems would start feeling the pressure around mid-February for Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, with Europe and U.S. by early March.

The former model was off by about 2 weeks.

The new model will have its critical period between March 2nd-March 8th.

This is what I believe to take place by the end of the current week (March 2nd-March 8th), posted last week :

1.More Italian towns will be locked-down, with a high probability that one will be a major city.
2.France and Germany will have their first lock-downs.
3.Epidemic will spike in numbers in Scandinavian countries.
4.Bigger and bigger loses on the stock markets, with high chances for a collapse next week.
5.Panic buying across Europe, in multiple cities and countries.
6.One or more countries in Europe will close some borders.
7.Multiple hospitals in Europe will be over-crowded.
8.The U.K. will report a significant number of cases.
9.Spain is going to see first lock-downs.

Y esta el 12 de Mayo

What will happen after reopening.

I see many people arguing that it's been a week (or two, in some parts of the world) since things started to relax, and doesn't seem to be an explosion in cases.

To understand when we (we, the general population) will see that explosion in cases, please go back to my model on page 1 of the thread.

On my model, which was made to reflect how to bichito is spreading without any measures in place, due to exponential nature of the bichito, the effects were visible, across the world, after March 8th.

This was because 5 days earlier, on March 3rd, the number of infected people was 4 times smaller, hence, 4 times less visible.

However, many countries were in lock-down in early March, and most in mid-March, air travel (both international and national) dropped to less then 20%, tourism was basically zero after mid-March, so the infection rate plummeted.

That being said, the number of cases and deaths kept climbing, despite the lock-downs, because those were the results of previous infections, before lock-downs.

The effects of lock-downs were felt 3-4 weeks AFTER the lock-downs, when the infections and deaths started to plateau and decrease.

The same thing will happen with reopening.

The residual effects of lock-downs (low infection rate), paired with a gradual relaxing of measures AND with people being weary (many will wear masks for a while and avoid social contact) will be present for about 3-4 weeks.

We won't see any significant rise in cases aprox. 3-4 weeks after lock-downs are eased...actually, in many countries, were reopening is limited to parks, small stores, veg. markets, hair saloons and such, with mandatory masks indoors, the residual effects of lock-downs could last up to 6 weeks, especially if a significant number of people will abide by mandatory mask wearing and keep social distancing.

The second wave is going to be seen, by general population, between 4 to 6 weeks after reopening, quicker by those living in countries that will reopen factories, schools, bars, restaurants, etc., and later by those living in countries that will limit the reopening to smaller places.

The authorities will detect the second wave 2-3 weeks after reopening. But that doesn't miccionan that they will actually do anything about it.

I believe that the governments will choose, again, the wrong option, like they did since this started. Every worst measure that could have been possibly chose was chosen.

The governments did not took this bichito seriously, they did not started the lock-downs when it was supposed to (by early February, the entire world SHOULD have been on lock-downs, as I said since I started this thread), they didn't made masks mandatory (many countries don't even have masks mandatory even now), they did not grounded the ENTIRE air travel at the end of January, they did not stopped all travel with China in early January...basically, the governments reacted extremely late and their measures were poorly implemented.

The SAME thing will happen with reopening. They will choose the WRONG option : even if they will KNOW (before we will) that the second wave is upon us, a mere 2-3 weeks after reopening, they will choose to go forward, and not to lock-down when NEEDED.

Why will they do that?

Simply because it BUYS THEM TIME. The same as lock-downs bought them time with the health side of the problem, the gradual reopening will buy them time with the economic side of the problem.

But, not more then 6 weeks after reopening. In 6 weeks, the lock-downs will be back, in many countries. In others, they will revert to an earlier phase, pushing the second round of lock-downs couple more weeks.

They will rush with reopening...many already do, opening back big factories, malls, bars and schools. This is because they don't want to be "late" compared to others. It is all about money : "we will open when others will, so we won't lose the race".

The effect will be that most people will see this as "it's over, we're back to normal", instead of what ACTUALLY IS : an EXPERIMENT to see how the bichito hits when places were many people are congregating for long time.

And this will lead to a MASSIVE drop in human awareness : very soon, the number of those wearing masks will be close to zero, social distancing will be dropped, and the masses of lemmings will sing kumbaya, speeding toward the cliff.

Depending on the country, the size of reopening, the human behavior and residual effects of the lock-downs, the second wave will hit 3 to 4 weeks later (the governments will know earlier then that), and will be felt by the general population no later then 6 weeks.

Mark your calendars, because it will help you know when the preparation time is over, really over.

4 to 6 weeks after reopening, the lock-downs will be back. And when this happen, everyone will know it : we're fucked.

And everyone will assault the stores to make food reserves. Sadly, not even then, most will don't get it : the worst won't happen until fall/winter. And they won't prepare for such a long time.

You, on the other hand, will. Because you, like me, are understand what is happening, and were things are going.

Don't panic. October 2020 to April 2021 is going to be the worst time in recorded human history, but things will start to go bad the moment the second round of lock-downs is announced. People will go nuts.

Just prepare, as much as you can, to be SELF RELIABLE for as long as possible.

My worst-case scenario was postponed by the lock-downs and central banks throwing piles of cash in the economy. But that is over now. Everyone is rushing to open back up...because there are no money left to throw at the economy. Half the population is not working. Food prices are rising.

CHINESE bichito infection rate OUTSIDE China; UPDATE Page 266 - Page 200
jorobar, que cenizo, Martes y Trece, ni te cases, ni te metas en Burbujo..yuyu...yuyu..que miedo das..


26 Nov 2014
Una media muy buena que ha hecho Suecia y ha mantenido desde el principio de la epidemia es la prohibición de reuniones y actos públicos de más de 50 personas. Esa ha sido la clave, evitar eventos de superpropagación.

Esto es muy importante, sí. Parece que casi todos los brotes comienzan de este modo. Aquí nos cuentan la tontería de que se contagia "en familia ", pero previamente un miembro de la familia ha sido contagiado y probablemente seria en algún evento de este tipo.