*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

El bichito es bueno, tenemos que infectarnos todos. Lo dicen los suecos y los simples:

Jersey Village mother of 2 dies from cobi19
cobi19 TEXAS
Jersey Village mother of 2 dies from cobi19

By Marla Carter
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


ABC13 Houston

Sandy Ladewig was only 54 and had recently contracted the bichito. She died Friday, and her loved ones couldn't even be with her.

Boys lose both parents within 2 weeks of each other

Boys lose both parents within 2 weeks of each other

By Jessica Willey
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 11:10AM

"I didn't get to say goodbye to my mom or my dad." In the video above, a teen and his family tell the heartbreaking story of he and his brother losing their parents and what will happen to the siblings next.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- When 14-year-old Isaiah Garcia stood over his mother's body at her funeral earlier this month, he thought it was the hardest thing he would do.

Two weeks later, his father died, too.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to my mom or my dad now, and that's what hurt me the most right now," Garcia told ABC13.

His mother, 39-year-old Naomi Esquivel, died on July 2 from el bichito-19, according to her mother Rita Marquez-Mendoza.

Carlos Garcia, 44, Naomi's husband of 24 years, attended her funeral with their two sons, Isaiah and 11-year-old Nathan.

Garcia was recovering from the bichito when he was hospitalized for kidney failure. On July 17, he was found unresponsive and died from oxygen deprivation, according to Marquez-Mendoza. Like Naomi, who was hospitalized only a day, the end went fast.

"He had just spoken to his son at 11 o'clock. They pronounced him dead at 12:24," said Jacob Mendoza, the boy's uncle, a father of four, who will now raise the boys. "I love them with all my heart and I know this is what their parents would've wanted was for me take them in."

"At least, since he [my father] passed, we get to be with our family," said Isaiah. "We don't have to go to an orphanage or anything. I'd rather be here than anywhere else right now."

Both parents, who had underlying health conditions, were alone when they died. It is the reality of el bichito-19 that weighs on Naomi's mother.

"Dying now is more tragic than it was before because you die alone. You die alone without your family members," said Marquez-Mendoza.

The family has set up a GoFundMe to help with the boys' living expenses, as they try to cope with their own unimaginable loss.

"We hadn't even begun to grieve my daughter and now we have to bury Carlos and the grandchildren are left without a mom and a dad," said Marquez-Mendoza. "This disease is just horrible."

Garcia's funeral is next Wednesday at The Promise Church of Houston.
Mientras a nosotros nos piden responsabilidad y que salgamos lo mínimo, de cara a la galería internacional siguen mintiendo a lo grande:

Spain insists country is 'safe' for tourists after UK quarantine ruling

Spain said on Saturday it was a safe country with localized, isolated and controlled outbreaks of the cobi19.

Estos bastardos son capaces de regalar Menorca a los ingleses con tal de que sigan llegando aviones repletos de turistas.
Daily Mail cifra en 600.000 los turistas británicos afectados por la nueva cuarentena al volver de sus vacaciones en España: "pánico", "rabia", "caos", "confusión". loser:

Ver archivo adjunto 384801
Si lo dice el Daily Mail seguro que es verdad. ¡progenitora mía, 600k turistas británicos nada más y nada menos que hay ahora en España! meparto: meparto: meparto: jorobar, es que no se cortan nada.
Murcia anuncia otros 53 casos hoy. Sube el total de casos activos a 415. Nos vamos a mayo o abril, según.

- Brote Totana: 105
- Brote Atalayas: 75
- Pateras: 14

Por alguna razón, el Gobierno regional ha dejado de informar de la cantidad de casos del brote boliviano original. loser:

Mientras a nosotros nos piden responsabilidad y que salgamos lo mínimo, de cara a la galería internacional siguen mintiendo a lo grande:

Spain insists country is 'safe' for tourists after UK quarantine ruling

Spain said on Saturday it was a safe country with localized, isolated and controlled outbreaks of the cobi19.

Estos bastardos son capaces de regalar Menorca a los ingleses con tal de que sigan llegando aviones repletos de turistas.

Nuestras vidas valen menos que una jarra de sangría. No nos lo pueden decir más claro.

banderillas, banderillas y más banderillas. Es el tema dominante y sostenido desde el comienzo de la esa época en el 2020 de la que yo le hablo. Que si las bondades de la de Oxford, Moderna la americana, la china, alemana…parece una puesta en escena orquestada y destinada a la aceptación de una banderilla como la única solución

Una enfermedad, en general, se trata mejor buscando la causa que tratando los síntomas aunque el modelo de negocio actual priorice esto último.

La OMS declaró que “el cobi19 sólo sería derrotado si se conoce la fuente del brote y su reservorio natural” (según declaraciones de su director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, realizadas el 6 de febrero).

Sin embargo, paradójicamente, nada se habla, transciende o se sabe sobre los trabajos o esfuerzos para localizar la fuente y los reservorios originales del “corona”, estén en China o donde sea. Solo banderillas, banderillas y más banderillas, aunque ni siquiera exista una a día de hoy.

“Algo huele a podrido en Dinamarca”.

Buenas noches.

A este hdlgp si le tendría que dar bien el cobi19

Aún nos va a salvar este orate, como se líe subida de peso van a estar los rusos y los yankis vediendo armas como si no hubiera fin, y estos zumbados las va a utilizar todas y van a dejar sus países y la zona hecha una cosa porque se va a liar todo cristo. Aún está Arabia Saudí haciendo el fulastre en el Yemen?