*Tema mítico* : ⚡⚡(HILO OFICIAL) : CRISIS DEL cobi19 ☣SARS-CoV2☣

A bit dated but its a doctor discussing how the mutations would have to happen to go from bat sars to wuhan. And it doesn't look like its natural.

In brief:

What's the probablity that his would happend in nature?

The 2000-4000 sequence. Most SARS has a good chuck of this section.
You have to have a bichito that mutates. Usually single nucleotides. 1 or 2 added or flips.
Around the S section of the genome there seems to be an unusual large evolution.
Now you can have alot of single nucleotide changes. A few additions, some deletions,
some flips, but not big chunks. You don't see big chucks completely changing.
Its like laying out a long row of coins on a long table and then dropping a small rubber ball
onto them. You get small changes or flips at random locations. What you don't get is
a string of 20 or 30 all completely changing.
There are 21000 nucleotides in a endonuclease section. KY + MG makes the MN strand.
Most of the SARS bichito is missing this endonuclease section including the BAT SARS bichito,
but Wuhan bichito has i

So what's the proability of this happening in nature?
Either there was an evolutionary
freak occurance that allowed these large chucks to be copied or it was bio-engineered.

In molecular biology we can cut and splice large sections of dna together. If you
look the attachment points, is there something that allowed the ends to be joined?
If there is, then that is a sign that it was bioengineered. It would be a signature.

In order for this to be natural, several large chuck mutations (freak of nature) would
have to happen.
The BAT SARS would have to evolve from a KF strand that went to an MG strand.
Then the MG strand was able to get "chunks" from a KY strand that then evolved in to the MN
strand that is the Wuhan bichito.

Eso que has escrito es la transcripción supongo.
Porque eso NO ESTÁ en texto (Google no lo encuentra).
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Breaking News out of Spokane Washington

Five cobi19 patients to be transferred to Providence Sacred Heart,

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Si conociésemos cuantos han muerto y morirán por el cobi19, sería una expresión discutible, de momento hay que poner todo lo que llega de China la OMS en cuarentena, nunca mejor dicho, y hablar en condicional es la forma correcta, “si sobreviven“ “los que sobrevivan”
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