Barcelona NO GO ZONE - Hilo oficial


19 Ago 2019
Barcelona is a crime-ridden hole, it's basically INFESTED by crime.​

Los turistas ya hablan de la peligrosidad de Barcelona.

Is Barcelona that crime-infested? (safe, dangerous, place, train) - Europe - City-Data Forum

The Spanish press writes apocalyptic-like news from Barcelona. Drugs, murders, disappearances. Is it that bad? And what about Girona? I love Spanish culture and plan to visit. If India is a mini continent, Spain is a micro continent. So diverse, so rich in history, architecture and food. Great weather, too.

Well DD had her backpack stolen in Spain, containing almost everything including her passport. When she went to replace it they told her they deal with about 8 stolen passports a day.

DH was a pickpocket target- tall, older, slower-moving, Nikon slung around his neck. This was maybe 2010- in the Barcelona subway the train stopped, a bunch of kids behind him began elbowing and pushing him aggressively to get out and after they got out he discovered that the $50 US in the money clip in his front pants pocket was gone. The money clip itself had been neatly dropped on the floor so the thief didn't have any evidence if caught. DH had been pickpocketed in other cities and wasn't supposed to be carrying cash, but....

A few days later we were walking near Sagrada Familia and suddenly there were drops of whitish liquid all over our clothes. A helpful man approached us, expressed sympathy, offered to help us clean up... at least we had enough street smarts to send him away. We noticed later that (a) he departed in the direction from which he'd come and (b) there were drops on the sidewalk indicating that it had happened there before. Whatever the stuff was, it eventually dried to a harmless powder that could be brushed off.

The Roma in Barcelona are very good at separating you from your valuables on the Metro.

Hard to believe that after all this years, little has been done to get rid of pickpockets

That's the typical tactics of MENA. Underage North Africans. Keep away.

Yes, lots of thefts, pickpockets in and around Barcelona. Too bad, such a lovely place, and where my wife grew up. Many of the problems are caused by etnianos, and illegal immigrants from Africa.

BTW, more than a few years ago, I had my camera bag stolen in Sitges, a town just south of Barcelona, and where my wife has family. The contents was about US 5K worth of camera and lenses... stolen by a girl not older than 4, or 5 years old! Her father put her up to it. And yes, we know who it was and could not stop them after they fled. Who does that to their children?

Anytime you have high unemployment, no matter what country, you will see more crime. That is the problem with Barcelona, and Spain in general. Too many unemployed youth.

But as others have posted, just keep an eye out for sketchy persons, especially at night. Don't flaunt jewelry, or expensive brands, you will be fine.

I'd say 95% of the pickpocketers in Barcelona are foreigners and more specifically from 4 nationalities. The etnianos you say aren't Spanish but from 2 Eastern European countries, the worst areas Barcelona had in the 80s are completely changed thanks to the Gentrification. La Mina was a scary place to talk about in the 80s. Actually in and around La Mina, which used to be the worst ghetto just 30 years ago, there is a massive financial, shopping area with upper middle class buildings all around the place, including many top-notch contemporary buildings and parks, all perfectly built as planned.

The worst areas are now the Ramblas and the old center of the city, just be cautious and don't walk alone at night in the small streets/passageways if you look like a "fool" or like a nerd, but most of the pickpocketers know who to rob and they usually do it with drunk tourists, they know all kinds of scams and distractions. You might ask: why is this not solved? Blame the Spanish law: so lax.

Yes, since Barcelona has 0 home grown mafia. Local junkies can be dangerous if they didn't have their dose for few days, be cautious at night in the Ramblas.

Btw what I wrote few days ago is actually outdated and incorrect, it was my own experience from the last time I went there in 2017 but I just came from the city again and that combined with all kinds of newspaper articles can lead to one thing: Barcelona is a crime-ridden hole, it's basically INFESTED by crime.

Criminal news over the past 24h: various aggravated robberies, a shooting (robbery in a store in a good district), 2 rapes, various rape intents (heavy sensual assaults), a big theft in an Apple Store, 3 stabbings and a couple was mugged just over the past 24h inside the city of Barcelona, petty thefts and pickpockets are not shown as news since it's already "normal" unfortunately.

Aggravated robbery to tourists:

Another tourist robbery:

Apple Store theft:

Airport theft from private cars:

Store robbery with shooting:


2nd Rape (commited to an underage girl) :

Tourist raped (allegedly) another tourist:

Rape intent to a 18 yo girl, her dad came to rescue her and he was brutally stabbed:

Another stabbing:

Multiple stabbing:

Aggravated sensual assault:

All of these news articles from above are either from 6th or 7th July 2019, you can check them all. Additional news not from the past 24h but recent unheard news:

South Korean Minister dies after being brutally robbed in Barcelona:

Qatar's Royal Family members belongings robbed from their hotel:

Barcelona is by far, Spain's most dangerous city. It surpasses by more than 3x the Spanish average. The saddest part of all is that violent crimes were raised by 25% compared to 2018

Shocking: Barcelona registers 20 criminal offenses per hour.

Well, i'll just say the amowing: the city is ran by far-left populists, which at the same time are anti-tourists, and openly pro-illegal immigration.

Crime is 25% higher than in 2018 and they surpass the Spanish average by more than 3x times but the local authorities don't see any problem and don't look for any solutions. A couple of days ago, hundreds of neighbours from a district (where an underage girl was gang raped by 6) made a street protest and the police was called by the local authority, claiming it was a far-right demonstration. all of the rapists were well-grown men (20 to 26) including one with 39 years old. The girl was 14 years old at the time of the rape.

Barcelona is like any large city and it does have crime - but not as exaggerated as the press makes it out to be. Girona, I was there just over the 4th of July weekend and it is very nice. But, keep in mind that Barcelona & Girona are Catalan, not Spanish (culturally). Although similar, you don't want to make that mistake when you get there and call them Spanish. They are very conscious of their national identity and you will see the Yellow ribbons (representing Catalan Independence) on nearly every tower, window, balcony. In the town of Vic, my wife and I even had a couple of shop owners who refuse to speak Spanish to us. But, they are very friendly people. They are just feeling their national pride. doh!

Barcelona is now waging a war
, Many squads of vigilantes, many of which are immigrants, locals and business owners sound a whistle when they spot a pickpocket and harass them out of the subway. The authorities are against them as they protect criminals. Band of MENA, North African minors, attack and steal people in the open, Roma are a very serious issue here, then you have african illegal flea markets, squatted drug apartment and a large etcetera,



19 Ago 2019
La Barcelona que Ada Colau no quiere que veas

Barcelona es la ciudad con más delincuencia de España, según los datos ofrecidos por el Ministerio del Interior. La inseguridad se ha convertido en la principal preocupación de los vecinos de la Ciudad Condal. Javier Negre, periodista de El Mundo, ha pasado 24 horas en la capital catalana donde ha podido recabar el testimonio de vecinos, líderes de asociaciones y comerciantes que reflejan una realidad preocupante.


28 Ene 2016
Dos ladrones abren la cabeza a una mujer de 92 años en el centro de Barcelona

19 de agosto de 2019

La violencia en el centro de Barcelona es un no parar. Peleas, agresiones y robos. Pero los ladrones no se conforman en asaltar sólo jóvenes turistas. Este domingo por la noche, y según adelanta El Mundo, una mujer de 92 años fue brutalmente agredida por dos ladrones magrebíes. Los Mossos creen que los ladrones son menores de edad tutelados por la Generalitat. Han optado por el soft target, es decir, atacar personas de adelantada edad o vulnerables que es más complicado que se puedan defender para repeler el ataque.

Una herida en la cabeza

La mujer de 92 años recibió un fuerte golpe en la cabeza después de caer al suelo por culpa de un tirón. Los ladrones se pudieron llevar una cadena que la mujer llevaba colgada en el cuello. Los hechos pasaron en la avenida de Francesc Cambó, justo en medio del barrio Gótico. La mujer tuvo que ser atendida por el SEM.

Robo a un diplomático de Afganistán

El asalto violento contra esta mujer de más de 90 años se registró justo antes de que un grupo de jóvenes -que la policía también relaciona con los menores de edad tutelados por el Govern de la Generalitat- asaltara al embajador de Afganistán en España. Le robaron un reloj valorado en 17.000 euros, según los Mossos d'Esquadra. Ni de un robo ni del otro han trascendido detenciones.

Dos ladrones abren la cabeza a una mujer de 92 años en el centro de Barcelona


19 Ago 2019


Detenidos 15 jóvenes por agresión sensual en el metro de Barcelona

arcelona, 12 nov (EFE).- La policía local de Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) ha detenido a 15 jóvenes, dos de ellos menores de edad, acusados de un intento de agresión sensual a una joven y de agredir a su pareja con un arma blanca durante una pelea en una parada de la línea 9 del metro. Los hechos han tenido lugar hacia las 6 de esta mañana en la estación de Can Peixauet de la línea 9, según ha informado esta noche el Ayuntamiento de Santa Coloma en un comunicado. Los Mossos d'Esquadra han confirmado a Efe que se ha abierto una investigación sobre los hechos a partir de las diligencias que ha abierto la policía local. Los jóvenes detenidos no tienen residencia fija y viven en unas viviendas deshabitadas y en estado de ruina por falta de mantenimiento, según el consistorio. Al parecer, los agresores acosaron a la joven en el interior del metro, haciéndole tocamientos en la estación de Can Peixauet. El acompañante de la mujer agredida recibió durante una pelea una puñalada por parte de alguno de los jóvenes, por lo que ha requerido atención médica de urgencia en un hospital, aunque no se teme por su vida. El equipo de gobierno municipal ha instado a la Generalitat a abordar "de una manera global y como problema de país" la presencia en diferentes poblaciones catalanas de estos jóvenes y menores no acompañados, la gran mayoría de origen joven, y que se dedican a "cometer diferentes delitos y faltas, generando alarma e inseguridad". "Se trata de un problema que no puede ser abordado localmente sin el apoyo del Govern y por eso hacen falta medidas de carácter urgente", señala el consistorio, que exige, además, un incremento de la plantilla de los Mossos d'Esquadra en la ciudad. IMÁGENES EXTERIORES E INTERIORES DE LA ESTACIÓN DE METRO DE CAN PEIXAUET EN SANTA COLOMA DE GRAMENET. MONTAJE Y LOCUCIÓN: RODRIGO FUENTES TELLO.


19 Ago 2019

Aparece el "francés", en un sitio tirao de la mano de Dios, con una herida en una mano, sin teléfono ni vehículo (¿cómo cachopo se supone que llegó allí?), y le dejan que se pire sin más.o_O

Ahora, que le busque Francia, venga va. ¡Busca, Francia! ¡Busca!

Y así con todo. Están más ocupados en preocuparse de que las denuncias se cojan en catalá, de que nadie quite los lazos amarillos del mobiliario público... Ah, y de tener que vigilar las puertas de todos los juzgados de Cataluña para que los CDR del President Torra no dejen estiércol en la puerta.

Cataluña necesita un cuerpo de policía, y parece que lo que tienen no vale.