*Tema mítico* : Iniciativa de corrida bancaria paneuropea para el 7.12.2010


14 Dic 2008
Se esta moviendo por internet una iniciativa popular paneuropa para el 7 de diciembre de 2010 ir todos los europeos a retirar el dinero de los bancos y hacerlos quebrar como medida de protesta.

Aqui están los links en facebook de los diferentes paises agregados. Aún no esta España....alguien abre hilo en facebook para España???


ESPAÑA --> Connexion | Facebook

En Tuenti poner en el buscador: Iniciativa de corrida bancaria paneuropea para el 7.12.2010

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Francia --> Connexion | Facebook

Alemania --> Connexion | Facebook

Holanda --> Connexion | Facebook



Y aquí va el post de zerohedge explicando que harían quebrar a los bancos de inmediato:

December 7 Is The Unofficial Pan-European Bank Mutiny Day

After German blog "All is Smoke and Mirrors" floated an idea of an organized bank run (something attempted previously in the US without much success) in France in response to French austerity protests (which have resulted in no gains), the effort has since expanded to a pan-European organized bank run day on December 7, 2010, and has metastasized to Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and Greece. We are confident that very soon the rest of Europe, which is currently gripped in a climate of extremely unpopular austerity, will join in this symbolic protest against banking, which unlike the US, may just succeed, considering the European banking system is in total shambles, and in far worse shape than its American counterpart.

Since virtually all actions in 2010 by the global central banking cartel have been geared toward stabilizing the European banking system which continues to wobble on the edge of a complete systemic collapse, perhaps the marginal withdrawal of a few billion in deposits could be just the straw that forces a reset first in Europe, and shortly thereafter in the rest of the globalized developed (and then developing, proving what a joke the whole concept of decoupling is) world. As America has demonstrated so very well, 25 weeks of consistent withdrawals from domestic funds (sorry CNBC, there have not been inflows yet, confirming yet again that fact and propaganda don't mix yet) have resulted in a quarter in which bank earnings were simply said crushed. Had Americans amowed through and withdrawn their deposits from banks it would have been the final straw. Luckily, the lack of organization among the US population gave the US banking system a reprieve. In Europe things are different: banks are not as reliant on trading, however, they are far more reliant on a stable deposit base to sustain the Ponzi. Therefore, even a partially successful withdrawal campaign could have far more dire consequences to the continent's banking system, and bring the financial system to its proverbial knees.

And before some accuse the blog's activism of some vile form of megalomaniacal quackery, we should highlight that the action has already been noted by such reputable newspapers as Suddeutsche Zeitung. Furthermore, in just 24 hours 1,500 readers have pledge their support to the action's various Facebook support sites, and another 48,000 are on the waitlist. We hope that more alternative media (the mainstream will unlikely support such a radical venture) catches on, and more Europeans realize they have all to gain and little to lose from forcing the balance of power to shift away from the banks, and into the hands of the people.

As for those who wonder why Europe's banking is much more fragile from a deposit base perspective, we present the graphic below comparing asset bases of American and various European banks: since both Europe and the US have roughly comparable GDPs, one would assume that the two regions' banking systes would have the same asset bases. That, however, is completely wrong. In fact Europe's asset base is roughly ten times, if not more, as great, even as it supports an economy the same size as that of the US. Which is also why it is far more unstable as the marginal utility of every deposit dollar goes that much further via the fractional reserve banking model, and supports that many more assets. In other words, every dollar withdrawn in Europe would have roughly the same impact as 10 in the US.

Which is why this action actually has a chance of success. And even more so that when it comes to political activism, Europeans tend to be far more ready to participate in joint causes, unlike their apathetic US brethren, who are perfectly content to watch the world series and collect their unemployment checks (soon expiring).

Perhaps in a jesture of poetic irony, some two hundred years after America showed the "Old World" what miracles an emancipated and ambitious population can do when it revolts, it will be the Old World's turn to return the favor, and rebel against that most destructive of concepts ultimately created by this splinter experiment from across the Atlantic: Central Banking and a fiat system in which money literally grows on trees.

For our European readers who wish to participate in this experiment, below are the various facebook support pages:

* Italy
* France
* Germany
* Holland
* Great Britain
* Greece

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