Todo esto atufa...

  • Autor del tema To lo negro...
  • Fecha de inicio

To lo negro...

¡¡Que no es que atufe!!, que está escrito en inglés...
PD:Al menos, podrías poner una traducción del texto, que esto es
es.charla... y no tod@s sabemos o tenemos, que aprender inglés.

"eric" <> escribió en el mensaje
> London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious
> Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet | July 15 2005
> We received an e mail from an employee of Stagecoach, the company
> responsible for the majority of London buses.
> Our contact works a route roughly one mile from the site of the bus
> bombing last Thursday.
> The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be
> re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground,
> every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this
> bus was diverted.
> The driver notes the ***owing about CCTV maintainence.
> "CCTV gets maintained at least 2 or 3 times a week and can digitally store
> upto 2 whole weeks worth of footage. this is done by a private
> contractor....So when I heard that the CCTV wasn't working on a vehicle
> that's no more than 2 years old since last June.....I'm sorry that's
> rubbish, I work for the company I know different."
> Also a point of interest....last saturday a contractor came to inspect the
> CCTV on the buses at the depot, According to my supervisor the person
> spent more than 20 hours over that weekend, 20 hours to see if the CCTV is
> working? Also that person who came was not a regular contractor, for
> security reasons the same few people always come to the depot to carry out
> work, this time it was different.
> Drivers in the depot already think the so called bombers had inside help
> because it was to organised. Some even think it had help from the
> company."
> I have received other information suggesting that the CCTV is regularly
> maintained and checked. The police pay the bus company to check it, and
> the bus company makes a substantial profit out of this, so all parties
> benefit from keeping the CCTV systems working.
> This information makes it all the more suspicious that the bus cameras
> were not working.
> Was the mammoth 20 hour inspection session of the CCTV a means of
> disabling the CCTV, or something even darker? Were the contractors, who
> were not familiar to the bus company employees, actually placing the bomb?
> But don't worry, the media are drooling over this picture of supposed
> suicide bomber Hasib Hussain, who we are told detonated the bus bomb.
> Well, it's a grainy picture of a Muslim guy with a rucksack, case closed!
> That's good enough evidence for me, I'm going back to sleep.
> It's beyond doubt that these four Jovenlandeses were framed. They were most
> likely hired as MI6 spies, sent to Pakistan and then brought back and told
> they were to take part in an important exercise to test national security.
> Give them the rucksacks, get them on the trains and then detonate the
> bombs remotely.
> Do you really believe for a second that guys with 8 month babies and guys
> who taught diasbled schoolchildren would want to blow themselves up and
> kill other innocent people?
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Re: Todo esto atufa...y mas...

Prior to his appointment as Commissioner of tras*port for London in
January 2001, Robert Kiley served as President and Chief Executive
Officer of the New York City Partnership. The Partnership, the city's
leading business and civic organisation, improves the city's economic
climate through advocacy and public-private initiatives in education,
job creation, affordable housing, and neighbourhood development. Its
membership reflects the impressive breadth of the city's private,
non-profit and civic leadership.

From 1991 to 1994 he was President of Fischbach Corporation, a major
New York-based construction and engineering company, and in 1994 became
its Chairman until assuming his position at the New York City
Partnership in 1995.

From 1983 until 1990, he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
the Metropolitan tras*portation Authority (MTA). At the MTA he was
responsible for five tras*portation agencies serving the New York
Metropolitan Region where he directed the rebuilding of New York's
public tras*portation system and restructured its management. He led
successful efforts to obtain more than $16 billion from the New York
State legislature for capital improvements to the city's subways and
buses, commuter railroads, tunnels and bridges in the MTA region.

Robert Kiley has consulted with corporations and public agencies at the
Management Analysis Center (now Cap Gemini) then headquartered in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the 1970s he was Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of the Massachusetts Bay tras*portation Authority in
Boston and served as Deputy Mayor of the City of Boston.

Early in his career, he was with the CIA, where he served as Manager of
Intelligence Operations and then as Executive Assistant to the Director.

Robert Kiley is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Board
Member of the Salzburg International Seminar, the American Repertory
Theater, MONY Group Inc, the Princeton Review Inc and Edison Schools,
Inc. He is also on the Advisory Board of the Harvard University Center
for State and Local Government.

A Magna Cum Laude graduate of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana,
USA, Robert Kiley and his wife Rona now live in London.