USA ultraliberal: una química corrupta responsable de los analisis judiciales envia a 40.000 inocent


4 Feb 2011
Una química responsable de analisis judiciales habría manipulado mas de 40.000 pruebas en juicios para enviar a la guandoca a 40.000 inocentes por sobornos que le daban los acusadores muchos de ellos coordinados con las carceles privadas.

Miles de personas han visto sus vidas arruinadas porque esta hdlgp cambiada las pruebas y añadia drojas a las muestras y ademas se inventaba titulos para testificar en los juicios como experta.

MASSACHUSETTS — In a maddening scandal that is rocking the state of Massachusetts, a government crime lab chemist has been caught intentionally forging signatures and tampering with evidence in as many as 40,000 cases, destroying the lives of countless innocent Americans.

Annie Dookhan worked as a chemist for the State of Massachusetts, and it turns out she had close relations with prosecutors.

These prosecutors were able to successfully convict innocent Americans because Dookhan would chemically taint the “evidence,” resulting in career boosts for the prosecutors while innocent men and women were torn from their families and locked in cells.

Prosecutors praised Dookhan’s work and depended on her to get the convictions they wanted.

Hundreds of “convicts” and defendents have already been released, and there are potentially thousands more waiting to be set free.
Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey is reviewing thousands of files to determine which cases must be thrown out or retried because of potentially tainted evidence. | Source: Tovia Smith/NPR

Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey is reviewing thousands of files to determine which cases must be thrown out or retried because of potentially tainted evidence. | Source: Tovia Smith/NPR

Dookhan used her position to forge results for nearly a decade. ”I don’t think anyone ever perceived that one person was capable of causing this much chaos,” says Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey.

“You can see the entire walls full of boxes… in one of these cardboard boxes, there could be hundreds of cases … in each box,” says Morrissey.

Hundreds of defendants and “convicts” had been arguing that they were framed and claiming that the evidence used to convict them was mishandled. They were right.

In one recent case, a man was charged with “selling cocaine and heroin.” His public defender, Julieann Hernon, believes that this man was a potential victim of Dookhan’s fake evidence and ought to be released.

“[Dookhan] was mis-testing evidence, dry-labbing evidence, saying she had ‘conducted tests’ when she had not, deliberately tainting drugs,” Hernon said.

“Certainly, I think, we have to presume a taint here when Annie Dookhan was the chemist in the case,” Hernon says.

In another recent case, defense attorney William Sullivan was able to successfully reverse his client’s prior “guilt” because Dookhan was the secondary chemist involved in the conviction.
Man in prison

Many other innocents have lost their careers, lost their children, and lost their marriages.

“This is a lab that was pretty much wholly and fully contaminated by Ms. Annie Dookhan,” Sullivan told the judge. “She had full access to everyone’s drugs.”

While many have been set free, they will never get the lost years of their lives back.

“The tragedy is that my client already did four years on this,” Sullivan says. “I miccionan, that is disturbing in itself.”

Many other innocents have lost their careers, lost their children, and lost their marriages.

Michael Morrissey, Norfolk County District Attorney, is now sifting through thousands of files to find out which should be thrown out because of Dookhan’s corruption and deceit.

In federal court, many innocents received even harsher sentences due to prior convictions based on Annie Dookhan’s fake “evidence.”

Several civil suits are getting started by those accused of crimes based on Dookhan’s tampering, accusing Dookhan of trampling on their rights to fair trials.

“I screwed up big time. I messed up. I messed up bad. It’s my fault. I don’t want the lab to get in trouble,” Dookhan was reported as saying.

Of course, Dookhan’s “screw up” — a “screw up” that she intentionally committed for nearly a decade — will never bring back the lives that have been destroyed.

In analyzing Dookhan’s career, it was found that she also routinely invented fanciful job titles for herself. Examples include “special agent of operations” and “on-call terrorism super*visor.” She would testify in court as an “expert.”

She maintained her composure year after year as innocents were bound and forced into prison cages.

The relationships she had with prosecutors are also under scrutiny. Dookhan once told a prosecutor in an email that she couldn’t use her expert testimony at a trial. The prosecutor replied, “No no no!!! I need you!!!”

Was the prosecutor intentionally depending on Dookhan’s deception to score a conviction and a career boost?
Related: Number of US Prisoners Now Exceeds High School Teachers and Engineers

Many of the prosecutors became devoted fans of Dookhan and wanted to take her out for drinks, saying she was on their “dream team.” The Boston Globe provided an email between Dookhan and a prosecutor with whom she had a particularly friendly relationship:

“Glad we are on the same team,” he once wrote Dookhan — including one day in May 2010 when he told her he needed a marijuana sample to weigh at least 50 pounds so that he could charge the owners with drug trafficking.

“Any help would be greatly appreciated!” he wrote, punctuating each sentence with a long string of exclamation points. “Thank you!”

Two hours later, Dookhan responded: “OK . . . definitely Trafficking, over 80 lbs.” *Papachristos thanked her profusely.

Boston attorney David Meier found that in Dookhan’s nine-year government position, over 40,ooo people may have had their cases tainted by Dookhan.

But the devastation done to families is impossible to calculate.

Dookhan is now facing charges of her own. If she is convicted she will receive a relatively light sentence of three to five years, which has outraged citizens even more.

Government Chemist Tampered With 40,000 Cases, Locking Countless Innocent Americans in Prison | Filming Cops


28 Ago 2010
USA es tan tan libre que un juez puede tener acciones o parte de la propiedad.... de una guandoca en su propio distrito.
7 Sep 2006
Debe ser que no soy muy bueno con el inglés pero no encuentro donde se señala la relación entre una hdp corrupta y el liberalismo.


28 Ago 2010
Debe ser que no soy muy bueno con el inglés pero no encuentro donde se señala la relación entre una hdp corrupta y el liberalismo.
Una gran cantidad de liberales dice que el personal de Justicia debe ser 100% privado, excepto los jueces. Luego pasan estas cosas.


29 Dic 2010
Como podemos ver, la susodicha asquerosa, no era blanca. Otro motivo más para prejuzgar que un mundo no gobernado por blancos, es el caos y el esperpento absoluto.

en practicas

6 May 2011
Otra muestra de lo que pasa con las empresas privadas que gestionan servicios públicos. La guandoca necisita más "clientes" para aumentar sus ingresos y hace lo que haga falta para asegurarse dichos clientes, aunque sea recurriendo a métodos ilícitos.


Será en Octubre
31 Mar 2009
Atsí pacutsá.
Al menos, en EE.UU. se persigue y castiga al que comete estos delitos. A esa señora le espera una larga temporada en la guandoca y unas indemnizaciones del carajo.

En España se organizaría el pifostio el primer día y la señora, al pertenecer a un organismo gubernamental y tener carné de partido, saldría bien librada al poco tiempo, achacándolo a errores de procedimiento o alguna otra causa.

Esa es la diferencia: en EE.UU. se persigue al criminal cuando lo pillan; en España, no. En España se lo asciende y recompensa.


28 Dic 2010
Es imposible que ella sola haya estado implicada en 40.000 casos nada menos, no ha trabajado ni 10 años.

O bien estaba todo el personal del laboratorio metido en el ajo, o 40.000 son el total de casos que han pasado por allí y ella ha estado implicada en algunos, ahora mismo pueden soltar a todos en los que esta furcia ha tenido participación directa, incluso en los casos que había evidencias de sobra, sin necesidad de pasar por el laboratorio, no es solo los inocentes condenados, también culpables que acabarán en la calle.

La condena es de 3 a 5 años por delito, espero que la juzguen por todos y le caigan esas penas de forma consecutiva.