El dueño de Pornhub es un Rabino


18 Sep 2021
They were arrogant, they were vulgar and they were vicious. The films and plays and books of that time seem to be largely concerned with the triumphs of financial crooks, criminals and prostitutes. Their prototypes in real life — possessors of fleets of cars, unlimited champagne and few recognisable standards — were to be seen in the innumerable night-clubs and vice-resorts which mocked the squalid poverty of the German capital. It was not a pleasant thing in that period, which now seems so remote but which many of us can still vividly recall, to watch the throng of children of both sexes who haunted the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants to sell their bodies to rich arrivistes . The hoardings that announced the revues, with which the new arbiters of popular culture regaled the German capital, lined the streets with the slogans of the brothel — “ A Thousand Naked Women ! ’ > “ Undress Yourselves ! ”, “ Houses of Lust ! ’ , 0Gee, a Thousand Pretty Girls ! ”, “ Strictly Prohibited ! ”, “ Sweet and Sinful ! ” In the reigning society of the German metropolis one could not say with Burke that vice had lost half its evil by being purged of all its grossness. To anyone brought up in a Christian and traditionalist culture it can seldom have worn a more loathsome and repellent form.

The moral degradation of the German capital in those years had to be seen to be believed. Mr. Mowrer, who, however, considered that public morals were ultimately little damaged, has described the bewildering degree of sensual promiscuity. “ Morality, virginity, monogamy, even good taste, were treated as prejudice. ‘ Let’s go to bed together and see if we like each other ’ — half as a joke, half seriously intended — was heard in all sorts of society. A Berlin season was not complete wdthout half a hundred enormous public balls, which afforded all-comers the opportunities and sometimes the spectacle of a monkey-cage. Adolescents went off together to celebrate week-end marriages as a matter of course. At private parties mattresses were strewn about and petting was only the beginning of the fun. Street acquaintances between the sexes were general and rarely failed to lead directly to the desired degree of intimacy. Hundreds of cabarets, pleasure resorts and the like served for purposes of getting acquainted and acquiring the proper moo Most of them were owned and managed by Jews. And it was the Jews rather than the Christians among the promoters of this trade who were remembere in after years.

Many of the devotees of the new morality did not confine their pleasures to natural forms of selfindulgence. The perversion which has always been a major German failing was now exploited and stimulated by Jewish caterers who, while seldom sharing such tastes, did not hesitate to turn them to their profit . 1 The book-stalls — for Berlin in those days was the pronographic Mecca of Europe — made no disguise of the matter. Mr. Mowrer gives a list of titles noted in the window of a Berlin book-store :

The Witches' Love Kettle.

Eroticism in Photography.

sensual Errors.

Flagellanism and Jesuit Confessions.

The Labyrinth of Eroticism.

Sadism and Masochism.

The Whip in Sexuality.

Sappho and Lesbos.

The Cruel Female.

Massage Lnstitutes (for adults only).

A magazine, The Third Sex.

The Venal Female.

Venal Love among Civilised Peoples .

Places of Prostitution in Berlin.

“ Somehow ”, he writes, “ the unhampered exhibits and sale of these works was a symbol of German democracy and the freest Republic in the world. 2 It was a symbol which decent Germans did not regard with much pride. Simplicissimus , the German Punch , put the matter in another way with a cartoon of a well-dressed pig in front of a book-stall, behind which dangled the body of a dead Cupid, lustfully eyeing the current journals : The Lust Murder , Lesbos and The Friend .

There were many simple Germans who believed or affected to believe that this organised orgy of vice was not solely the result of commercial opportunism exploiting post-war laxity, but was part of a planned international campaign to overthrow the existing order by undermining the traditional standards of morality. More than a century before a shrewd American observer in Paris had noted how a general prostitution of morals provided the necessary materials for the first of the great revolutions of the modern age. Like those that had preceded it the Communist revolutionary movement was aided by the moral degradation of the ancien regime , for once honour and faith are gone no cement can hold together a crumbling social system in the hour of shock.



9 Ene 2022
No se podía saber...
Pero jorobar, lo más importante, es sionista o no? Porque si no estás generalizando y siendo muy injusto. Hay muchos rabinos que no son sionistas y quizá este sea uno de ellos.


Dueño de Pornhub = Sionista = Mala persona

Dueño de Pornhub = No Sionista = Buena persona